The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 20: Dead roses

53 2 0
By Peace_life_Nh

Sigh. So tired. But here it is. Late as everrrr. Sigh. Whatever. Haha. This is past. But I'm not gonna italic it. Cause that fucks with your eyes. Okay. Peace. 👏👌


He squinted his eyes as if he knew I was gonna say something.

I bit my lip. Okay.


A week past. Meaning Thanksgiving past. It was a pretty tense Thanksgiving. My father always cooks thanksgiving dinner. Knowing ancient recipes from my great grandmother. We had turkey like always. Stuffing, Macaroni and cheese, collard greens, yams, anything really thanksgiving like.

I hadn't talked to Luke at all, I probably won't. We didn't even look at each other. Every time we might have saw a glance one of us would glare. I gave up trying to fix things. Nope never mind I didn't even try.

Even sitting at the table. He was staring at his food. Then unexpectedly left.

Yes very tense.

Along with that Thomas didn't really talk to me. I kinda felt.. Remorse. I don't know why. No I do. I practically made him beat my brother up. I know they probably aren't that close anymore. Because of me. I felt like shit. He talked to me the day after making sure I was alright. But since then nothing. No text. No call. I didn't see him.

But at the same time. We don't know each other. We're not close. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend. Oh lord god forbid. We're not even friends!

God damn..

Sigh. I still ended up liking his company more than expected. Ugh.

I liked his funny attire. The way he could crack a joke without taking it too seriously. The way he kinda understood. His appearance got me.. For sure.

His blondish brown hair, hazel eyes. Sigh. It was like the fantasy was ending. Diminishing and I was back in the real world.


'There's always sleep.' Go to hell. Whoa that was bitter. Wow. I'm Turning into my mother. Great.


Everything's wonderful. Notice the sarcasm. Shit I'm burning my food! I ran to the kitchen hearing the fire alarm go off.

Good job Trinity. Good job. Sigh. Now I had crispy eggs.

Literally. Ugh.

I waved the beeping alarm off about to take it down and hide it in the fridge.

Fuck. I was just trying to make eggs before everyone woke up. Nothing ever works for me..

My eggs are burnt anyway..


The alarm eventually went off and I threw my eggs down the garbage. Ugh. My father is going to be mad I wasted this food.

God damn. The alarm went off again.

Come on! I waved at it and finally just put it in the fridge where it stopped beeping. I turned off the burner and dropped the pan in the sink putting cold water on it.

A bunch of smoke splashed up causing the pan to sizzle loudly. Shit. It slowly simmered down. I decided that's enough cooking for today.

I went in my room starving. Seeing Serenity still sleeping.

I didn't know if Luke was here. Since he had school starting up again.

Honestly though I didn't care.

I don't care. I'm more happy by that than feeling all glum about it. I searched through my things found some money and grabbed a jacket. I guess I'll just go to the store.

I put my sneakers on key in hand. Walking out the house. I went down to the store I usually go down too. Passing the intersection I must pass to get there.

I walked in seeing the same ole register guy.

"Hello doll." He said. I smiled. Waving my hand.

"Hi." I said cheekily. I walked to the back trying to get what I wanted. Which was nonsense. Chips a soda. Any food I could fit in my stomach.

I heard the ringing of a bell meaning the door opened. I looked at it and saw no one at first. But I saw the register guy come out from his seat.


I shook my head about to turn around when I felt arms turn me around themselves. I nearly shrieked.
I saw the guy in the hood.

His bright blue eyes still shining through. While his face still covered as if he was a ninja.

I smiled nervously.

"Hi.." I said a little nervously. Staring at his eyes. The only thing I could see under his hood.

He dimmed his eyes. Squinted.

"The one you desire isn't the one you want.." I gazed up at him scrunching my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Trying to move away but he made me stay.

"You will figure it out." He said. Letting my forearm go. I walked up to the register. About to pay.

"Now what did I say?" I turned my head to the hood.

"You don't have to pay. Hurry and leave." He motioned by moving his gloved hands towards the door.

"Thank you. But why are you doing this?" I asked he never responded. He just walked away.

I looked at the register guy. He was scared shitless. I don't know why. At the same time I'm surprised my anxiety level never rose.

"How are you?" I asked tiredly. I have so much work to do. Every teacher. Ugh.

"I'm alright doll." He said placing my items in a bag.

I grabbed the bag smiling to him waving. Secretly placing the five dollars down. He gave me a melancholy look.

I went to the door trying to open it.

But it was locked. I laughed nervously. Now my anxiety was picking up.

