By Dreamerse

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"Close your eyes." he croaked, I did as I was told without any disobedience. "Have you any idea how badly I w... More

In the eye of Nick Abel


388K 14.5K 4.1K
By Dreamerse

Chapter 35.

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. It laid on the side table and vibrated against the wood. I groaned quietly and realised quickly that Xavier wasn't in bed. Where was he?

I diminished my thoughts to answer my phone.

"Yes?" I croaked. I coughed to get my voice back to normal.

"Girl, get your dress on, we're going out." Katie's voice loudly stated down the phone. I smiled at her voice. I did miss her and Mali a hell of a lot.

"Tonight?" I asked. I looked at the clock above Xavier's bed and it read 6 in the afternoon.

"Of course. Mali's coming." Katie noted.

I missed my friends a lot. Besides, I hadn't been out drinking for a while. Xavier would be fine with it, I think.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said. I could almost see the smile on her face. "Just let me get ready. I'll meet you outside campus at half 7."

"Yes! Perfect." And before I could say anything more, she hung up on me. Charming.

I placed my phone back down on the side table and sighed. I decided to get out of bed to see where Xavier was. Had he gone out? Maybe he went shopping for food. There wasn't exactly a whole lot of food in his fridge.

I got out of bed and found one of Xavier's tops on the floor. I chucked it on and went out into the living room.

Xavier was bent over the stove, his strong back on show to me. His muscles rippled when he moved and I stood there and watched him for a few minutes.

"Fuck!" He shouted as he took his hand and put it under cold water. It snapped me out of my daydreaming and I rushed over to see him.

"Are you okay?" I worried, I grabbed hold of his hand and looked at the small blister about to form. He nodded his head.

"I'm fine." His voice seemed a little off but I decided not to push. I nursed his hand and he let me.

Once I was done he made his way back over to the stove. He had bacon in the frying pan and something in the oven.

"Just want to make you  fucking dinner." He fumed. I could feel the anger radiating off of his body. It seemed as if something was really bothering him.


"Not now." He clipped. My eyes widened at his tone. How did he go from sweet and loving to cold and emotionless again? What had I done?

I decided to leave him in peace. I went to Xavier's bathroom and showered. I tried to forget about the sudden change in Xavier's mood. I knew he would have his off days, he said he would, I just had to sit them through.

I washed my hair and my body thoroughly. I was still going to go out. I deserved it, I deserved to see my friends and have some fun. I had been couped up in a hospital for days, and I had a scare with Xavier's mother. Would Xavier let me go? Or would be too frightened now that his mother's back on the scene?

With that thought, I got out of the shower and used a towel on the side to dry myself off. I then realised I hadn't bought my stuff to Xavier's to change into, so I put my old clothes back on, deciding I'd need to go next door and change.

I made my way back to Xavier, a plate of bacon and chips laid on a plate in front of me on the table. I sat down and looked up to Xavier, his back turned to me. I smiled. He wasn't the best cook but he tried.

"Thank you." I said pleasingly. I had a grunt in reply. My smile fell. I was starting to worry. Had he gone off me? I tried not to panic, but I was and always had been a worrier.

I ate my food in silence, Xavier moving with his back to me. He hadn't once said a word to me or even looked my way. I didn't know what his problem was but as the minutes went by, so did my happiness.

"Thank you for the food." I said again, trying to make conversation. I grabbed the plate and came beside Xavier to put it into the sink. Xavier didn't move or reply this time.

I then made my way to the door. This caused Xavier to turn, finally.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his eyes trained on me. At least he had the audacity to look at me this time, I fumed. My anger had started to spike.

"I'm going to get changed, I'm going out tonight." I stated and I didn't care what he said about it.

The room was full of silence, not like I originally planned. I had expected him to blow, to say something, anything. Nothing came out of his mouth.

I slowly turned away from him and walked out the door. I didn't have the time or effort today for this, I really didn't. I wanted to cry, but I was all cried out this last week. The best thing to do was to get drunk, maybe then he'd get out of my thoughts for a little while.

I made my way into my room and grabbed the nearest black dress I could find. I had plenty of party dresses and shoes. I grabbed a matching pair of black strappy heels and put them on my feet.

