Mr Dixon I Love You

By Ace17777

2.7K 44 13

Daryl Dixon love story This takes place before they get to terminus and Rick and Morgan meet sooner. I do not... More

Rick Grimes (2)
on a run (3)
Learning more (4)
One awful night... (5)
Terminus (6)
Breaking out (7)
Gabriel (8)
my Bow (9)
Very important! A/N
Mr.Dixon I Love you..... (12)

Bob (10)

137 4 2
By Ace17777

Everyone's got something even if you think you have nothing...

Me and Daryl got back from the woods and we were both on edge and had our guard up because something or someone was there.

I was sitting down on the bench tinkering with the string and the small circular piece that had broken off. It was dark outside already and everyone was chatting and eating the food that they made for us even some people had wine but I didn't I was too focused on fixing my bow.

I was pulling up the string so it could go on top and I was using all my force to pull the string. I finally got the string on "yes!" I yelled and threw my hands up. Everyone looked at me. "You fixed it?" Carl walked over to me "thankfully yes I did" I said smiling.

He handed me a plate of food "there's some wine on the table" Carl said and I gave him a nod in return. I walked over to the table and poured myself a glass and sat down against a wall by myself. I was staring down at my plate of food and wine. It wasn't much but it was enough for me.

I heard footsteps come over to me I looked up and saw Rick standing there "come with me" he said. I didn't say anything and got up and followed him as he led me outside. We got outside and closed the door behind me.

He stood by me and was about to say something but I got to it first "almost forgot what a starry night looked like, but after the night it's day and it's back to work" I said I was staring up at the stars as the twinkled as I tried to peice them together to see if any stars would make something.

I looked at Rick and he looked at me as well. "Gareth, what he said at Terminus is that true?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer him really but I would try "I thought about that alot lately and he lied" I looked him in the eyes when I said the last two words.

"I'm saying that if you want to stay with us you need to put the past behind you" he said "but I have" I tried to reason with him "Keira whenever someone brings up Terminus or Lou, you-" he looked down at the ground and rubbed his temple "you're a ticking time bomb" those words shocked me "what?" I didn't really understand what he was saying.

"At Terminus when Daryl brought up Lou you almost slit his throat" he was right. I was almost in shock by what he said, he rested a hand on my shoulder "you ok?" He asked. I took a deep breath "yeah" was all I said "are you with us or not" he asked.

I looked up at him "of course" he leans over and hugs me and I hug him back and I think that's the first time I wasn't scared of someone touching me.

We walk inside and people are still chatting about, and some turn and see us then start to quiet down. Rick turns to me "welcome to the family" he nods towards everyone. I turn to everyone and a smile tugs at me, I walk over to T-Dog and sit down beside him and put my head on his shoulder. "You want to sing again?" T-Dog asks I realized I was humming one of the songs I used to sing around T-Dog.

"Not really" I shrug "Oh come on ain't like we got anything else to do" Morgan was leaning against the wall. "Maybe another time guys" I said. "Oh come on I haven't heard you sing since highschool". I knew I wasnt going to be able to get out of this one. I look and see people staring at me "fine, but promise you won't laugh as much" I say and 'T' smiles.

Song: Superficial love by: Ruth. B

Italics are her singing.

Your really cute I must admit but I need something deeper than this.

I wanna know when I'm looking at you that you don't only see the things you want to.

Cause I'm not perfect, I'm flawed and if you don't like that get lost.

Cause I don't want it if it's fake I don't want it if it's just for show, for show.

I just want it if it's real and I'm thinking I should let you know, you know.

The superficial love thing got me going crazy, baby if you want me then you better need me cause I'm so done, not being you number one.

And if you wanna keep me then you better treat me like a damn princess make that an empress cause I'm so done  not being your number one, the superficial love.

I looked up at T-Dog and smiled "I miss that smile" he said back. People were looking around the church and I really didn't understand why. I realized (she realizes crap a lot slower than most people) Bob was gone.....

"Bob?" Sasha called worriness in her voice. I stood up and went for my bow and quiver with all seventeen of my arrows still in it as I slung it around my shoulder and the bow as well. "I'll go search for him" I said starting to walk away. "Stop" Rick said I turned back around on my heel.

"We are doing this as a group effort and I want you to stay back with Carl and Judith" I sighed "really?" I said hitting my thigh with my hand a clapping noise. "Daryl can stay back or Carol can stay back, he's always the one running off anyway" I pointed out.

"Where's Daryl?" Tara asked "well he's right-" I stopped myself when I looked around and realized he was gone as well. "My baby brother out there!" Merle yelled "not only him Caraol's gone too" Morgan said. I turned back around and quickend my pace, I'm not sure why but I had to find Daryl and everyone else but something is telling me that Daryl was more important. (That voice would be me! Muah haha)

I opened the door and walked around the church and I could still feel like someone's watching us still.

Bob's POV

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and my mind was trying to process where I was cause all I could hear were weird voices and all I could see blurry people and other blurry objects. My head turned to a voice that I was finally able to make out.

I had my eyes fully open and I could finally see where I was. I saw a face in front of me that I hoped I wouldn't of seen again.......... Gareth.

He was talking to me but I was mostly looking around to see where I was. I saw brick walls and a window with walkers banging on the glass and most of them looked like kids, I hate to see children like that they don't deserve living in this world.

I recognized that I must of been by some school, probably elementary judging by all the walkers. I felt a pain in my leg and I wasn't really able to move my body that much.

My eyes trailed down to my feet and my left leg was there but not my right. I started panicking and looked up at him "You taste better then you look" he was eating my leg, they all were.


Hey guys! I recently started school and sadly I'm in grade 8 this year so I will be graduating and going to the highschool next year and I'm super nervous😅.

I am thinking of doing a schedule just to make it easier for me and you guys will know when a new chapter comes out.

If you guys like any songs that I haven't put in a chapter yet, comment the song name and the artist. Thank you all and have a fabtabulous school year!

Word count: 1427


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