"Hey the door's locked ha can you help me?" I motioned to the register guy.

"You thought you were gonna leave that fast?" I turned around to his manly voice. His blue eyes staring at me intently. I stared at what was in his hands.

It was a white rose. Tinted with at least yellow.

It was pretty beautiful.

I looked at his eyes strangely. I don't know why I envisioned Thomas to be looking back. But that wasn't the case.

"Give me your finger." He said. I looked at him a little nervous.

"I won't bite." He said. Though mouth covered I could still understand him. I searched for the register guy that was long gone. This brought my breathing to alarm.

I lifted my hand and he gripped my finger.

"Ow!" I yelled once the soft rose petals soon became a prick.

Thorn. God damn thorn. I looked at my finger ouch. He looked at me particularly. Pulling out something in his pocket putting it on it just a napkin.

"Was that your intention? To prick me with a thorn?" I asked. A little smartly. But toned my voice down.

"No.. I wanted you to feel the petals." He said. I looked at his glove that I'm surprised he didn't take off.

"Why do you have your gloves on still?" I asked.

"Actually why do you have everything on?" I touched his hood. The area right next to his eyes he flinched grabbing my hand dropping the rose.

"No. Doll." His eyes were scaring me.

"I am a monster." He said. I stared at his imaginary features and tried guessing what he looked like.

Brown hair? Black or blonde? Maybe blonde cause he had blue eyes. Looks white. But maybe he's something else.

Maybe he's Hispanic. Cause he got a tint. Italian?

He stared at me. As if he zoned out on my face he went to pick up the fallen rose.

He handed it to me. The glove brushing my hand.

"Take it and keep it close. Plant it. Don't let it die until two weeks from now." I scrunched my eye brows. But then changed and just let him say what he wants.

"Okay." I stated. He stared at me. Then the flower.

"It reminds me of you.." He said. I kinda froze. Since he didn't know me. I didn't know him. How could a flower resemble myself.? I grimaced.

"Soft and kind but once you hit a nerve it's over." He spoke. I let out a small smile. That was actually sweet. Even if he is strange with all the things he has covered.

"Thank you." I said. He walked by the door. Opening it slowly.

"You're welcome." I walked out but before I could fully leave. I heard a slam and glass break. I turned back looking at the store. Wondering if I should go back in.

"I told you. Don't call her Doll!" I heard the hooded guy yell. The register guy looked over spotting my eyes. I widened them. Then the hood.

The hood pushed the guy. But I was already long gone walking. Really running to my house. I heard foot steps behind me and I picked my pace up.

"Hey wait!" I felt an arm stop me. Making me fall in the process. He helped me up somehow.

"I didn't mean that.." He said looking at my eyes. I looked at him in shock. Please get away from me.

"You left the rose." He said pulling it out of his pocket. Shit. I closed my eyes reopening them smiling. Terribly.

"Thank you." I said simply. Turning and leaving.

"Say you know I didn't mean that." I stopped and looked at him.

"I know you didn't mean that?" I asked. But he nodded and sighed. I turned and walked. Away. Home.

Weird. Why did he want me to say that? Hm. It is done. It won't make a difference. I wasn't expecting  another human to be on my step once I came home.

Please no. Please. Come on.

I saw Thomas body in aggravation. Come on leave me alone. I don't need to be falling.

"Trinity." I heard him say. I looked up from the ground. Trying to keep a straight face.

"Sup Thomas." I said walking past him.

"I've been trying to call you why haven't you answered?"

"What are you talking about Thomas? I haven't received one call from you." I spoke. Walking in my house. He followed me. Which I assumed he would do.

I stopped since I knew my father was beyond those doors.

"What do you mean you haven't received a call from me?" He spoke.

"Why aren't you moving?" He said. I raised my index finger motioning to keep his voice down.

"Father. He's there sleeping." I said. Moving towards the outside door. But feeling something drop from my hands.

"What is this?" I turned around seeing Thomas with the rose in his hand.

I smiled slightly. Thomas raised a brow.

"Who gave this to you?" My smile diminished as his voice became hard and cold.

"A guy." I said. Equally cold. How dare he come up to me as if he would actually.. Ugh!

"If I dropped this rose on the ground and crushed it. How much would that mean to you?" He asked. I stared at him about to grab the rose. He pulled it away. Waiting for the answer.


"You heard me.. How much would it mean to you?"

"Why does it.." He had it between his forefingers.

"I-I u-um." He dropped it.

