Capturing the Heart [a pokemo...

Por ZanaBean

34.8K 720 168

Ash has been captured. Captured by Giovanni. Ash had come so close to taking team rocket down, one more base... Mais

1) Caught by a Mob Boss
2) The Question
3) Nightmares
4) The Escape Plan
5) A Victory of a Different Kind
6) Therapy
7) Full House [Part 1]
8) Full House [part 2]
9) Escape and Other Mythical Things
10) Hide and Seek
11) Wake Up
12) Work
13) "I'll Call the Police"
14) Pallet Town and Trouble
16) Recovery
17) Sleep
18) Visitor Rights
19) Goodbye Pallet
20) Checklist

15) You're Still an Ass

1.1K 34 14
Por ZanaBean

After that Giovanni avoided all of them, usually staying locked in his room with Pikachu and not coming out for many meals. Ash was fine with it, his mother not so much.

Delia put her hands on her hips "Ash Ketchum you are going to go in there and bring him out for breakfast young man".

Ash whined "mom he doesn't want to why make him".

Delia said sternly "because that man is going to waste away, no go". Her tone said that Ash had no choice and had best just follow orders.

Ash did but he grumbled all the way to Giovanni's room, Persian stalking behind. He knocked and waited.

"Go away" came the voice from inside, though it seemed distracted.

Ash folded his arms "mom sent me to bring you to breakfast".

"I'm not hungry" Giovanni said through the door.

Ash rolled his eyes "you're never hungry, just come sit with us and eat some bacon or something to make her happy".

"And why should I care if she's happy or not" Giovanni asked, sounding vaguely bored.

Ash scowled "just come to the kitchen". He left before Giovanni could continue the argument, going to the kitchen and sitting at his place.

Delia looked up from the oven "where is he".

Ash shrugged "in his room starving and being rude".

Delia frowned "come finish the eggs". She wiped her hands on a towel and left, looking scarily determined. If Ash wasn't so annoyed with Giovanni he might have wished him luck, however he was annoyed so he mentally rooted for his mom.

Delia didn't take long. She soon came back pulling a pissed looking Giovanni by the ear, Pikachu trailed behind looking amused. "Sit" she ordered, letting go of Giovanni.

Giovanni glared but sat, Persian going over to him as Pikachu went to Ash.

Delia took over the oven again, letting Ash go sit. He did, sitting as far away from Giovanni as he could, looking at the rocket boss. Giovanni sat gloomily, rubbing his ear and petting Persian. Ash smiled to himself and shared a victory thumbs up with Pikachu

Delia soon had food on the table. Ash piled his plate and dug in. Delia filled her plate and then, when it was apparent that Giovanni was going to continue being stubborn, filled his plate as well. Giovanni frowned at the food, Delia pointed to him threateningly "eat".

The rocket boss rolled his eyes but ate some, picking at the food.

Ash ignored him, eating his bacon and eggs with a gusto that was normal if not totally healthy for his breathing. Delia kept an eye on them both as she ate like a normal person.

   Ash finished quickly and put his dishes in the sink. Delia turned in the seat to look at him "I want you to take him outside".

   Giovanni's head jerked up "no".

   Delia turned a glare on him "you have no choice, comply or be forced".

   Giovanni glared back "in case you haven't caught on your son is still under my command".

   Delia waved a hand and started cleaning up "in case you haven't noticed you're staying in my house for the next few days and you're already pale enough to be dead, outside, both of you".

   Giovanni looked like he was going to argue more but Persian rubbed against his leg and meowed. Giovanni just huffed and stood, heading for the front door. Pikachu jumped off the table and followed him.

   Ash looked at his mom "do I really have to be outside near that gloomy lump".

   Delia shook her head at him "yes you do, and he's not a gloomy lump, he obviously had plans that you interrupted".

   Ash rolled his eyes, heading for the door with Persian "his plans were probably evil". He left to Delia shaking her head more and cleaning the dishes. He went outside to find Giovanni leaning on his car. The rocket boss glanced over and stood straight "get in".

   Ash folded his arms "excuse you".

   Giovanni went to the driver door and opened it "I said get in".

   Ash raised an eyebrow suspiciously "why".

   Giovanni sighed in exasperation "because I'm going somewhere genius and you're not going to let me leave without you".

   Ash frowned at him for a minute, knowing he was right "... fine". He got into the passenger seat and buckled up as Giovanni got in the drivers seat.

