Roller Skating Shoes

By AnnaxDreamer

3.9K 132 46

Lilliana McCall -- one of three triplets -- has gone through the most stupidest form of bullying. And it all... More

Chapter 1: Packing
Chapter 2: I Won't Let That Dam Break
Chapter 3: Please Don't Tell
Chapter 4: There's Three Of Them
Chapter 5: Flashbacks
Chapter 6: Fighting Back
Chapter 7: I Want To Go Home
Chapter 8: You Can Tell Me
Chapter 9: What Got You All Smiley?
Chapter 10: I Just Miss Him
Chapter 11: Told You I Could Handle It
Chapter 12: Nice Speech
Chapter 13: Hello Friend
Chapter 14: Kol Pizza Service
Chapter 15: You Are Very Impatient
Chapter 16: Partners In Crime
Chapter 17: Boys Are Stupid
Chapter 18: He's A Really Great Kisser
Chapter 19: We'll Work Stuff Out
Chapter 20: Our Little Secret
Chapter 21: Jake Should Stay In State Farm
Chapter 22: And So They Start...
Chapter 23: The First Date
Chapter 25: I'm Trying To Be Mad At You
Chapter 26; Lost One, Found One
Chapter 27: Should've Listened
Chapter 28: So What Do Two Broke Down Heartbreaks Do Now?
Chapter 29: Don't Be A Sore Loser
Chapter 30: Jenna
Chapter 31: It Was A Fun Ride

Chapter 24: Excuse Me For Not Knowing Miley Cyrus

112 3 2
By AnnaxDreamer

Chapter 24: Excuse Me For Not Knowing Miley Cyrus

Excuse the mistakes

Proofread this time, so may not be much! :)


The date was actually better than I thought it would be; even though I hated roller skating, and completely sucked at it, I actually had fun this time. I’d suppose it was Matt who made it this fun, because it never was when I tried before. Not even when I’m learning with Ryder, because I sort of had that stupid crush that made no sense. It was pretty awkward in the end when both of us realized neither of us felt anything towards each other, but it got better after a few weeks. Although, Ryder and I barely do the practices now, I’d say I was a bit better. Though I doubt it, because I was clinging on to Matt for almost the entire time and I was barely moving – he did most of the work. I felt a tad bit bad though, because Matt probably didn’t have fun. That’s why I asked him the question now, “Matt, did you have fun today? Or was it boring? Honestly,”

Matt looked at me and smiled, “Yes I had fun, I finally got the first date with you. Did you have fun?”

I nodded, “Somewhat, but sorry again for not telling you about the roller skating problem.” I apologized for like the hundredth time today, and ate a small broken up Oreo that was in my frozen yogurt. Matt had taken me to a Sweet Frogs right after, just for a treat to make me feel better. I haven’t ever been to a Sweet Frogs before, neither have a tasted frozen yogurt {I know, shocking!} but I do quite love it now.

“It’s completely understandable Anna, I probably wouldn’t have told anyone either.” He shrugged. “But is that why you drew that picture? You know – the one with the tree?”

I sighed, “I was alone and had nothing else to do, and I just start drawing random things. And most of the things I draw always end up developing into my feelings. That’s why I draw; I draw what I feel. So yes, that was why. I felt alone, and I always did. But I am now, I actually have friends that make me happy and I have someone to feel close to.”

He kissed my cheek softly, and then wrapped his arm protectively around my waist. “You don’t have to feel so alone anymore; you have a lot of people now. And even though it’s not too much, it’s just enough.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and together we both stared out at the cute fountain. It felt so calm and peaceful, and for a moment it felt like it was just us. I loved this feeling, it made me happy. I felt as if I was accepted, and I was no longer bullied. I know I have to deal with my sisters at home, but one day I will have to forgive them. Even though they haven’t actually been showing they want my forgiveness, I have to at least give it. Forgiveness is necessary, and you must always forgive those who are wrong to you. It’s gonna take me a while to actually forgive them, because they don’t even care, if you haven’t noticed. They’re just trying their hardest to make my life fall apart all again, as if it was ever once whole. I don’t understand what they want now; I know Lillian likes Ryder and Lilly likes Matt, but Lillian could get Ryder, as for Lilly, too bad for her.

I had finished all the Oreos in my cup, and I had huge craving for more. Matt had a few left over, so I quickly stole one. He wasn’t looking at his cup so he didn’t notice, which is pretty awesome. So now I had my beloved Oreo, chewing on. But I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle after. “What’s so funny?” Matt asked me, now actually looking at me.

I said ‘nothing,’ but it probably came out as something else, since I was eating the Oreo while talking. He looked into his cup, and then back up at me, already figuring it out. “Sorry,” I giggled, swallowing the yummy goodness.

He rolled his eyes playfully, and then stole one of my gummy worms and munched it down. I gasped, “How dare you!?”

He chuckled, “You started it,”

I glared at him and then snatched his whole cup and ran away with it. He immediately chased after me, so I picked up my pace and ran faster. He ended up catching me after we had circled around the fountain about three times, because I got tired and got slow. I’m really unfit, I need to run some more. “I’ll dump it on your head,” I warned, but had a smile on my face that showed I wouldn’t have actually done it.

