Beautiful Colors

By 4evrGay

753K 35.6K 4.6K

People who are born with extra abilities such as mind control, flying, super speed, super strength, among oth... More

Beautiful Colors
Sweet 16
The Sivillian Brothers
A Boy of Many Colors
A Few New Friends
Surprise Weakness
Two Alphas
Just a Little Moody
He Wants the D
Hidden Blood
The Ceremony
Snakes and stuff
Power Issues
The Change
For The World
Hospital For The Magically Gifted
It Begins
That's My Dad
Vacation: Part One
Vacation: Part Two
Vacation: Final Part
In a Bind
In the Open
The Pack Connection
Alphas Together - End

Side Affects

24.3K 1.1K 284
By 4evrGay


 "There is no way that's Nyx!" Benson stared up at the large creature behind me, I looked up at her now deadly looking face. She hummed at me again and crawled off the bed, she was about the size of a very large dog now.

 Her back ridges were sharper, longer, her body held a lot more muscle, and on her back were two large lumps that were pressed tightly down the length of her back.

 I swallowed thickly and held out my hand, her head lifted quickly and she nudged my hand to pet her "Oh my god Nyx, what happen?" Benson stood up from his crouch "DAVID! GET UP HERE NOW!" Her legs were longer now, she really was like a reptilian dog now. Her neck was long and curved in a graceful slope, just looking at her she looked like a miniature dragon.

 "Someone should call the Stable Keeper." Benson mumbled as David came into the room, slowly I sat on my knees and pet her as she hummed vibrating my legs.

 I could hear everyone freaking out behind me but as I pet Nyx with her hum filling my ears a sense of other worldly peace washed over me. I felt as though I could sit here forever with her, my fingers brushing over her smooth, warm scaled body. Her tail wrapped me, keeping me pressed close to her.

 I smiled softly but stopped when the pressence of someone new walked into the room, Nyx stopped humming and her crimson eyes opened all the way to stare at whoever it was. 

 "You guys were making a fuss over this? She's just shed, she's adapting." I turned to look at the blue haired man as he walked into the room. He nodded to me, "Good morning Todd. I see you've created a strong bond with the fire lizard." He was the guy I met when I got Nyx, what his name again?

 "Okay, you obviously know what's going on here would you like to explain?" I thought back and tried to remember, Kile! That's what his name was! "Of course I know what's going on. She's adapted. Fire Lizards only shed when they need to adapt to something." I continued to pet Nyx while I shook my head.

 "What would she need to adapt to? Nothing has changed since I... got.... wait a minute." I looked down at Nyx, she looked back at me. Could it have been her being taken from me? Not once but twice she was easily taken from me and I couldn't anything to stop it, so did she find a way to make it harder for someone to separate us?

 Her head nodded up and down, I frowned at the odd movement. One she's never made before, my wings ruffled when a sudden wave of dizziness hit me. I dropped my head into my hands as the room started to spin. 


 A small female voice whispered in my ears, is was a voice of a child. I opened my eyes and looked around, is almost sounded like Fifi.

 Not papa's friends.

 I shook my head and closed my eyes still very dizzy, Nyx hummed and pushed her head under my jaw. David's hand gripped my shoulder "You okay? You look pale." I swallowed and patted his hand "Does anyone else hear a little girl?" The talking cut off and I felt eyes on me, David's hand tightened on my shoulder.

 "What are you talking about, there are no little girls in the house. All the other girls left already." I frowned, then who is it I'm hearing?

 Its me. Papa takes care of me.

 I blinked open my eyes and Nyx's face was blocking my sight, her red eyes giving me a reflection of me. I should get my hair cut, its getting long. David is right, I look sick. Maybe I should go to bed.

 Papa okay?

 Papa, why does she keep calling me papa? Something gently wrapped around my hands on my face and pulled them away, I opened my eyes and Nyx's tail pressed to my face and slid all over making me chuckle "What are you doing?"

 Making sure papa's not sick.

 I froze, the dizziness stopped. I grapped Nyx's tail carefully and pulled it away from my face, she wrapped it around my hand as I looked at her "Nyx?"She tilted her head.


 My mouth opened, holly crap. Nyx has telepathy, and calls me papa. I let out a breathy laugh, David knelt down beside me "Todd?" I blindly reach out next to me and gripped his shirt "Its Nyx. She's talking to me." Wow that sounded a lot less crazy in my head. Nyx hummed at me

 "She's talking to you?" Kile sounded skeptical, I looked at him with an eyebrow raised "Yes." He coughed to hide his laugh but he failed and started to laugh anyway. I blinked getting more and more irritated as his laugh got louder. My jaw clenched, and finally I hissed at him loudly my wings opening just a bit. He stopped laughing and jumped away from me as I glared at him.

