By Targaryen_Heart

1.6K 144 161

"Do you wish to reject me or be tainted by me?" ♡ ♡ ♡ Have you ever had those moments in your life where noth... More



145 13 30
By Targaryen_Heart

LAST CHAPTER RECAP: Little did Kylie know, just how true her words were going to be. The time she spent as a junior, changed her life in more ways than she could have ever imagined possible.


Kylie cringed as the first period bell echoed throughout the halls, a movement that was noticed by her best friend, Yoona, but missed by their guide, Mrs. Samantha. Yoona sent Kylie a reassuring smile before turning to face their still twittering guide; the woman had not paused once for a breath, while talking their ears off about the school rules and making coded side comments about Yoona's choice of clothing.

Yoona tapped the older woman impatiently on the shoulder, drawing her attention to the fading sound of the bell.

"Oh dear, is it first period already?" Mrs. Samantha exclaimed, hurriedly handing over their timetables. "Well I shouldn't keep you girls any longer. Yoona I presume, take the first left at the corner and you should find your English class. I'm sure Miss Maya would have quite the shock this morning."

Yoona snorted loudly, "she must be quite fragile to be shocked so easily at the presence of a new student."

Mrs. Samantha clicked her tongue twice, biting back her retort. Years of experience had taught her the necessary patience needed in handling unruly students. She turned her attention to Kylie ignoring the smirking Asian, "your class is down this hallway dear, it shouldn't be hard to find," she waved the girls off with a flick of her wrist, "run along now, you don't want to be late for your first class."

Yoona squeezed Kylie's hand quickly before running off in the direction of her class, leaving behind a grim looking Kylie, who was currently digging holes into the sheet in her hand. Not only had her hopes of sharing the same timetable with either her best friend or her twin brother been smashed to ruins but some inconsiderate probably heartless human being had kept maths for her first period and on a Monday morning too.

-Could life get any worse.

Kylie sighed all the way to her first class, keeping her face half hidden behind her wavy locks. She ignored the students gathered outside the door and hastily made her way inside the classroom. As an old habit, Kylie chose the front seat closest to the wall; she loved this position due to the fact that anyone entering the classroom wouldn't notice her immediately excluding the teacher, which was fine by her.

"Hey cool backpack," someone complimented from behind.

Kylie craned her neck to see the stranger, only to be confronted by a pair of beautiful sea blue eyes, shielded by the dark bangs that framed the owner's face. The side of the boy's mouth lifted in a warm smile, drawing Kylie's attention to the piercing at the corner of his lower lip. The irresistible urge to run her tongue over the cold metal suddenly took control of her senses.

Why do I always have a weakness for bad boys?, Kylie wondered, her eyes fanning over the stranger adoringly. She forced her lips to part, "Thanks," she replied, "I'm a sucker for crazy."

-Ain't that the gospel truth.

"You're new here, aren't you?" the boy asked.

"Yup, my first day." Kylie replied, unconsciously drumming her fingers on the desk.

The boy stretched out his hand, "I'm Ryan."

Kylie gently placed her palm in his and replied, "I'm Kylie."

"Ky-lie," Ryan said, stressing out the words, "are you--"

"Settle down everyone." A voice suddenly boomed out, cutting Ryan off. He gave Kylie an apologetic smile before scooting over to his desk. Kylie gave a little finger wave in Ryan's direction before turning around to face the teacher. An audible gasp left her lips as Kylie's eyes literally popped out of their sockets and her heart began pounding at the figure standing before the class.

Looking absolutely dashing in a blue striped shirt, with the sleeves folded upwards to expose the multiple inks that covered his arms and wearing a pair of black pants that showed off both his long legs and height, was the last person Kylie ever expected to see writing his name in bold letters on the blackboard not to mention wearing round shaped glasses.

"My name is Alaric Hyman, you can all call me Mr Hyman and from today, I'll be your new mathematics teacher until Mr Sander returns."

What the fuck! Is this what he meant by see you soon, Kylie pondered, holy mother of pink, I made out with my substitute maths teacher.

Alaric's eyes slanted towards Kylie as though he had heard her thoughts, a wicked smile playing on his lips, "I hope this will be the start of a new and exciting relationship between us, I for one am looking forward to it."

Kylie openly gawked at him, a wave of dread seeping into her skin. There was something ominous about the look in Alaric's eyes, she hoped it was just the sun rays reflecting on his lens...she really hoped it was only the sun.

The loud tapping of knuckles on the door stopped Kylie's train of thoughts and she instinctively glanced up with everyone else to see Mrs. Samantha walk in with yet another dark haired boy.

"I have a new student with me," the woman said, pushing the newcomer forward, "Nathan Hines, he's in your class."

Alaric nodded in response, barely taking a good look at the boy before mouthing, "take a seat."

Nathan took a step forward, his eyes sweeping over the classroom. His gaze paused on Kylie, a string of emotions coursing through his blue eyes at once, changing from disinterest to confusion to somewhat anger before turning cold. Kylie shivered from the intensity of his eyes, she could feel goosebumps prickling her flesh despite the jacket she had on.

The corners of Nathan's lips lifted in amusement at Kylie's obvious discomfort. He spared her one last glance, allowing his eyes to roam over her body before stepping away and taking the second seat on the opposite row from Kylie.

Kylie grasped the ends of her desk tightly, her nails digging into it. What was that? How had her defenses been trampled over by a mere look?. Slowly tilting her head to the side, Kylie stared at Nathan from the corner of her eyes. There was something strangely off about him; the way he had looked at her had not only terrified Kylie to her very core but she had been unable to meet his gaze head on.

His movements were also fishy, his proud strut---the confidence in each stride, the way he moved so effortlessly with grace as though he owned the place. That movement was far too familiar, yet no matter how hard Kylie racked her brain she couldn't recall ever meeting a Nathan Hines in her life.

Nathan suddenly looked up, his eyes landing on the brunette boring holes into him with a perplexed expression on her face. The blue eyed boy winked flirtatiously, the simple gesture causing Kylie to whip her head around quickly but not before Nathan caught the red flush covering her cheeks.

The voices slowly drowned to silence around Kylie, though she couldn't put her finger on the reason why, she had a distinct feeling that her plans to stay invisible and without any drama of sorts throughout her senior year were suddenly nothing more than a faraway dream.

Kylie clutched a hand over her pounding chest, she was experiencing that feeling again. The same feeling she had on her first day at Evermoore....a feeling that her life was going to change forever.

Wrote this chapter on high sleep deprivation. Hope it didn't suck.

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