   Giovanni pulled out of the drive and took the roads to leave town. Ash stared out the window, grumpy and ignoring Giovanni. Giovanni ignored him and drove. Pikachu and Persian, in the backseat, where starting to talk again, not holding grudges as long as their trainers.

   Giovanni kept driving for a while, heading off main roads and into the woods. He seemed to know where he was going even though Ash doubted the man was out here much. Then Ash seemed to realise he was paying a lot of attention to the Rocket boss and huffed to himself, glaring back out the window. Giovanni noticed the huff but said nothing, feeling slightly guilty for what he was about to do.

   Giovanni eventually stopped the car near a pond, pulling back around to face it the way they had come before parking. He glanced at Ash "we're here" and opened his door.

   Ash huffed again and got out, letting Pikachu and Persian out after him. He heard Giovanni's door close and folded his arms, heading for the pond before the other man could talk to him. Persian and Pikachu went to hunt in the water reeds for something to scare. Ash was so lost in thought and busy ignoring Giovanni that it took him a few seconds to recognize the sound of a car crunching over gravel. He turned to look behind him.

   Giovanni was driving away.

   Ash stared at the retreating car for a moment, mouth hanging open, before his senses caught up. He yelled and raced after the car, stumbling over rocks and roots and not catching up. He stopped after almost falling on his face, yelling after the car instead " come back right now asshole ...GIOVANNI I SWEAR TO ALL YOU HOLD DEAR YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK RIGHT NOW... OH MY GOD YOU FUCK FACE, I HATE YOU".

   Predictably the car didn't stop, it didn't even slow down. Ash was breathing heavy, his time spent sitting on his ass in a cell hadn't helped his muscles stay as springy as they used to be. He glared after the car as it disappeared before storming back to the pond. Pikachu and Persian sat beside a blanket and a picnic basket that Ash hadn't noticed in his rush to get to the car.

   Ash stopped and glared at Persian "you knew".

   Persian's ears dropped back against his head, tail tip twitching as he looked away. Pikachu seemed to start berating him.

   Ash was fed up with Giovanni and his little tricks and his little minions and pokemon. He snatched the blanket and basket from between the pokemon and stomped off to sit by the pond. He tore open the basket and found foil wrapped burgers and a ketchup bottle, a small baggie of sausages looked like it was for Persian.

   Ash scowled as he peeked under the cloth all the food was on and found the next book in the series he was reading. He closed the basket and pushed it away, determined not to need anything Giovanni provided.

   He lasted half an hour.

   After that he got the book out and leaned against a tree, reading angrily as Pikachu and Persian, who seemed to have made up again, played around the pond.

   Ash wasn't sure how long he read, though he did get through a third of the book. Eventually however Pikachu came over and got his attention, motioning that he was hungry. Ash frowned "we just had breakfast buddy, I-...". He stopped as he noticed that the sun, which had been lower in the east when he had gotten there, was now bright and above him and starting to lean toward west.

   Ash closed the book, startled and slightly panicked "we've been out here forever, what if he forgot about us".

   Pikachu patted his leg and shook his head before pointing to the picnic basket. Ash nodded, Pikachu was right, worry about food now and then get unstranded. Now that he wasn't reading Ash was hungry too. He grabbed the basket and spread the blanket over a relatively flat rock. He pulled out the hamburgers, three of them, and the ketchup for Pikachu.

   He pulled out the sausages for Persian and looked around scowling. Persian had stayed  away a bit but was watching him, obviously also hungry. Ash stared him in the eye and pulled back his arm before launching the baggie into the pond.

   Persian stood with a startled mewl, ears falling back against his head as the baggie splashed into the middle of the pond and floated to the top. Pikachu protested and looked at Ash reproachfully "pika pi".

   Persian paced at the edge of the pond, trying to find the shortest distance to the baggie. His tail twitched in distress and he stopped at an edge. He coiled slightly before jumping as far as he could into the water, splashing and sinking instantly before bobbing back up. He swam to the baggie and grabbed it with his teeth before swimming back to shore as quickly as he could. He flicked his paws and tail when he got out and looked miserable,  with his fur wet he was thinner then Ash would have guessed.

   Ash did feel slightly bad about it but he huffed and turned away, eating his burgers and ignoring the feline as it washed itself. Pikachu took his ketchup over and sat with Persian.

   There was silence from all of them for a while, Pikachu and Ash eating while Persian tried to dry off.

   Ash sighed twenty minutes later and grabbed the blanket and the last burger, going over to them. Persian watched him warily, ears back against his head and tail flicking to curl around the baggie.