I was dressed but had to do my hair. I straightened the blonde strands. It was getting awfully long, just like Xavier's was.

Once I had applied my makeup and grabbed my purse, I made my way out. Just as I opened the door Xavier was standing outside.

He wore and white button down shirt and black jeans, and of course, his converse were on his feet.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. I hadn't expected to see him here. I thought he would have been moping in his room.

His eyes drank me in and for a minute he looked a little more relaxed and calm.

"I'm coming." He stated. I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand and led me to his car. Xavier didn't drink much so I didn't have to worry about him drink driving us back home.

Katie and Mali were outside campus and I made my way towards them. I gave them each a hug in turn. They made their way into the back of Xavier's car once I told them they could hitch a ride with us. Xavier didn't mind but he wasn't exactly the happiest person right now.

He was tense in the car, anger still radiating off him. I didn't know what his problem was today.

Katie and Mali talked and talked, Xavier didn't seem to mind too much about the noise from my two best friends.

"I can't wait to get on it." Katie exclaimed. I smiled. Typical Katie.

"You need a man in your life." Mali replied. Katie smacked her arm lightly but nodded anyway.

In a couple of minutes, Xavier parked his car outside of the club. I had been here many times before with Mali and Katie, it was a regular.

We all got out of the vehicle and made our way inside. Much to Xavier's jealousy he didn't like the fact the bouncers knew me so well.

Xavier laid a hand tightly to my waist most of the night. He hadn't wanted to leave my side. He wasn't talkative, he hardly spoke even when he was spoken to. Mali and Katie didn't seem to care, the only thing on their mind was alcohol...and boys.

Xavier's mood didn't lighten as the night went on, infact, it seemed as if he needed to do something. He was looking around the place, eyes wandering. He was a man on a mission, I knew. I didn't know what he wanted or was planning on doing, but I was on edge.

Soon, for the first time tonight he left my body bare and without his touch.

I called out for him but he didn't reply. Just as I was about to run after him, Katie pulled me on to the dance floor.

I was a little intoxicated already from the alcohol, so I was quick to forget about Xavier and go along with the dancing. I loved dancing. Especially when I was drunk.

"He's still as grumpy as ever." Mali shouted out over the music. I nodded my head. He hadn't been grumpy all week until tonight. He should have been happy, he should have been excited. We were getting married.

What if he didn't want to marry me anymore? What if it were the drugs talking when he said he did love me? Maybe he didn't really love me or want me. But he was adamant he did, I believed him. I still believe him.

My eyes welled up with the thought anyway and I ran to the toilets quickly. I hoped Mali and Katie didn't realise I was gone. I knew they would eventually, but for now I wanted to be on my own.

Xavier knew how much I loved him. He knew what he meant to me. I really didn't understand his mood swings, and just as I thought I really began to knew him, he changed again.

I knew it was hard to change who you are but he said he was trying. Couldn't he try that little bit harder? Because here I am, in the bathroom more upset than I originally thought I would have been.

I've never been great in circumstances like these. I don't like negative emotions thrown my way, I was paranoid of them, I worried. But when it was Xavier, it was a hell of a lot worse. I valued his opinion on me more than anything. I valued his love for me. So I guess it did hurt now that he was giving me the cold shoulder.

The bathroom was getting way too hot. The tears wanted to fall freely now. Not wanting anyone to see me like this, I ran out the back door into the back alley. It was a lot cooler out here, and I had chance to finally think. My head was spinning even though I couldn't see much around me.

Suddenly, I heard voices.

"Fucking punch me, you prick." It sounded awfully like Xavier. I listened closer, my heart starting to beat faster in panic.

"I fucking will, you know I will." I heard an  unrecognisable voice state back.

"Come on, big man, not all you're cracked up to be are you? All talk and no bite, shame your-" and before the words could leave his mouth, I heard a crack and a few more curse words.

I ran from behind the wall to see two shadowed figures. Suddenly, I realised one man was indeed Xavier. He had just been punched by the looks of his bleeding nose. The red dripped onto his white shirt.

