By _Justnotsane_

95.9K 619 281

Materialistically, Lainey had everything. Perfect town, perfect home, perfect friends. But everyone is suppos... More

Sunny Queensland
Alex Knight
Watching from the Window
Friends with Benifets?
The See Through Situation
A New Girl
Bloody Knees and Sweaty Palms
Cassandra Beckett
A Bad Past Catches Up
Five Years
"To Forgetting"
"How soon can I leave?"
Six Months
Never Giving Up
The Seventh Stair
"I Love You"
Hitting Nathan
Visiting Jack
Fall in Love Again
"Good to know Nathan takes my safety seriously"
More Time
The Wedding
Lainey's Birthday
A Nightmare
"Good news and the bad news."
This Here Was Perfect
You've Dug A Hole
A Very Rude Awakening
Life Has Lost All Calmness
Hello My Lovely Readers

The Morning After

3.3K 17 13
By _Justnotsane_

The dog in the house behind us was barking, waking me up from my sleep. My head was pounding and I was so uncomfortable. I pulled myself to sit up and I looked around the room. It wasn't mine, it was Nathan's. I was on the floor and I looked up at Nathan's bed, where he was asleep and his arm hanging down. I looked at his hand and realized my hand was in his. I slowly pulled my hand out of his and stood up. I looked down at my body and saw I was wearing one of his shirts. "Oh fuck me." I whispered. "Where is my dress?" I muttered, getting down on all fours, fumbling for my dress under his bed. I grabbed hold of it and pulled it out. It was sticky but I didn't care. Nathan moved closer and yawned. I froze and moved away, 'Bail, BAIL!' Khloe said, I got up and ran out of the door, and thru the hall, slipping on a shirt on the floor. I flew forward and down the stairs. I hit the bottom my ribs where Jacob hit me hurting like I had been stabbed. 'Come on bitch, move.' Khloe yelled through my head again. I got up and headed to the door. My heels. I forgot my heels. Forget the fucking heels; get the fuck out of here. I thought, shaking my head. I got up and walked fast toward the front door. I opened it,

"Going somewhere?" someone asked, I turned around guilty. Jay stood there with a smug look on his face.

"Yes. I was just um... Well... I was just about to..." I stuttered,

"Sneak out." he finished me. "Well go on. Nathan'll be up in about 5 minutes." He said, I nodded and ran out the door. The sun was so fricken bright, it felt like my eyes were melting out of their sockets and I could hear the birds chirping happily, making my head pound. I stumbled into my yard and in thru the door.

"You were supposed to pick me up at 12." Tommy yelled, jumping in front of me. I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away with my hand carelessly. I slumped onto the couch. "Lainey I'm serious. You were supposed to pick me up from Matt's at 12 and you didn't. I had to catch the bus and why is mums computer smashed?" he babbled, I put my finger to his mouth effortlessly.

"Tommy, shut up. I got a pounding headache and I'm hung-over. Now leave me alone." I said, burying my head in the couch cushions. What happened last night? Think bitch think! We went to the club, Nathan and I danced, and drunk... A lot. That's it, that's all I remember. I groaned and Tommy raised his eyebrow at me.

"How come you're wearing a guy's shirt? Oh my god, did you have sex with that Nathan guy?" He yelled,

"Shut up! I don't know, I can't remember." I said, whispering the last line. He sighed and left the room, leaving me to my thoughts. I stood up slowly and went over to the fridge, grabbing out the milk to make a coffee. I flicked on the kettle and walked into mum's office. I stepped over the broken pieces of computer and went over to the phone. I put it on speaker and checked the message bank.

"You have 2 new message's." said the robotic voice.

"Lucky me." I mumbled, stepping back over and walking back into the kitchen while the messages played.

"Hello Miss. Fabics, we have moved your dance audition to the 3rd at 2:00 Look forward to seeing you then, bye." said the young happy voice from the machine. I looked all around the room for a calendar, and then I found one. The 2nd, it was the second.

"Fuck." I muttered scribbling it onto the calendar.

