Stole My Heart (BoyxBoy)

By fairytailluv

672 44 9

Werewolves. Magic. Tragedy. Rejection. Love. The life of JV's isn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows, more... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

402 20 6
By fairytailluv

Hello! Now this is new for me! To start a new book while writing another one. I'm so daring! Anyways, if you are my follower from Take Me or Lose Me. No InBetween (TMLMNI) Then you're in luck! This book may just be as similar as the other but there are some twists and let me warn you. This book isn't any fairy-tale.

For all the newcomers, welcome! Please do check out my other book!!! This is the second book that I have written so far and I'm a lazy butt-head if you didn't know and I don't update frequently and sometimes abandon you guys for a couple of months. But I will try hard to update both here and in the other book as well, so don't you guys think I'm abandoning TMLMNI. It's just that this story idea has been sitting in my head and is dying to come out.

Please comment if you like this book or not and weather I should continue this at all!!

~fairytailluv <3~

Pic of JV~ ( Just imagine him with velvet eyes )


We ran. We ran like there was no tomorrow. The skies burned a crimson red and the smell of smoke filled my nose. There was no turning back. There was no home to return to. There was no time. No time at all. The curse was at fault. It was all because of me. This was never meant to happen. My heart pumps blood through my veins so fast as if they were about to fall off. My life. Everything I had and ever loved vanished in just a single night. In just a single hour.

Life isn't fair and I know it. It's not like the Moon Goddess would grant such pleasure onto just anyone. Living a life without hardships isn't living. Its just being there. An object that goes through days as if it were a routine. Nothing eventful. Nothing sad. Nothing happy. Nothing but pure emptiness. But life shouldn't be this tragic.

It could have happened to anyone. Anyone  this planet could have gone through the same things I did, but I didn't think it would happen to me. I just told myself that it could happen to anyone but not me. It couldn't be me. There was no way that it was me.

Today, on my 18th birthday, I found out a deep dark secret that my pack has been hiding from me. The secret that changed my life forever. This day was suppose to be full of bliss, happiness, and the urge to find my other half. All I got from the Moon Goddess was death, pain, and loss of everything. Nothing was left for me.

I would have been fine if it was just me.If it only was I who had to suffer and live through this hell. If it was only I who had to hold the burden and the pain, I could deal with it. If it was only me that was affected by this curse. If only. But life isn't about giving you what you want.

I look to my left, I can see my sister a couple steps behind me, trying to keep up with me. I can see that she was breathing heavily, her eyes watered, and her beautiful silver colored fur covered in ashes. Life wasn't suppose to be like this. She was suppose to find her mate, so was I. I was suppose to become Alpha and take over my father's position. My beloved sister was suppose to live a comfortable life with pups and her mate by her side.

Curse the Moon Goddess. Curse the hell I was put through. I hate the weak person I am to fun away while the rest of my friends, family, and pack fought to the death. There is never a happy ending my life. Never.

I hear the rouge wolves howl in triumph. Each howl was filled with evil pride and each response was the same. Those wolf have no shame. Those wolf are pride-less bastards that would never go with society. But tonight, they had won.


"Happy birthday JV! You're finally 18!" my mom said with a happy smile. I return her smile and hug her. I can smell her fresh lemon scent.

" Thank you mom!" I reply. My heart flutter with happiness. I was surrounded by love. My friends came over with hella nice gifts and even for once my sister brought me a small gift.

My sister's name is Jade, like the stone, and to be quite honest, I don't think she's pretty. But then again, she's my sister. She has dirty blonde hair which I think looks like wet sand while she says looks like a cheesecake, and emerald eyes. Her eyes were the reason why mom named her Jade.

" Here. I got you a present." She says as she takes a little red box from her purse and hands it to me. I laugh as I receive the gift. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

" Thanks sis. This is the first time you actually got me something for my birthday." I joked while ripping the wrapping paper around the box. She sends me a glare.

" Just be happy that you actually got a present okay?" my sister replied with a sass in her tone. " It's your 18th birthday so I thought I would get you a little something since 18 is a big year for anyone. By the way, you better get me something for my birthday too."

I sigh. " You're birthday is tomorrow Jade." Let me explain something. Jade and I are twins. Except I was born July 18th at 11:58 while Jade was born 12:13. So technically Jade's birthday was July 19th. So yeah, that's why sometimes my birthday is annoying.