He then jumped forward, hitting the other man square in the face more than once. I wanted to scream but I stood there in shock.

What the fuck was he doing?!

Without thinking I ran forward. He had just gotten out of hospital, what was wrong with him? He could hurt himself. He had no sense of danger and pain. Stupid foolish man.

"Xavier!" I screamed. He was so consumed by his anger, he didn't hear me scream. "Xavier!" I screamed louder.

Suddenly, the body of the man was thrown towards me. He stumbled and suddenly I was on the floor beneath him. I screamed as I landed on the floor.

Xavier grabbed the man by his collar and lifted him. He was just about to go in for another punch but his anger filled eyes landed on me.

He let go of the man straight away and the body fell to the floor. He went to walk towards me. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I pushed myself back with all my strength.

"Stay away from me."'I gasped. Xavier laid two hands into his hair, his eyes glistening with fear.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He let out. "Em, I-"

"Save it." I turned away from him just as police sirens rang out.

The police? What were they doing here?

The police came through the back gate and wandered up to Xavier and the body on the floor. How had they gotten here? I began to panic, were they going to take Xavier? Oh god.

"You're under arrest for violence on the streets..."

I didn't hear a word the office said from then on. The officer grabbed Xavier and cuffed his two hands together.

I wanted to scream out for him. He tried to struggle out of his grasp to get to me. His eyes glistening now as he reached out. I moved further back and away from him, fear evident in my eyes as I looked to him. Who was he? I couldn't handle this.

Yet, I didn't want to see him go. I needed him, in my panic and fear enduced state. I needed him. Yet this was all of his fault.

"Em!" He shouted. The officer pulled him back, he kept pulling him away from me and the tears escaped my eyes freely. "Don't cry baby, don't cry, I love you." I heard his voice. He seemed like a crazed man.

I was numb. He was fucking crazy. I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Xavier was out of sight and I couldn't hear him anymore. I heard the door shut, knowing he was now in the car and I let my body relax. My whole body laid on the floor as I cried.

I heard Katie's voice as she pushed her way towards my slumped body. She rubbed my back as I sobbed against the pavement. I didn't know why I was crying.

"It's okay, babe." Katie soothed. Then I felt my hair being stroked by another pair of hands. They were Mali's.

"Who called the police?" I asked through my tears. Katie looked down at me and shrugged. Her eyes were full of sympathy.  Katie looked to Mali and they communicated with their eyes, not wanting to tell me.


"Look, Mali and I have been wondering whether this relationship is the best idea." Katie whispered. They didn't want to show me their thoughts, but once they had told me my heart sunk.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"He's bringing you down, he's a dark man, Ems. You can't change him." Mali replied. She continued to stroke my hair.

"He's not a bad man!" I jumped to his defence. He wasn't a bad man, highly misunderstood but he wouldn't hurt me. He wasn't a bad man to me, he loved me.

"We just think you'd be better off without him." How could they say that? I was better with him than without. I was nothing without Xavier. I was in love, couldn't they see this?

I have changed him... Or so I thought I did.

No, I have changed him, he wouldn't have asked me to marry him if I hadn't.

"He asked me to marry him." I noted, wiping my tears from under my eyes. Katie and Mali both gasped in unison.

"No fucking way." Mali breathed. They were both in shock, I could tell.

"And I love him." Finally Katie sighed and stroked my cheek.

"I know, Ems, I know." She soothed. "But he hurt you."

"Not on purpose." I quickly added. He would never hurt me.

"Still, he can't contain his anger, what if he becomes dangerous? We don't want to see you hurt." I looked up to my two best friends. They were only trying to help me, but right now they were making things worse.

"Just take me home, please." I pleaded. They both took hold of me and walked me over to the taxi rank. We got inside one of the already waiting taxis and we made our way home.

My head was throbbing but other than that I was okay.

I didn't know what to do with Xavier, I had never been involved with the police. Could I go down the station now? Could I bail him out?

I laid my head inbetween my hands.

Oh, Xavier, what have you done?


So Xavier still hasn't got rid of his past ways, but we still love him.

Hope you enjoyed!! Xxx

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