 He rose his hands at me "Look, Todd. I know you have some freaky powers but Fire Lizards don't talk to people, only one person has ever reported to be able to talk to Element Lizards and she lived in a cave full of them and was dellusional." I stared blankly at him, Nyx huffed blowing hot air in my face.

 Cager. Mean man, rude man. No like.

 I looked at her, "Cager? Why do you call him that?" She shifted her body to hide behind mine away from Kile, but her head wrapped around my side and rested in my lap.

 Cager kept me in cage. Wouldn't let me out when I cried.

 I looked back at Kile then at Nyx, she rubbed her head on my belly and hummed. Her eyes closed and her tail curled around my other side and rested on her nose.

 Then papa not scared, got me out of cage and in warm bed. Papa's heart is nice lullaby.

 I chuckled and pet her head "You sleep to the sound of my heart beat?" She hummed at me and made a clicking sound in her mouth. I looked at Kile, he was staring at Nyx but when I looked at his white eyes I knew. He feared Nyx. He was scared of her, and me. David reached down and scratched Nyx's head, her mouth turned up and she leaned into his touch.

 Papa's mates nice too. Make good food. Nice to Papa, nice to me.

 I smiled and leaned into David "She says you make good food, and she likes you because you are nice to me." David kissed my cheek making me smile bigger "Speaking of food you haven't had breakfast and with your new size Benson and I are going to have to hunt more." Nyx's tongue flicked out and licked his hand.

 Papa needs food too, Papa in heat.

 My smile fell and I looked down at her, "What?" She nuzzled my stomach before standing up and moving to reast her head on David's shoulder.

 Papa mated, Papa in heat now. Needs lots of food, lots of mating. 

 I stared at her, she's kidding, its impossible for me to be in heat, that's an animal thing. Besides I don't feel any different, if it were possible for me to be in heat wouldn't I feel different? David ruffled my hair and helped me stand up, "Come on lets get some food. Kile will you explain more down stairs?"

 He nodded and headed away from my room, David followed with Benson in tow. I stopped at my door way as Nyx followed me, she looked up at me. Why would she say I'm in heat? How does she even know what that is? That's it, she's confusing it with something else. Its impossible.

 Papa is in heat, I can smell it. Wolves not notice yet, smell not strong enough. My nose stronger.

 I shook my head and went down the stairs and into the kitchen, Benson poured me a bowl of cereal while David gave Nyx a large bowl of raw meat. Kile made sure to stay far away from us while he spoke.

 "I don't know a lot about Fire Lizards but I know more than most. The normal life span of a Fire Lizard is around 200 years." He gestured to Nyx, who snorted while eating her food.

 That is not true. We live much longer, 500 of the human years.

 I looked at her then at Kile, "She is still in her hatchling years, will be abother-" I cut him off, "You're wrong." He looked at me as I took another bite of my cereal "Excuse me?" I swallowed and looked at him, "You're wrong." He crossed his arms looking mad that I had not only interupted him but told him he was wrong.

 "What exactly do you think I am wrong about?" Nyx finished her food and leaned over to slurp my milk up. "Hey!" She giggled and sucked my bowl dry, I pouted at her. I turned to Kile not readly upset about the loss of my milk, "Her life span. Your estimate is wrong."

 He rose an eyebrow at me "Oh, and I suppose you just so happen to study Fire Lizards for 30 years?" I patted Nyx's head and and gave him a blank look "No, I'm only 16. I just so happen to have a Fire Lizard sitting right next to me, she says you are 300 years off. They live up to 500." He glared at me, "Will you stop with the talking thing? She can't talk."

 Benson's arms wrapped around my shoulders and he burried his nose in my neck and inhaled, "You smell kind of different." I grunted at him confused, he sniffed me again tightening his arms around me "Different how?

 He shrugged and pressed himself to my back "Don't know but its driving my wolf mad." He licked from my collar bone to my jaw before going back down and leaving a trail of hickies.

 I glanced at the clock and patted his head "I have class Benny, you gotta let me go." He growled at me and pushed the stool under me away pinning my chest to the counter. I gasped at the icy cold of the counter.

 "Benson, let me go." He whined at me and nipped at the back of my neck making me shiver, "I can't." His voice sounded strained and his body started to shake, David turned around and looked at us. He frowned at Benson and walked over to pull him off of me but he stopped and sniffed the air as well.

 "He's right you do smell different." He smiled and leaned down to sniff me again, I paused and then wiggled free of Benson's tight hold and ran to the door "Nyx come on!" She quickly followed me out I sighed and jogged toward the main building. The girls all flocked to me at the same time but stopped a good 10 feet away.