"Miss Fabics, your drivers will be taken on the 4th, at 1:00. Looking forward to see you." the next message sent. I scratched that onto the next box on the calendar as well. The kettle flicked off and I made my coffee. I reached into the highest cupboard and grabbed a Panadol, placing it on my tongue and swallowing it with my coffee. I shuffled along the marble floor, up the stairs and into my room. Locking the double doors behind me. I slumped into my soft bed and massive duvet and pulled out my laptop. I logged into my Tumblr, yeahyouandwhoesarmy, and began scrolling thru my Dashboard. Everything was about stupid love and relationships so I slammed it shut and slouched into bed. I drunk the rest of my coffee and fell into a deep and well needed sleep.

I wandered the white halls, turning corners and continually bumping into dead ends. It was like a maze. I didn't know where I was, I just needed to get out. I ran my legs burning with tiredness. There were loud and high pitched beeping and the sound of yelling. I reached the end of a long corridor and fond two double opening doors reading in red writing, 'Operating Room' I ran down the hall and it felt like it grew more distant. It was like I was running on an invisible treadmill, running but never going anywhere. I pushed myself harder and reached the end, I began pushing the doors open and saw blood, a lot of blood. And next to the blood were my father and Justin's body.

"No, no!" I screamed, but nothing came out. Someone pushed me out the door and came toward me. I tripped over and crawled backward, like in those stupid horror movies. That's when I realized Jacob was leaning over my body, holding a huge butcher knife. I was crying and he smirked, before lunging forward onto my body and stabbing me in the chest.

I shot upright, covered in cold sweat, panting like a wounded dog. I touched my chest and found I was still in a clean over sized boy's shirt. I ran my clammy hands through my hair, which was wet with sweat and sighed. I looked straight ahead and found Max and Jay standing there with Tommy, all with horrified looks on their faces. Tommy left and Max closed the door.

"How did you get in? I locked my bedroom door." I said.

"We found your spare key by the door with your phone." Jay said, "Are you alright?" he asked, I nodded and sat straight. "This," he said, holding out a flash drive, "Is the video of last night." he finished, handing it to me. "You may want to see It." he said finally, walking to the door. Max and him walked out and closed the door and I stood up. I stared at it for nearly 15 minutes. I was debating whether or not to look. But I wanted answers to last night right? This was how I was going to, so why not? I walked over to my iMac and plugged in the USB. There was a folder labelled 'Club video' and I opened it, inside it was one video and I clicked on it. A video of us all at the club began playing and it showed all the guys making out with their girlfriends. I smiled when I saw Cassy's smile and then it dropped as I saw me and Nathan practically dry humping on the floor. Okay so maybe I was over exaggerating, but it wasn't exactly innocent good boy and girl dancing. It shifted to us in the corner of the club, pouring beer all over each other. It then cut to us stumbling into the guys house us, all drunk off our head. Nathan was carrying me and I was laughing. We were both quoting Shakespeare which I was surprised we remembered. He put me down and Jay turned on the stereo in the home theatre. The scene shifted to me and Nathan in a corner him motor boating me.

I moaned and buried my head in my hands.

"How drunk did I get?" I mumbled.

The video then showed us all sitting on the couch, me on Nathan's lap. I leant over and whispered something into his ear and he laughed and stood up, dragging me alone into his room. The video turned black and I turned the screen off. I stood up and walked over to my window, which over looked Nathan's. I should go and ask him. No, no that's a stupid idea. I know me and him fucked, is there any point in him saying it as well? No, the answer is no. I had so many things wandering through my mind. I was so stupid. I then remembered why I smashed mums iMac and I grew angry. I sighed and slipped on a pair of track pants and a grey hoodie. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with makeup. I grabbed the flash drive and took it into the kitchen. I saw the blender sitting there, almost as though it was calling me. I smirked and through the flash drive in and put on the lid. I turned it on and it began pulverizing the piece of shit. I turned it off and emptied it into the bin. I clapped my hands together and headed to the front door. I was getting answers, maybe we didn't have sex. Maybe I just stripped for him and got into his shirt. Okay that sounds terrible. God I hope that didn't happen. I touched the cross on my neck, which was held by a simple chain. "Please don't let us have done it." I whispered. I got to the boys door and stood there for a minute, trying to pluck up the course to knock. Finally I did. I waited for 10 seconds and footsteps came to the door. The door opened and Max stood there,

"Hello Miss sexual." he said, winking at me.

