Creepypasta Academy

By BloodDollRaven

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Creepypasta Academy Admission Letter
Chapter 1: Welcome New Students
Chapter 2: Introducing The New Students; Unexpected Late Arrival
Chapter 3: Lunch Time!
Chapter 4: Deadly Field Trips
Chapter 5: Let's Be Friends
Chapter 6: Why So Serious?-Alice Of Human Sacrifice
Chapter 7: I Can Put You To Sleep With My Lullaby -Harlie Johnson
Chapter 8: It's hot, I want to have a bath!"- Yuki The Countess
Chapter 9: It's Not Just A Storm-Broken
Chapter 10: Go To Sleep? How About I Put You To Sleep?!-Blood
Chapter 11: Mystery Is My Weapon, And Your Death-Scarlet The Unknown
Chapter 12: Crazy? I Just Like To Play With Fire!-Carrie
Chapter 13: Hunger And Insanity. . .The Perfect Match-Gluttony
Chapter 14: Even Dreams Can Be Deadly
Chapter 15: Insanity's Hatred Of Evil
Chapter 16: Harlie's Investigation
Chapter 17: Midnight Answer
Chapter 18: You're Not The Only One That Wants Her Dead
Chapter 20: Rescue Plan
Chapter 21: Creepypasta Academy (Part 1)
Chapter 21: Fighting For Their Lives (Part 2)
Chapter 22: Alice Vs. Raven (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Death Isn't Something We Can Control (Part 2)
Chapter 23: If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em

Chapter 19: Girl's Night Out

2.5K 111 8
By BloodDollRaven

"Well, well, looks like we managed to catch you two after all." Scarlet says walking around Jeff and Eyeless Jack, who sit back to back, and tied up. They don't say anything, and sit in the center while, Harlie, Gluttony, Scarlet, Blood, and Broken, watch over them. They worked together in order to capture them. Now they sit there in a bored position.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but is there a reason we're tied up like this?" Jeff questions in a bored tone. 

"Isn't it obvious?" Blood questions with a glare. Harlie made sure to take away Blood's knife and to keep her restrained. She can't have Blood killing Jeff and ruining their questioning. 

"We won't tell you anything about her." Eyeless Jack says with a sigh in his voice.

"Oh, you're going to answer us." Harlie says to them ominously. 

"He's serious. We can't talk." Jeff says just as bored as before. 

"What do you mean?" Harlie asks him with a frown forming on her face. 

"Alice is a step ahead. She knew you five would try to capture one of us. She used an interesting form of demon magic to slice off our tongues if we spoke or if you forced us to speak, and if there is mind reading our brains would instantly fall into a state of amnesia." Eyeless Jack explains with a simple shrug.

"Damn it! Let me go and I'll beat the answers out of that psycho bitch!" Blood yells out as her body starts to static as much as her voice. 

"Alice, likes to keep her secrets. She's not afraid of you Blood. She's not afraid of anything. At least, not that we know of. Do we?" Broken questions Harlie, who shakes her head.

"You're right. Even Alice must fear something. . .or. . .someone." She says trying to form a plan to figure that out. 

"No one or anything." Jeff and Eyeless Jack say to them. Harlie suddenly gets the feeling that they don't know everything about her either. There's no way that Alice would actually trust anyone, not even her allies.

"Can we go now? You're obviously not going to get anything from us." Jeff says to them. Harlie glares at him, and motions for Gluttony to release them. She does so, and looks at Eyeless Jack, who rises, and directs his abysmal gaze towards her.

 "Why are you obeying her?" Gluttony questions him, her expression showing hurt for once. Eyeless Jack doesn't say anything, and stares. Gluttony's eyes flash in anger, and she raises her obsidian claw. "ANSWER ME!" She screams out at him.

Eyeless Jack slightly lifts his blue mask above his mouth, and shows her a razor sharp grin. "Paradise is coming." Black tar rolls out of his mouth before he lowers his mask again, and heads off with Jeff, who makes a kissing noise at Harlie.

She blushes, and turns away. "He's gone. Now can you let me the fuck go?" Blood questions as she tries to get past the fire wall on the computer. Harlie sighs, and removes it. 

"We're heading out." Harlie says to them all. 

"What? Out? For what?" The girls question.

"We're obviously not going to find our answers here. We need to look for our answers outside of Creepypasta Academy." Harlie says to them, and pulls out a map of the town outside of Creepypasta Academy. The girls look at it as Harlie points to the library at the center of the town. Ten miles away from the academy if they walk. The girls nod their heads, and Harlie wraps up the map.

"Alright, lets avoid the cameras of the academy and get out of here." Harlie looks around. Blood smirks and puts her hands out, her fingertips start to light up with purple lightning and she zaps the cameras that have the view of the back area of the academy. 

"There, they should be out and we can make our way out." Blood starts to walk forward, but Scarlet grabs her arm, shaking her head.

"If they have cameras they could have a security force watching the gates. At least, it's very likely since I'm sure some of these students don't show on film." Scarlet grins as Harlie voices out what she was thinking. "We need to take cover among the foliage. We just have to make sure Lady Viper isn't one of those special security force." They all nod in agreement and follow Harlie to the walls of the academy. They follow her movements and follow her signals as she motions them to an exit they can all go through.

"We got out pretty easy. I doubt they missed five girls sneaking out of the academy." Broken mentions as they walk away from the academy. Harlie nods her head, and looks back over the academy. 

"Too easy." She mutters before they fade into their human skins to blend in with the crowd. This skin is an invention given to most of them so they can blend in. They make their way down the hill, opposite the side of the road they came up when they first arrived to the academy. 

