Best Friends That Fell In Lov...

By xWalkinOnSunshinex

56.2K 1K 106

Austin and Alexis are best friends. they met in kindergarden and grew up together. obviously they fell in "lo... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
important...sort of haha
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Hello loves

Chapter 20

1.2K 35 2
By xWalkinOnSunshinex

i am so sorry for the wait. to make it up, the chapter will be a bit longer...AND i am posting at least 2 chapters this week. mmaaayyybbeee three....depends how much feedback i get from all of you ;)


"Alexis will you marry me?" I didn't even know what to say. I didn't want to say no. That would break his heart and he would hate me. And never forgive me. But at the same time I didn’t want to say yes. Not after everything that had happened.


"Alexis I know we haven't had the greatest time since we broke up, but remember when we were together? Remember how happy we were? How great life was? We don't have the perfect relationship. No one does. Do you remember when you were at my house and my mom said that thing to you about true love?" I nodded and spoke.

"Love is something so hard to find. But once you find it, don't let it go. Love is not perfect, nor will it ever be. It is something that both people have to work for."

"Do you wanna know what she said to me after we broke up?" he asked. I nodded. "She told me that if you really love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back then it was meant to be and they are yours. If it doesn’t then it wasn’t meant to be and you will find something better. But I knew I was never going to find something better. I didn't want anyone else. I don't want anyone else. And I never will want anybody else. You are my world. Don’t you get that? I would be nothing without you. Alexis I seriously can't picture my life without you. I don't-"

"Yes" I said cutting him off.

"What?" He said looking shocked.

"Yes I will marry you.” I smiled.


"Yeah. I was having doubts but after everything you just said, how can I say no to that?"

He smiled the biggest smile. We finished our food and after we paid we walked to the car. As we walked I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he picked me up from behind. I squealed and when he put me back on the ground I turned to face him. As soon as I did he again wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I leaned in and kissed him and whispered that I loved him. I felt him smile through the kiss and he said it back. It was at that very moment that I knew whatever bad happened between us didn't matter. He was right. We were meant to be. It wouldn't get any better than this.



As soon as we got back to the house Alexis suggested that we watch a movie.

“Okay well what movie do you want to watch?” I asked.

“Something that we will both enjoy.” She said.

“Um, how about a scary movie?” I suggested. She shook her head so I continued to think about other movies.

“Oh I know!”


“The Justin Bieber movie.” She smiled.


“The Justin Bieber movie.”

“No I heard you, I’m just a little surprised.”


“Um maybe because you hate him?” I said.



“Yes, wrong.” She nodded.

“How am I wrong? You rant about how much you don’t like him a lot.”

“I know I do.”

“So why do you want to watch his movie?” I asked still feeling confused.

“Because” she let out an exaggerated sigh as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I liked him back then. When he was all cool and adorable. When his music was actually good.”

“So you like his movie because of that?” I asked.

“Well yeah. And it takes me back to my fan girl days. I was such a child then.”

“Um Alexis,” I chuckled “you still are a fangirl.”

“I am not!” she gasped.

“One direction.”

“Shut up.” She smiled.

“You know it’s true.”

“Whatever, back to Justin.”

“What about Justin?”

“I don’t hate him.”

“Yes you do. You told me you did.”

“Were you not listening just a minute ago when I explained it?”

“I was but you still told me you hated him.” I said.

“Okay, let me explain it again.” She groaned. “I said that I didn’t like his new music and new hair and the person he has become. I do however think he is very talented. That and his face is gorgeous.”

“Excuse me?” I said. Not in a rude way. I said it more like ‘what?’ like shocked, if that makes sense whatsoever.

“What?” she looked at me.

“I am offended.” I said.


“Because of what you just said.”

“What? The thing about his face being gorgeous?”

“Yes” I nodded.

“Oh my goodness Austin.” She rolled her eyes.

“What? I have the right to be offended.”

“His face may be gorgeous but his body sucks so that takes away gorgeousness a little bit.”

“Yeah and how is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Well there are things that you have and he doesn’t.”

“Yeah, what is that?”

“Well, for instance, you have a fiancée that adores you, and your music is actually good. And you are gorgeous, and,” she stopped.

“And what?”

“Nothing.” She turned and started walking away. I took hold of her arm and turned her around to face me.

“Tell me.”

“I don’t want too.”


“Fine. I was going to say that you have an amazing body.” I saw her cheeks turn red when she looked away.

“Aw is someone embarrassed?” I teased.

“Shut up.” She smiled. I chuckled and pulled her into me. I brought my hands to her face, leaned down and kissed her. She brought her arms up and wrapped them around my neck. We pulled apart a few seconds later and I rested my forehead on hers. My hands left her face and dropped to her hips. I rested them there and stared into her eyes. I didn’t say anything though. I just looked at her. I could look at those eyes all day. I got lost in them every time. The way they light up when she smiled. It drove me crazy. It made me smile just seeing her smile.

