Decades Gone By Series: Insan...

By brina_writer8

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A year after the battle with Tartarus, the famous mage guild Fairy Tail disbanded. Now, Lucy Heartfilia has j... More

Prologue - The Meeting of Zeref & Lucy
Chapter 1 - X792
Chapter 2 - Killing in Era
Chapter 3 - An Entire Year & She's Gone
Chapter 4 - One Week
Chapter 5 - The Arrival of the Dark Guild
Chapter 6 - The Return of the Fairies
Chapter 7 - Morning Star
Chapter 9 - Venom
Chapter 10 - Lucy vs Juvia
Chapter 11 - Anger Confusion
Chapter 12 - Countdown
Chapter 13 - Lissa's Magic
Chapter 14 - The Truth Outspoken
Chapter 15 - Activation Starting
Chapter 16 - Games Interrupted
Chapter 17 - Blood & Magic
Chapter 18 - Natsu vs Lucy
Chapter 19 - The Ruined Outsiders
Chapter 20 - Feeling of Betrayal

Chapter 8 - Let the Games Begin

625 17 2
By brina_writer8

            "Will you slow down? Lucy!" But her feet wouldn't stop, even when Nothing yelled behind her, his shallow footsteps following closely behind her. She could barely hear Ruby but the small tint of his shoes tapped the pavement, warning her of his presence as Lucy stomped down the street in rage. Her hands were balled into fists as she turned a corner to find a cafe that had just opened. 

                She walked inside and slammed her hands onto the countertop. The cashier jumped, her braided hair falling behind her. "Coffee, now," she growled, the girl running in the back. She sighed, Nothing and Ruby coming up behind her. "I wanna kill someone right now."

                 "Is it because of last night?" Nothing asked. 

                  Lucy turned around, leaning against the coutner as she heard the coffee machine go on in the back. "Precisely. I can't believe they're here. I'm competing against them, w-what am I supposed to do?"

                  Ruby cocked his head to the side. "What you always do, Onee-chan. Just kill them." The tone of his voice was full of excitement, his eyes lighting up as he spoke. Nothing nudged the kid in the shoulder, earning him a glare.

                  "You can't kill them, Zeref wouldn't let you. At least not the specific person you really want to murder," Nothing said, his hands stuffed in his pant pockets. "Maybe random people. But I will say that you shouldn't do it now, not when the Games start this afternoon."

                  Lucy bit her lip, ears perking up as the girl returned with her cup of coffee. She gradually took it and slapped a five dollar bill on the counter. "Keep the change," she said, moving past her partners and sitting down besid the grand window. Nothing sat beside her while Ruby sat opposite. "I won't kill them, yet. Just seeing them before me, seeing Natsu made me so angry."

                   "You killed the bartender," Ruby said. "How controlling."

                   "It felt good," she stated, taking a sip of her coffee. It was bitter and she grimaced, setting it on back on the small plate. "I'm gonna bring them down in the Games, I assure you of that." Her friends smiled at her determination but they fell away when Xavier and Lissa entered the cafe. The cashier seemed frightened, probably by Xavier's size or that more weird people were showing up, Lucy couldn't tell, most likely both.

                   Xavier glowered at the blonde, stepping behind her, his massive arms crossing his massive chest. "I saw the mess you made in the lobby this morning. Fairy Tail was cleaning it up."

                 Lucy let the bitter liquid go down her throat to avoid talking. She didn't want to deal with Xavier's anger towards her right now. The only thing she wanted to do was lie down and sleep. She shrieked when his hand slammed down on the table and behind her, she heard the cashier scream as well. 

                "What were you thinking?! You stupid girl!" Lucy scoffed and whirled around, her chair falling backwards as she jumped to her feet in rage. She glanced up at him, her twin braids lifting off her shoulders because she had too look up so high.

                "I think 'stupid girl' is going too far," she exclaimed. "And it's not my fault I lost it. Zeref knew Fairy Tail was going to be here yet he didn't tell me! It pissed me off and I lost control but it won't happen again."

                She could tell by the way Xavier's face was sculptured that he didn't believe her, and even Lucy couldn't believe her own words. She would definatly commit a murder like that again. In fact, she was itching for it, but looking up at her comrade right now, the lie came right out of her mouth.

               He leaned back, nodding. "I'll take your word on that, Lucy Heartfilia," and he was out in the cafe in a flash, Lissa following closely behind him. Lucy could breathe again. 