Their skins really work and people just pass them like anyone else or cast glances at them to see how they look like. Either way, everything is normal, like they're normal.


"So what are we going to look for here?" Scarlet questions Harlie, who is walking towards the back corner of the library. 

"I'm going to look at news articles about any murders of the past that were well known about in this place. If she's been around a long time, then she may have come around here. There has to be some clues about what she does." Harlie explains to them. The others nod their heads, and start looking through papers and stuff. "Be careful everyone, some of this stuff is really old."

"There are so many, but that's to be expected. This place is near Creepypasta Academy."  Blood says looking through files in the computers. 

"Yeah, and they have a few recordings of the time we were allowed out of the academy to hunt. Especially since Alice signs her name with the blood of her victims." Harlie mentions flipping through the articles.

"Yet she's never been caught. She really does plan ahe-" 

"I found something!" Harlie is interrupted by Gluttony calling out. She stands up, and rushes to look over Gluttony's shoulder. 

"Hey, that girl, why does she look like Alice?" Gluttony questions pointing at a black and white picture of a girl, who doesn't resemble Alice anywhere in style. The only thing they share are their faces 

"I don't know, what's her name?" Harlie questions her. Gluttony skims through the words until a name pops up.

"Raven Asuka." They look towards the computer, and Blood pops up a colored picture of the girl. They look to see that her hair is pitch black, she wears black gothic clothing: a long black trench coat, shin length combat boots, her black skinny jeans under her boots, a black crop top/tank top, and a fishnet shirt over it, and they look at her reddish-brown eyes that show nothingness in them.

"Does Alice have a sister or something?" Harlie questions. "Scroll down for me, Blood." Harlie asks her. She nods her head, and does so, stopping so Harlie can read the article:

"Raven Asuka, a hunter of killers of the deadly Creepypasta Academy. Successful, this emotionless hunter has come among one monster that has escaped her grasps multiple times. Alice of Human Sacrifice. An evil and twisted killer, who never covers her crimes, and yet somehow manages to escape the law and the hunters. If you see a woman, who looks like Asuka, but with dark brown hair, blood red bangs, and wearing Lolita dresses, please contact Asuka immediately through this insignia on this page. The insignia will lead you to a blank page, but don't worry, it has worked. You may exit your browser after the blank page opens.

Harlie look at a simple black dot at the bottom of the page. They all look at each other, but Blood makes the choice for them, and clicks the button. They gasp as the electricity goes out and the window bursts open with a flock of ravens spinning around. They shield their faces as the wind slowly dies down.

They all remove their arms from their faces and look at a girl, who looks like Alice, but she doesn't smile or show any kind of emotion through those dull reddish-brown eyes.

"So you Pastas are selling out one of your own kind." Raven says in a soft monotone that sends a chill through all of them. The nothingness in those eyes is enough to submit anyone to her. Even Alice could submit to her, is their shared thought. They keep their eyes on the dark, porcelain skinned woman that now stands there, watching them.

Blood becomes static and out of sheer panic charges at Raven. Raven moves even faster than Blood, and pins her down, pointing Blood's knife to the back of her red head. Blood stares stunned that Raven was able to pin her down, and so quickly. She's never met anyone, other than Alice, that is faster than her.

"Be careful, girl. Make sure you have a clear mind before trying to come after me." Raven says in that soft monotone that seems to be her natural voice. She releases her, and looks back over at the other girls, who are still too stunned to utter a sound.

"Are you Alice's sister?" Harlie questions her. She expected to hear laughter or see amusement, but Raven's empty gaze doesn't change. 

"No." She answers simply, and sits on the window ledge, she doesn't swing her legs like Alice. They suspect that Alice is really great at acting or Raven is really her own person.

"Tell us who you really are." Broken says since no one else would speak. 

"Raven Asuka." She answers them as she closes her dull eyes. 

"No, who are you, Raven?! Why do you look like Alice?!" Harlie demands as she finds her voice. Raven opens her eyes, and meets Harlie's eyes. A shiver runs through her body.

"I am the embodiment of darkness, and death. But I guess most know me as Death. I am Death itself." Raven says to them, not a single flinch passing through her. She isn't bragging about what she is, she is just explaining it to them matter-of-fact.

"You're kidding. This is bull shit!" Blood yells out in disbelief. Raven points at Gluttony. 

"Impossible you say? You've had the embodiment of insanity with you this whole time." The others look back surprised at her, and even Gluttony is surprised that Raven caught on to her little secret.

"If that's all, then I shall be going to hunt my prey. . .You five won't remain forever. . .Death even comes to the indestructible." Raven says making her way towards the library window, and looking back over at them from her shoulder. "Change your ways or prepare for impending death. You all will not destroy the balance of life and death." Raven warns them in that unfeeling monotone, that it is impossible for them to decipher if what she said was true or not.

"So, maybe Alice does have a weakness after all!" Blood says excitedly. 

"Yes, but it seems that Raven isn't just her weakness." Harlie says recalling Raven's warning. 

"I think she's lying. I doubt she's Death." Blood says skeptically. The other girls want to feel the same, but even if they couldn't tell what emotions lie in Raven, they could tell it was the truth.

"She's wrong, that woman wasn't lying to us. We may have just messed up royally. She's not only going to hunt down Alice, but she's going to hunt us down too." Harlie thinks to herself, twirling her cotton candy hair as tension starts to take over. 

"Let's get out of here. We don't want to get caught out here and get into trouble for having had snuck out from the academy." Gluttony says to the girls to finally break the silence. They all nod and head out of the library. They really hope that they didn't mess up as much as they think they have.

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