A New Beginning

By UndeadToMe

1.8K 121 34

Three years after the accident, Elena returns home to start college. She misses being around her friends but... More

Chapter 1 - prologue
Chapter 2 - three years later
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

110 6 5
By UndeadToMe

Hot for Teacher

Elena walked downstairs.
"Good morning, Elena."
"Good morning. You look happy."
Jenna looked much happier than she uses to. Well, she's always happy but this time it was something special.
"I am. I have a job interview today."
"Really? Where?"
"At your school. They have an available counselor employment."

She spun around to show her outfit.
"Do I look adult? As in respectful parental."
"I guess so. Why?"
"They need to know I can handle this job."

She walked to the mirror and styled her hair.
"Hair up or down?"
She put it in a ponytail and waited for Elena to answer.
"Sexy stewardess."
And then Jenna put it down again and waited for a new answer.
"Boozy housewife."
"Up it is!"
They both laughed.

"You also seem happy today."
"I feel really good. It feels like it's going to be a good day."
Jenna recognized that smile and eagerness. She started to fall in love. But with who, school just started. But then she remembered how she was in that age. Every time a guy were nice to her she started to like them, so she decided not to bring it up. Instead she looked around and saw that Jeremy wasn't there.

"Where is Jeremy?"
"He went early. He needed to do something for school."
"Okay, cool. I'm happy he manages school so good."

Today Elena went to school with Jenna so she called Caroline and told her she didn't need to pick her up.
First class was biology which she really enjoys. Her dream is to one day become a doctor and save thousands of lives just like her father did.
Second class was occult studies again. She knows Bonnie is a little afraid to go in there because of what Alaric said yesterday, but it must have been a coincidence.

Alaric came in to the classroom.
"Good morning everyone." He started to write on the blackboard. When he moved away she was able to see what it said. V-A-M-P-I-R-E. That's not what she expected, but it sounds fun. The biggest reason why she chose this class was because of Caroline and Bonnie.
It sounded pretty fun too, but she thought they would learn about real things not fantasy and stories. This information wouldn't benefit her in any way, especially not in her career. This class was pointless.

"Today we are going to talk about vampires. Real or myth?"
"Myth." Everyone answered.
"Maybe, maybe not. People say it is a myth because we have never seen anyone, and the reason we haven't is largely because they burn in the sun.
But what if they doesn't. What if vampires isn't what we think they are. What if the person next to you is a vampire?"

It started to be a really weird atmosphere in the room. Everyone sat quite. Was he serious, do he really believe what he's saying? Now this class is even more useless. Not only they talked about weird things, the teacher is also completely insane.

"Some people have these kind of theories and that's what's fun with this class. Humans are a very special kind of creature and we believe in all kind of stuff no matter how unbelievable they may sound.
So to the question again. Are vampires real or a myth. The answer is that we can't be one hundred percent sure but at least ninety-nine."
Everyone started to laugh, including Alaric. Elena was relieved that he wasn't serious, if he was this would have been her last lesson.

"Okay so I want you to say something you have heard about vampires. It can be things you believe in or things you have read or seen on TV. Anyone?"
First no one wanted to say anything but after someone said Twilight all girls started talk. Cold, sparkling, bad and good, changing eyes, speed, straight, stone, special powers. The board started to get filled with all kind of stuff.
"Something more? Any guy who knows something?"
No one said a word. Alaric tried to get eye contact with a few but they only looked down.

"Anyone of you two in the back." He pointed at the back of the classroom. The whole classroom turned around. Apparently no one knew there were students at the back row. Alaric pointed at Damon and Stefan.
"We don't know anything more."
"Nothing? Come on tell us something you have heard or read."
"We haven't heard much about vampires and we don't read."

Damon was the one talking while Stefan sat there and waited for Alaric to ask someone else. Elena could tell he didn't enjoy this at all. She assumed he had problem by talking in front of many people. But Alaric didn't seem to notice, he just continued.

"What about you?"
Stefan sat quite. She felt so bad for him, why is Alaric doing this to him? Suddenly he started to talk.
"Just as Damon said, we don't know anything about vampires. Not more that's already on the board."

Alaric turned around and everyone's eyes stopped looking at the brothers. And Stefan could exhale. Elena couldn't stop thinking about how he must have felt. She has always heard she's a very compassionate person, she cares about everyone and always feels bad for people who exposes for things they don't want to. When she turned around again they both were gone.

The interview was over and it went really good. No one else had applied for the job so Jenna got it, and she starts on Monday.
While she walked the halls smiling and thinking she was not paying attention and walked into another teacher. All her papers and books fell to the floor just as his.

"Omg, I'm so sorry. Let me take this for you."
"Take it easy, no harm done."
She looked up looked up and was met by a smile. His voice was magical, and his face even more. How can someone look so cute and handsome at the same time? However it was possible, it was the most perfect combination she had ever seen. He squatted down and began to gathering his stuff.

When they came up again he stretched out his hand.
"I'm Alaric."
"Why have I never seen you here before?"
"I was just on an interview for the counselor-job."
"How did it go?"
"I got it!" She almost singed.
"Happy to hear. Look forward to work with you." He smiled and was just about to walk away.

"Wait. Can you tell me how I find the front door?"
You could hear a little laugh that would probably be a lot louder if he didn't struggle to hold it back.
"Just go down this hall and then take left and after ten meters you will find it. But before you go..."
He took out a card with his number and name and gave it to her.
"If you get lost again. Or need someone to talk to."
You could hear the same laugh again when he walked away.

This wasn't what she had counted on when she decided to move back here. She only did it for Elena and Jeremy. Now she has a work and a hot teacher's number. It's that feeling again. The feeling and eagerness Elena had this morning. Just like old days Jenna started to like a guy, or in this case a man, just because he was nice to her. But he wasn't just kind, he was the one who flirted with her.

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