One Goal Two Worlds (Transfor...

By PrincessAura273

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Sequel to It's Time To Duel. The members of the Transformers Titans has been formed. Their mission, to find t... More

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2
Chapter 2 - David & Najat vs. Zach and Corbin
Chapter 3 - A Spy Is Lurking
Chapter 4 - Madalyn vs. Shannon
Chapter 5 - The Search Continues
Chapter 6 - Selina vs. Ben
Chapter 7 - Lost
Chapter 8 - Emanuel & Madalyn vs. Robert
Chapter 9 - Missed Sparks
Chapter 10 - Reunited
Chapter 11 - David vs. Corbin Part 1
Chapter 12 - David vs. Corbin Part 2
Chapter 13 - Bringing Corbin Home
Chapter 14 - Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert Part 1
Chapter 15 - Madalyn & Selina & Emanuel vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert
Chapter 16 - Web-Master Mia
Chapter 17 - Back Home
Chapter 18 - Adittea vs. Boris
Chapter 19 - Teenager Drama
Chapter 20 - Two Battles One Victory
Chapter 22 - Getting More Complicated & Then Some
Chapter 23 - It's Personal
Chapter 24 - Madalyn vs. Chaos Bringer Round 2

Chapter 21 - Things Just Got Complicated

163 4 1
By PrincessAura273

Chaos Bringer's P.O.V.

I deactivated the ground bridge and found myself in a plaza in Rome, Italy. But I wasn't alone when I left the battlefield. Just behind me, was Robert. His clothes were torn up, cuts and bruises covered his body. His pupils were the smallest I've ever seen in a boy. I guess that happens when you scare and beat the leaving scrap out of someone. WIthout warning, Robert collasped face first to the concrete floor. Shocked and terrified citizens gasped and gathered around him, checking for a pulse or any sign of life.

"Oh my goodness!"


"Call an ambulence!"

The bell from the tower over head rang loudly, almost blocking the shouts and cries of the towns people anxiously trying to come to Roberts aid. I gave myself a smirk as people ran past me as I exited the plaza.

Chaos Bringer: Nighty night, Robert.

Now for my next target.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

It's hard to believe but it's actually en almost a month now, and there hasn't been any sign of Chaos Bringer or Deception. I guess you could say it's a good thing, but maybe also a bad thing. What if Chaos Bringer has been secretly looking for Elita-1 and we didn't even notice because of school?!

Emanuel: Looks like I'm running low on Predacons.

I was in my room going through my deck of cards, checking to see how much of my Predacons I still had left. So far the ones I have with me are Predaking, Razorclaw, Rampage, Divebomb, Tantrum, and Weirdwolf. I looked at the pile and sighed as I took a glance of a photo next to it. It was a photo of my full Predacon deck. Since Chaos Bringer made his debut, I've been losing more Predacons then I can find.

Emanuel: I just can't lose.

My deck is running low now. At this rate I have a high chance of losing my deck completely. Predaking's hologram appeared before me next to the pile of cards I placed on my bed.

Predaking: Don't worry Emanuel.


Shannon's P.O.V.

I was walking through the streets of China Town in New York City. Shop owners were hard at work selling their products as I pasted by. It was good to come home again. I haven't been here for a while now so I might as well enjoy it while I still can. Althought, I got the strangest feeling that I was being watched. Once a delivery man walked across behind me, I made a break for it, taking sheltor in a nearby allie. Once I realised whoever was watching me, caught up with me, I turned around taking a defensive stance.

Shannon: What do you want?! Why were you following me?!

Chaos Bringer: Why I just wanted to see you Shannon.

He just gave me a smirk as he took one step closer towards me. I back away, raising my fists in defence.

Shannon: I don't believe you Chaos Bringer. Now spill it!

He just let out a small laugh as he kept giving me this evil smile. Why is he here on my home turf? I brought out my Transformers Tablet and faced him.

Shannon: Tell you what, I beat you in a battle, you answer my question. Deal?

He nodded in reply as he brought out his tablet.

Shannon & Chaos Bringer: Ground Bridge! Open!

