Some Fate?

By happykalways

10.8K 160 54

23 year old Christina, has a very determined outlook on life and has always had the dream of becoming a docto... More

Some Fate?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Part One.
Chapter 9 - Part Two.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 3

574 10 0
By happykalways


"Oh my God! Is this really YOU??" I said almost half expecting him to be here in front of me.

"Come on Christy, Ofcourse I'd be here at least for you." he said laughing aloud. 

"Lukeyy! I can't believe this!" I said jumping at him with a huge crushing hug.

Laughing at my reaction he put his arms around me with one hand holding a pretty bouquet of peach roses.

"Now are you going to give me those flowers or what?" I said pouting at him.

"Still the one for flowers eh?" Luke said laughing while giving the flowers to me with a big broad smile.

"Yep! I still am" I confirmed holding the flowers to my chest. 

Luke was the second child of the Monroe's. That is, Samual Monroe's younger brother but not quite younger to him. Both the siblings were parted by a short period of one year.

Many said that such siblings generally have the same facial features. But, in the Monroe brothers case they looked very different.

I had always spent more time with Luke in my childhood since he would always go along with any challenge I would put in front of him. We were absolutely unseperable when we were kids. Not that we weren't once we grew up. It was never awkward between Luke and me. But when Luke's family shifted to Questel, it became a little tough to keep in touch. 

We would still meet every summer after they shifted. Luke would tell me alll about Questel and I would always dream about going there. When I told Luke what I wanted to do with my life when I grew up, and so he would send me a lot of information on all the opportunities there were for a doctor in Questel. He wanted us to be together like we were in L.A. and so we had made a kind of a pact that I would come to his town once I grew up. Thats how the whole idea of  working at the biggest hospital in Questel came across her mind. And now, here she was; right where she wanted to be. 

"Hello? You know I'm here right? I'm starting to think that your dream world is more important than me" Luke said with a dissapointed face

"Oh shit yeah sorry. You know I like dreaming a lot." I told him as a fact. The boy knew a lot about me I thought.

"Thank You so much for these. They are beautiful" I said truthfully taking in its fragrance. "and it also has an amazing perfume." 

"Well, its got to have the looks and the sweet smell right?" he said winking at me, now stepping inside the apartment along with me putting his left arm around my shoulders and guiding me to the neatly arranged lounge. 

"Very funny Luke. You know those charming words don't work on me." "I am absolutely immune to that. Besides you're a whole year younger to me. So forget about the flirting with me." I said to Luke with my face turned upward with a smirk across my face. 

Luke sighed and sat us on one of the couches and said "So you always say Chrissy. I don't think you'd ever give in to any man's charms. Be it me or any one else." 

"Damn right Monroe. It aint happening anytime soon and you know it." I said looking at him intensely.

"Blah blah.. lets not argue about that now. I've come here so that I make sure you get ready fast and so that I can start showing you around Questel." he said a bit sarcastically.

"Now go and get dressed please so that I don't have to see you in a bathrobe any more!" He said wincing slightly.

I faked shock on my face and said "That is so rude!"

"Aww did I hurt your feelings Chrissy?" He said sticking his tongue out at me.

I half waved at his comment ignoring it completely and walked back into my room. I quickly brought out a dress that was lying on the top in my bag. It was white and navy blue horizontally striped short dress with a full navy blue skirt and a dark blue belt right below the bust line. 

After putting it on I checked my reflection in the mirror. Applying some light pink lip gloss and a little bit of mascara. Opening my hair from its bun, I straightened out all the soft curls that were forming due to the bun. I looked in the mirror once again after I was done fussing with my appearance. It seemed pretty satifactory I thought and quickly went and removed white slippers from my other bag.

Once I put them on, I took my purse of the dresser and went into the lounge where Luke had decided to oblige himself to a cup of hot coffee. Always the one to make himself at home. Where ever he went. Not that I minded. Anyway.

I made my appearance in front of him and very slowly he started looking in to my face.

"Now can we please get going. I can't have you watch me like that the whole day." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Ha. I knew you'd like me looking at you like that." Luke said grinning like a mad person.

"Dude that was sarcastic." I said. "I would've slapped you on your head but that would mean my tour of the city would get cancelled. So I thought of getting back at you with a sarcastic reply which you obviously did not understand."

"Actually" He said making his point. "I did understand that. I just decided to show my stupid side."

"Whatever Luke. Lets go please. I really want to enjoy my day outside and not argue in here."

He laughed at that and got up setting his cup on the side glass table.

FInally. I thought. At least he realized I'm waiting to see Questel!

After a while when we were walking out of the apartment together I began giggling softly to myself thinking about the most weird argument Luke and I had back in the apartment. We were always like that. We would talk like we were serious and then we'd make fun of our own conversation after a few minutes or so. I guess we had learnt to keep ourselves entertained, like that was better than any other way. 

When we reached his car, I realized that he was going to be driving and that there was no chauffuer to drive us to the places we would be going to.

Almost as if reading my mind Luke said, "Yeah there's no driver. This time I get to drive you around not like you had to last time we came to L.A."

 "Wow Lukey! You've become a big boy!" I said copying the way my mom greeted him.

"Ha Ha that wasn't funny" Luke said standing across me on his side of the car.

I giggled and got into the front seat, shutting the door lightly once I got in.

Once we were out of the area my apartment was in, I realized so many new things around me that were probably hidden last night. Maybe due to the rain? I thought.

The city was as beautiful as I thought it was yesterday. Now and then Luke would point out the major companies building that made the most monopoly in Questel. He also showed me their companies building to which I asked him why he wasn't there right now. He should've been helping his dad right now instead of playing tour guide to me.

"Chrissy. When dad came to know you were here for one year. He was the second happiest person, me being the first obviously. So I get all the privilige to escort you around got it?"

"Okay okay! I get it." I told him

The whole day passed with Luke showing me around. We also went to one of the places where Luke "generally" dines. It was a seven star hotel which had multi cuisine restaurants.

When we were moving around on the streets, we would constantly be talking about all that happened in our lives until that day. It was just great spending time with Luke. He would tell me all about the things that happened with his brother, Sam. As the newspapers and billboards around said that Samual Monroe was next in line to his father. He was going to inherit everything his father owned and also he was a big shot with the girls around Questel too. 

We joked a lot about that matter. Infact we couldn't stop going on and on about how he would be the serious business man once their father retired.

Once it started becoming dark, Luke suggested something out of the blue.

"Hey... Lets go to my house for dinner? I'm sure Mom and Dad can't wait to meet you."

"Oh.. um okay. I hope I won't be interfering though." I said a little unsure.

"No way Chrissy don't ever think like that. You know how my mom always wanted a daughter and all that shit. She'll be happy to see since she din't get to see you last year." 

"Yeah you're right." I said agreeing to him.

Luke took the next right on the signal ahead and made way to a street which seemed was where they lived. Soon Luke was pulling into a driveway with a huge brownish white house. 

Actually huge was not the word to describe what it was. It was way way huge.  


Sooo thats all for chapter 3.

Hope it was good enough. Mostly about Luke and Christy. They're cute aren't they? :P 

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