               Nothing whistled as she sat back down. "You really following through with that? I couldn't handle a day of no blood on my hands. I tried that once and I nearly killed myself." He contemplated for a minute. "I'm like a crazy drug addict."

                Lucy laughed, a quiet and seemingly innocent one. "Of course not, but it's what he wanted to hear. I won't kill anyone from Fairy Tail, yet and I will not kill anyone participating in the Games. Other than that, I'm home free." She downed the coffee and returned the empty dishes to the cashier, who took them with shaking hands. "Hey."

                The girl froze, looking up at Lucy with frightened eyes. "Where's the closest weapons shop? For mages?" The girl blinked in confusion and took a minute to think.

                "Around the corner from here," she finally said and she caustiously took a step back when Lucy smiled, the corners of her lips rising so high the cashier probably thought she might eat her.

               "Thank you, sweetheart," and with a twirl of her heel Lucy, Ruby and Nothing were running out of the cafe and down the street, ready to get new tools. 


                "Welcome everyone!" The announcer screamed, the audience covering their ears by his loud, booming voice that radiated through the arena. "It is the X792 Grand Magic Games and the participants have just entered in the back. We are here today to announce the remaining guilds!"

               The audience screamed in anticipation while Fairy Tail couldn't stop shaking with nerves. Mavis Vermillion stood beside Master Makarov on the balcony, watching the revelation go down. She bit her nails in frustration as the guild in last place entered first. Of course, there were five, all men and they slugged into the dusty arena in defeat.

             "Coming in last place, a new guild this year, Siren Mouth!" Behind her, Mavis heard someone laugh, most likely Cana by the hiccup that came in the end. "In seventh place, from last year's Games, we have Quatro Cerberus!" Another guild with only males and it made Mavis frown, two of them competed last year but the other three were entirely new.

             The announcer wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, going through each member slowly. "Coming in sixth place, another new guild with all females, here is Diamond Rouge!" A group of girls ran into the arena, jumping up and down in excitement, which made the men in the audience scream with joy. 

             Beside her, Mavis heard Makarov giggle as the girls breasts seemed to bounce in the glory as well. She face palmed, running a hand through her blonde hair as the names were called out one by one, but she didn't listen. Instead, Mavis was busy blocking off the boys' gasps for breaths as some of them even forgot to breathe. 

           "Lovely ladies, aren't they?" The announcer said, clearly famished. "In fifth place we have another guild from last year, Lamia Scale!" Mavis leaned forward as familiar faces entered the arena. 

           Sherria Blendy didn't look different from the break, her pink pigtails with yellow ribbon still her usualy hairstyle. Lyon Vastia seemed miserable to be participating again, stuffing his hands in his pockets and Yuka Suzuki didn't even think about shaving his eyebrows. Toby Horhorta, with his dog face, was smiling beside Sherria. A new face walked beside Lyon, a young girl a bit older than the pinkette. 

         "They have a new comrade this year and her name is, Jessamine Evening!" Jessamine had blue hair similar to Juvia's and she wore a black cape that covered her entire body. She seemed an inch shorter than Lyon and her hair was tied into a sloppy bun. 

          "Kicking it into fourth place, here is Twilight Ogre!" Three men and two girls. They had participated in last year's Games but didn't make it past the preliminary rounds. Thibault was the head leader, his strange head of hair bunched on the sides of his head. Mattan Ginger, the only famous girl in the guild, stood beside him, a smile on her face that told everyone she was just happy to be here. Mavis didn't really catch the other's names as the third guild was announced.

          "In third place, we have Tally Ride!" Three girls and two guys, they were apparently a dark guild but Mavis didn't find anything scary about them. One of the girls, Marina Allencoath, seemed like the more ruthless type. Her red hair looked like blood, the flowing locks flying in the wind and the purple black dress she wore suited her figure perfectly. She was also the tallest out of her comrades. 

          She looked up at Fairy Tail and smiled, Mavis feeling her gaze go right through her. "In second place, we have the strongest guild in Fiore. Fairy Tail!" Everyone behind Mavis screamed as their five comrades stepped out of the darkness.

         Juvia had placed her hair into a ponytail, it swinging back and forth as she entered the arena. Mavis cast a glance at Gray, who stood beside Erza a few ways away from her. He watched the bluenette with a careful grin. Both Gray and Erza had wanted to participate but Makarov wanted his other children to get a turn. 

        Beside Juvia, Wendy waved gently, the obvious signs that she hadn't wanted to enter again. She volunteered to go after she heard Sherria was competing, wanting a chance to go up against her best friend. Beside Mavis, Carla cheered.

