Warhammer 40K: The Sons of Fe...

By Velox_Lupus

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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only War. Forces of Chaos blight planet Unvos' landscape. Th... More

Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter III

Chapter II

448 8 0
By Velox_Lupus

Manning was in the armoury, readying his Battle-Brothers for the deathmatch ahead. Among them were a group of Blood Claws, one of which-amusing to the Force Commander-declared he would, "strike down the Inquisitor, if it were but asked of him."
Blood Claws were among the most headstrong of the Chapter; standard Codex-abiding Chapters placed units such as these in their tenth Companies. However, the Sons of Fenris were not abiding of Primarch Guilliman's Codex; rather, their own Primarch, Leman Russ, made his own, and attached few to select companies, and a twelth company composed of them.
Manning approached the group, earning their suprise. "No." He stared at each one in warning. "I would not have another war with the Inquisition." Though he made his judgement known, as he turned away, they began speaking not of the Acolyte, but of other ways to gain glory.
He approached Brother-Sargeant Blackbeard, a balding figure with more scars than skin. He was a survivor of the war between the Space Wolves and the Inquisition. "Status report?"
"The guardsmen of the 24th Cadian regiment are preparing for our arrival. Though the Commissariat felt it necessary to dispatch Commissar Atis, the regiment is led by current Govenor-Militant Tannis Falkenhorst. Govenor-Militant Falkenhorst led a unit against an Ork war-party on Ultima Machara."
Velox nodded, thoughtful. "Well fought, undoubtedly, with only a Kasrkin, an Ogryn, and a gun-team remaining, against an entire horde on the planet."
The Sargeant smiled, displaying ragged fangs. "Agreed. The beasts made short work of his guardsmen and machines, but his finest warriors purged the planet of them." He continued the details of their imminent arrival. "The capital of the planet, Civitas Angelorum, is a single bastion against the xenos, demons, and heretics; the Tau have attempted to drive us away, first with words, then with threats. Recently, they have taken the technological centre sacred to the Techpriests: Arce de Morte, renaming it 'Galyn Kherem.' The Techpriests consider this an afront to the Machine-Spirit."
"And of the Warp Energies?"
The Sargeant continued. "Detected in the Sicco Flumina Desert, east of the city. Though nothing has happened since, the Govener-Militant has become anxious."
"Poor bastards." The force commander shook his head, frowning. "If Chaos is truly on the planet, the guardsmen will be overrun."
They made their way towards the Thunderhawk in silence. Others made their way as well; the Acolyte, Commissar Atis, and a number of Grey Claws. Once everyone had strapped themselves in, the ship shook, leaving the Fury of Blizzards behind.

Manning Stormsword was the first to step off the Thunderhawk, wind whipping at his face. A platoon of Guardsmen knelt before him, as if he were the Allfather himself. Sighing, the Astartes shook his head. Space Wolves want respect for glory, rather than respect as demigods.
"Arise, Guardsmen." his voice boomed. "I must see Governor-Militant Falkenhorst."
"And you shall see him." At the forefront of the Guardsmen stood a balding man with a scar going down the length of his face at an angle, adorned with a brown officers' uniform, highly decorated in a variety of medals. "We've been in a holding pattern, fending off raids from the damned aliens."
"No," he replied. Some of the gathered Guardsmen grew apprehensive. "Those psychic warlocks."
"Eldar." The Force Commander spat. "Even the witches cannot stand idly by as man continues its struggle against the darkness."
Governor-Militant Falkenhorst continued his report. "The greenskins refuse to reveal themselves. I'm inclined to believe their so-called Waagh! has decided to avoid this planet. However, there are caves just north of us, inside the mountain ranges. We've yet to explore."
He nodded, then turned to the Inquisitor. "Take a squadron of Blood Claws. If they show disobediance, explain to them that they are acting under my orders."
"You hold no authority over me." she growled in defiance. "I serve the God-Emperor and the Inquisition. As quoted by Ecclesiarch Deacis IX, 'No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the universe.' He shall guide my path." With that, she turned away, destined for the Chapel.
A thundering was heard at the western gate. The Acolyte ceased her movement, listening to the sounds of battle.
"Xenos!" Called a Techpriest. "Turrents coming online!" Even from this distance, Velox could hear the plasma fire and the words 'Mont'ka.'
"Destroy the heathens!" Cried Acolyte Adelia, rushing into the fray. "He who allows the alien to live shares in the crime of its existence!"
"For Russ!" Cried the Astartes.
His brothers responded in kind. "For the Wolftime!"

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