Deadly Destruction - Book Two...

By Shantelle18

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Book Two of The Deadly Series. Danica Roskam - full time family lawyer and part time serial killer - must ac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven - Epilogue

Chapter Six

185 30 16
By Shantelle18

After getting no more information on my mother, I had settled into a slump of sorts. I knew that I could progress no further without Carol's assistance. I was at a total loss. A dead end.

Coming to terms with the fact that I had to give up my extensive efforts for finding my mother were the worst feelings I'd had in a long time. Like a dream was shattered. But what more could I do? The police had no leads, I knew that much from Justine and I trusted that she would hold nothing back from me. If Carol wasn't going to help me I have no chance of finding my mother alone. That was plain enough for me to see, regrettably.

Due to figuring this out, I had begun to swamp myself even more than usual with work. Cases were coming up to my ears and it was a most welcome distraction at this time. It was the only way I could go on about my life somewhat normally.

I'd been delving into old cases, some that were not even in family law, some so old the culprit might be long dead by now, just for the heck of it. Anything to keep my mind from wandering. This meant that I had been spending an unusual amount of time at work, longer hours than normal and sometimes starting earlier. Alex hadn't said anything about it so far as I made sure I was home by dinner time and left enough time for us to be a normal couple. Normal being the incorrect term here.

My life was far from normal right now, not that it had been prior to all of this mind fucked chaos. No definitely not normal.

Sitting alone on our building floor at my desk, I cast a tired gaze about the room, taking in the silence and the dull lighting that remained. Peter had wandered over to me at around 6pm and asked whether I was done. With a slight shake of my head he patted my shoulder before bidding me goodnight and shuffling off home for the night, therefore leaving me with the floor to myself and more space to think - joy.

Rubbing my eyes, I focus on the sheet of paper in my hands.  This was a case I had found in my digging and is several years old. This man has somehow managed to slink out from the cops grips and possibly continued offending. The file had been long forgotten and had laid undisturbed until I found it and released it from its dusty holds.

Now I was reading it intently. Skimming my eyes along the fine details, looking for something. I wasn't originally going to continue reading it, but something was niggling in the back of my mind about it and that something spoke to me. It piqued my interest and drove a wildfire through my veins. Awakening the resting beast in my soul.

Name: Tim Darwin

Age: 31

Background: Ex - Air Force engineer, he spent several years in his position before abruptly resigning from the role citing his lack of interest in the position. Despite this, he then went on to work as a mechanic in a small garage then moved on to repairing road vehicles such as tow trucks, street sweepers and garbage trucks.

Offences: Tim was charged by a young woman - who has withheld her name - for stalking. Tim had written letters to her stating his desire to be with her and writing glorified stories about their possible future together. He was taken into custody and charged accordingly, a restraining order was placed upon him also, but the woman refused to take the matter further.

Another case of a possible stalking involving Mr. Darwin surfaced a few months later but there was no evidence to prove this was in fact the case. No further investigation was made.

Intriguing. It's been a while since I've stumbled across a case like this. One that sounds suspect, but clearly the authorities can only do so much. Sometimes they come to a standstill even though they know somebody is up to no good. Their hands are tied because of certain laws or precautions. It's a whole load of shit, if you ask me. That's how the scumbags slide out of our grips and get away with the worst thing you can imagine, far worse than your worst nightmares.

It's how we end up with killers like the notorious John Wayne Gacy and the Zodiac Killer, who has still yet to be named.
It makes my blood boil.

Maybe what I need is a new chase. Maybe I can find myself again. Maybe I can catch another one of these psychopaths on the loose and make him regret everything he had ever done.

Looking away from the file, I smirk a little. Excited for the first time in weeks at the possibility of another victim.

Maybe I can pull myself together after all.


My ever wandering mind is at it again.

I'm currently staring blankly at the television, some action movie is showing. The star is, ironically, a mastermind killer with an insatiable taste for blood. Thinking of being blood thirsty has in turn sent my thoughts back to my priors. Where it all began. My first.

Gregory Darby. The man that couldn't leave his family alone. That was his greatest mistake, and one of my greatest moments. Well, it has to be doesn't it? That's where I discovered my capabilities. My incredible skills. Where I came into my own and found the missing piece to my puzzled existence.

Although the actual night itself is mostly a blur, as I only recall the ending. The final blow, the kill. I guess that's all that mattered though. Everything else fell into place for me. I'd covered my tracks, somehow. I'd ended his life and started a whole new life for me. Funnily enough.

