Thanks For Making Me A Fighter

By BaybeeDoll

16K 375 256

What happens when your a 17 year old girl, in a horrid, violent relationship you feel you cant escape from, a... More

Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Damo's POV
Chapter 7 Shays POV

Chapter 1

1.9K 82 86
By BaybeeDoll


So I have edited this, and hope the grammar is much better, I have also added a bit more description. Please comment, vote, fan etc

The picture of Hayden Panettiere is how I imagine Amberley to look -->


I looked around my room, as the person on the other end of phone shouted away; I wasn’t in the mood for my boyfriend’s anger spurt right now.

I noticed how much my room really needed tidying. To be fair, if my best friend Shaunna wasn’t here, then my room wouldn’t look like it’s been raided. She had literally pulled every item of clothing I own, and threw it onto my large, and I must admit very comfy bed. Fair enough I said she could root in my closet and choose something to wear for tonight, but seriously she didn’t have to try everything on. She didn’t really care though; she is now sat at my white shabby chic dresser and pouring my make-up bag onto it, and flicking her beautiful, long, brown hair in the mirror, like she is in some kind of L’Oreal advert. She is so messy; she has even left a gap in my blind, where the nosey cow has been nosying outside when my neighbours were having a slight dispute.

I shifted to the television, where Dirty Dancing was on. Me and Shaunna freeking love this film, we watch it at least twice a week, and it never seems to get boring. I wish I was Baby, and someone would sweep me of my feet and we fall in love and live happily ever after.

My thoughts were put to a halt, when I noticed my boyfriend had gone quite at the opposite end of the phone.

“Look I am going out with Shaunna tonight, she really needs me tonight and I plan to be there, so please just this one time, deal with it ok,” I shouted bravely.

 I disconnected the call, and held my head in my hands. Why did he have to be like this, I mean I’m a 17 year old girl, I need to go out with friends once in a while, plus school starts again on Monday and I’d like to make the most of the rest of the summer.

“You don’t have to come you know, we don’t want to be pissing off Mr Asshole now do we?”

Her tone was somewhat sarcastic, and disrespectful. She didn’t seem fazed by what she had just said, she just continued to mess with her hair in the mirror. She irritates me when she says things like this, but as usually I will not let her know this bothers me to avoid an argument.

“I am coming, and that’s that, let’s just forget about my jerk of a boyfriend for now and get ready,”

 I hate calling him a jerk, but it at least makes Shaunna think I agree with her slightly. She smirked and nodded when my bedroom door opened, we both turned around to find Damo stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame looking infuriated. I was actually scared when he looked like this, his eyes which are usually a golden brown, turn dark and cold and angry, very angry.

“So I’m a jerk am I?” I just stared at him, not really knowing what to say, without making him go of his head, not like I had to worry, Shaunna jumped straight in anyway, never really knowing when to keep it zipped.

“Actually, if you want the truth then yes you are, you’re a jerk, you’re an asshole, and…”

I interrupted her,

“Shaunna. Will you just shut up for a minute?” I had to stop her, I seen Damo was getting more and more annoyed and noticed him clenching his fists. I know he would never hit any of us, especially me, but his anger is way out of control, and Shaunna don’t make it any better. For some reason she thinks he treats me like crap, but, I don’t really see it.

“Actually. Why don’t you just FUCK OFF” Damo yelled.

I was shocked, even Shaunna looked taken aback, I glanced at her and nodded, she jumped up and stomped across the room, slamming the bedroom door behind her, after calling him an asshole yet again, this angered him even more which made him feel the need to punch the door after Shaunna shut it, causing me to jump, next thing tears are pouring from my eyes.

“Why do you have to be like this, just because I had plans, I’m sorry but am I not allowed a life?” at this point mascara was running down my Rosie cheeks, and well I’m not really going to go on about my nose, I just wish he wouldn’t make me cry so much.

Seeing me cry, usually sorts his head out, he realises he has upset me and he kind of snaps out of it. I could see eyes turning back to the lush golden brown, and his face going back to his gorgeous tanned colour. He was gorgeous and very muscly if I do say so myself, and he shaves his head which makes look like the type of bad boy you see in movies.

He took a few short breaths before he spoke,

“I just can’t believe you would rather go out with her than me, you’re my girl, and, when I ask you to come out because I have made plans for us, then you should.”

He was right I should, but can I really let my best friend down, the same best friend, who neither one of us have ever, and I mean, ever let each other down.

“Baby please let me go, I have promised her, please I can’t let her down, she really needs me, her parents are splitting up and she just needs some girly time, please don’t make me let her down I beg you,” I looked at him hopefully.

“Whatever, but it don’t mean I’m happy about it, and the plans I made for is tonight were doing tomorrow, were going out with my parents because there going away on Sunday, and they won’t be back for Christmas or my birthday, and you are coming understand?” I Nodded

“Good, I’m off then  bye” he kissed my forehead and stormed out the room. The good thing is no matter how annoyed or angry he is, he will always give me a kiss on the forehead, just his way of saying we haven’t split up I guess.

I lay back onto me bed with my hands behind my head, and just stared at my pink ceiling. Yes everything in my room is pink. I just love pink. Damo hates my room, I don’t really think Damo likes much of anything; half the time I don’t even think he likes me.

I wiped my eyes, hoping I didn’t look like id been crying, otherwise Shaunna will start going on about how he always makes me cry, and he is a bad person blah blah blah. To be fair he does always make me cry, but he isn’t a bad person.

It was understandable why he was so angry today; I mean he did plan for us to go with his parents. I must admit I’d rather not. His father hates me, but his mother is amazing, she has her own beauty salon and often does my hair and nails for me. I don’t really know what his father does, Damo always avoids the subject when I mention it, so I guessing it’s something embarrassing or illegal. Probably illegal considering how much money they have. That’s why his father hates me, because he is filthy rich and, well my mother isn’t.

My father was murdered when I was five years old, and my mother has always tried her best to bring me up with everything I wanted. She has a really good job at the moment; she is over in Afghanistan working as nurse. It scares me that she is over there, but she has been doing it for three years now, so I guess I’m kinda used to it.

I sat up just as Shaunna walked back into the room, looking really pissed. She looked at my eyes and noticed id been crying,

“Look at how he makes you, why can’t you see it?” she asked angrily

“He doesn’t make me like anything,” I snapped “Let’s just forget about it now, we need to get ready,” and with that I sat at my dresser and started to curl my golden blonde hair, trying not to notice my blue eyes all red and puffy in the mirror.

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