
By Monique_Kat

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"If you knew what I went through, you'd understand. But you don't. So stop bugging me about it and leave me a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The World is Against Me
Chapter 2 - This Big, Black Ball of Fur
Chapter 3 - I Need My Steak Knife
Chapter 5 - Meet Blue
Chapter 6 - The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus
Chapter 7- Personal Space Doesn't Exist Here
Chapter 8 - You Are Too Kind
Chapter 9 - No, You're A Gorgeous French Fry
Chapter 10 - He Came in Like a Wrecking Ball
Chapter 11 - I'm Nobody. Are You Nobody, Too?
Chapter 12 - Unexpected Guests
Chapter 13 - Only I Get To Torment My Tormentor
Chapter 14 - There Is Nothing More You Can Do
Chapter 15 - You Bloody Idiot
Chapter 16 - Ivan Holt
Chapter 17 - I Don't do Feelings
Chapter 18 -Challenge Accepted

Chapter 4 - Not Another Overly Friendly Male

193 17 59
By Monique_Kat

Chapter 4 - Not Another Overly Friendly Male


            "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."

           -Edgar Allan Poe

           I am not a bad person.

           I get good grades, I don't torture animals, and I volunteer at an animal clinic during summers when I'm free.

           I don't even get detentions. Well, okay, maybe I did get one once. But I was in 6th grade then, and this guy came too close to me and started hitting on me. What else was I supposed to do then? Dance Kumbaya? Of course I punched him.

           And I even pray...Well, I sometimes do.

           But I hate bugs, I hate them with a passion. I especially hate spiders and butterflies. Why, you ask? Spiders are just too hairy, they just have too much legs, and too much eyes. Butterflies, on the other hand, are basically just hairy worms with wings. Enough said.

           And I have issues, I know I do, and it isn't even something I deny. Hell, I don't even bother to hide it. People really don't notice it anyway, and even when some do, they usually interpret it as me being just a weirdo.

           I don't have a short temper, I just have an extremely low tolerance and quick reaction to bullshit. I'm not being sarcastic here. No, seriously, this is completely true. My patience can stretch on to forever when I need to learn something.

           A couple of summers ago, I taught myself to play the piano, and let me tell you, that wasn't a walk in the park, no, not at all. You'd have thought it was easy by looking at videos of pianists with their fingers flying over the keys (bunch of show offs, I tell you), but no, it took a long time. It took eons figuring out how to read the blasted notes.

           I was stuck in my room, poring over piano pieces, counting piano keys, sticking letter stickers on the keyboard (yeah, I did that and I had an electric one back then) and listening to the same track a million times over until I was finally able to understand the entire dogma of sharps and flats and all other squiggles found on a piano piece.

           A million hand cramps later (don't judge me, I had to figure out how to position my hands too before I could actually prevent this) I was finally able to play my first song, albeit not perfectly. I learned to play the Für Elise by memory because looking at the piano piece while playing was just too much for me.

           See? I do have patience! I didn't even tear up the piano pieces to shreds, I just threw them around my room a bit, maybe even stomped on them twice, but I didn't rip them.

           But when I have to deal with others who can't even be decent or - Aargh! This is so hard to explain!

           Let me just state it this way.

           I don't like bullies. I don't like people who try so hard to conform to the standards of this messed up society. I especially despise people who have the guts to actually try and force me to conform to the standards of this messed up society. And I sure as hell don't like whiny and over the top people whose main purpose in life is to socialize, date, party, party, get rich, get laid, get drunk, get high, show off (not necessarily in this order).

           This is why I prefer to hang out with just my mom and the twins. Sure, they can be whiny and irritating too, but they know my limits and they respect it.

           Other people, however, especially people who haven't been exposed to me for more than 24 hours at most, like my new schoolmates, don't know anything about this. Which is why meeting new people stress me out. Big time.

           I don't blame them, really. What was I supposed to do anyway? Blurt out my deep and excessive animosity towards humankind and society?

           Wow, I almost sound  poetic. Me likey...

           So I planned to stay away from everybody until the new girl buzz died. A plan which I wasn't even able to put to practice because...well, you'll soon see.

           I woke up late for the second day of school. But then again, I usually wake up late. Usually, and by that, I mean always.

           I barely had time to jump in the shower, literally. It was freezing, I had to jump around. Remind me to get back on the twins for taking all the warm, soothing water away from me.

           I grabbed some clothes and threw them on without a second thought. I'm sure you know why. If you don't, then let me give you a little hint. With the colors of the clothes I currently possessed, I'm never at risk of being mismatched. And it's not really difficult since my usual clothes just included jeans, a shirt, a sweater, and shoelace-less shoes this time. Yesterday's incident was still fresh on my mind.

           Without even glancing at the mirror, I grabbed my bag, and went bounding down the stairs like a rhino on a stampede. I could hear my mum shouting at me to be careful and not to break my neck. I didn't have time for breakfast so I just grabbed a granola bar before I hollered a goodbye to everyone and ran outside.

           Mum was taking the kids to school, they went to one near her new office. She works at this company that specializes in design. Interior design and architecture, to be more specific. And no, she didn't design my room. Although, now that I think about it, that could explain the lack of color. If it was her work, then she was well aware of the high probability that I would strip down all colors unlucky enough to get stuck on my wall.

