Lil Bibby and G Herbo Imagines

By ladylicous23

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Herbert / Herbo
Herbert/ Herbo
Brandon/ Lil bibby


489 13 0
By ladylicous23

Herbert POV ~

Babymoms😒🙄:You know you miss me I don't understand why you act like you don't Herbert

Here we go again with this bullshit man. So ever since Ke'Asha fought Yn at bucks house , she's been more aggravating than before. All she do now is call and text and say the same shit:

"We need to be a family"

"I miss you like crazy "

"When you gone come back to me " I DONT WANT YOU BITCH! When will she get it through her big ass head that I will never get back with her. I love yn and only her. Yn has been a good girlfriend ever since then . She cooks, cleans, and takes care of Khalil like he's her child. Right now she with Mia getting nails done and spending some extra money she had.

I was chilling at home by myself , Khalil is with my OG right now till tonight. I'm bored so I decided to roll up a blunt and get high . I rolled up about 5 and started to light the first one up.

🍃3 blunts later🍃

I really need to stop smoking weed man 😂 I feel like my whole body went numb. Ima end up being a crackhead watch😭Yn is still not here so I texted her since I ain't have shit to do.

Herbie😌❣️: babe when you coming home? A nigga all bored and shit without you☹️

Myshorty❣️🤤💍: I'll be home in 2 more hours me and Mia waiting on Mally ugly ass to get here🙄

Herbie😌❣️: Fr? I'm Finna pull up then so I can chill with y'all. Where y'all at?

Myshorty❣️🤤💍: We at Mia house , you already know the address

Herbie😌❣️: ight

I put my phone in my pocket and  grab my keys. I go outside to my Lambo and pull off to Mia house.

When I get there I see Mia ,Yn, and malls there on the porch and ontheir phones . I get out and walk on the porch , I picked yn up and sat down and sitting her down on my lap.

"Wassup Herb " mally daps me up.

"Nothing, I just smoked 3 blunts" I laughed and pulled out the last two "I got these two left "

"Spark them shits ku" I pulled my lighter out and lit them up and we started smoking.

While we were smoking the first blunt my baby pulled her phone out and started scrolling on Instagram.

My phone vibrated and seen she posted me in a old picture that we took 2 weeks ago an tagged me in it.

PSG_YN: My baby😌❣️💍@nolimitherbo 

nolimitmallyyyy: awww look at y'all ugly asses😍😂

GIGI_ PSG: Oh yeah sis😍😍❗️

nolimitwetemup: My boyyy😎💯

PSG_YN: thank yall😘😘

I liked all the comments except for one that caught my eye. It was Ke'Asha aggravating ass .

keyisqueen: awww y'all cute😂😍👎🏾

Nolimitherbo: cya man being aggravating ash😑😒

Keyisqueen: Bitch I wasn't aggravating when you was in my pussy 😛😏@nolimitherbo

PSG_YN: Bitch you better stop for I whoop yo ass again🙃👊🏾 @keyisqueen

Keyisqueen: Bitch I'll be waiting 😒 @PSG_YN

" aye Mia you trying to whoop some ass?" Mia looked up and nodded her head with this scary smile on her face , they both got up and went in the house.

Me and Mally got up and started grabbing our shit. When they came out, they were in basketball shorts with wife beaters on.

We hopped in the car and drove to Ke'Asha house . 10 minutes later we pull up and see that Ke'Asha was sitting there with her brother Arron and another girl .

Yn gets out the car first and walks up to her house but stops a few inches away from her porch.

"So you Tryna fight or what? " Mann my baby always ready to beat some ass man, that's why she my shorty now. Nobody can put fear in her heart.

" I mean it's whatever hoe!" Ke'Asha tied her hair up and came off her porch. As soon as she got off that last step , Yn ran up and started throwing hits after hits.

Yn lost her balance and fell to the ground and that gave Ke'Asha the opportunity to get on top of her.  She started hitting Yn face but Yn was still hitting her face too.

Ke'Asha friend came off the porch and started to help her beat up  Yn." Oh hell no!" Mia hopped out the car and ran over to Ke'Asha friend and yanked that Bitch off and started whooping her ass.

I saw that her brother was about to get up and help But me and mally got out and pulled our gun out on him." I wouldn't try that if I were you fuck nigga " he sat his ass right back down and kept watching.

Yn flipped over and got on top. She got up and grabbed Ke'Asha ponytail and held her head up. She got up and started kicking her head making Ke'Asha scream. That's when me and mally stepped in to stop them.

I can't let her beat up Ke'Asha too bad , my son still gotta look at her face for the rest of his life.

We grabbed Yn and Mia and put them in the car but they ass was Wilding and won't going in the car.

" I swear to god Ima kill yo ass! You and your ugly ass friend!" Yn threw her shoe at Ke'Asha head and I put her in the car.

We drove back to Mia house and we went in and sat on the couch while they went upstairs to change.

5 minutes later they came back downstairs dressed normally and sat down on the couch.

" I can't believe they tried to bank us Mia " she said sighing and shaking her head.

"It's a good thing I was there cause I definitely wasn't gonna let them do that" Mia said while going on her phone.

While they were talking I was on my phone texting the boys about what happened "Aye herb , spark that last blunt" I !nodded and took it out my pocket and lit it up. We smoked it till it was gone and just chilled.

I've been thinking for a while to take Ke'Asha ass to court so I can have full custody of Khalil and not deal with her no more. But I can't take his only mother away. Then again Yn could start being a mom to him and we could be a happy family.

Yeah I like the sound of that.

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