"No wait!" His foot collided with the once beautiful rose. Now dirt and agony covered. I dropped the bag and pulled Thomas out of my house. He picked up the flower however before fully coming out.

"What is your problem?" I wanted to yell looking at my bruised rose in his hands. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Who gave you the rose?"

"None of your business!" I screamed in his face. Who the hell does he think he is?

"It is." He simply stated. How?

"Why do you even wanna know?" I asked rudely.

"Cause I like you."

I stared at his face. Blanked out. What?

Like.. Like. Like me? Whoa whoa whoa whoa. And this is the part where all my fantasies untwine.

'He was lying man no one likes you.'

What if he wasn't? What if he saw all past my mood swings?

'Nah your playing yourself.'

But he said it himself he likes you. Like L-I-K-E-S you! Holy shit. Holy shit. He likes me? Whoa!

I looked at him blinking my eyes really fast. A small smile about to appear.

"Or well did.."

Bang. Shot gun. Machine guns. Fucking lasers. Bashed my heart.

'Told you he didn't like you'

Fuck off brain. My smile became a twisted frown. I scrunched my eyebrows grabbing my bantered rose and walked away from him.

"Where are you going?"

"In my house. I like it there." I slammed the door in his face pissed.

I ran to my room. Fuck I don't even have my food. I grabbed my phone out of my room. Checking to see if there so happened to be any calls. Whoop! Nope zero!

I chuckled hysterically. I walked back slowly passed my sleeping father and opened the door to get my bag. I looked at the door and saw no one.

He likes me huh. I scoffed picking up my bag. I by accident slammed the door. Oh no.

"Trinity what the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying to sleep! I had a long day at work yesterday."

'Was your long day going to strip shops watching random girls on your lap huh?'

I kept her shut even though that is what almost slipped and if it slipped I slipped off a cliff.

Meaning dead. Done for. I surfaced a small smile.

"Sorry dad. I forgot you were there." I said, walked out the room, sadly that was the truth. I forgot my father even fucking lived.

"Close the door!" I almost slammed it again but held my breath closing it lightly.

I saw Serenity sleeping on the couch in here. Hm. I walked back to my room. I jumped on my bed groaning. I stared at the blank television. Then looked for the remote. My eyes traveled the whole room and I almost screamed. Once they hit the window.

Thomas made a silly scary face. Tongue out eyes scrunched. He gazed at me and smiled. Gosh his smile.. No. We are stronger than that. Stronger than the appealing male species.

I opened my window slowly.

"What do you want?" I asked. Leaning my head against to where his head kinda was.

"You to come with me." He simply responded. I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

"I'll have to think about that.. How about... No?" I said. Ready to slam the window down.

'Anger issues.'

"Why not a yes?" He asked hands in the air sucking in a breath.

"Give me one good reason why I should go with you right now?" I had my arms crossed over my chest. Damn I must look like a mom. I lowered them down. Cringing at the idea.

"You'll be with me?" I slammed the window shut. He tumbled back. I laughed.

"I'll buy you a ring?" He motioned. I rolled my eyes.

"I am walking away!" I said pretending to walk away.

"You're the second most beautifulest girl I've ever met?" I stopped, scowling debating if I wanted to here this or not.

I opened the window.


"And second most sensible reasonable livable." I eyed him. Raising an eyebrow.

"Who is the first?" I asked. Hands to my sides. If he says some cocky remark—

"My mum." A bright wide toothy grin appeared on my once stormy face.

'You're blushing gosh haven't you learned anything?'

Sadly I haven't subconscious.

"What'd you expect? If I said anyone else she would've killed me." He said in a New York accent. I bit my lip before a laugh came out. I turned around looking grabbing my phone and keys.

"Hey wait Trinity please!" I gave a salute to sleepy Serenity. Jumping out the window. Small jump. Like really small. I might as well have walked out.

"And that's how you get a girl. At least me." I exclaimed. Smiling at him. I put my arm in his so it looked like we were like cowboy and cowgirl. Ready to dance. But you know not.

"I'm glad you stopped there I was about to tell you a sob story of my dog with diabetes." I chuckled. Leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Oh please do."

"Well you know she has diabetes. She can't eat certain things or else she'll get sick." I smiled.

"Oh really?" I chuckled.

His eyes caught my attention. I loved it. It was as if he stared into my soul while explaining whatever he wanted to explain.

While I just zoned out. Thinking of any possible fantasy.

Sigh. It won't happen. It will never happen.

