Herbert / Herbo

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Herbert POV ~

I was knocked the fuck out till I feel somebody climb on top of me and start grinding on me very slowly, which made me open my eyes and see my girl Yn looking down smiling at me . I smiled back and gripped her waist to get her to stop before she make my dick hard.

"Wassup baby , why you interrupting my sleep?" I say still sounding like my ass should be sleep . I sit up ,wrap my arms around her, and put my head in the crook of her neck giving her light kisses. She giggles lightly, trying not to let out her moan till my phone starts ringing off the nightstand. " Bibby calling you baby" she says as she gets up walks away while moving her hips making her ass jiggle.

"Damn " I mumbled watching her, I give myself a round of applause for making that ass so fat like that. I pick my phone up and answered while I grab the remote to turn on Netflix so I can find a crime show to watch ." Wassup Bibby , what'chu want?" I saw Yn put a cup of Hennessy next to me on the nightstand. I took a sip of it and instantly took some of the Red Bull she sat next to my cup. Shit it was like 3 in the afternoon so why not .

" Yo, can you come get Khalil so this bitch can leave my house" He says sounding annoyed as hell while I hear shuffling and my babymamas voice in the background yelling.
"Bitch get off -"

" Herbert come get your son so I can go to the studio. I told you yesterday that it was your turn to take him this weekend!" I hear my annoying ass babymomma voice more clearer as it's obvious she took the phone from his ass.I sigh in annoyance hearing Ke'Asha bitch about me taking Khalil once again. She's been blowing my phone up all morning bout the shit but I've been ignoring her ass for a reason.

Ke'Asha aka Queen Key is my babymama. We hooked up a few years back when I went on one of my tours but this was way before I met Yn. We was fucking around on my tour bus on the low till I slipped and got her slow ass pregnant. After that she turned into a crazy bitch that act like she don't got self control. (Queen key 👇🏾👇🏾)

"And I told your annoying ass yesterday that I was gonna  get him  because I had to do something this fucking weekend !" Yesterday was Yn birthday so I spoiled her and took her to her favorite Buffett place

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"And I told your annoying ass yesterday that I was gonna get him  because I had to do something this fucking weekend !" Yesterday was Yn birthday so I spoiled her and took her to her favorite Buffett place. The plan was to spoil her with whatever she wanted for the weekend but it look like I'm not gonna be able to do shit.

" Yea whatever just come get your son because I'm not fucking playing with your ass no more! Fucking dummy." She said in anger as she hung up in my face. I threw my phone on the bed irritated at the fact that I gotta get my ass up and get ready now . I got up going to the bathroom to get ready real quick.

Yn POV ~

I was downstairs cleaning up the living room till I see my phone start vibrating like crazy on the table . I picked it up with my eyebrow raised in curiosity as I opened my phone to Twitter since that's where all the commotion was coming from . I open it to see it was Herbert babymama Ke'Asha talking shit about me in her tweets once again

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