.YTPME. >>> joshler

By thecondomking

11.4K 358 163

Josh is depressed. Hell, if I were him I would be too. He slowly but surely fights off his own 'blurryface' w... More

that thing at the beginning of stories meant to interest you in the story
.e n o.
.o w t.
.e e r h t.
.r o u f.
.e v i f.
.x i s.
.n e v e s.
.e n i n.
.n e t.
.n e v e l e.
.e v l e w t.
.n e e t r i h t.
.n e e t r u o f.
.n e e t f i f.
.n e e t x i s.
.n e e t n e v e s.
.n e e t h g i e.
.n e e t e n i n.
.y t n e w t.
.e n o y t n e w t.
.o w t y t n e w t.
.e e r h t t y t n e w t.
.r u o f y t n e w t.
.e v i f y t n e w t.

.t h g i e.

424 12 7
By thecondomking


"Goodnight Josh"

"Goodnight Tyler"

He pulled away, and I felt the muscles in his arms tense and relax as he retracted from my shoulders.

He gave me a crooked smile and got in his beat up truck, driving away.

I breathed in, smiling, and turned around, literally skipping inside.

I opened the door to see Zack and mom quickly dash to the couch, trying to act normal by shoving their faces with popcorn and staring intensely at an infomercial on blenders.

"Guys, I know you two were watching" I started.


"You two can't seriously be that enthralled by a fucking blender" I glared at them.

Zack nervously bounced his knee and mom bit her lip so hard I expected to see blood dribble out.

"So... what exactly did y'all see?" I asked softly.

"YOU TWO ARE SO FUCKING CUTE OK PLEASE STOP" Zack finally let in, and I laughed, crossing my arms triumphantly.

"We saw you two since you pulled up." mom smirked, sending a slight blush to my face.

"Have him over. Soon. I want to say hi." Zack was smiling and mom was about to pull my phone out to invite him over herself.

"Guys, guys! I can't ask right now, he just left! Isn't that kind of... too soon?" I nervously scratched the side of my wrist.

Zack noticed, grabbing my hands.

"Listen, bro. Ask him. Or I fucking will"

I had absolutely no doubt about that.

I quickly ran to room and locked the door, flopping on my bed.
Now's as good a time as any to ask I suppose.

Tyler: Hey Joshie!! Do you wanna come over sometime??

--message deleted--

Tyler: Hey, is this Josh? If so, you should come over some time.

--message deleted--

Tyler: Hey, it's Tyler. I was wondering if you'd want to come over sometime soon?


(josh's pov)

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Tyler. I was wondering if you'd want to come over sometime soon?

I smiled a bit.

Josh: yea sure, lemme know when and we'll be there.
Read 9:47 pm

this an is gonna be indented bc why not.
Been a stressful while lately and haven't been able to do much. Got caught in a brief rut.

Love to the children

Riss x
o ok

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