By Randomdw11

4.3K 113 48

ALEXANDER Goldwell is the most deadly and strongest slayers in the supernatural world , known for his charmin... More

chapter-1 Welcome Back
Chapter-3 Dream of war

chapter-2 Hotel Le Ciel d'Or

608 15 3
By Randomdw11


sorry sorry .... i know ...i know its late......but alot of shit is gone Computer practically burned.  yeah sooo , u know .... but nothing to worry my new PC is coming this weekend ......yay!!!!!

soooo , here is another chapter hope u like it , there's  a new cover -------------->

and i have added quotes on every chapter .....sooo look at the last chapter too and also this book will be divided into three parts , this the 2 chapter of the part 1 - INNOCENT KILLINGS. 

soooooooooooo, have fun....... and don't forget to vote and comment 


                                          Chapter – 2

                                       Hotel le ciel d'or

And then he survives, after all the warnings,

After all the cunning plans, he is thrown from heaven,

Back to mortal hell, and fells again in his flesh,

as a falling angel, and thus losing his path to the God.

                                                                                                          -me (2011)


A pair of black leather shoes follows a four wheeled serving trolley, which has been expertly covered by a spotless white cotton fabric all the way down to its length, thus hiding its content except the top layer where 3 dishes proudly sat, enjoying the chill breeze of an air conditioner against their warm surfaces. The black shoes which have been scuffed to their perfection , shone with a rough reflection under the bright fluorescent light as their leather soles make strong ‘Tap Tap’ noise when they flexed against the Arabian blue and green carpet on the third floor lobby of the Hotel le ciel d’or.

The hotel’s golden bricked structure loomed near central park in New York .Thus providing it with colors like bottle green from the tall trees and ink blue of the night sky to form a dark background for the hotel , thus making it shine even more through the dark contrast behind it. The hotel was made by a French Lord in 1800, its perfectly harmonized 5 story build, was a mixture of Neoclassicism, baroque architectural styles which has made Ciel d’Or an incredible and expensive piece of art over time. Its main attraction that lured men and women since last 2 centauries was its gold painted bricks with black stones etched on it in the form of intricate designs of curlicues, swirling lines and drop shaped cuts which make it look agonizingly more beautiful, more extravagant, more daunting and even more elegant.

Alex always liked this place for two reasons, firstly because he found it beautiful and its outer structure always made him think of the time of sunrise or sunset, where gold representing the sun and the dark stone designs made him think of the looming or fading darkness of the night sky - Le Ceil d’Or meaning the golden sky , and that made him happy and sad at the same time . Happy because he was proud that he himself could understand what the designer must have thought while naming it. And sad because how a mere human could create so delicate and soothing art, how could a human think about painting his understanding of the sunrise or a sunset on to the face of a building, and which was so strong and delicate that even after 2 centauries people would cross the building and are not able to stop themselves from gawking at its immense beauty .

Yet with his futile and childish disapproval of the human ways, he always stayed in this hotel. And tonight after the successful death of the vampire and his return to his formal self he was basking himself under the strange happiness he got whenever he was here. He was staying in the room – 334, and was patiently waiting for someone. Though he knew according to his orders he was supposed to meet Donovan at Maurice bar, but strangely enough when he had reached the small downtown bar couple of hours ago, nobody was waiting there, and thus he had simply returned to the hotel, knowing to well, that now somebody was supposed to come to him and not the other way around.

He had reached his room an hour ago and from last 30 minutes of that hour he was enjoying a hot shower. His naked torso was drenched under the steam and hot water as he bowed his head under the shower and sighed with pleasure as the warmness of water relaxed him. He imagined that as the water was cleaning his skin, his worries will also be cleansed off him under the soothing touch of the water . After being satisfied with the results of his long shower he stepped out of the tub and made his way across the bathroom naked. His slightly tanned skin that was covered with millions of water droplets twinkled, as the effulgent white light in his bedroom hit each water drop and made it shine and for a millisecond he looked like an absolute angel himself.  He walks towards the bed and grabs the towel and starts drying himself, thus dispersing all the water droplets.