We activated our tablets and a pair of Decepticon insignias circled around our feet as a flash of white light appeared, transporting us to the colour dimension.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

I picked up my pile of cards and placed them on my computer desk next to my tablet and my ability cards. I looked up at Predaking who was now standing on my shoulder.

Emanuel: Predaking? I'm lucky to have you as my partner.

Predaking: Do I detect that something is amiss Emanuel?

Emanuel: Huh? No, no! Nothing at all.

Predaking: Right...

Predaking wasn't quite buying my response to his question. I mean, I've lost so many of my cards its been hard to find new ones. If I lose another battle I could lose my Predacons completely, including Predaking. What if..... what if I stopped playing?


Shannon's P.O.V.

On the battlefield I currently had Slipstream in play with three game cards on the battlefield.

Shannon: Decepticons! Rise up!

I launched in my second Decepticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a golden and brown seeker jet.

Shannon: Sunstrom! Transform!

The card glowed and the seeker flew out of the card as he transformed into his robot mode.

Chaos Bringer: Decepticons! Rise up!

Chaos Bringer sent in his first Decepticon into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a purple, blue, and yellow boom box.

Chaos Bringer: Soundwave! Transform!

The card glowed as the boom box levitated out of the card and transformed in his robot mode.

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 4500. Decepticon Sunstrom attack level 3500.

Shannon: Ha! Your all mine. Game card open!

The game card activated, transforming the battlefield into a metallic wrestling arena.

Shannon: Sorry but your finished! Decepticons Rise Up!

I launched in my second Decepticon card to join Sunstorm in the battlefield. The card glowed and a blue and yellow race car raced out of the card and Dragstrip transformed into his robot.

Shannon: Now watch and learn.

Tablet: Decepticons Dragstrip and Sunstorm combined power 7500.

Chaos Bringer: Not so fast, ability card activate! Energon Revenge!

A dark purple fog lurked around the battlefield, covering Dragstrip and Sunstorm. Draining their life force.Then Soundwave moved in, punching Dragstrip in the face and upper cutting Sunstorm, sending the two Decepticons flying straight through the doom portal. Soundwave glowed into his card form and returned to Chaos Bringer

Shannon: Impossible! You beat them both in one move!

Chaosn Bringer: Oh i"m only getting warmed up my dear. Soundwave transform!

Chaos Bringer fired Soundwave back into the battlefield, landing on Slipstreams game card. He leviatated out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. 

Shannon: Game card open! Character card activate!

Tablet: Decepticon Slipstream attack level doubled to 6181.

Slipstream: Observe my powers grow before your very eyes!

Slipstream was completely covered in a purple glow as her nails grew longer and sharper. 

Soundwave: Slipstream you are a fool. 

Shannon: Your the fool! Watch this, ability card activate! Aggressive Rage!

I tossed the ability card at Slipstream and her nails grew even more longer and sharper. Her red optics flashed with rage at Soundwave letting out a menacing laugh.

Tablet: Decepticon Slipstream attack level increased to 7181. Decepticon Soundwave decreased to 4000. 

Slipstream: The painful rage will be the end of you Soundwave. No hard feelings. We both know Megatron liked me best. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate. Energon shield!

Chaos Bringer tossed the ability card at Soundwave and a blue forcefield surrounded the Communications Officer. Slipstreams power was sucked right out of her as it transferred over to Soundwave.

Shannon: Hey! What do you think your doing?!

Chaos Bringer: My Energon Shield ability here allows me to steal all the attack pints you've gained in this battle and give them to Soundwave. What do you think Shannon?

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 8181.

Shannon: Impossible!

Soundwave: If you thought that was hot, try this.

Soundwave brought out his energon blaster and charged it, making it go to its peek. His visor flashed as he pulled the trigger, and the blast fired at Slipstream, evaporating her body almost completely. I screamed out for her as the rush of wind and some of the fire from the blast blew right over me. Slipstream was sent through the doom portal, never to be seen again. THe fire surrounded me as I got down on my knees and coughed, my lungs hurting from doing so. 

Shannon: You win... this time...

I completely collapsed to the floor as CHaos Bringer looked down at me. A smile came over him as he chuckled over my apperance.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Madalyn: What was that?! 

Selina: Yeah you mind repeating that Emanuel?