I sometimes wonder why I even imagine such a sad case. Since all is to come is sadness. Then depression and more sadness till its anger. Until you hate the one you thought you loved because they didn't love you back.

I might as well just get killed.


More like a torture chamber. Where literally you sit and people torture you. Until they find it done you had enough. Even then they still find a way to fuck your life up.

Wow. My mind is dark but still beautiful. It's beautifully dark.

"Yes really.. So anyways she.." He kept rambling on an on. Catching me stare off at his features. Sigh. He gave me a smirk and we were off.


We ended up reaching our random destination. walking and getting ice cream.

Even though it was winter outside.

"So Trinity." Thomas murmured licking his lips from the vanilla bean he had. I nodded.

"So Thomas." I said licking the chocolate I had.

"What is the one thing you'd do that no one would think you would ever do?" He asked curiously.

'Rob a bank.' Ha. Nah.

"Sky dive. Heights don't scare me as everyone else. But falling off of them. Is another story." I stated. He chuckled small smile etched on his features.

"And you?" I asked. He took a moment to think. Looking up at the sky thinking that'll give him the answer. I smiled.

"I'd.." I saw him look down. Then at a certain direction.

"Fall in love.."

"Fall in love?" I asked. I turned my head looking at him. He wasn't looking at me or the sky or the ground.

He was looking at a person. I looked in the direction and saw where his eyes spotted.

A very platinum blonde girl. I couldn't see her eyes but a guess blue. She had her fall gear on. I gazed down at myself. Damn I look terrible.

'This looks like trouble.' I know. She was with a brunette. However. Same kinda gist.


This is where the world ends I see. I looked at Thomas. Confused. What is happening? Then we all stopped.

"Oh my god Thomas its you." She said again. Running her hands in her hair. As if she couldn't believe it herself.

"Stacy. Wow. I wasn't expecting to see you at all." He exclaimed. Me and the other brunette kept quiet. While I felt her slightly give me glares.

I gave the brunette a big grin. More like a grimace. Then looked back at the conversation happening here.

"And you must be.. Laura?" I shook my head. She shut her eyes opening them having another name fall from her lips. She snapped her fingers.

"Jennifer?" I shook my head again. Starting to eat my ice cream. She winced not knowing who I was. I started realizing this wasn't really a guessing—

"Joanne, Chris, Bell, Diane?" She said all these names. Staring at me with a grimace.

"Oh no it's Caroline!" I shook my head yet again. Finishing the ice cream biting the cone in contort.

"Stephanie right?" She said straight face. I looked at her friend. That glared at me. I put up a scowl. The fuck is wrong with these people?

"Trinity." I looked at Thomas like why the fuck would you tell them my name?

"I never think you'd go this low." She said. I gasped.
You little bitch.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I exclaimed. My mouth is gonna turn. Watch the demons that fly out.

"In age. Sorry darling." I wanted to rip her fake ass hair from her head. Remove that fake ass smile. I scowled. Thomas hold me back. Lemme take my hoops off.

"Thomas I wanna talk to you. Can we?" She said. I looked at Thomas. Like. No. Let's go. He looked at me then her.

"Okay." They both walked somewhere. In between two buildings in an alley way.

I was stuck with the glaring girl.

I'm not one to be rude. Especially when a person is glaring. But it made me wanna clock this bitch like give her one punch and she'd be down.

"Hi." I started off. She said nothing. Okay. We stayed in silence for seconds. Till I heard her huff in annoyance.

"Okay. So is there a problem? Cause I'd like to know the problem as well." I asked. Fed up.

"No. But I'm just annoyed she had to see some other guy again." She stated. I nodded.

'But don't put your attitude on me.'

"Ahh. I gotchu." She nodded. Silence I decided to ask some questions.

"So how does Thomas know her?" I asked.

"You mean how does Stacy know Thomas?" Whatever just fucking tell me.

"Yep.." I decided to leave it alone. I had a temper for no reason. She was rising it with her stupid questions.

"High school lovers." She said rolling her eyes. I chuckled before letting out an 'ah.'

"I thought you were supposed to let them go. Never see them again?" I laughed. She shrugged.

"Well she holds onto the past. Sometimes forgets the present." I nodded. Letting out another. 'Ah.'

"I understand now. So she loves him?" She scoffed at my answer.

"Hopefully not. He did her wrong, she did him wrong right back. Then the relationship went down hill.."

"Meaning?" I asked. She went silent before huffing again.

"Meaning she only wanted his money." Wow. I gave a small nod.

"How long do you think they'll take?"' I asked walking to a garbage. Throwing the ice cream wrapper away.

