The Comeback

By daaprincess

4.8M 142K 60.3K

*past* "Just leave Mary Grace." Teddy says to me with a blank stare, but I could see sadness built around the... More

SIX:part two
NINE:part two
THIRTEEN: part 2


205K 6.2K 3.1K
By daaprincess

After History, i sprinted out of that room.

Ryan, and then an unknown number which I soon realized was Kyle kept texting me through out class.

My phone was on vibrate, and on my desk so it rattled the desk making Mr. Hughes asking me to put my phone away in my bag.

How embarrassing first time in a new school, first block and my teacher probably thinks I'm so hooked or something.

I've avoided Ryan and the others all day, luckily I have lunch then a free block then I am set free from this school.

I'm currently in the giant cafeteria, i bought a water and an Apple and lucky me I see an empty table in my view.

I make my way over to it and place my things down before taking out my phone.

37 messages.

I know they are all from Kyle and Ryan so I delete them and about to bite into my Apple when two people plop down beside making my bones almost leap out of my body.

"Why did you not text me back?"

I look to see Ryan to my left and Kyle on my right.

"Do you guys like to tag team? You're never alone." I say as my heart rate slows down.

"I mean if you wanted us alone Just Mary you could just ask." Kyle says with a wink making me and Ryan laugh.

"Wait is that all your eating?" Ryan asks pointing to my water and apple.

Then I'm hit with a memory when Matthew Smitty, used to make fun of me during snack time when I would have crackers and a juic box.

"Wait, that's all you're eating? Don't you need to feed that thing you call your stomach?"

"Yes, i am. Is that a problem?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

Ryan gets nervous and shakes his head.

"No, not at all." He says.

Kyle laughs.

"Fiesty, i like it!" He says pulling some sort of tin foil object from his bag.

He opens it to reveal a cold chicken finger sub that looks absolutely delicious.

"Bro, did you bring me one?" Ryan asks Kyle who basically is shoving the sub down his throat.

"Obviously, you know Momma Peterson always makes a sub for her favorite boy Ryan." Kyle says with a full mouth throwing a sub at Ryan.

"Kyle's parents just opened a sub shop around in town. Best thing that ever happened to this place." Ryan says taking a bite.

"Thank God you guys found a table. I thought we would have to sit in the bistro this year again."

Coming around the table is Quin and Kayla.

"Hi Mary!" Kayla beams with a big smile.

"Hey Kayla." I smile back.

"Hows the first day treating ya?" She asks biting into a pizza.

"Its okay, still a little lost in finding my classes." I say before biting into my apple.

"You have free block last right?" Quin asks me.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask.

"All seniors have free block last block. We usually just leave and go do something. Some stay here and homework." She says  throwing her curly hair in bun.

"Neat." I say.

"Hey Ryan here comes your girlfriend." Quin says looking above him.

"She's not my girl friend." Ryan says rolling his eyes.

"Thats not what she thinks." Kyle smirks.

"Thank you!" Quin says and Kayla laughs.

I turn to see Savannah alongside Matthew walking over to us.


"Hi, RyRy!" Savannah says sitting next to him, and Matthew next to her.

Ryan just nods.

"Hi, Mary!" Savannah says throwing her hair in a ponytail.

"Hi." I say looking in my lap.

"Cute outfit." She says flatly.

I just nod, and she begins to talk about school, so fast I barely understand her.

I'm shocked that, that many words can fall out of her mouth.

I guess my facial expressions says it, and Ryan nudges me and smirks.

I look over to Quin who is pretending to fake sleep while Savannah talks, Kayla nudges her.

"And i was like no Ethan, i don't want to be your lab partner. Like who does he think I am?" She says putting her hands up.

"A hoe." I hear Quin say under her breath making burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Savannah asks tilting her head.

I stop laughing and look at Quin who has a big grin in her face.

"I just got a text, from my friend back home. " I say holding my phone up.

"Oh, so you weren't paying attention to me?" She asks with a tone she shouldn't be using me.

I go to give her piece of my mind, when Matthew speaks.

"So where are we going for free block?" He asks.

"I was thinking maybe the waterfall" Kayla says.

"Ooh yeah! I think today is the last day before they close it." Kyle's says.

"Alright, so that's where we're going." Matthew says.

"You coming Mary?" Quin asks.

"Uh, i don't have a suit." I shrugg.

"We usually just jump in our underwear and bras. But if you don't feel comfortable like that we understand." Savannah says with fake sympathy.

I look Savannah in the eyes.

"I'd love to go." I say with a smirk.

"I like her." I hear Quin whipser.

▫   ▫  ▫

"I just can't stand her." Quin says as we pull in theboarking lot of the trail and waterfall.

Quin offered me to ride with her and Kayla.

"Quin just be nice to her." Kayla says.

"Why don't you like her?" I ask leaning forward between the two in the front.

"Well I first moved here in seventh grade. My first day I was sitting alone in lunch when a the sweetest red head with pigtails asked if I wanted company." She says smiling looking at Kayla.

Kayla groans.

"Dont forget to mention I looked like a giant oompa loompa." Kayla adds.