I remember how it felt. When my body reacted of its own accord, my arm shot out, blade at the ready and swiped cleanly across his throat, ending his life abruptly. I stood watching stunned, unsure of what had happened. Certain it was a dream, that I couldn't do something like that. Not me.

That's when my life changed. How overnight I became more. I can't say I don't like where it's all lead. I'm a stronger person now. I feel like I've got more of a purpose. A path. Yes, that's it. A path to a better life.

I smile a little to myself at the thought.

Alex tugs me into his side a little further, I rest my head on his shoulder and continue watching the images grace the screen. Slicing and stabbing and the fatal killing blow. It's all a huge part of my life now and I wouldn't change it, that's the honest truth. I am who I am for a reason.

I think about how the general consensus of the worlds population believe that only men have these distorted thoughts. Because surely a woman couldn't want to take out these men and women herself in such a gruesome way. And if there was to be a woman involved then she must have a partner in crime. There's no possibility that it could be a female acting alone. Nope. Not a chance. I roll my eyes to myself, wanting to scoff loudly at my own thoughts.

It's pitiful really. Women are so often conceived as innocents and incapable of all manner of things. That's where the biggest issue lies. I think back to Belinda. Sure, she only went after small children, no issues with a struggle there, but there are women out there in the world who are more than capable of taking on a grown man with her own two hands. I don't just speak for myself, I wouldn't be the only female taking matters into her own hands, that's for sure.

My mother is another circumstance where a female took a chance and destroyed the man that was my father in a fit of rage, and rightfully so. I frown inwardly remembering that I won't be able to find her. That my aunt Carol forbade me, and took away the only chance I had at finding her. It infuriates me that she has that control over me. She knows more than she's told me, and refuses to let me in. I have the right to that information, however unimportant she deems it to be.

"You're thinking pretty hard there. You might pop a vessel in that pretty head of yours if you're not careful." Alex jokes, looking down at my face and poking my forehead playfully.

I smirk, slapping his hand away and say, "Shut up, you. I was just thinking about a complicated case at work."

"Hit me." He mutters, diverting his attention from the screen to me after hitting pause.

I suck in a large breath of air and release it before starting on my spiel.

"This guy has come in and asked for Peters help with visitation with his son because his ex wife is refusing it. Problem is, the guy was charged with physical abuse of his ex wife a while ago and now she's using that against him. The catch is that he never hit his son and due to that he has his rights to visitation. I can understand Peter is hesitant to oblige being that he's a father - but he has to, it's the law and this guy knows his rights as the boys parent entitle him to visitation albeit far and few between. Frustrating for everyone. But, at the same time, I like these kinds of cases. It's what fuels me. The more complicated the better, I shouldn't be complaining." I laugh lowly.

Alex smirks at me, "Then do what you do best and follow the rules of the law, help this guy out where you can, you don't have much choice in the matter if Pete has asked for you to help him with it." He pecks me on the lips once, swiftly and then turns again to face the screen. "Now, it's our time, so please join me. I can sense when you're distracted."

I grimace, "Sorry. It can become consuming. Catch me up, will you?"

"Not much to retell. The killer is clearly brilliant and no one can stop him so far, but there is always someone who can and will stop the bad guy. It's just how and when." He shrugs.

"Not necessarily. Think of how many murderers have never been caught the world over. Maybe this movie will end much the same way. With no cement evidence to trace this brilliant killer." I can't help but think of myself when speaking of this film. I can't ignore the obvious swell of pride that fills my chest at how well I've been doing at keeping myself from being caught.

I've come a long way without anyone finding anything to lead them to me.
And they won't. Ever.

I plan to continue with my extracurricular activities, back on the hunt and then ultimately the catch. I shall find you Tim Darwin. Find you and figure you out. Maybe I'll even end you, if all plays out well for me. My heart surges in my chest, another possible victim, it's just what I need to bring forth my old self.

"Perhaps it will end that way, a killer still on the loose with no one any wiser. What an ending that would be." Alex mutters thoughtfully beside me.

If I have it my way, it will always be the case. Forever a mystery.


This chapter might have been a little shorter than the previous ones, that's purely because I'm not going to drag out with pointless filler. Nobody likes that. I try to stick to only putting in things that actually relate to the story or make it more in depth, if that makes sense. Either way, I hope you liked this chapter.

Most importantly.
I love hearing from you all, so hit me up with comments galore! I love getting feedback from my readers.

Also, thanks for sticking with Danica's story and my writing. It means a lot to me.

Have a great day and see you next chapter!
Shantelle 😛

Ps. Do we want more music for the chapters? More pictures? Anything extra? Lemme know!

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