   Ash raised his hands to show he meant no harm "I'm sorry, that was cruel... no matter what Giovanni's done".

   Persian watched him for a minute before relaxing again and continuing to dry off. Ash settled on the ground near them and dropped the blanket over Persian, the cat  curled under it. Ash unwrapped the burger and tore it in half, offering one half to Persian.

   The cat sniffed it and took it, purring a thanks and tucking in. Ash ate the other half as Pikachu settled between them, happy that they were getting along again.

   They stayed like that for a while, Ash and Persian laying down after they had eaten, soaking in the warmth.


   Ash blinked his eyes open about an hour later.

   He glanced around for Pikachu and Persian as he sat up and stretched. He couldn't see them but he heard them playing and having fun over somewhere on the other side of the pond. He got up and cleaned up from lunch, putting everything, trash, book, and blanket, into the basket. He then headed around the water to find them and see if they wanted to include him, the book was nice but he wanted to move.

   He found them and they set up a game of tag, Pikachu drew the short piece of grass and was it. Persian and Ash got a five second head start, Ash racing as fast as he could. He ducked behind a crop of trees to peek behind.

   Pikachu had finished counting but was wondering who to go after. He picked Persian, racing off that way.

   Ash took this chance to look around, this was a good area to hide if he wanted to and he did. He decided on the tail grass, if they heard rustling they would think it was a pokemon hopefully. He crawled into the grass and went further back, stopping every now and then to listen for Pikachu or Persian. He heard Persian meow in surprise somewhere not too far away and the sounds of a chase begin.

   Ash grinned and settled to listen. He eventually head Pikachu's victory shot and then heard the mouse race past his hiding spot.

   Persian followed soon after, stopping for a minute to sniff at the grass before moving on.

   Ash let out the breath he had been holding and hunkered down more.

   He tensed when he heard a rustle behind him, staying absolutely still. He strained all senses to figure out what the thing was as it moved up his side toward his face.

   He jumped when it popped out inches away "BAGON". A little cute Bagon was staring at Ash in absolute excitement over it's new discovery.

   Ash relaxed again and smiled at it "hello there".

   It bounced up and down "BA BA". It raced as quickly as it's stubby little legs would take it, tripping halfway to his shoulder and getting right back up. It struggled up his side and climbed on top his head "BAGON".

   Ash laughed and reached a hand up to steady the little guy as he sat up, forgetting all about the game. He pulled the baby down into his lap to get a better look at it.

   It couldn't have been more than a few weeks old it was so small. It's little stubs for arms were flailing in excitement, looking like little wings almost. It kept exclaiming loudly "BA BAGON GON GON".

   Ash laughed again and patted its head "yes you found something interesting, calm down before you hurt yourself".

   The Bagon did calm some but it's arms kept moving "Ba".

   Ash thought about it, he had read about Bagon before, they all seemed to have some weird fascination with flying but apparently they were awful climbers and whenever they managed to get high they jumped to see if they could fly yet. Ash smiled "you wanna get higher".

   The Bagon nodded furiously "BA BA".

   Ash grinned and stood "alright". He yelled for Pikachu and Persian, introducing them to Bagon when they arrived. Pikachu and Persian both thought it sounded fun.

   Persian and Pikachu scooted trees as Ash kept the little dragon entertained. Persian found a tree that was high enough but probably wouldn't let the baby get hurt if they were careful, the Bagon's head wasn't yet as hard as it could be.

   Ash handed to dragon up to Pikachu and Persian and followed them as they let it pick a branch. The Bagon pointed a branch out and Pikachu helped it out. It set itself, looking as determined as something that young can, it jumped with a cry of "BAGON".

   Ash caught it and laughed, it looked determined, startled, hopeful, and scared all at once. He gave it back to Persian.

   They kept this routine going for a while, trying different trees and letting Bagon walk himself out onto the branch.

   Bagon had picked another branch and raced out onto it, going a bit to fast on his little legs, He tripped, banging his nose on the branch before falling off. Ash caught him, trying to sooth the now crying little dragon. It bawled at the top of it's lungs, short arms trying to rub it's nose.

   Ash was so focused on the Bagon that it was Persian and Pikachu's warning growls that alerted him instead of the shadow that had fallen over them. He turned slowly, hairs on his arm rising as he heard a fierce and protective snarl.

   A full grown and dangerous looking Salamence was glaring at them with poison in its eyes. The little Bagon sniffled and waved its arms at its evolved version and probably mother.

