Snowbarry: Chapter 2 (complet...

By SnowFallStories

51.2K 1.3K 97

This is the sequel to Snowbarry: Chapter 1 so if you haven't read that one I suggest you read it coz you may... More

The Particle Accelerator
The Shock
Waking Up
Home Sweet Home
Super Speed
The Flash
New Threat
Gas Attack
Author's Note
Occupational Hazard
Will You Marry Me?
Till Death Do Us Part
A Visit From Star City
Romantic Weekend
A New Hero
Wedding Day!!!
After Party
Awkward Encounter
Cold-Blooded Murder
Visit To The Past
Final Defeat
My Hero (Epilogue)

Christmas Time!

1.5K 31 1
By SnowFallStories

"Merry Christmas beautiful," Barry whispered in Cait's ear and kissed her cheek. He kissed her neck. "Easy speedster," Cait whispered. 

A couple hours later Barry and Cait finally dragged themselves out of bed (wink, wink ;). And got ready to head to the West house for present exchanging and Christmas lunch! "I know we're supposed to to wait till we get to Joe's but I wanted to give you my gift now," Barry said. He pulled out a box wrapped in silver paper to Cait. Smiling she opened it and found a charm bracelet with a lightning bolt, snowflake and various other charms. "It's beautiful, thank you!" she gasped wrapping her arms around him and kissing him passionately. "Now my gift!" she beamed excitedly. She grabbed two boxes from her bedside table. The first contained a special Flash mug. The second was a much smaller box that had two tickets for a romantic weekend away in Hawaii. "Oh my God how did you get these," Barry gasped. "Well I have a friend who pulled a few strings and got us the tickets," Cait explained.  "That friend being Felicity,"  "Maybe," Cait replied. They kissed again but this one didn't last as long as they had to go to Joe's.

"Hey Barry, Caitlin," Joe hugged them both as he welcomed them in. Iris and Eddy were sitting by the tree and Cisco was anxiously staring at the presents. "Okay everyone, present time!" Joe squealed like a little girl. This was his favourite time of year.  They spent the whole day having lots of fun. It had been a long time since Barry and Iris had been able to stay in a room together for a long time without any arguments. Although that didn't last long because near the end of the night Eddy got down on one knee and proposed to Iris. Of course, she said yes which reminded Barry of when they were teenagers and when she cheated on him with Eddy. It sill got to him even though he was happy with Cait he still despised her for being unfaithful. "Hey, why don't we get some air?" Cait asked softly. Barry nodded and followed her outside.

"I know this is difficult but remember I'm here for you," Cait vowed. "Thanks but it's fine," he replied. "Look mistletoe," Cait pointed out. This opportunity was too good to miss. "Come here," Barry whispered seductively. Passionately, they kissed under the mistletoe. Oh how cliche!

Suddenly a bolt of red lightning raced past them and Barry was gone. "Barry!" Cait screamed.

Before he could react, Barry was at a stadium and a man in a yellow suit was standing opposite him. "Who are you!" he shouted. "I am The Reverse-Flash!" he replied. Barry remembered the night of his mother's murder how two people raced through his house and the one in yellow murdered his mother. "You killed my mother!" he shouted. The two begin to fight but Barry is severely outmatched by The Reverse-Flash. Then he ran off and left Barry lying on the ground.  

Barry was back at STAR labs Cait, Cisco and Joe had found him but he wasn't looking good it took a few hours for him to wake up. "Owww," he groaned as he woke up with Cait sitting beside him. "Oh my God, thank God you're okay," Cait cried as flung her arms around him. "Who did this to you?" Cait asked softly. "The man who killed my Mom he's still out there I gotta go find him," he explained trying to get up. "No way, you're not going anywhere until I say so!"Cait scolded. "Don't you understand this guy killed her I have to go after him!" he started to shout.  "If you're not careful you'll be too!" Cait argued. "Can we please not fight, I'm sorry you're right," Barry replied calming down.

"Hey Barry, was this guy in a yellow suit with red lightning?" Joe interrupted. "Yeah, how do you know that?" Barry questioned curiously. He let out a sigh. "I didn't want to tell you this but the other night there was a robbery at Mercury labs. Witnesses said that the robber was wearing a yellow suit and he ran really fast and he had red lightning. He stole some of Dr Tina McGee's tachyon particle research. I didn't tell you because he matched your description of the man who murdered your mother," Joe finished. 

"If we can get some of the research we can set a trap for The Reverse-Flash," Barry said.          "The Reverse-Flash?" Joe asked. "That's what he called himself," Barry explained. "Joe, can you get Dr McGee to give you some of her research?" Barry questioned. "I'll try," Joe answered leaving. "The sooner we catch this guy the sooner we'll be in Hawaii," Barry chortled looking at Cait kissing her cheek.

An Hour later

Cisco, Dr Wells, Joe, Barry and Cait was busy setting the trap for The Reverse-Flash. "Okay it's ready everyone hide," Cisco announced. Just as they predicted, The Reverse-Flash turned up and sprung the trap. A forcefield surrounded him so he couldn't use his speed. "Hey, we should start packing," Cait whispered knowing that Barry needed to be distracted from his pain. He nodded and picked her up and ran her home.


Author's Note: So this is very different from the original episode. The next four chapters will be switching from Barry and Cait's perspective in Hawaii when the Arkham crossover will start there and Cisco and Joe's perspective back in Central City while they try to interrogate The Reverse-Flash.

Soon Eddy will find about Metahumans and that Barry is the Flash and there will be a start for wedding plans. So there is a lot still to come. In case you haven't already caught on I won't be doing Firestorm because a big part of that arch is Caitlin and Ronnie's relationship which is  non-existent in this story which makes it very difficult to write.

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