"So? I got you something, and tomorrow is also my 18th birthday so I'm expecting something from you." Jade shot back. " Just hurry up and see what your present is!" I open the box to find a small necklace with a ring pendent.

" Wow. Jade are you proposing to me? I mean you are my sister. I don't think you can do that." I said as I took out the necklace to examine more up close. Jade elbowed me in the side.

" Oh my god! I can't believe you JV! Its just a gift! There's a second one in there for your future mate! I would kill myself instead of marrying you even if you're the last guy on the planet." I give her a look and place the necklace back into the box and stuffed it into my pocket.

" Thanks sis." I say while giving her a nice tight hug.

" Your welcome butthead. Now let go of me! You're seriously going to kill me!" Then everything changed at this moment. I had thought I would go on my peaceful day celebrating my birthday with the whole pack but the Moon Goddess hates me and that's why this day would be a day I would never forget.

You here the screaming of some of the pack members near the hallway. My father rushes in with a pale face. You can see that even he was shaking. He looks over everyone that was in the living room.

" Guys get ready to engage in battle. Rouges and Hunters are coming and have already surrounded the whole pack house! Warriors, make a path for the children to escape! We will defend our name and our families!" My father's voice boomed throughout the room. And then there was chaos.

Battles going on left and right, blood everywhere. Wolves howling in pain and some in triumph. You can see hunters shooting down pack members left and right. There was an endless sea of rouges. There was no escape. Someone had set the pack house into flames. The whole place smelled of smoke and ashes. Your ears can only hear the screaming of children and the crying of mothers.

As I ran I saw the most horrifying thing in the world. A child no less than 5 was being ripped apart by 2 rouges as if playing tug -of-war with his body. His skin in shreds, blood dripping down from every open wound he had and the most scary part was his eyes. The little boy's eyes laid wide open. His blue eyes stared right back at me as if trying to tell me something.

The rest of us were running for the woods. Each trying not to fall far behind. No one wanted to die. Rouges were hot on our tail. You can feel the excitement coming from them as they feed off our fear. They howled in happiness and you hear some of us whimper.

There seemed like there was no escape. Everywhere I looked there was rouges and hunters. Everywhere I looked, my pack was losing and dying. I felt so weak. So useless. Then I hear the footsteps behind me stop. I turn around.

The other wolves have stopped running. Jade and I looked at them confused.

" Come on guys, we must hurry!" I yelled. They looked at me with sad eyes.

" JV. There is no point in running anymore. They will find us eventually. If we are to die, we are to die with honor and with our pack. You two must live on. You two must. And please never forget us. Never forget the River Dream Pack. You would have made a great Alpha." And with that, my pack mates turn and run towards the rouges that were approaching us.

" NO! STOP!!! STOP!!!" I scream and run towards my pack mates. but Jade grabs onto my tail and pull me with her. " NO!! STOP JADE!!! WE MUST STOP THEM!!!!!!! JADE!!!!!!"

I watch helplessly as each and every last one of them face their end. My heart broke, tears fall down my cheeks. Jade was crying as well but she kept pulling me with her. I knew she wanted to go after them as well but she knew that it would be for nothing. Their sacrifices would be for nothing.

I sport more wolves coming after us in the distance. That's when I knew we had lost. That's when fear set in. I shake out of Jades grip and start to run. We had to get far away. This place was no longer safe.

~End of Flashback~

We ran for days on end, to scared to check if the rouges were still on our trail. We had long made it past our borders and now lost. Nowhere to go, nothing ahead of us, just lost. But we had to keep moving. There was no other way to survive. Jade wanted to find a pack to settle down in but I didn't, well I never told her I didn't agree with her. Being in a pack isn't safe. Those people will come after us in no time because of who we are. If I stayed in one place again and made friends again, I would have to witness the whole thing once more. I didn't want that.

These things will happen JV, my wolf Tiger said trying to reassure me

I know, but why us? We haven't done anything wrong. We didn't use our powers so how did he find us?

I don't know. I wish we could control our powers enough to help them.

We are useless Tiger. I let everyone die. I let Jade have the worst birthday of her life.

You mean we both had the worst birthday in our lives. I'm sure things will change JV. You gotta believe. These things happen for a reason. I'm sure of it.


Calm down JV. We will find people to love again. We have our mate, a new pack.

