Chapter III

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The Xenos of the Tau Empire continued fire from a distance, while a multitude of their Kroot allies leapt into melee. Imperial Guardsmen and heavy weapons teams held their own against the aliens, though Fire Warriors were at positions that hid them well.
Not well enough for the Blood Claws of the Sons of Fenris.
Many of the young warriors drew their combat knives-easily the length of short swords for mere men and women in the Imperium-charging into the frey, shrugging off bolts of plasma capable of burning a hole through a Guardsmen. The Kroot, avian in appearence and primative in mannerisms, rushed to meet them, swinging to and fro their bladed blaster rifles. The feral marines laughed in the face of these insurmountable odds. "And they shall know no fear," quoth the Allfather, the God-Emperor of Man.
Those vile xenos, abominations in the face of He, would feel the sting of His mailed fist, as the Blood Claws cut through the Carnivores with startling ease. Once the savages were in pieces, next would come the Tau themselves, in the form of cloaked battlesuits, firing from one position and another, in near-perfect tandem. With that, it was left to the Rune Priest, Balder, to locate the aliens. He uttered a complex incantation in the language of the Fenrir, transcribed as "I call upon the storms of the land to strike where we cannot. Let the aliens feel the sting of frostbite, and the power of thunder." As the final word was spoken, the wind picked up, nearly toppling the weaker guardsmen. Shards of ice, half the size of thunderwolves and as sharp as spears, punctured the xenos, revealing their impaled figures.
Finally came the Fire Warriors and the Broadsides. Snipers supported by mobile railguns.
"LET ME PREACH HIS NAME!" Screamed a priest, charging forth with his eviserator, a two-handed chain-blade held in such a way reminiscent of the primative 'chainsaw.'
His devotion was assured, though he was cut to pieces by the snipers, yet that provided the Blood Claws with the information they required. They howled their pleasure, striding forward with haste, resulting in several dead Tau Fire Warriors.
"Fall back!" cried one of the xenos. "The Gue'la have beaten us back!" The raid by the Tau Empire had failed, though the battle was not yet over, as another round of weaponsfire sounded from the east. This time, a band of Eldar Outcasts-Eldar who chose to separate themselves from their kin-readied their long rifles.
"Eldar." spat the Inquisitor. "The witches that claim dominance over our lives. Drive them back! No quarter!"
The Rangers were swiftly torn apart, though the guardsmen failed to notice the supporting Dark Reapers, who fired a salvo unto the squadron, who were separated limb from bloody limb.
Another squadron rushed forward, vainly hoping to utilize a resting lascannon, but were set ablaze by ambushing Fire Dragons. The men and women screamed in silence, such was the speed in which they decayed.
The Battle-Brothers would not allow such atrocities. They leapt forward, in hopes of crushing the Xenos. Manning himself went for his chainsword, slashing the Reapers, while Blackbeard bashed several Fire Dragons with his Bolter. The warlocks would not have this day.
The Eldar's true strength lies in their ability to deceive and ambush. Truly, the only Eldar capable of open combat were Howling Banshees and Dark Reapers. But without the former, and the latter being torn apart by the Sons of Fenris, the Eldar could only retreat.
With the battle over, the Guardsmen gathered, and gave thanks to the Emperor for sending the mighty Astartes to their aid, though Acolyte Adelia did not join them. Rather, she stood alone, fist over heart, staring up at the skies over the planet, which were alight with such reds and blues, streaking the heavens with their beauty and their glamour.
A minor reward for their exceptional victory.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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