Its A Funny Story BoyxBoy

By dext16

235K 3.9K 615

Meet Oliver. He's in love with Derrick the only problem is...Derrick is Oliver's STRAIGHT bully. Plus Derric... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty One

6.7K 99 13
By dext16

            ~Derrick's Point Of View~

As my dreams started to fade and the bright sun seeping into my eyelids woke me up I couldn’t help but groan.

Why sun...why.

I started to get out of bed slowly yet pain snakingly. Why can’t I just sleep forever? No Derrick we're not going down that road again. You've been pills free for four years now no need for that shit again.

As I walked out my door and slowly made my way towards Dylan's to wake him up.

Hey if I had to be up and suffer through it so should he.

When I opened the door, ready to yell, but what I found was it all nice and neat, and without a sleeping Dylan.


Where is that boy?

 I walked out of his room and went to the bathroom.

Hey I still had to go.

Once I was done I made my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and took an apple from one of the bowls when my eyes found a note.


Dear Derrick and other,

Went out early won’t be back till you boys are asleep.

When we got home though we notice someone not home.

Derrick please take care of your brother’s punishment for us.



Wow what a lovely note to write to your sons after not seeing them long has it been...two weeks now I think. 

 Wow that’s

I threw the paper away before Dylan saw it. If he ever read it I’m sure he will be upset. I don’t understand why they treat him like that. Once I’m able to move the hell out of here I’m taking my damn baby brother with me.

That's a promise.

I walked back upstairs to get ready to go see Oliver for our afternoon dinner with Dylan.

I looked at my phone to see two text messages.

Morning lovers :D

I couldn’t help but smile at that one. I love waking up to messages from my Olli. I went to the next one.

Derrick do you know where Dylan is? He hasn’t replied to me at all. Even last night, I’m worried about him.

My eyebrows came together as I thought about this. Dylan always I mean always answers to Oliver. Did he get drunk last night at the party and got lost...or wasted.

 I replied back to Oliver.

No I haven’t seen him. Last time I saw him he went out to some party. He seemed kind of pissed when he left, I don’t know why. Don’t worry love his phone is probably dead. We still meeting up for lunch/breakfast :D

Ohtay your right Derrick. And yes. You leaving now?

Yeah. Be there soon.


 I hurried to the showers and dressed so I can go see my baby.

                        ~Dylan's Point Of View~

As we entered the cafe I felt nerves for some reason. Was I forgetting something?

As we seated I kept staring at Sammy.

Why did this have to happen to us.

"Hey Sam?"


She said looking up from the menu.

"Are you sure you won’t get pregnant?" I whispered.

"Well I get my period in a week so we'll know then D."

I nodded my head hoping for the best.

                        ~Oliver's Point Of View~

As I parked in the parking lot to the cafe I couldn’t help but still worry about Dylan. What if something bad happened to him while he was out yesterday.

I'll murder anyone who has touched him.

Just as I got up I saw Derrick's truck pull into a free spot a couple of cars away from me. I smile as I saw him get out and lock the door.

"Hey you."

"Hey yourself."

I wrapped my arms around Derrick in a tight embrace and kissed him softly on the lips. Derrick pulled away and took my hand as we made it to our favorite restaurant. 

The cafe.

It was to die for. I looked around and I saw what appeared to be Dylan's car.

"Hey Derrick? Is that Dylan’s car?"

I pointed the black car and Derrick frowned his eyebrows together, thinking.

"It looks like it. Maybe he's meeting us here like he said he was going to."

We walked in, and my eye scanned the room for my Dylan. What I saw I never thought I’d see. Dylan and Sammy were in the back, having brunch together, and what appeared to be...holding hands?


"Derrick he's over there. With Sammy." I said softly.

"What's she doing here?"

"I don’t know?"

"Well let’s go see."

 We made our way over towards them. Sammy saw me first and he face drained of color. Is she okay? She pulled her hand away from Dylan real quick making my eyebrows come together as of why she would do that.

 Dylan turned around and his face seemed to pale also.

What the hell is wrong with them?

"Hey guys. Dylan you made it to brunch!" I said happily.

"Um yeah."

 I sat down right next to Dylan and Derrick pulled up a chair to Sam.

 "Dylan are you okay?"

"Oliver he's fine he's just hung over remember. Right Dylan?" Derrick said as he grabbed a menu.


"Hehe I know how that is right Sammy."

I saw Dylan look at her and she looked down. Is she okay.

"Um yeah Olli."

"What do you mean." Dylan said as he turned his head back towards me.

 "Oh you remember that one party...well let’s just say I had tons of shots that night. I woke up and found myself in Sammy's sister room with Sam beside me."

"Wait what." Derrick put his menu don’t to look at me. "You telling me you two had sex?"

 "Ewe god no. Sammy's like my sister, it trust her with everything, Derrick even if I was drunk I would know not to do that. Even if I wasn’t gay. Right Sam?"

"Um yeah."

"You okay? You look...uncomfortable? We didn’t interrupt anything did we!?"

"No." Sammy and Dylan said.

Wow that was weird.

"Ookay. Um lets order. Oliver what do you want I’ll pay for you."

"That’s alright Derrick I got paid today." I said with a smile. 

 "So what brought you two here?" I asked as I stole Derrick’s menu.

"Um." Sammy looked down and away from us.

"Sam were you at the party to?" Derrick asked.

"Yeah, me and her meet up and I crashed at her place." Dylan said as he took a menu from the empty table beside us.

"Did your phone die baby?"

"Um-yeah sorry about that Olli."

"It's ohtay. I miss my Dylan though. You should come over tomorrow so we can spend some time together!" I said with a smile.

"I thought you'd be with Derrick?" Dylan's voice seemed sort of off. Like he was angry or something. Weird.

"Nope. I'm all yours."


Is he okay? What’s wrong with him? During my thoughts I guess I missed the waitress bring our drinks. Opps.

"Hey guys I heard Tiffany and her boyfriend are throwing a party. You all want to go?" Derrick asked as her started to drink his root beer.

"Um...I’m not sure. When is it?" Sammy asked shyly.

What wrong with her. She has never been the shy type...or the quite type for that matter.

"A week from now."

"Sammy are you seem a little off?"

"What no I’m fine. Hangover I guess."

"Ohtay Sammy. Well I hope you get better. I want my crazy loveable bestie back."

"Mu hum."

"So are we going?" Derrick asked as he started to play with his straw.

"I dunno Derrick."

"I haven’t been to a party since that weird one, I think we should all go and have a good time as friends. What do you guys think?"

"True...I guess I’m in. What about you Dylan?"

"Um...sure I guess."

"Sam? You coming too right?"


"Yeah party time."

I started to wiggle my bootay in the seat as happiness exploded. I couldn’t wait. I get to hang out with everyone just like old times...well this time with Derrick liking us. It's going to be so much fun! I get everyone I love having a fun time with each other.

What could go wrong!?

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