The Wild Hunt (Downworlder Se...

By TeaHouseQueens

728K 48.2K 7.2K

Book One of the Downworlder Series ~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you know what it feels like to have your current r... More

Chapter One: Safe Haven
Chapter Two: Judge and Jury
Chapter Three: Downworld
Chapter Four: Friends in Low Places
Chapter Five: Charlatans
Chapter Five: Part Two: Charlatans
Chapter Six: The Brand
Chapter Seven: Turf War
Chapter Seven: Part Two: Turf War
Chapter Eight: Wild Cravings
Chapter Nine: Hunted
Chapter Ten: Ribbons of Light
Chapter Eleven: A Beast Cornered
Chapter Twelve: The Queen's Head
Chapter Thirteen: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Fourteen: Lost & Found
Chapter Sixteen: The Queen and The Empress
Chapter Sixteen: Part Two: The Queen and The Empress
Chapter Seventeen: Coming to Terms
Chapter Eighteen: Beasts of Burden
Chapter Nineteen: The Mouse Trap
Chapter Twenty: Fine Dining
Chapter Twenty: Part Two: Fine Dining
Chapter Twenty-One: The Cat and The Mouse
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Dragon's Fire
Chapter Twenty-Three: Love and War
Chapter Twenty-Four: Bubble Bath
Chapter Twenty-Five: Epilogue: At Last
Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter Fifteen: Sweet Villainy

22.5K 1.4K 152
By TeaHouseQueens


It was what controlled and dictated all manners of life. It certainly controlled mine. I loved blood. It was the purest thing in the world, except when it wasn't. This city was tainted with the filth of dirty blood. The smell of it hung in the air.

It coated my hands as I stared down at another masterpiece. The little mongrel had pleaded and begged like the rest of them. I had given it the chance to fight for its freedom like the others but it tucked tail and ran like they always did. My wolf rumbled with satisfaction as he remembered the feeling of shredding flesh and breaking bone. He was a war machine encased in flesh. He loved the violence as much as I did. A shiver of delight rippled across my flesh and I grinned wildly as I turned to the men that had brought me the little treat.

I lifted my hand to my face and licked the blood from fingers. I couldn't help but wonder what Octavia's blood would taste like. Would the queen bleed like the mongrels that carried her empire on their backs?  I sure hoped so. I wanted to show the world that even a queen could bleed.

The male closest to me cringed back. The sour stench of his fear blended with the metallic tang around me. I let out a chuckle, high from the kill but not nearly as satisfied as I could be, "Go. Fetch me a female. Preferably one who isn't on those nasty chemicals. I want her to feel everything I do to her." He hesitated a moment and I snapped my teeth together in his direction just to watch him scurry away like a rat.

I had no shame over the fact that I was ready to fuck. The violence and blood always did that to me. Hell, the thought of laying a bitch down in the mongrel guts and blood and painting her red as I was balls deep inside of her, had me jonesing. Hard.

A throat cleared near me, "Calm down, Benny-boy. I know how you like them big but you couldn't handle me. Plus I wouldn't want Richard to get jealous." I commented with a wink as I turned to male who stood on my left. His cheeks tinted red and I watched lips flap like a fish gasping for air.

"What's he packing down there anyway? I'm curious." I questioned as I tilted my head, my eyes trailing down his form just so I could watch him squirm like a pathetic little bug.

His face turned redder at my question, "I don't know! It's not like I'm staring at his dick."

"I see. It's cause he likes to fuck you from behind. You do look like you like to take it up the ass, Benny-boo." I remarked flippantly as I plucked some of the mongrel scraps from my chest. Benjamin grumbled heatedly under his breath next to me which only made me want to keep poking at him. If he didn't react I would probably leave him alone, it's no fun when they don't react.

I turned away, looking to the large wall of glass, "Has anyone seen Ajax?"  I was bored without the wild bastard, usually when I asked him to bring me back a treat he fetched it quickly. He craved the blood just as much as I did. He was a source of constant entertainment for me, the way his mind was an unpredictable riddle. I loved riddles, tricky little words. Interesting messages that needed to be deciphered.

I walked towards the windows, listening to Benjamin shift behind me, "You know how he is...He does whatever he feels like, when he feels like it. I don't get why you try to use someone like him, he doesn't listen to anyone. He's no better than a wild dog."

I stared out at the filthy streets below, a long sigh, "If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't..."