Emanuel: I said from now on, I'm retiring my Predacons. 

Najat: Why that makes no sense!

Madalyn: What's up? I remember when you couldn't live one day without a battle. 

Emanuel: Don't worry guys. It's no big deal.

Selina: I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. 

Emanuel: Oh I don't know. It's kind of hard to explain. But I made my desicion, and that is that!

Madalyn: Emanuel wait!-

Before Madalyn could say another word I picked up a tray and left the room and entered the kitchen. 


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Selina: I suspect something's up. 

Iestyn: Well I don't know if this means anything but, lately he's been kind of down. 

Najat: Did he say anything to you Predaking?

Predaking: Not that I can think of. 


Later that evening I was walking home from the resturant down one the sidewalk next to a freeway. I was alone with Optimus's hologram sitting on my shoulder talking to him about our situation.

Madalyn: What is up with Emanuel? I mean, doesn't he realize that we need him to beat Chaos Bringer?

Optimus: I'm sure he has his reasons. And in his own good time he/'' explain himself Madalyn.

Madalyn: I guess your right Optimus. But this also means, we'll never get to battle again.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

The next morning I was getting some dishes cleaned up at the sink before I headed off to school. Can't serve the customers food with dirty plates right?

Emanuel: There's so many I'll never finish at this rate! 

 As I put one of the dishes away, I lost my grip on it and it crashed to the floor, breaking into pieces. I let out a loud growl and started picking up the pieces when Predaking's hologram appeared on the counter. 

Predaking: Emanuel are you sure about your descison to leave?

Emanuel: I'm sure Predaking.

Predaking: It's just that... well... 

Emanuel: it's cool that you worry about me. But I'm fine. But I've made up my mind and that's the end of it. It's really no big deal.

I put the pices in the garabage and went up stairs to get a broom to sweep up the dust. But just as I was half way up I heard Predaking speak up.

Predaking: Are you sure?

Emanuel: Yes Predaking. I'm sure.


Corbin's P.O.V.

Corbin: Go get'em Strika!

Chaos Bringer: I hope you like the Cybertronian Underworld Strika. Cause that's where you'll be going.

Strika: Don't even try to scare me like that. But your still cute!

Chaos Bringer: I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a scehdule to keep. Soundwave Transform!

Chaos Bringer fired in Soundwave, landing on Strikas game card. He glowed out of his card form and transformed into his robot mode. 

Straika: Oooh scary! And I'm not just talking about your bad paint job! Corbin are you ready to play?

Corbin: Heck ya! Game card open! Energon Merge!

Tablet: Dinotbot Strika attack level increased to 4700. Decepticon Soundwave decreased to 3500 attack points. 

Corbin: Your done Chaos Bringer! Ability card activate! Fury Swipe!

Strika transformed into her dino mode and charged full speed at Soundwave, baring out her sharp teeth as she jumped into the air, taking a noise dive down towards the Decepticon. 

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate! Darkness Rising!

Purple lightning bolts shot out of the sky, charging up in Soundwave's servos. He fired a blast at Strika, knocking her back down to the floor forcing her into her robot mode. But Straika quickly got back up and ran full speed at Soundwave.

Corbin: You think that's going to stop her? Nothing can break her! 

Chaos Bringer: Fusion ability activate! 

Chaos Bringer tossed the ability card at Soundwave and the lightning bolts grew bigger and glowed brighter. 

Tablet: Fusion ability cancels game card. Decepticon Soundwave increased to 4500 attack points. Dinobot Strika remains stable. Additional 1000 attack points increased to Soundwave.

The lightning bolts charged at full power and Soundwave fired a shot at Strika, knocking her right into the air and crashing to the floor face first. Soundwave walked over to her, grabbed her by the throat and fully charged his servo.

Soundwave: Soundwave surpiror. Dinobot inferior.

He fired one more blast, destroying Strika with a huge explosion. THe rush of wind, fire, and smoke, washed over me, knocking me back and back flipping me a few times. I was covered with ash and a small scortch mark was on my cheek and arms. 

Corbin: Strika no!

Strika's lifeless body collapsed to the floor and she fell through the doom portal.

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