 "What?" They all looked at the ground "Something about you is different. I feel like I can't go near you." Alexandria's voice was small, the other girls nodded. I frowned and Nyx nudged my hand so I pet her she stood next to me.

 Aunties nice, I like. Say hi?

 I smiled softly at her "Nyx wants to say hi to you." The girls looked from me to Nyx, gasped and froze on the spot. "Oh my gosh what happen to her?" Nyx trotted up to Alexandria and quickly rubbed in her legs, she let Mitch pet her, she greeted Fifi much like she greeted Alexandria, and Crow just went in for a hug.

 "She shed some time last night I guess, just got bigger is all." Nyx hummed and trotted back to me, staying close to my sides. I went forward to hug my friends but they all stumbled back, except Crow, she just floated back.

 I dropped my arms and looked at them a little hurt "Todd's aura is.... scary." Fifi mumbled and hid behind Mitch. I sighed and rubbed my arm "Alright, let's get to class." They didn't move, Crow pointed at me "Why are you shirtless?" I looked down and found I was indeed shirtless, I groaned "I left in a really big hurry. Something got into David and Benson." She nodded and shrugged.

 They went ahead of me and I followed after, as we entered the croweded hall people stopped talking and ran as soon as I got close to them. Nyx pressed into my side "Nyx why is everyone avoiding me?"

 Papa's smell is intimidaing, strong, powerful. Strangers unsure, scared.

 I glanced at her when a man I didn't know actually came within 5 feet of me, he sniffed the air and stared at me. I watched his eyes flash yellow and he marched toward me, when he reached me he grapped my arm and jerked me into his body.

 I gasped when he sniffed my neck and moaned "That's a wonderful scent." His voice was deep, his hand gripped my ass and that's when I slapped him.

 I pushed away from him and my hand connected with his face, I felt the heat from my hand explode on his skin and a very bright red hand print was left on his face. His head snapped to the side, and to my surprise his body followed. He growled at me, I hissed back at him without meaning to. Another boy marched throw the crowed and up to the boy. It was Josh.

 "What are you doing?" The boy's eyes went from yellow to blue as he looked up at Josh, he pointed to me "I'm sorry alpha, my wolf took over. I couldn't control him." Josh growled at the boy and picked him up "Get to class, I will deal with you later." Josh turned to me and frowned "You. What a surprise, I never thought you would... what is that smell?" I groaned and slumped forward, what the hell is going on?!

 "It smells, really good..." He sniffed the air, then looked at me "You?" He stepped closer to me, I stepped back. "Nyx, run!" I turned and bolted with Nyx following me easily keeping up, I heard a horrible ripping sound and looked back to see a very large blond, grey, and white wolf following me. It was the size of a car!

 I screamed and ran out the front doors, Nyx jumped up and the lumps on her back moved out. Two large, leathery wings extended and her body took off upward. I pushed my wings out but as my feet left the ground I was slammed into the ground.

 The air left my lungs and the weight on me lessened but still held me down. I twisted onto my back and pushed at the naked body on top of me. Josh's mouth latched onto my neck and his hand pushed my pants down. I suddenly realized when he was after, I jerked my knee up and it connected with his crotch. He yelped and I pushed him off of me, stood up and launched myself off the ground joining Nyx in the air.

 Panting I stared down at Josh as he groaned and rolled around holding his family jewels, I shook my head and looked at Nyx "I thought no one was going to come near me?!" She clicked her tongue at me.

 Wolves drawn in to scent, other strangers scared of scent.

 I sighed heavily and rubbed my head before looking at the school's main building "You just want to go hide on the roof or something?" Nyx hummed and pushed herself toward the building, I smiled a little and followed.

 Sitting on the roof I watched as every student lazed around for lunch break, Nyx was laying with her body wrapped around me. Her tail hugging my waist tightly, her breathing deep and even, she snored softly on every exhale. My eyes were drooped and I wanted nothing more than to find my mates and sleep. I was tired and really didn't want to deal with people but I had to get off the roof sooner or later.

 Sighing I leaned back on Nyx's body and closed my eyes, the sound of her familiar breathing and heart soon had me dozing off.

 You've forgotten me, but you will remember me now. That makes me happy.

 I opened my eyes, a dark sky graced my sight. Stars hidden by dark, thunderous clouds that lit up brightly for a mere second followed by a loud rumbling. Rain started to pour and I sat up at the sudden icy cold winds. I woke Nyx and we carefully made our way off the roof, I landed on the ground with a thud.

 Nyx made a smaller noise, I glanced at the empty pitch black court yard around me. I was soaked to the bone and shivering violently. I turned toward my door and slowly started to walk there, I gasped when I felt eyes on me.