           So the twins get a ride and I don't. I had to take the bus.

           I don't like buses. Buses have people inside them. Having people means actually having to open your mouth, say something, and...interact.

           I don't like interacting. Some people just talk about the most senseless stuff. Listening to them is boring, not to mention tiring, and draining, and just plainly exhausting.

           Plus, the bus is such an enclosed space and that would mean I had nowhere to escape to if ever something would happen.

           Hence, my desire to walk to school.

           Well, right now I'm practically running.

           Wait, no, I'm brisk walking.

           Oh, who am I kidding, I am running.


           I was almost to school when a motorcycle slowed to a stop next to me, causing me to groan loudly. Huffing and puffing, I whirled around and started, "What now - Oh."

           It was someone else. A blonde someone else. A really blonde someone else whose hair was so blonde it was reflecting the sun and making me squint my eyes.

           I hate bright sunlight.

           "Hey, I'm Trevor." he grinned and held out his hand. He was comfortably sat on a motorcycle and he wasn't wearing a helmet.

           You little rebel, you.

           I stared at him, then slowly lowered my eyes to his hand. Did I mention the oh-so-important fact that I hated being touched? So I kept staring at his hand until he chuckled and lowered it.

           Hmm, he seems confident..

           "So," he continued, "what's your name?"

           Oh God, not another overly friendly male!

           I gave him a quick glance. He was still smiling mildly at me.

           "I'm going to be late. I've got to go." I said blankly, looking straight ahead, not even bothering to glance at him again. With this, I continued walking to school, I was almost there.

           I heard the sound of his motorcycle engine being cut off, and after a couple of seconds he was right beside me, pushing along his bike.

           Did I acknowledge him? Hell yes!

           I walked faster.

           Which was quite silly of me, really. He was able to keep up with his long strides. After all, I was just about 5 feet and 6 inches while he looked like he was beyond 6 feet. And to think he was pushing along a bike that must have weighed a ton.

           A pang of longing passed fleetingly through me as I noticed his bike (I couldn't recognize the model from this angle), but I mentally shoved it away.

           "Do you have a name, new girl?"

           Persistent jerk...

           "Do I know you?" I asked in my extremely-bored voice.

           "I'm Trevor Brynes, Caleb's bro," he answered me in his deep, melodious voice. "And we have English Lit and hell lot of other classes together." He seemed really pleased by this, now grinning widely and flashing his pearly whites which were as bright and blinding as his hair.

           I should've taken my sunglasses with me today...

           I paused in mid-step and he followed suit. I turned to him and looked him over.

           He had long-ish pale blonde hair that was sticking up all over his head in a messy do as if he would constantly run his fingers through it. His eyes were a startling shade of electric blue, they were such a light shade of the color, it made his eyes look like they were twinkling. He was tanned, and right now, his full lips were pulled into a smirk. Tall and broad shouldered, he looked relaxed and in his element as he was casually dressed in a short sleeved, navy blue, V-neck shirt, and his dark jeans we're hung low on his hips. He was also in a pair of blue Converses that looked like they had lived through better days.

           He actually looked good. I could even see his muscles bunching as he held his bike upright.

           Guess what color the bike is? Yeah, you got it. Blue. All in all, he looked like Jack Frost.

           My eyes went back to his face and I noticed him smirking cockily.

           "Done checking me out?"

           I made myself smile excitedly and open my eyes wide. "Oh, I know you!"

           "You do?" he asked, and a genuine smile slipped on his face. His smile was so wide it got me wondering why his face hadn't split yet, literally.

           Tsk, tsk. Pity, pity...

           "Yeah!" I exclaimed over-enthusiastically. "You're Blue!"

           His face fell. "That's not nice!" he said, now pouting those full lips at me.

           Jesus, this guy is gullible.

           "You, walking next to me, is not nice!" I retorted, a hint of annoyance now lacing my voice so I breathed deeply and attempted to calm myself, continuing to speak without emotion. "I need peace."

           "Feisty, aren't we?" he smirked at me again and continued. "But you do know my brother, Caleb."

           "Sure I do," I muttered sarcastically and continued to walk towards the school premises. Wow , I've  never  been this eager and excited to get to school..

           "Yeah," he said cheerfully and pushed his bike faster so he could round up on me and turned to look at me straight in the eyes, his own light blue ones twinkling with amusement. "You guys met yesterday. He offered to help you with the shoelaces."

           I froze and an uncomfortable feeling started creeping up my back as my paranoia resurfaced and multiplied tenfold. My thoughts started to jumble as images started to flicker in my mind, but I kept up a blank facade.

           This was the stalker's brother. I am currently talking to a potential murderer's brother. They could be teaming up to get back at me for ignoring him yesterday.

           I turned to the blue guy and gave him a big smile.

           "It was nice meeting you," I said, hurrying past him and walking faster to get to the safety of the inner walls of the school where fellow students care for your safety and teachers are willing to sacrifice their lives for your protection.



Author's Note: 


           Tell me your thoughts? Tell me your dreams.. :) x

           For real. I'm serious here.


 P.S. It's a long chapter, but that's how it's supposed to be. Ciao! :) x

P.P.S. This chapter is dedicated to the awesome @humorless who does have humor contrary to that username. XD

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