He grinned, a very cute grin, “I’m sure you can,”

“You’re so mean,” I huffed, and crossed my arms, holding both of our cups in a separate hand.

“Says the one who stole my frozen yogurt,” He muttered with an eye roll.

I sighed dramatically, as if it was such a hard thing to give him his cup back. And so I did, “Can I have an Oreo?” I asked him, as he took his cup from my hand.

He quickly stuffed all the Oreos he had in his cup into his mouth, and then with a mouth full of the yummy cookies, he said, “I don’t have anymore,”

I giggled, “You’re adorable,”

He smiled, and then half of the cookies fell out of his mouth. But he didn’t seem to care.


On the drive back to Haylee’s house, I decided to call her and talk while we drove. I took my phone from my pocket and then clicked on her number. I was never really one to call people; I thought it was too awkward. Perhaps having friends now, I have someone to call, so that may be the reason as to why. The phone rang for a few times, and then she picked up. “How’s it going!?” She asked first, with a boatload of excitement filled in her voice.

“We’re coming back home now, and I had fun, except my butt hurts.” I complained, pushing the switch on the car door to make the window go down.

She chuckled, “Are you that bad at roller skating?”

“Yes, I am horrible.” I told her, trying to make my voice not be sad or not crack. Luckily it didn’t. I didn’t want her figuring out about the bullying. I know I’d have to tell her sooner or later, but I prefer later. I didn’t want to have to explain it to her. Maybe Matt could tell her, but I’d rather do it myself. I don’t think she’d even want to hear it from him, but rather from me. Although I don’t want to tell her, or anyone else for the matter, I have to. I hate the fact of having to repeat the story, over and over again, but maybe it’s all for the better, because I have friends now. And I just hope, I so hope they’ll stay by my side and never betray me.

I may come off too clingy when I’m with friends, I know that by now. But I try not to, because I know they’ll get annoyed with me. I may not get the amount of attention I want, and I don’t ever try to give people attention. However, when it’s just us, I’d talk and give my full attention. But don’t plan on me keeping the conversation going, because I guarantee you that will just never happen.

Haylee chuckles, “But Matt’s really good, isn’t he? I remember the last time we all went out roller skating, and I sucked so much. To make it worse, I was the only girl surrounded by like five boys.”

“I doubt you could be worse than me, in fact, I doubt anyone in the entire world can.” I said, fully certain of that.

“Oh please,” She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, knowing she can’t see me and said, “We have never seen each other skate, so let’s just say we just both suck a lot.”

“Alright then, let’s keep it at that. I gotta go now, Adam’s being an ass.”

“Good luck with that, bye!”

“See you when you get back, adios!” She says, and then I hung up the phone.

I put my phone back into my pocket, and then sat up straight in my seat. “Can I turn the radio on?” I asked Matt, feeling the mood to listen to music. I’m always in the mood to listen to music, but I guess I’m in more of a mood to listen to music now.

“No, no you cannot,” He answered, and swatted my hand away as I tried to turn the radio on.

“Why?” I whined, trying to turn in on again, but he swatted my hand away again.

“I like the comfortable silence, can you hear it?”

“I –“

“Sh-h,” He said, and put a finger by my lips.

I rolled my eyes and shut up. He moved his hand and put it back on the staring wheel. I decided to just form a plan and find a way to turn it on. Maybe this is a little too much thinking just to turn the radio on, but I need my music. I sound like a brat right now, geez. When he wasn’t looking, I quickly put my hand by the radio and was about to turn it on. Matt grabbed my hand and held it in his, smirking at my failed attempt. I sighed deeply, and then got an idea. I can just play music from my phone! Why didn’t I think of that before? Honestly, I need to start thinking more.

I used my free hand and got my phone from my pocket, making sure to hold it far away from Matt; this way he couldn’t get it. I clicked on my music playlist and then clicked on ‘Royals’ by Lorde, and it then started playing. I ctuck my tongue out at Matt, “You lose,”

“The radio’s broken,” He said bluntly, rolling his eyes.

“That’s why I can’t turn it on? You could of just told me that instead of being mean,” I huffed, and locked my phone and rested it on my lap.

“I wasn’t being mean.” He pouted.

“Yes you were,”









“Okay, now you’re just saying random words.” He said, and stopped his argument of saying no.

“I wasn’t saying random words, I was saying yes, but in different languages.” I defended myself.

“How many different languages can you speak?” He asked me.

I started thinking for a minute, and then counted on my fingers the amount I can. “One,” I answered, after putting my hand down that was holding up all five fingers. “I can only speak English fluently {obviously}, but I can say a few words in Spanish, French, Dutch and Japanese.”

“You made me think you could’ve spoken like seven languages,” He said, as we pulled up in front of Haylee’s house.

I giggle, and he let go of my hand so I could get out of the car. I opened my door, and then stepped out of the car and made my way over to where Matt was. He took my hand in his and then we walked to her house. But we walked around the back, which is where I assumed Matt came in from earlier. Or he could’ve possibly been here a long time before I was, because he did just pop out of nowhere. And if he came after, Harry would have seen him and probably asked him to hang out with him or they’d talk or something, but I don’t know. Maybe he just hid in the bathroom or something; that sounds a whole lot less complicated than what I thought it was.