The man embodying the black shoe makes his way across the third floor, to the rooms situated on the other end. The shoe wearer stops in front of the light brown colored door and places his trolley at a perpendicular angle to the knob. the man  checks himself , by pressing his hands against the white shirt  and his black pants , he then moves his hands over his breast pocket , checking for the last time , the embroidered sign of the hotel over his pocket , which was a golden circle with black alphabets CD on it. Satisfied with his presented out look he knocks on the brown door that was numbered 334 and waits in hall patiently for the guest to open the door.  


Alex was looking at the night sky from his room’s floor length glass window, and he couldn’t help himself but to compare the indigo sky with the painting Fields in a Rising Storm by Vincent Van Gogh, it was stormy and beautiful at the same time. His thoughts were cut short, when a knock sounded on the door frowning he opens the door.

“Room service, Monsieur” a thick French accented voice called from the hall, without showing any hesitance Alex let the man in with a serving trolley. He didn’t even mention him that he hadn’t ordered anything because the moment he had opened the door, he had sensed some strong magic. “Please over there” Alex said pointing towards the floor length window and stepped aside to let the very thin , chalky white skin man in . the man bowed and elegantly glided in , Alex closed the door and waited for him to react . But the man didn’t show any reaction, he just bowed towards the trolley and took at the champagne, turned back towards Alex and gave him a brilliant smile and said amusingly “Ready to celebrate , Alexander” .

With a single swift motion Alex was at the other man throat with his silver dragger and asked “Who are you?” saying every word slowly and in a threatening tone he only uses with criminals . The other just smiled at him still holding the bottle of champagne in his hand he said with more malice in his tone “Oh!! Boy , they said you have been out of the game , but I didn’t expected such ….ummm….what’s the word English for that …..oh!! yes , amateur act. ”

Still not taking his eyes of his suspect Alex cast a small revealing spell on him , the minute his magic touched the man’s flesh his whole body swirled as if Alex was watching a bad TV , the man image juggled with itself and then settled back to its original butler body . Alex stepped back to form some comfortable distance and said , in his threatening tone “when you call somebody at the bar , meet them at the bar . Be a man of your words Donovan. ”

Donovan smiled and stepped forward and his whole body suddenly changed , he was still the long , chalky white man , but his features changed into a more handsome looking male with dark brown hairs and his eyes which have been hazel a couple of seconds had turned into green golden glittering slit eyes , just like of some cats . but the cloths were the most surprising one , he was no longer wearing his black and white uniform , but he was rather in  a dark chocolate brown tailored cut suit with a light green shirt and a tie . he looked so formal and alien at the same time that Alex blinked couple of times while taking his whole appearance  .

Donovan poured the now chilled champagne in two crystals glasses which hasn’t been in his hands before and said “that’s more like it , Alexander , I knew you wouldn’t be cold in just two years” and handled him one glass and said motioning the glass towards him as if making a toast  “this is for your victory today , I wish you luck for the consequences you’re about to face from that lost battle” and downed his drink in one single motion . Alex did the same and just quirked an eyebrow at his confusing comment but he didn’t asked him anything because he knew a very cunning explanation is about to come.

“Now, to business, here” Donovan handed him a big leather folder “you will have all the information you need in here, or in other words, whatever I could find out.” He bowed again and said “no need to thank you, slayer, I do this for Vanessa, I …. Own her. But after tonight, I would be free like a bird” he added after Alex didn’t responded anything , the other man raised his eyebrows, as if expecting something from Alex. After a couple of minutes when he didn’t replied anything, Donovan just sighed , clearly tired from these childish acts and then glared at Alex, narrowing his eyes at him, which made him look more like a cat.

Irritated by his very uncomfortable stare, Alex growled  “what?”

“Oh!! Me, nothing” the other man replied and then smirking said emphasizing on the word hunter “you cruel hunter. Girls must go crazy on your hunting skill” he wiggled his eyebrows.

Alex anger roused in him and spat back with clenched teeth “I DON’T hunt, you warlock!!” he took a step forward and continued “I SLAY in the name of god, I don’t hunt. And believe me, you don’t want me to hunt because if I would, then hypocrites like you would be the one peeing in their sleeps. ”

The other man clearly annoyed by the Alex’s tone asked “Hypocrite?”