   Ash carefully set down the baby and stepped back "we were just playing around, everythings fine".

   The Salamence didn't seem to care. It roared and it's eyes glowed red, pulling back to attack as its tail swept the Bagon out of danger. Ash and Pokemon scrambled out of the way, leaving the poor tree to take the force of the Rage attack. Pikachu launch a thunderbolt at the dragon to get it's attention away from Ash.

   The Salamence turned to the mouse and struck too fast to see, tossing a fainted Pikachu aside after a vicious Fire Fang.

   Ash caught Pikachu and sent out Charmander. The fire starter instantly figured out the enemy and waited for a command. "Skull Bash" Ash shouted.

   Charmander jumped at the dragon, head down. He slammed into Salamence fell force. The dragon stumbled back, its tail swept forward to knock Charmander aside before dealing a rage attack and a Dragon Claw to put him out.

   Ash returned the fire type and sent out Squirtle, instantly shouting "Hydro pump". Squirtle shot it off, taking a few Rage attacks and before he hit the dragon. The dragon growled and slammed a paw down on the water turtle, fainting it instantly.

   Ash sent out the next pokemon, Bulbasaur erupting and attacking at a shout of "Solar Beam". The grass Pokemon dodge the fire fang as it charged up. He launched it as soon as he could, hitting the dragon square in the face.

   The Salamence roared in anger, getting stronger with each attack. It used fire fang again, getting Bulbasaur squarely and turning a hateful eye on Ash.

   Ash returned his pokemon and sent out both Butterfree and Pidgeot. "Butterfree String Shot" he yelled, then "Pidgeot Double-Edge".

   Both Pokemon sprang into action, Butterfree aiming the sticky strings at the dragons limbs and head as Pidgeot flew away a bit to gain speed.

    The salamence was having none of it. It used Fire Fang on the String and rage on Butterfree to knock it away. It used Fire Fang against Pidgeot to mess up the move before Raging them both until they fainted.

   Ash returned them, entirely shocked and distressed, not only where his Pokemon and best friends hurt but he now had to face an enraged dragon with nothing but himself. He backed away as the Salamence took threatening steps toward him, growling low.

   Something leaped past Ash's head, landing in front and issuing a growl of its own. Persian's ears were flat against his head and his tail twitching as he crouched, ready to spring.

   The dragon launch a Fire Fang without remorse, missing the cat my inches. Persian used double team, him and his new counterpart splitting up and going different directions around the Salamence. They attacked at the same time but were just down by a tail sweeping to make one of them disappear and a claw slashing to send the real Persian skidding backwards.

   The cat jumped the other way, managing to land Shadow Claw down Salamence's side. The dragon went into a deeper rage, throwing Persian back again.

   They faced off, Salamence tiring and hurt, Persian breathing heavy and also hurt. Then the dragon growled and attacked, but not at Persian.

   He turned and attacked Ash.

   Persian tried to leap between them, Ash tried to run, but they had both been taken by surprise. Persian took most of the attack, fainting on impact as the claws raked past him. Ash screamed as the Salamence clipped his side, tearing into flesh with its burning attack.

    He dropped to the ground, writhing in pain and whimpering, expecting to be attacked again any second. He wasn't.

   There were sounds of a battle and roars close by but they didn't seem important anymore, not compared to the pain. He drifted in and out of consciousness.

   There was still a battle and pain.

   He couldn't hear a battle anymore, lot's of pain though.

   Fuck that's a lot of pain, and hands, lifting his shirt and drifting over him.

   He woke again to be carried, head resting on someone's collarbone. Whoever it was they held him tight, heart beating fast against their chest to Ash's hearing. They put him inside something, oh wait, backseat, it was a backseat. He opened his eyes slowly, looking up into a blurry face. Black hair, worried eyes, lips moving in frantic mumbled apologies.

   Ash tried to grab one of the hands that were securing him and tell the person what happened but he was slowly fading.

   Until he blacked out completely.


WHAT HAVE I DONE, I'M SO SORRY, SOMEONE SHOOT ME, GIOVANNI YOU ASSHOLE, OH MY GOD!!! Ok so that was eventful *nervous laughter*. @PokemonMaster7550 and @demali530 I did the things and i hope you liked it. I'm still in shock at what I've done to poor Ash (tbh I'm more worried about Persian) but guess we'll see how this turns out. So read, comment, watch for wild things, you know what I mean. *ducks out* bye.

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