"Shut up or I'll cut your balls off." I said, pointing a finger at him. "Where's Nathan?" I asked him,

"In his room." he said, as I walked in the door and he closed it behind me. I jogged up the stairs, noticing the top I slipped on this morning. I picked it up and put it on the stairs railing. I reached Nathan's room and barged in. He was lying in bed, playing on the laptop. I closed it and put it beside his bed, I then sat beside him. He sighed and looked at me,

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked him. He sighed again and nodded. "Did we, you know... Have,"

"No." he answered quickly, laughing. I sighed happily and stood up,

"Thank god." I said, "Well, why did I wake up in your shirt on the floor?" I asked him, deciding to leave out the fact he was holding my hand. "What did I whisper to you?" I asked him.

"Just that you were tired and covered in beer." he said, "We came in here and I gave you spare shirt and we both slept in my bed, but I suppose you fell out or something." he continued. I nodded,

"That's all I needed to know." I told him, I sat on his desk and looked at him happily. "I um... I have my dance audition tomorrow." I said, starting conversation.

"Really?" he asked smiling, standing up and walking over.

"Yeah, at two, so do you think you could check up on Tommy while I'm gone?" I said, he nodded. We looked at each other for a little while, just staring into one another's eyes.

"I don't like the guys you hang out with." he said suddenly. I was shocked,

"You what?" I asked, hoping I heard him wrong.

"I don't like any of your guy friends. Like that Alex guy looks at you as though he wants to shag you then and there and those guys you sing with..." he said, shaking his head. I shook my head,

"Why are you saying this?" I asked him, jumping off the desk, walking to the wall, leaning against it.

"Because they're losers and I don't like the way you hang out with Alex so much." he said, glaring at me. "He's not good for you. And I really don't... No, no I hate your cousin." he spat. I inhaled sharply and glared back at him.

"Don't say anything against him." I said,

"Or what?" he challenged.

"He is the only one who understands me and if you offend him." I said, shaking my head.

"There's nothing you can do about it. You're just a stupid, helpless tiny girl. Stop saying big things." he said,

"You're a fucking asshole." I spat, pushing him away, his strong chest not ceasing to turn me on. He raised his hands as if about to hit me and I flinched, closing my eyes. That's when he stepped back,

"I'm sorry." he said, I shook my head slowly and ran out. I could get out of there fast enough. I had never seen him act that way, I couldn't deny I was scared out of my wits. I ran down the stairs, shaking. "Lainey stop! I'm sorry!" Nathan yelled after me. I opened the door, feeling everyone watching from the foyer.

"What did you do?!" I heard Tom yell violently. I ran all the way back home and slammed my door behind me. I slumped against it, and slowly slid down it. Okay so we've established that my brains not exactly normal, so hear me out when I say; that part of Nathan scared the shit out of me, and I liked it. He was extremely hot when he was angry, which really shit me. I wasn't angry at him for going all crazy at me, I was more angry at him for making me want him even when he was nuts. I moaned and stood up. I wasn't angry at him, or scared of him, that's not why I ran out of there. I think I was more afraid I was going to make out with him. I went over to my computer and sat down on my chair, turning it on and going to Tumblr.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, blogging and reblogging stuff, but I looked out the window and saw it had become dark. I stood up, stretching and grabbing a pair of leggings and my dance top. My hair was still tied up and I picked up a CD. I jogged downstairs and into the basement which we turned into a cleared space with mirrors. I put the CD in and positioned myself. I then just let the music and my feet take me away, my eyes closed as I moved. When I danced, it was as if nothing bad in the world existed, I felt as though I was away in a perfect world made out of fairness and love. I opened my eyes for the part I had continually screwed up. I practiced the leap over and over and over again. I was a perfectionist when it came to dance. I had to get this right, especially if I wanted to get in. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and thought of nothing. I took a run and leaped, making it perfect and landing it in the right position. I opened my eyes quickly and tried it again. Correct, every time I did it right. I screamed and jumped up and down until I heard Tommy cough; I looked up,

"Please tell me you saw me land that perfectly." I said, he laughed and nodded.