Alex not wanting to waste his anger on the warlock just scowled back at him and threw the folder on the bed. They both looked at each other for little while sizing the other one up. The tension in the room grew , Alex being the one more annoyed asked “do you have anything more to say , if you do this would be the perfect time to say it and if you don’t then you could get out of here …..Warlock.”

“3 things hunter ” Donovan said rather calmly which made Alex more worried , then it had when he was angry “ firstly , I am no hypocrite , if any one is  a hypocrite is you and your people . You may carry bare the marks of the angel but you also carry the blood of the dammed and you go around killing your own kind , that’s being hypocrite , not me…”

but before he could continue Alex snapped at him “oh!! Yes and as if you don’t carry the mark from the Satan himself  , I may be half demonic donovan but my core , my whole existence is to bring the gods name onto this earth , not like you who have changed himself from a wizard to a warlock by summoning the dark magic and your cat’s eyes says how much demonic you are”

“Secondly” Donovan continued as if Alex hasn’t even said anything “if you don’t hunt , then tell me why did you killed Jonathan Morvick ?? Huh?? Just because he had demon blood in his system.”

Alex knew that something like this would come up , killing the supernatural is not the protocol of their law , but Jonathan’s death was out of his hands as soon as that arrow left his bow . But he also knew that Donovan must be well aware of what happened tonight and Donovan was a kind of person who would just have his fun from this.

But looking at him, Alex realized that he was not happy, rather he was effortlessly plastering a smirk on his face and his calculating eyes were telling a  whole new story . but the million dollar question is WHY is he interested in  Jonathan Morvick’s death ? why a death of a vampire would bug a Warlock?

Alex mentally shock himself, there was another plot of this story which he was not aware of. And  Donovan had Alex in a very difficult situation, if he just let him go tonight then he might not be able to get an important information here and if he doesn’t , then he knew that this man would demand him a very good price for it, and money is not what he is usually interested in. A chill ran through him as he weighed his chances, weighing his opportunities and their possible outcomes.

Alex knew Donovan from last few years, nobody knew that how he had turned himself from a wizard to a warlock. Warlocks are considered the most evil kind of magic wielder; they always deal in dark magic and are never to be considered friendly. A warlock is never born they are made or rather turned but through their own will, unlike vampire they have their own choice. But the mechanics of the whole process have never been clear to slayers, that kind of magic had always been hidden by the wizards, witches and the warlocks, and that’s the only thing the both species ever agreed on.

Slayers only knew only 4 things about warlocks:

Firstly ,  if a witch or wizard kills a mortal ,of any kind, by dark magic then that one would be turned into a warlock , but the death shall be done out of anger , jealousy , betrayl , thus only bad emotions can rise such phenomena .

Secondly, because they have killed a life on this earth and messed with the balance of life and death, then they would repay that giving up their magic , which came from earth itself.

Thirdly , now they have send a soul from this realem to the spirit realm . thus they will be the one serving the Satan and their power will now come from the hell lords.

Fourthly , because they serve the hell lords , warlocks , children of Satan , will be gifted with 3 things a devil’s mark , dark magic and immortality .

Warning bells suddenly rang inside Alex’s head as he thought and complied together all he knew about warlock’s  , and he questioned to himself how or more precisely why is he having champagne with a warlock in his room . it usually never happened like this . a small memory of his childhood tickled , as he remembered that how his mother used to tell him to be away from warlocks because they eat kids. again , a chill ran through him .

And unknowingly , Alex pressed his left hand on his right index finger and murmured the small smell of protection , his ring worked instantly covering him in a criss-cross yellow colored lines which covered him completely , this kind of protection will not be visible to anyone . he mentally sighed in relief and slightly wobbled on his feet . he frowned and looked at his reflection on the floor length window , and was shocked to see that how his face looked , there was slight dark bags under his eyes and his cheek bones are more prominent than usual . but before he could even think that he was feeling light headed due to weakness , something odd happened and Alex in future would call this moment when his life started to change completely .