"What?" His voice whined in my ear and My wolf flashed his teeth in annoyance at the sound. He was an illiterate bastard.

I ignored his confusion as I rolled my shoulders, tapping my blood crusted finger against the glass "Through the looking glass...Looking through the glass..."I chuckled to myself at the irony as I turned away from the sight of the glaring city lights in the distance. The fluorescent beams were unfavorable on the eyes. We weren't humans but these beast lived like they were. Diluting their blood, mixing themselves up until they fell so far from the tree that they were contorted into hideous monstrous forms. This is why I appreciated Ajax. He was wild, pure of the filth that hung on all the beast in this mad city.

"See that someone locates our friend, Will you Benny? I'm beginning to feel quite lonely without him." I stated as I linked my hands together behind my back.

He pulled his lips together in a tight line as he followed my orders, "whatever you want, Doyen Revan." he marched toward the door, as it swung open.

My lips twisted up with the ghost of smile as I caught the sight of my men returning with a special treat. Benjamin gave me a look over his shoulder, eyeing the girl as he brushed past the ones who had brought her, closing the door behind himself as he went. She stood stiffly, eyes darting around the spacious room. When her eyes fell on me, her face seemed to lose the rest of it's color.

I pushed forward, dark desires coursing through my veins, "Look what the cat drug in..." 

I let my eyes take in the female. She was adequate to look at, nothing special really. Perhaps that had something to do with the baggy clothes that draped off of her tiny frame. She was on the younger side, still naive from the scent that hung around her. My lips twitched upward with a hunger to crush her in the palm of my hand. I wanted to rip the wings off of the butterfly that they had brought me.

I circled around her slowly, enjoying the way her muscles tensed and she tried to follow my movements nervously with her big eyes. My men watched me with their own dark urges swirling in their eyes. I reached out and stroked her arm with the back of my hand. She shivered under my touch, turning her face toward me with heated cheeks.

"What's your name, little bird?"

She glanced toward the other men in the room, shoulders hunched forward, "Candace..."

"Sweet little, Candy." I gave her a seductive grin. My wolf licked at his teeth, wanting to find out if Candy tasted as sweet as she smelled. She blushed brightly, the smell of her arousal blooming around her. I moved in closer to her as I breathed in deeper.  I reached out, dragging a clawed finger across her cheek, enjoying how her eyes widened and the sour stench of fear mingled with the sweetness of her desire.

I stared into her wide eyes, "Candy, do you know why these men brought you here?"

She shook her head back and forth, chewing her bottom lip. I noticed the bead of red on it. The sight of her blood had me craving a taste. I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to hers, swallowing her gasp of surprise as I pulled her bottom lip between my teeth and licking at the raw skin with my tongue. She let out a small moan as I pulled back, licking my own lips.

"So sweet." I spoke in a low rumble. Her eyelids lowered and her cheeks flushed with her own desire.

"And yet so filthy. Just like all the others." I wrapped my hand around her throat tightly, and her eyes widened in surprise. My wolf wanted to taste more of her, to see more red leaking from her body. I watched her face turning blue as she clawed for her freedom. Those big eyes staring at me with, fear and betrayal. Eyes that reminded me of her. Eyes that pulled at memories buried deep under the rage, deep under the cravings.

My wolf snarled at the memory, snapping his teeth together. We didn't like to think about that. I clenched my teeth together.

I pulled her closer as her fight began die down, "I could crush you into dust, it would be so easy." Tears swam in her gaze as she lifted a shaky hand, slapping it against mine. Such a pathetic creature, so fragile and weak. I released my grip and she slumped to the ground as her knees gave out, choking and gasping for air.

I bent my knees and lowered myself down, reaching out for her face. She flinched as I cupped her chin in my hand. Her fear clouded everything around us, taking away the tang of the mongrels blood still lining the floor. Tears began to fall from her eyes, skin turning a blotchy red. I reached out with my other hand and stroked her shiny, raven hair with my hand, "Don't worry, sweet little Candy. That's not why they brought you here."

"You're here to please me and do whatever my black heart desires. If you please me than you'll be free to go when I'm done with you, I give you my word. " I released her face, dragging my finger down the already bruising flesh of her neck. Her body quaked like a leaf in a storm, "If you fail..." I lifted my gaze to hers, flashing her a toothy grin, "Well then I'll find out just how much blood this tiny little body of yours holds."