 Not only eyes but I felt the rush of something approaching rapidly, I spun around in time to see two very large midnight black wolves running at me. I stumbled back and fell on my ass as they both jumped. I lifted my arms and waited for the heavy weight but it never came. I opened my eyes to see the two over sized animals floating off the ground. They wiggled but remained suspended in the air, their yellow eyes flashed to me and I realized who they were. I dropped my hands and their bodies fell to the ground.

 "David? Benson?" They shook themselves out and stood over me covering me with licks and cold nuzzlings. Then one of them gripped the back of my pants and picked me up and started trotting toward our dorm.

 They stopped in front of the door and whoever was carrying me lowered his head so I could open the door for them. I sighed and let my arms dangle in front of me as I looked over my shoulder at the impossibly large head of one of my mates.

 I pursed my lips feeling the sudden urge to eat some freaking bacon. I twisted the door nob and they made their way in slowly one at a time, Nyx following.

 I was set on the ground when this horrible cracking filled the air, I watched as the black fur vanished and their bodies shrunk and changed. It was the most horrible thing I had ever heard, the sounds of their bones re-shaping sent shivers up my spine.

 I was almost eye level with both of their very naked lower halves, my eyes glued to their matching nether regions. I just now accrued to me how neatly trimmed their belly hair flared out where their pant line started. Benson squatted in front of me with a half angry half worried face, "Where have you been?!"

 I swallowed thickly and became overly aware of the water dripping down my body, the air around me was getting colder. I let out a breath it came out in a thick cloud, it became impossible to breath normally and my breaths visibly left my mouth like steam.

 My sweat mixed with the water on my skin, it was freezing in here! I shivered and shook my head "I-I was just on.. on the r-roof. Josh, he tried. God its really cold in here! Does anyone else feel cold? I feel really cold." I linked huffed out let my head fall back and wrapped my wings around my torso, I suddenly chuckled.

 Benson gripped my jaw and turned my face to him, he lifted on of my drooped eye lids and glanced at his brother. "This wasn't on the list was it? What do you think is wrong with him?" I licked my lips and Nyx nuzzled my jaw gently.

 Papa's in heat.

 I looked at her and blinked shaking my head "I told you tha-that was impossible." I burped and a puff of black smoke left my mouth making me blink and stare at it shocked until it vanished. My eyebrows went up as I burped again and more smoke left my mouth.

 I closed my mouth and frowned at the taste of ash on my tongue, a hand was placed on my neck. I looked down at Benson and he nodded to Nyx "What did she say?" I chuckled as my eyes traveled down his chest, down his stomach, and stopping at the spot between his bent legs. I smiled and looked back up at him as I hiccupped suddenly and wind punched me in the face making me burp loudly and fire flare from my lips.

 My jaw hung open as the flames disappeared, David started to laugh madly and fell on his butt as he held his stomach "Oh my god! If that's what happen when you burp I don't want to know what happens when you far-" Benson slapped his brother trying to hold back his own smile "Focus please. Now, Todd what did Nyx say?"

 I looked at my partner and squinted "She keeps saying that I-I'm in heat, but that's im-impossible because I'm..." My voice trailed off at the looks they gave each other, I shivered as an icy draft traveled up my spine.

 "That is impossible, r-right?" David, now completely serious, shook his head. "No, its not. In fact its really common and it fits with the way your smell is affecting our wolves. Earlier the girls came to us saying that everyone was avoiding you but someone tried to attack you?" I nodded and hiccupped again making the wind blow my hair back.

 Benson smiled at me and pushed his fingers through my hair "Its a side affect, your smell is intoxicating to us wolves. Its inviting, it screams at us that you're... a little more than horny. However the smell is strong and its a warning to anyone that isn't a wolf. Its dangerous to them." I could really use an ice cream cone right now.

 I bit my lip at the sudden craving, "Is there any other side affects?" David leaned back and scratched his chest, "Yeah. Kind of. In a short way of explaining it, its like you'll be pregnant." I gave him a blank look, not amused with his remark.

 He gave me a questioning look, "What?" My mouth twitched a bit "That's not funny. I can't get pregnant, I don't know if you noticed but I'm not exactly a woman." He make a face at me "I didn't say you were pregnant, I said its going to be like you are pregnant. You know, random weird cravings, mood swings, lots of sleep that kind of stuff."

 I frowned and rubbed my face hiccupping again making the wind blast my face once more, "Please don't tell me it lasts nine months." Benson shook his head and answered me "Nah, no where near that long. Only about a month or a month and a half."

 I groaned and fell back to roll on the floor, my life was chaos! Nothing was normal anymore! I frowned and allowed myself to feel sorry for myself. I pouted with my face pressed into the carpet "I want my mom."

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