His reflection was same but for a fraction of second he saw bright blue eyes in place of his usual green ones , and before he could ponder in something else he felt a surge of energy filled his body as if somebody has practically refueled him , he felt more focus and alert then he had whole night . he took one big calming breadth and then again he saw a flash of blue in his eyes , he was so confused on what has actually happened , he didn’t even realized that Donovan was watching him like he was an science experiment .

“take a photo it lasts better ”  Alex snapped at him , and turned back to meet him in the eye.

“I already have one and BTW it does not do what you just did Alexander” Donovan said very slowly , the surprise what he has just witnessed was easily readable on his face. He narrowed his eyes and asked him sharply “are you changing your priorities and moving towards my Evil mother Lilith , hmm , is the Adam’s first wife is what you find enchanting or is it just fashion to use dark magic now a days… ” he purred the last word making Alex wince and frowned at Donovan , “what the hell are you talking about?? ” he replied back .

“I know what a protective charm looks like , but just after you spelled it with your ring , something happened , its much stronger now ........ how ??” curiosity layered voice and there was some slight anger too which alex noticed but he didn’t thought about it .

“listen , I have no idea what on earth are you talking about . but I can tell you this much that I DO NOT use dark magic and I m guessing you do know that this ring is nothing then just spell bearer like any other spell bearer that you must know about . And what is your price ?? huh ??? tell me and do tell me your little 3 point which I am , oh! , So sure you practically dyeing to tell me. ”  Alex retorted back at Donovan , clearly trying to change the subject. Donovan just nodded and placed his smug evil smirk back on and opened his mouth to reply , but Alex didn’t got to know what he was about to say because at that second ,  a  crackling noise came , followed by a loud noise of shattering glass.

Alex didn't even turned back at the shattering windows , but rather rushed in front of Donovan in a flash , the other man did not hesitate to hide behind him . he saw a golden streak of light and with sickening terror he realized that it was bullet and which was directly aimed at his heart . but before he could think or could do anything the bullet glided through the air and struck Alex’s protective spell head on and shattered his spell .

Alex sighed and slumped down to look at the bullet which was not able to touch him , due to the small spell and silently thanked his gods for his presence of mind. he was also relieved that donovan was not asking any more questions because he did not wanted to tell him anything about the blue eyes and his sudden surge of energy .

the bullet was the most bizarre thing he has saw in his life . it was gold metal bullet , which had some strange carvings onto it , its both head and tail were pin pointed to perfection , and it was shining like it was drawn from actual gold. Alex also knew that before it hit his spell , the carving on its long and sleek body was glowing .

But before the salyer could have even moved an inch , warlock started murmuring spells , alex stopped and turn around to look at Donovan who have closed his eyes in concentration . alex following his instincts closed his own eyes and started focusing his new found energy into the spells bounded by the other male . he rather felt then saw , the yellow electric threads of protection that have started to cocoon both into a very old protective spell and alex thought that he oddly felt safe inside it , and in his heart he knew no bullet would cross this boundary . but he opened his eyes and found a rather worried looking Donovan in front of him , who was staring at the bullet as if it would jump out of his hands at any second and will shoot into his heart .

“Alchemists….” He murmured.

The genetically advanced hearing of Alex picked the word instantly  , but he did not shown any sign of it  and he just stood there waiting for Donovan to continue . but when Donovan started speaking , Alex was surprised to hear his voice so  worried  , tensed , tired and his French accent becoming thicker with every breadth.

“I knew …. I knew it ….they have hired alchemist to kill me , I have to leave tonight. I have to .” the Donovan’s babbling was cut short when Alex sternly said “tell me everything , NOW.”

Donovan looked at him for what looked like a hours , he bore himself into Alex’s pale green eyes and then in one swift motion took his right hand in front of him , as if shake the other boy arm , and Alex was about to take his arm out to when his word’s cut him short . “Give me your blood oath”

Now it was alex’s turn to just stare  at him and opened his mouth to deny him but again Donovan stopped him from his words “you need to know everything before you venture into this adventure and I can provide you with all the information . but a blood oath is required .”