No. I can't. They will only die again. I would only be useless once again. I don't need anything. I can't have anything because it'll be taken from me once again.

JV..... don't think that...

It's true. Stop trying to convince me to believe a lie. There is no happy ending to my life.

A night, one of us would stay awake while the other rested, we would alternate every couple of hours and be on our way the very next day. There was no slowing us down. I thought that we would continue living this way for the rest of our lives, while mine anyways. That was until we crossed the Shooting Moon Pack border.

That's when everything changed.

Daniel's POV~

I was sitting with my dad in his office while discussing the fact that I still haven't found my mate yet. I'm already 19 and almost turning 20 but I still haven't found my mate yet. I was beginning to lose hope and starting to believe that my mate could be dead. I didn't want to believe but there was no other option left. It has already been 2 years. I have to take over the pack soon because my dad is getting too old for the job but without a Luna, things can get a little tricky for the next in line and the pack to accept.

A Luna or a mate by a wolf's side is suppose to help our wolves get stronger, it's suppose to morph us into strong warriors and proud leaders. Without one, other packs would look down on the pack and pack members start to lose trust and begin rebelling against the Alpha.

Suddenly, Ben enters the room. His face red from running and he was panting like a dog. I laugh secretly in my head but Ben must have known somehow because he looked up at me with a glare.

I hate that we're twins. I think that he would know my every single thought and that's just creepy. Ben is the same age as I am 20 and mate less as well. We maybe twins but we don't look alike at all. I have coffee brown hair and deep sea blue eyes while Ben has sandy blonde hair and rich hazel-green eyes.

" Dad, big news! 2 rouges have been spotted inside our borders. The trackers are asking for your presence." Ben said after he calmed himself down. My heart jumps with excitement. Could this be? Could this be the moment I've been looking have? Have the Moon Goddess blessed me for this moment?

I quickly jump out of my seat eager to follow Ben to see the rouges. My father was excited as well. Ben and I needed to find our mates before this whole pack falls to pieces. I place my hand on Ben's shoulder.

" Benji, this could be our day." I said happiness in every single word. Ben looks at me with delight. His hazel-green eyes looked brighter than usual and much more green.

" Don't call my by my full name Daniel! And yes this could be our day! I wonder what our mates would look like! But what about Taylor?" Ben asked this time concern filled his eyes. I had totally forgot about my girlfriend. Well the two of us agreed to get together until each of us found our soulmates, so if this is it, I'm saying good bye and best wishes to her.

" If this rouge is my mate, I'm going to have to break up with her. I know she would understand. She knows that no one can replace the feelings you would have for your mate." I said trying to convince both Ben and myself. There are a lot of things that could go wrong. I mean what if Taylor believes the relationship we have is true love. She still hasn't been able to find her mate and she might start believing that she was meant for me. That could be really bad.

" Okay then. If you're so sure, let's go!" Ben said pulling me after our dad.

The run to the borderline was the longest run that had ever occurred in my entire life. The anticipation was too enduring and I really wanted to just be able to teleport. Before we reached the boarder, I could already smell her/him. It was a fresh apple scent that just makes me go crazy.

Oh my god Midnight!!! Our mate is finally here!!!! I can't believe our mate is actually here!!!!

I know Daniel! I'm just as excited as you!!!

This is so exciting!!! I hope they like us!!!

First impressions are everything here Daniel so do a good job!

Of course I will. I'll pull out the Daniel swag on him or her.

Don't! You would scare the poor thing away.

Now that's rude Midnight!!!! Oh look the border is in sight!!!

Go get him Tiger!

Roger that Midnight!!

By the time we reached the boarder, I already knew who was my mate. Standing there with his sunshine colored blonde hair and rare violet eyes that could stare a hole through my heart was him. His clothes were torn and dirty but it didn't hid his tall lean body and pale colored skin. His hair is messy and you can see leaves resting on it.

The moment we locked eyes, those violet orbs stared through me and my breath hitched. He was beautiful.

The only thought running through my head was....


And the end! That's the end for the 1st chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it and give me some feedback on how you liked it! I'm pretty sure many of you guys are like surprised I updated 2 days in a row and which I am as well but I just felt that I could write today! Hopefully tomorrow is the same !

Please do vote and comment and do check out my other book!!!!!!

I love all of you guys !!!

~fairytailluv out!~

VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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