The Plot Shop

By syrahsyarah

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Want to write a book, but don't have any ideas? Just take a look into this book, and that problem might be so... More

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By syrahsyarah

TITLE: Beyond the Seas of Dreams
GENRE: fantasy/fanfiction
FANDOM: Disney's The Little Mermaid
OC: Surula

The story of Ursula the Sea Witch; basically how she became half octopus, half woman and why she's so darn bitter all the time. I think it would be nice though if you kept that kinda secret, so it'll take the readers a while before they realise what they're reading. Athena is supposed to be the fiancée of Triton, and later on the mother of Ariel and also the reason Ursula hates them so much. She wants to have so much power so she can turn herself back into a mermaid, because none of her own spells and potions work.

Surula has a nice and normal life, aside from the fact that she's a mermaid. But, naturally, she wants more. She longs to be a human, because, well, they're different, and every teenage girl, both mermaid and human, longs to be somewhere entirely else. But that's impossible, as they're part of another world.

Fortunately, Athena, a curious mermaid, is able to help her. She's very smart and her little experiments have proven to actually help out quite a few times— from changing one's hair colour to getting rid of crab pests. However, Athena isn't entirely honest about how knowledgeable she is about humans, blinded by her want to help Surula out, and Surula on her turn is too excited to notice her enlisted help doesn't know what she's doing, with horrible consequences in return over the course of time

And that all because a little mermaid just wanted to belong in her dream world.

"I...I just want to see how they live and how it works. They're different you see, legends. And why live an ordinary life when you can be a legend?"

"Alright, originally, I'd need some human-extract...but since no one has ever seen a human, octopus will have to do."


"Yes! I mean, what's the difference? They both have legs, right? I could also use crab-extract, I suppose, but the pinchers..."

"Octopus is fine!"

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