        Levy was the third to appear, her orange dress glittering in the stronge sun above. It was her first time participating and Mavis could feel her nerves running through her body as she caught the bookworm shaking. She was most likely hoping she didn't go up against Lucy. 

        Fairy Tail's original plan was too have Natsu, Gray, Erza, Juvia and Gajeel enter but Mavis had disagreed. She replaced Gray with Wendy and Erza with Levy, even though all four of them hadn't been up for it. Gajeel stood on the balcony as well, having been replaced by Mest, who Makarov had chosen. 

        Natsu walked onto the arena, his hands in fists and face serious. 'He's waiting for Lucy,' Mavis thought, the way he walked, his posture stiff but ready. She wanted him too sit this one out but no matter how hard she tried convincing him, Natsu rejected every attempt she gave. Happy shook with fear as the announcer raised the mike back up to his lips, the entire guild stiffening.

      "And in first place, a surprising outcome and in fact, an entirely new guild, Premonition! We have Lissa Alexander, the second youngest in the guild." The black haired girl walked out of the shadows, her ladybug dress fitted tight around her small frame. Mavis had discovered that she was born and raised in Scotland but moved to Fiore after an incident involving her family, but the details were never released in public.

     "Next, the youngest, Ruby Valentine!" A little boy, at least two inches smaller than Wendy and Lissa, ran out. He had black hair that was spiked up, the ends dyed bright red and when he laughed, Mavis noticed that his guild mark was on his tongue. He wore plain white pants that seemed baggy on him and he wore a black leather vest, his arms bare. He stood beside Lissa, his hands rubbing themselves together in excitement. 

       Ruby had killed his parents brutally and his magic was that he could sharpen his teeth, so that he could devour and rip apart his victims. The file Mavis had read on him said that he was nine years old, Lissa being the same age as Wendy but her magic was unknown.

       "Nothing Blue," the announcer exclaimed, a man the same age as Natsu and Gray entering, his hands in his jean pockets. He wore black dressing shoes and a white blouse that was unbuttoned halfway. The girls in the audience screamed at his appearance, and instead of winking or waving, he glared at them. Nothing had light brown hair and he reminded Mavis of Sting from Sabertooth, just having another hair colour. 

        Nothing used gun magic and his mother had died from an illness when he was young. His father had disappeared but most people assumed he had killed him, which wouldn't of surprised Mavis in the slightest.

         "Xavier Tachibana!" The large man from earlier stepped out, wearing the same thing from this morning, trousers and a black dressing shirt. Both he and Nothing seemed rather formal. Mavis read that Xavier's past was unknown but his magic was that he could know everything about you in a minute. He used this to make his victims go insane, so she was interested in his upcoming battle. 

        "And lastly," the announcer froze, squinting his eyes to make sure he could see right. "Oh, it seems I haven't read the paper wrong. Lastly, Lucy Heartfilia!" The audience roared to life in confusion. Mavis could hear the comments from where she stood.

        "Lucy Heartfilia? I thought she was in Fairy Tail?"

        "Isn't Premonition a dark guild?"

       The entire arena went silent when she stepped out. Her blonde hair was tied in French twin braids, her hair so long the braids almost reached her knees. She wore high heeled, black lace up boots that stopped exactly below her knees and a pink and black dress is what she wore. The dress hung above her knees, a pink corset tightened around her torso. The skirt was black, short sleeves low on her shoulders, her purple guild mark utterly noticeable on her right shoulder. 

        The 'insanity' cursive was still on her cheek, her nails having 'sexy girl' written on them. Her skin was pale and her makeup was heavy on the eyeliner and lipgloss. Mavis' eyes were wide as she looked at her. She didn't even look like the smart, intelligent girl she knew from a year ago. Lucy looked like an entirely new person and everyone from Fairy Tail and the audience was in awe at her appearance.

        The announcer coughed into the mike, making everyone snap out of their haze. "And that's it folks, the eight guilds participating in this year's Grand Magic Games!" The audience burst into roars of excitement and surprise, half of them screaming Lucy's name. 

      Mavis saw the blonde girl smile, it twisted and sure. She could feel Lucy planning something but she couldn't make it out. She stood beside Nothing and Ruby, the golden trio having been named 'The Ruined Outsiders.' 

     That was a name Mavis didn't want to experience for herself, or for the people in her guild. She saw Lucy's lips move, fast and steady but she could make it out before the blonde turned to her comrades. "Let the games begin," and Mavis lifted her head high, ready for the bloodbath to begin. 

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