She let out a pitiful sob at my words. The sound grated on my ears, "No more crying, Candy." I snapped as my expression fell flat. She sucked in a couple more, trying to get herself under control.

I growled, "Enough." She pulled her lip between her teeth again, biting down hard to hold back the sob. Her big eyes stared up into mine like glassy oceans.  I held her gaze, itching to put my hands on her again, to see her tiny ass redden under my palm. To taste more of her blood on my tongue. To hear her scream for mercy. I shifted forward as I grew uncomfortably hard with my desire.

"Now repeat after me...How can I please my Doyen?"

Slowly her lip slid free from the bruising power of her clenched teeth, pink tongue swiping over the raw flesh, "How can Doyen?" Her voice quivered under her strained emotions.

I pushed up off the ground, towering over her, "First you can take off your clothes. They are offending my eyes."

Her tear stained cheeks flamed with heat as she processed my request. Her head dipped down as her gaze skittered to the other men in the room, "Don't worry about them. You're here to please me remember." I said in a sharp tone.

She lifted her face towards me as she rose up off the ground, reaching up and slipping the strap of the dress off of her shoulder. It isn't long before the dirty fabric pooled down around her ankles. She stood completely bare before us, bones jutting out slightly from lack of food. She must have been pulled out of the slums.

A low growl of hunger vibrated through my chest. I circled around her again, grabbing one of her perky little breasts in my hand, pinching the nipple hard between my fingers. She gasped loudly, biting her lip again. Her fear and desire perfumed around her, "Do I please you my Doyen?" she asked as if I had trained her myself.

I stepped away from her with a chuckle of amusement, they always became so eager. I was going to enjoy myself with this one, make sure she never forgot her time in my office. I smacked her hard on her ass, the sound of it echoing through the room. She lurched forward on her feet, sucking a pained breath. I reached up, fisting her hair in my hand as I yanked her back as I pressed my face into her neck.

My canines scraped against her flesh, just a little more force and I would be ripping open the pulsing vein underneath them, "No one pleases me, Candy. The best you can hope for is that you appease my beast."

She let out a whimper of distress, "How do I appease you?" 

The door opened, thudding against the wall loudly. "Doyen Revan..." Benjamin interrupted the fun I was about to have with my sweet little candy. I turned my face toward him,  snapping my teeth together in his direction with a sharp snarl. He flinched slightly but did his best to hold his place, the simple minded idiot. He thought he was somehow important to me, as if someone else couldn't replace him if I got tired of him. The only thing that kept me from going for his throat was that he was that his reactions to my poking kept me entertained me in my moments of boredom.

I narrowed my eyes, watching the way his adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed his fear, "Sorry. It just...This came for you?" He held out a neatly wrapped present in his hand. I tilted my head, losing my feral thoughts as I stared at the box with curiosity.

I pulled away from my candy, "Put your clothes on." I snipped as I moved across the room with long strides, eager to know what was inside the unexpected gift, and who had sent and why that had sent. So many questions that needed answers. Everything else took a back seat.

"Is this for me?" I took the box from Benjamin, who handed it over with a grimace as he made sure to create space between us. It was a good weight. I brought it up toward my ear and shook it back and forth, with a wide grin, "Is it my birthday already? You guys shouldn't have."

The box came wrapped up in green paper with a pretty red ribbon tied into a bow on top of it. I could see that one of the corners of darker than the others, the content inside started leaking out. The smell is easy enough for my wolf to detect. Blood. Oh the sweetness of it had me grinning. I wondered what I would find inside as I slowly undid the bow, cutting through the paper with a claw.

The paper fell away easily, the red ribbon fluttering to the floor, "Tell me, do you think that the cat is dead or alive?" I asked as I lifted a gaze toward the guy standing on my left. His face fell into confusion as he stared back at me, glancing toward his buddy as if he had the answer to the question.

His buddy shrugged his shoulders and he looked to me, "Cat, sir?"

I let out a loud sigh, "Shroedinger?"

The two of them stared at me blankly and I snapped my teeth in their direction, enjoying the way they submitted without thought. They were all unlearned gutter rats.  I turned back to the box in my hand, popping off the lid, "This is why all of you are probably going to end up like poor Jonesy. He didn't have a damn brain cell to spare..." I remarked as I pulled the gift up out of the box for the whole room to see.