"Hopefully no longer than an hour." I laughed.

"An hour? Oh gosh. Maybe I should get them now." I said.

"I'm warning you. There probably all made up already. So if you and Thomas had something. He'll never get over her.." She said. I should've taken noticed to her words. But I pushed it back in my mind.

I walked and I saw yep. Kissing a lot of kissing. I refuse to describe it. I bit my lip and turned around. My eyes started to water for no reason.

"Was I right?" She asked when I started drifting away. I nodded and started walking. Players. Love to fuck up your emotions. Thank god this wasn't anything serious.

Now how am I getting home? Oh fuck. Aye I guess I can walk.. To nowhere. I've always wanted to do that. Okay.

I grabbed my phone putting the gps on. Thirty four minute walk home. Okay. Not bad I guess.. I stopped and turned to the person.

"When they stop! Tell him I got a ride." I yelled. She gave a thumbs up. I let out a breath of air. Turning. A corner. I plugged my headphones in. Listening to Hozier.

I followed the gps all the way. Getting tired. And overly cold. But I kept going. Since no point in turning back. I clicked my headphones to turn my music off.

"Why are you walking alone?" I thought I heard a person say. I turned my head but saw no one. I looked everywhere trying to make sure I wasn't crazy.

No one.

"Darling why are you walking home alone?" The voice said again. I turned around.... Seeing no one.

What the fuck....

"You won't see me till you turn the corner." I walked a bit faster and turned. I still saw no one. I looked behind me. Seeing a man with a little girl.

I had the urge to walk up to them. But I figured. He has a kid. Why would I be hearing him say this?

"Too bad you just missed me.." I turned back. Following the man and child.

"Atta girl. Go get me. Go get me.." I walked a bit faster. Thinking maybe if I stayed side by side, see if that was indeed him.

I ended up tripping and they both turned. Saw if I was okay. I smiled.

'Not him'

"You missed me again! Come on make a turn to the right to the right!" I got up and walked to the right. And turned. I saw a guy with a hood. I started running.

"I'm right there come on. Faster faster."

"You!" I yelled. In back of him.

A man turned around. Really creepy. I started traveling slower.


"Not me darling." I heard the voice chuckled In my headphones.

"Sorry. Wrong person." I smiled it off.

The voice stopped talking and I reached an intersection slash dead end.

"Which way?" I asked. No response.

"Which way?" I said a little louder.

"Come on which way do I go!" I yelled.

"Darling. Don't yell at me—" He said coldly. I shut up.

"Look behind you."

I jolted turning. Finding no one. I bit my lip and frowned.

"You're so cute when you frown." I gasped.

"Where are you?" I asked.

'Who are you should be the question you're asking.'

"Turn around again." I did. I saw a rose fell from the sky. I froze. Picking it up. Then looking up. No one. Except for two gloves on the edge of a building.

"It's you?" I asked.

"You meaning—" He trailed on.

"The hood. You're the store guy." I said.

"Yes. Now hurry up. You might be able to see me. If you go up the street and make a left." I started speed walking to where he was saying. Turning left. I starting walking a bit further.

"You just passed me." I walked backwards a few steps.

"A bit more.." I did so then stopped. I heard my phone hang up. I scrunched my eyebrows picking my phone up. Seeing that I had hit a call and hadn't have known.

Ah. That's why..Wait. If he was on the phone and just hung up that means....

I turned my head. Seeing him in his glory; in all black. Hands free however. Legs crossed. Like before the only thing seen his blue eyes.

"Took you long enough." A small smile made a way to my lips.

Should it have?


Did I care?

Not at all.

"Why did you do that?" I laughed. Yeah I enjoyed that scavenger hunt sadly.

It made me.. Laugh. A little bit of strange adventure. Should I ever do that again. Fuck no. I'd be insane.

"Why are you walking alone?" He asked.

"Touché." I responded throwing him okay signs.

"No touché, Doll." He grabbed my shoulders. Um. Well.

"You know this is how innocent girls get taken.." I froze. Trying to surpass the grimace that would form.

'You shouldn't be so trusting.'

"What if I just—" He turned me around swiftly putting his hand over my mouth. Me almost falling back. I widened my eyes.

"And said..." He whispered.

"You're staying with me forever. What would you do?" He questioned. I thought for a second. Until action sought my vision. I bit his hand lightly turned swiftly around and pretended to kick him in the groin.

"I'd do that." I laughed. He waved his finger in the air knowingly.