“What?” she asked after a while, breaking my thoughts. She tends to do that a lot in case you didn’t notice.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“No I’m not” she shook her head and looked away.

“Alexis, you are. You are beautiful, amazing, hilarious, adorable, and talented and so smart. Stop telling yourself that you aren’t and start believing it. I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.”


“Thank you.” I kissed her forehead and pulled away. “Now go change into something comfortable and I’ll get the movie ready.

“Alright.” She sighed and walked to the room.

After making popcorn, getting drinks and candy and setting up the movie, I went to my room to change. I threw on gray sweats and a white t shirt. As I was putting my shoes away I heard a knock at my door.

“Come in.” I said. I turned and saw Alexis standing there. Not that I was surprised. The only other people it would be is my mom or her mom but they took a break from us after a tour. A much needed break that is. She was wearing black leggings and a red tank top and her hair was in a bun.

“Hey can I borrow a sweatshirt? Mine is dirty.”

 “Yeah of course!” I walked over to my closet and pulled out my favorite black sweat shirt. I walked over and handed it to her.

“This is your favorite sweat shirt, you’re actually letting someone else wear it?” she said in a sarcastic shocked voice.

“Well don’t tell anyone. They might get jealous. You’re the only other person who is allowed to wear it.” I smiled.

“Oh I feel so special.” She put the sweat shirt on and chuckled in the process.

“Aw you look so cute.” I smiled.


“Because its one size too big. It just swallows you right up.”

“Well I like it. it is very comforting.”

“Now you can see why its my favorite. It’s comfortable.”

“Yeah. Its such a shame though.”

“What is?” I asked.

“It’s such a shame that you’re never getting it back.”

“Why not?”

“Because, what’s mine is yours and what's yours is mine. So now this is mine.”

“Alexis, we aren’t married yet. That rule doesn’t apply.”

“It does in my world.”

“Uhuh okay.” I laughed.

“Let’s go watch the movie!” she started walking but I pulled her back.

I wrapped my arms around my waist and kissed her cheek. Before she could get out of my grasp, I picked her up by her thighs and started walking.

“Is this really necessary?” she asked on the way to the couch.

“No but it is fun.” When we got to the couch I plopped her down and pressed play on the remote. I took a seat next to her and waited for the movie to start.


“And I’m like baby baby baby oh like baby baby baby no like baby baby baby oh thought you’d always be mine mine.”
I chuckled when I heard Alexis singing along with the movie. She was still in her sitting position while I ended up laying down and putting me head in her lap. She was running her fingers through my hair and occasionally rubbed my head. Or massaged it. whatever it was called. I loved it when she did that. It felt really good.

“Austin.” I heard her say half way through the second verse.


“You’re not singing with me.” She whined.

“Do you want me too?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

“Okay I’ll sing with you.”

“Yay.” She clapped her hands. We both joined in at the chorus and sang the rest of the song. Even the rap.

“That was beautiful.” She said when it was over.

“You’re beautiful.”



“I don’t know. I just like saying your name sometimes. Austin. Austin. Austin.” She kept saying it in different voices and sang it once or twice while she continued playing with my hair.

“You’re adorable.” I smiled. She stopped and looked down at me.

“So are you.” she smiled and leaned down. I tilted my head up so that our lips met in the middle.


“Well that was a great movie.” She said after it ended.

“You’ve seen it like 20 times.” I chuckled.

“Doesn’t mean its not good every time.”

“You mean great?”

“Sure. Great.”

“I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom.” I said.

“Okay have fun.” She smiled. I got up and away. When I was walking back to the couch I thought about how lucky I was. I still couldn’t believe that she said yes. When she did, I knew I was the luckiest guy on earth. I didn’t deserve her and yet she still wanted to be with me. When I got back to the couch I saw that she had fallen asleep. I went over and carried her in my arms bridal style, completely unintentional of course, and walked to my room. I set her down gently on the bed and heard her mumble.


“Shhh. Go back to sleep.” I whispered. I covered her with the blanket, walked around the other side and got in. I pulled the covers over me and wrapped my arm around her waist. It was peaceful and as I started to drift off I heard her whisper in a barely audible voice.

“I love you.” I smiled and lifted my head up and kissed her cheek.

“I love you too. More than you know.” I said before finally falling asleep.


AUTHORS NOTE: sooooo what did you think? Was it satisfying? I had so much fun writing this chapter. It made me happy to finally get back to writing because I’ve been distant from it and now that I’m back it just makes me happier.

Remember how I was telling you about me going to see Austin Mahone in concert? Well it was flippin amazing! He was absolute perfection and he was adorable and I screamed and just ughhh. I wish I could go back and just stay there. I might get to see him in December but I’m still not sure. And oh my goodness… his new song. BANGA BANGA….holy sweet baby jesus. I heard that and then watched him perform live at the EMA’s. oh my goodness. I can’t even…. Anyways. He is perfect. No questions asked.

So yeah, I think that is it. again I apologize for the wait. You can expect chapter 21 by the end of this week :D


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