Away From Them

By K_writer1

1K 29 10

Liv was an average girl who liked to swim and hang out with her friends. But one quick moment changes all tha... More

Away From Them
Away-Chapter 3

Away-Chapter 2

170 7 0
By K_writer1

I couldn't hold in the gasp that escaped my lips. I was being carried by what I assumed was a man. He had smokey gray skin, that shone under the flourescent lights. He had a ripped stomach, but that wasn't his most drawing feature. It was his hair. It was a bright flourescent green, and was gelled up. His eyes also matched his hair. It was a frightning effect.

I scrambled backwards.

"What are you?" I asked.

He stared at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm Eli, thank you so much for asking." He still looked amused.

"Where am I?" I asked, very very frightened. I looked around, trying to piece together where I possibly could be.

"You're on Anaraz, Livie. You're here to be my bride."

Okay, I'm almost positive my jaw droped open.

"Where's the camera?" I asked. "Seriusly. No kidding. Where's the hidden camera? Is it behind you?" I started looking around. This was so not real. No way was he telling the truth. My mind was still trying to process this.

He just laughed as I fruitlessly looked around.

"Why do you want me?" I asked, a touch of fear in my voice. Because, whatever my parents had tried to get me to believe, I was not special, or pretty, just a good swimmer. Never in my life was a guy attracted to me, not that I remembered.

Especially not an alien.

I was plain. I had bright green eyes, though they couldn't rival this guy's, and curly black hair. But the rest of me was plain. I was a bit tan from swimming, but otherwise, I was ugly.

Why had he noticed me?

A horrible thought than struck me. Had he abducted me? Used Kim as bait? I started to tear up.

But instead, I decided I'd make him squirm.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked. "Because I know I didn't tell it to you. And you are not allowed to skirt around the question."

He looked at me, snorting. "You think you're in charge?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah." I said. "I am."

"You're in charge on an alien planet that I live on, and when I'm the one who abducted you?" he asked.

"What's your name again?" I asked.


"See? I'm in charge. You're answering to me. So bring me somewhere where I can sit down, and please explain all of this-" I gestured around me to the whole planet-"to me."

"It'll take a while." he said.

"Yeah, well, right now I have all the time in the world. You decided to clear my calender." I retorted, starting to get annoyed. Here I was, on another planet, getting mad. That's a point for me, I thought.

In fact, this Eli guy was giving me a ton of stuff to get mad about.

He kidnapped me. I was his bride. For all I knew, he had brought me here to have his kids. That was a gross thought.

He grabbed my arm, and I tried to twist away. But he was too strong for me. His green eyes peered at me through his thick lashes, appraising me. "Follow." he commanded. My will buckled under his gaze. I followed him mutely, a bit too frightened to bite back again.

He led me down the hall to a room. The door was plain white, and most likely coated in plastic. Like a doctor's office. My arm hurt as he let go of it to open the door, and I rubbed it sorely.

As the door swung open, I peered inside the room. It was a warm buttery yellow, though lit again by flourecents. I wondered if they had any other lights on this planet. There were no windows, but there were other humans. The same four girls I had been with before. I wondered what the people on Anaraz called themselves. Anarazians?

I stepped inside. There were five beds, one single and in the middle, the other two bunk beds sitting against opposite walls. There was a fridge built into one wall, I saw, and a microwave to heat the food that I assumed was in the fridge. There were shelves of books, I saw, and several pink girl magazines.

I walked in and sat at a table, which was in front of the fridge. There were a lot of chairs there, maybe ten. I guess for their husbands as well.

Eli closed the door, and walked over to a button. I thought he was going to turn off the lights and tell me to go to sleep, in which case, I would make a big fuss. But that didn't happen.

Instead, he talked into it. "I have Liv comefortably settled in her room. I am about to feed her." he said.

"Well hurry," said a voice. It was coming from a speaker, but I wasn't sure where it was, so I stayed where I was.

Then, looking around, I thought I could talk to the girls while Eli was talking. I started walking over to them, but stopped. I was scared out of my mind right now. I could put on a charade and act brave, but underneath, I was frightened beyond belief.

I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be at home, curled up in my bed, my eyes closed as tight as possible.

However, I was on Azaran with Eli.

I waited with the girls for Eli to get off the intercom. After about three minutes of shouting in instructions, he finally did. He waved to me and left the room. I stood there, alone, completely abandoned. I prayed my facade would not fall apart.

I decided it would be nice to sit down and talk to the other girls.

I needed something to do, and I needed alies that were human. I walked over and sat by them on the left bunk bed. The blond and the carrot top were dangling their legs over me, and the girl with the blue tips and the girl with the annoyingly straight brown hair were sitting to my left.

They stopped whispering with each other as I sat down.

"Uh, hi." I said.

"Hi." said the girl with the brown hair. "You're his new girl?" she said.

"Apperently." I said.

"Like four wasn't enough?" she asked.

"I guess." I said uncertainly.

She dangled her legs off the bed. She was quite pretty, in a tragic-faced sort of way. I instantly decided I liked her, despite the fact I didn't really know her that well. I figured it would be a very good thing to get to know them all better. That was my new goal.

I missed home. I didn't really know where I was. All of a sudden I just started crying. Tears began to run down my cheeks. I felt foolish. But it was all to much.

They all came over to me, worry written on their faces. I felt so horrible. Bu I missed my parents, believe it or not. I missed Kim and Sky. I missed home.

But nothing could ever prepare me for what they told me. Nothing on earth. But its something I know I will never forget.

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