Alex took his knife out cut his palm , and took hold of the warlock white hand which was now stained with the thick scarlet color of fresh blood . and then alex spoke his oath loudly “I give you my oath warlock Donovan Leveque , the named son of the fallen angel Lucifer , that if you provide me with all the information that will help me on this quest then I shall me at your service when you may call for me in any condition . my blood and my god shall bound me into this oath.”

Donovan replied “I take your oath as my honor , slayer”

He took his hand from a satisfied looking Donovan and wiped it from the back of his jeans . he looked at him raised his eyebrows and said in his usual sarcastic tone “what on earth are you waiting for start speaking , warlock”

Without even wasting a breadth Donovan launched into a mini tale , which was accustomed to his own cunningness and also which served the bounded of their oath .

“well , listen carefully  because I won’t be repeating it, Jonathan was a innocent vampire whom you killed tonight . now this shows your stupidity that you guys think that a 400 year old vampire won’t have allies , I am sorry to burst your little happy bubble blondie  ,  but you see I , myself , is quite in trouble too because those allies have hired alchemist , who are after me because I am helping you.”

Donovan stared moving back and forth in the room as he told all he knew and didn’t stop to give alex a chance to add or manipulate him in between he continued “so , firstly , your life is not in danger because they know that it the dumb Elizabeth was the reason he got killed , and that’s the reason why Vanessa , our queen ” he said sarcastically  “send her daughter to you , because she know you will protect her . secondly , don’t trust any supernatural because they won’t help you , if they will they die from bullets like these ” he pointed at the odd bullet that was lying on the white carpet pf Alex’s room . “now , that file is just for the demon blood supplier , but if you want to stop this alchemist group at your tail , then I would suggest that you should go the DANCING DWARF , it’s a night club in downtown Manhattan , go find his owner . and thirdly don’t judge something from its cover , slayer , a lot lies in your hand .”

With that Donovan stopped pacing and stood in front of Alex , then gave him sarcastic mockery of the army salute and said “goodbye , Alexander and I hope that this time you won’t kill any one innocent under somebody else’s childish accusations.” He made a theatrical hand gesture and with a puff of smoke and a popping noise he vanished from the room 334 .

After he was gone Alex expected to be hit by the cold wind from the broken window , but he startled a little when he saw that the window was perfectly fine and also that yellow dome of protection that had covered both of them was also now non-existent and there was also a note on the leather bound file which read ‘Elizabeth will meet you tomorrow morning at the restaurant downstairs’ .

                             ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Alex shifted in his bed , his body was crying for the sleep which seemed so unwelcome tonight because of his mind that has been devoured by a single pair of blue eyes . he knew whose eyes they were , he wanted to devour into the endless desire of them but the web of doubts that have encircled his mind from last 2 years stopped him . and yet again his mind keeps on shifting to the same man , to the same face , to the same body , the same kiss that they shared and how that fragile thin boy had saved him and whenever he tried to concentrated on same where else he just felt empty and lost . he didn’t wanted to register this feelings , that he felt from just imaging his silhouette .

But tonight seemed so worse then the other nights , today the feeling of lost and gut churning feeling of absolute pleasure was breadth taking , and Alex  thought for the first time , that why is he stopping himself ?

Why is he not just expecting what has happened ?

Will it not be just easier ?

But the devious mind of Alexander Goldwell rather reasoned with his heart and soul on different grounds but with the same goal . he reasoned that he came to the city , not just to complete his assignment but also with the personal reason of finding this man, who have taken over his mind , and then to remove the connection between himself and the beautiful beast . and maybe , he could find more answer by giving up on the uproar of emotions that he have withhold for so long .

And , thus tonight alex didn’t stopped himself  , he drenched himself into the other boy’s imaginative presence , and somehow founded peace . but he was still unsettled because he knew that now somehow or anyhow he need to find this monster and claim him to be him . he again thought about those eyes and groaned loudly at the ecstasy he felt in his pants just looking at them . and yet again , once more he slept alone without other boy’s warmth which he longed for . 

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