"You would just stay there? Baby dolling." He wrapped both of my arms around my back. Bending me down.

"You'd have no where to go?" I looked down and stepped on his foot. He groaned I swiftly kicked him and shook my hands free. Even though his hold was mighty tight.

"I could've done that?" I questioned. He looked at me a certain spark in his eyes.

"Or I just."

"Agh!" I screamed lightly when he picked me up baby style. Walking me nowhere. But walking for sure.

"What would you do?" I squirmed and shook. Then gave up.


"Ah I see." He said. I tried squirming out of his hold but it was nearly impossible.

"So should I keep you darling since you'd do nothing?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Maybe I'd punch you in the face. Jump then run" I explained. He nodded and swiftly put me down.

"Smart girl." I gave him a smile with a wink.

"Always have been." I said cockily. Oh lord let me stop this shenanigans. I wish I could tell if he was smiling back.

"I wish I could see your smile." I said. Just staring below his eyes.

"Maybe one day." He trailed along speaking. I looked to see if there is anything I could see of him. I spotted his hands. Grabbing one.

"Well.." I touched his finger tips. Glancing at them. Grabbing his pointer finger staring intently.

"You're tan. In a white way. But you're not white? Or don't look like it as much." I said. Analyzing his hand. His hand started moving and for a second I forgot it was part of his body.

"And you're—" He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Puerto Rican.." He said and then touched my hand as if that was gonna give him the answer.

"And African American— However." He poked my nose. It made me fall into hysterics.

"You look awfully Caucasian." He said walking a tad bit away. Before quickly walking closer.

"But you hate when people say it." He said looking me dead in the eye.

"Nice guess." I chuckled.

'More like everything you were thinking he wouldn't say.'

Shut it.


"I try." He explained. I heard him laugh. Barely however. Due to the muffle.

"Oh laugh again.. I didn't hear it..." I said too sweetly. Oh lord. I covered my mouth. This is where I heard a soft chuckle fall from his lips.

I smiled.

"Well you still haven't answered my question doll. Why are you walking alone?" He asked a tone of serious in it. I gulped.

"Well... If I were to be fully honest I'd say because some asshole decided to suck on some chicks face after saying he might've liked me, taking me out and I left. Cause I was already being disrespected.." I finally let out. I took a big breath in and out.

"Well.. We randomly saw this person and she was being a real.. insert a lot of curse words. However Thomas knew her. The guy's name is Thomas. He knew her and she was with her friend. Her friend kept glaring. Like a little child. The girl Thomas knew I guess Thomas loved her a long time ago. Whatever. So they went to talk.. Then they sucked on each other's faces. And bang! I walked home..." I stated. The hooded guy stared at me. I couldn't tell how he was feeling. But his eyes did get a whole lot darker.

"Son of a bitch.." He muttered. I let out a tiny gasp. But not a gasp. Like I was in shock he would say that. I thought I was the girl with the bad mouth.

"What doll?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing I never thought you'd curse.." I exclaim stupidly.

"I'm a man. You should know that." He said. Chucklingly. I laughed.

"True. But you seemed. Different.." I reply back trying to come up with a better word than different.

"What does that mean?" His tense became stiff. I put my hands up in defeat.

"No no. In a good way. Like... Good." I said. I heard a muffled sigh.

"Well I have to go." I exclaimed. The guy looked at me. Eyes I think widening.

"Darling Darling. If you think you were walking home alone. You're not." He grabbed my arm and started walking. The fact that I knew he knew where I lived and it didn't bother me. Scared the shit outta me.

But it was pushed to the back of my mind like it always is.

"We better hurry up." He said trudging a little faster. I turned my head.

"Why?" I questioned.

He took no hesitation and looked at me.

"Your father's gonna be pissed.." I gasped. Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit.

"Yeah!" I yelled. Realizing.

Fuck I'm screwed maybe if... Fuck.

"You're almost home don't worry.." He said. He stopped me. I was following my phones gps. But he stopped all of a sudden.

"I know a short cut. Are you willingly to follow me?" I tensed a bit. I want to follow him. I probably will.


"Do you trust me?" I gulped. Shrugged my shoulders. His eyes stared at me stopping me.

"Do you trust me?" He asked again. I felt a sudden urge to say no after. But. His protection over me kinda seemed like I did. I pursed my lips. And nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."


Tell me guys why I have not posted anything?! Sigh. Idk. Here it is. Months late. Ugh.

Take it at your leisure. Have a good day. Or night either or. *hearts all around.*

Bye Lovely people. 👏

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