"You have a visitor." he said, I nodded and turned the CD off, walking out to the front door. Tommy went back into his room and I opened the door. There Nathan stood with a sorry, sappy look on his face. I leaned against the door, glaring at him. He didn't scare me, but what at he did was wrong, so I was going to make him think I was angry.

But the next thing that happened I did not see coming. He reached behind him and pulled out a basket.

"Are they-" I began, pointing to the basket.

"Puppies." he finished. I just stood there, staring at him. "I'm sorry." he said, I glared,

"You're not forgiven Nathan. You were an asshole; it's going to take a lot more than puppies and a sad look for me to forgive you." I said, shaking my head.

"Come on! Do you know how much this cost me?" he yelled, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Go." I said, pointing down my driveway. He sighed and began walking away. "Wait!" I yelled after him, he turned back, hope all over his face. "Give me them." I said, grabbing the basket out of his hands. A smile crept onto his face and I turned away, walking inside. I closed the door and pulled back the blanket, revealing two pug puppies. They yawned and waddled, falling over every time they moved. I pulled them out and placed them on the hard cold marble floor. Tommy came in and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Who gave you them?" he asked, walking over to me, picking one up.

"Nathan." I said, through gritted teeth. He dumped puppies on me. Puppies. As if I didn't have enough on my plate. I had to pass my drivers, go for and audition, get a job and take care of Tommy for a month. I sighed and found a note in the bottom of the basket.

'I knew you would take them. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. I just look at you and feel so protective. I don't know why but I want you to be happy and away from ad agave taking guys. I should trust your judgment and I'm sorry for saying all those things. Nathan, xx'

Two X's what does that mean? Does it mean he likes me or that he's really desperate for my forgiveness? Oh shut up Lainey, you're thinking about it too much, I thought. I put the note back and looked at the helpless little creatures. I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep them.

"Can we keep them Lainey, please?" he begged picking one up and cuddling it.

"No Tommy, we can't. I don't have the time to look after puppies. And mums not back for a month." I said.

"Please Lainey, please... Look at his little face." he said, holding up the puppy. It looked at me as if it knew and it pulled big eyes and dropped its mouth open slightly. I sighed,

"Fine. But you come up with one name and I come up with one." I picked up the tinier of the two and looked at him. "I think I'll call this one Mason." I said, "What about you?" I asked Tommy. He held the biggest and fattest one,

"I'll call him Roley, like from 101 Dalmatians." he said, I threw my head back in laughter.

"Nice one." I said, high fiving him. I stood up with the puppy and got Tommy to carry Roley and the basket to y room. "Okay Tommy. I have my dance audition tomorrow and I need you to take care of these two. Now If I give you $200 can you buy collars and a name tag, food and dog bowls? And I'll give you $50 to spend on yourself, as well as the change." I said, putting Roley and Mason on my bed.

"Really? Sweet!" he yelled, running out of my room. He closed the door behind him and I sat on my bed, playing with the two small puppies.

"Nathan why would you do this?" I mumbled picking up Mason and holding him up in the air. He stuck his tongue out and I laughed. For what seemed 2 hours I sat there playing with them and when I looked up at the clock it was 10:00. I snuggled into my over thick duvet, the heating already have been turned on and the puppies under the blankets with me. I grabbed out my phone and set the alarm for 12:00 pm. I didn't want to be annoyed till then. I had one of the most life changing things tomorrow, and I need to rest. The dogs curled into a bundle right beside my body and drifted off, as did I.

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