I held up Jonesy head like a puppet, pulling on the muscles of his throat to make his mouth open, "Guess I won't be sucking Ben's dick anymore. Too bad."

The room was very quiet as they watched me with pale faces. I noticed a piece of paper fluttering out of Jonesy's mouth, landing in a crumpled mass at my feet. I smiled wide, all my teeth on display, "Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser." I bent over and snatched the crumpled paper off the ground.

I turned to Candy who stood redressed, eyes focused on the head in my other hand, "Here. Make yourself useful." I held it out toward her and she cringed back, gagging at the sight.

I gave her a toothy grin, "Remember the deal. You're here to please and appease and you're doing neither at the moment..." Her big eyes widened in horror but she moved closer, reaching out a shaky hand for the head. I let her take it from me though my wolf seemed less willing to part with the gift. It was for us. I would put it up somewhere later for the beast to admire.

I unfurled the paper, reading over the scribbled word a couple of times before reading it aloud, "Boom."

As the words left my lips the world shifted under my feet and the sound of an explosion had my ears ringing loudly. The men in the room looked ready to flee, their beasts on edge. I let my head fall back in a roaring laughter, enjoying the burn of my Wolf's claws under my skin as he tried to break through. He was wild and crazed at the moment, looking to escape as the smell of smoke sprung into my nose.

I lowered my eyes the paper in my hand, crumbling it back up as I closed a tight fist around it, "Boom...very funny." Benjamin looked antsy but he remained blocking the exit of the room, waiting like the loyal rat he was to do whatever I told him. If I told him to stand in the door and let us all burn together I was certain he would do it.

As interesting the thought of watching people burned intrigued me I wanted to play with the rats in this city a little longer. I enjoyed watching them scurry in fear.

"Alright everyone, looks like the party's over." I swung my gaze back to female, she was trembling as held Jonesy's head tightly to her chest.

I smirked at her, "Come on, little bird. Time to fly." I held my hand out toward her. She stepped forward on shaky legs. I grabbed hold of her arm when she was within my reach, pulling her close. She let out a shriek, tightening her hold on Jonesy as if it would protect her from whatever she thought was going to happen to her.

I dropped a kiss to the top of her head, before shoving her towards the men who had snatched her up originally, "Take her back to wherever she came from. Bring back Jonesy's head when you come. I have plans for him still." I snapped.

They took my treat away with them, quickly. The smell of smoke becoming stronger, "Guess we should take the stairs, Benny-boy. We don't really have time for a quickie, by the sound of things. " I commented as I came for, smacking him on the back as I passed around him into the chaos outside of my office.

The building was filling up with smoke, while people scrambled to get to the exits. I watched some of them stumble over themselves, bodies slow thanks to the chemicals drifting through their veins. It was entertaining to watch them truly scrambled like rats from the flames. I shoved them out of my way easily, laughing to myself.

It didn't take long until we were standing outside, watching from a distance as the flames danced high, deep oranges and yellows. Dark black billows of smoke poured from the windows as the pressure of the heat shattered them outward, sending the flames rocketing out into the street. I couldn't help the smile that pulled at the corners of my mouth as I listened to the screams of those that hadn't been able to escape, the chemicals in their blood streams making them slower... and more flammable.

I chuckled at the thought of walking candlesticks, wax of melted flesh. The queen was as demented as the rest of us. I felt a shiver of excitement race through me at the thought of the games I could play with her. We could burn the city to ashes and paint the roads red, oh the fun. My wolf rumbled his agreement at the thought. He wanted to search her out now, eager to strike his teeth against her flesh. Eager to feel her strike her teeth against his.

Benjamin stood next to me with a deep grimace on his face, "What the hell could you possibly be smiling about, Doyen Revan? Someone just burned our place to the fucking ground. I don't know if you realized that..." 

I turned my face towards him, teeth on full display, "Benny-boy, this is why Robert does all the fucking. You lack vision." 

I watched his face pinch together, "Vision? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I can see just fine! The damn building is a pillar of flames."

I huffed, and reached out for him. I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close enough that the sour stench of his fear covered the smell of smoke and burning flesh. I waved my free hand out toward the flaming building, for dramatic effect, "Benny, this is a message. A beautiful, raging message."

Benjamin swallowed hard, "What's the message?"

I gave a wicked grin of sadistic glee."That the queen wants me to come out and play."

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