"Oh stop it." Quin says play slapping Kayla then continues.

"Anyways Kayla sat with me and we started talking when a blonde bimbo comes to the table and sits beside me. 'Hi, would you rather sit with someone else?'" She says in mocking voice.

"How dare she say that in front of Kayla. At my old school I had girls like her in my school. I hated them." Quin says.

"Anyways I politely declined her offer. Following days I met Kyle and Ryan  and they invited me to hang with them in front of Kayla. So me being the lovely person I am said only if Kayla could come. The boys were pretty chill about except Matthew and Savannah. I will not repeat what they said but just know they deserve to rot in hell." Quin says opening her car door.

Kayla and I follow.

"Ever since then I never really cared for Matthew, and Savannah kept being rude and a bully. And she's basically a hoe. She obsessed with Ryan its quite disgusting." She says as we begin to walk the trail.

"I see." I say as we walk.

I remember back in elementary when Savanah was mean to Kayla she made her cry one time her parents had to pick her up from school.

"Wait, so why do you talk to her" I ask looking at Kayla.

She gave a soft smile.

"I don belive in holding grudges, and since I've changed Savnnah has become very nice to me along with others." Kayla says with a nod.

By changed I guessing she means lost weight.

"Kayla." Quin says sounding irritated.

"If these peope talk to you now that you've 'changed' they are fake and im ashamed to be apart of this era. We should like people from what they are on the inside not by the way they look." Quin says getting slightly pissed.

Listening to Quin talk about how she feels, makes me like her even more. I wish I had a Quin back then.

"Well that's why you're my best friend you never judged me." Kayla says slinging her arm over Quin.

We walk until we reach the trail to see the boys and Savannah already there.

"Finally!" Kyle says putting his hands up looking at us.

"What took you guys so long?" Matthew asks.

"Relax, we were having girl talk." Quin say dipping her toe in the water.

"It's a little cold" she says.

"Youll get used to it" Ryan says touching the hem of his shirt.

He then lifts his shirt over his head revealing amazing abs, that I want to run my fingers over.

Wait ew Mary Grace. Why am I thinking like this?

"Should I pose?" Ryan's voice says making snap back into reality.

"Huh?" I say turning a little red knowing I got caught.

"I mean if you want to look I can pose." He say putting hands on his hips and smirking.

"Get over yourself loser." Quin laughs.

Soon all thn start to undress, boys into their boxers and girls into bras and underwear.

Not trying to sound like a creep but Quin was in a black bra and pink boy short underwear, Kayla was in a white bra and blue briefs, and could you guess what Savannah was wearing?

A black lacy bra and a black thong!

"Ready boys?" She says climbing into a rock before jumping in.

"Gross." Quin says before jumping in at the same time as Kyle.

"Cowabunga dudes!" Matthew says jumping backwards.

Kayla just simply jumps leaving me alone with Ryan in only his underwear while I'm fully clothed.

"You going to jump in with those clothes on?" I hear Savannah asks in the water.

I look over the rock to see its probably 7 feet from the water, then I back up.

I groan.

"I knew she wouldn't jump in." I hear Savannah speak again.

"Mary, it's not that bad." Ryan says walking up to me.

"Yeah I know but I just shish I had a suit." I say looking at my outfit.

"Well you'll be prepared for next time. But I don't think you'll want to jump in jeans and sneakers." Ryan laughs.

"Alright." I say taking sneakers and socks, then undoing my button of my jeans.

"She's going to do it!" Ryan shouts and everyone cheers but I know Savannah doesnt.

Ryan looks back at me and smirks.

"Uh, can you turn around?" I ask turning red.

"Really? I'm bound to see you anyways." He says but then his eyes get big.

"I didnt mean it like that. I just meant I'll see you in the water." He says turning red himself.

I laugh.

"Can you just shut up and turn around?" I say and he just nods and turns around.

I quickly take off my jeans and my tank top folding th me nicely on top of my shoes.

I look to see I'm wearing a black bra and replaced trim underwear. I wrap my hair into a high bun on my head.

I fold my arms over my chest and then clear my throat and Ryan turns around.

His eyes don't go anywhere but my face, which I respect him for doing so.

"Ready?" He says smiling and walking to the edge.

"I'll go first and I'll wait for you." He says taking a step back.

He starts a countdown and right before he gets to one I scream running and jumping off the rocks.

Adrenaline pumps through my body as I go down. I'm soon hit with somewhat cold water and I pop back up and everyone is cheering.

"That was cute." I hear Ryan shout shaking his head.

"Thanks Teddy bear." I shout back, everyone gets quiet for a second.


I used to call Ryan that when we were younger. My cover if most likely blown.

"Are you making fun of me Mary?" He smirks from the rocks.

I guess I'm still safe.

"Maybe." I shrugg playing it off.

He then jumps making a big splash.

🔸  🔸  🔸

Ooh, Mary Grace is becoming friends with her last acquaintances... what do you think is instoreeee???

Part two coming, possibly. I don't know I feel like th re should be.more. what do you guys think?


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