However, instead of going into Haylee’s house, we walked pass and walked to the back where there was another house. A look of confusion flushed across my face, “Why are we passing Haylee’s house? And whose house is that?” I asked Matt.

“That’s my house, and that’s where we’re going.” He answered. I never knew he lived behind Haylee; that would’ve been a very nice detail for her to add when she was squealing about this date. I’ve noticed there are a lot of houses in lines {houses behind houses}, I wondered why that is. Behind Jenna’s house, there was a house there, and now behind Haylee’s was another. It’d be cool if someone I knew used to live in that house as well – that would have been so cool!

“Oh,” I said, as he stepped up to the front door and started to open it. “Your parents aren’t home, right?” I asked getting nervous, because I did not want to meet his parents right now, I might lose my mind. I don’t know how I would have to act around his parent, nor how I should look or what I should do.

“No,” He chuckled. “Why are you getting so nervous about it?”

“I don’t know how I would have to act around them, and I’m gonna freak out if I meet them. And me freaking out is not a good sight, I start eating my hair, and I sweat a lot and at times I get stressed and start crying. And I start rambling too, as you can see that’s what I’m doing now. I try to stop talking, but I still end up saying a whole bunch of stupid things. One time I did that to Harry, and he almost punched me. But he di –“ I was cut off when Matt placed his lips on mine; but it was a short kiss and lasted for a mere second.

“Stop talking,”

“Sorry,” I said, and pretended to zip my lip. He opened the door and we both entered inside. The house looked really homey; it’d probably look so fabulous during Christmas, which is coming soon.

“Wanna watch a movie?” He asked, leading me upstairs.

“Sure,” I chirped, as I looked around the house at all the pictures. I saw a picture that was probably his entire family, it had a little boy and an older girl {looked like a teenager} and then a grown man and woman behind them. They were at Disney World, and it was such a cute picture. I stopped for a second and looked at it. I guessed the little kid with the Mickey mouse hat on was Matt; he had an adorable smile on his face and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Matt whined from behind me.

I jumped slightly, not knowing that he was behind me. “That’s you?” I asked him, even though he just proved it.

He nodded, and then pointed at the girl. “That’s my older sister Allie, but she’s married and lives in Florida with her two kids. And they are my parents,” he said, and pointed to his parents.

“But you looked so adorable then!” I cooed, and pinched his cheeks.

He just rolled his eyes, “Let’s go watch that movie now, and close your eyes, I don’t want you seeing more pictures.”

I giggled and put a hand over my eyes, but of course left a peep hole to see the other pictures that he was probably embarrassed about. He probably noticed this, because I wasn’t being subtle at all. I kept turning my head and straining to see. I managed to see one or two pictures, before Matt covered my eyes with his hand. “No fair!” I whined, and pouted.

“Well I told you not to look,” He defended himself, and then we made a stop and I assumed we were in his room. My assumption was proven when he removed his hand. I took a seat on his bed, and then we started discussing what movie to watch.

We ended up watching The Avengers, much to my annoyance. Although I liked the Thor movies, I hated The Avengers for some reason.


“Why didn’t you tell me he lived right behind you?” I asked again, but Haylee insisted on ignoring my question. Instead, we walked up the stairs in her house in silence as I kept asking. Maybe he came into the house being unnoticed by Harry because of that! See, now that makes a lot more sense than what I thought. Well, my thoughts did make sense, but this was actually true. At least I think it is…

“If you keep asking me this, I swear I’m gonna explode.” Haylee laughed.

“But it would’ve been nice information to know!” I exclaimed.

She chuckled and shook her head, entering her bedroom and plopping on the bed. “Sorry, but I didn’t really have that thought it mind.”

I rolled my eyes, and sat on the bed next to her. After filling Haylee in on everything that happened on the date, we spent a handful of time watching her Hannah Montana series and eating ice cream. That’s basically all we do when I’m over at her house, nothing more. We actually finished the entire season, and I finally remembered who Hannah Montana is. Excuse me for not knowing Miley Cyrus, but I don’t pay attention to those kinds of celebs. And yeah, she’s like always on TV, but I still don’t pay attention. However, when Haylee comes to my house, she’s always stolen from me by Harry. I always wanted her to watch The Vampire Diaries with me, but she never actually gets a chance to do so because of Harry. But I don’t complain, Kol and I get to watch it every Sunday now.

On Saturdays, I do roller skating with Ryder and I’ve actually been getting better! I learnt to balance after a month, and it’s been a pretty amazing feeling. And I participate in roller skating when we do it in school too. And it turns out there were some people who were worse than me, which I thought was utterly impossible. I suck so much when it comes to roller skating, and I’d never expect anyone to ever be worse than me. But it is nice to have people to relate to anyway, and it’s also nice to be getting better at it. Lillian and Lilly are probably really angry about it, because that may be the reason they changed that to the school’s main sport anyway. And now, I wasn’t at all mad at them for it, because they can’t really get me down because of it. And also, next month there’s a competition, and I’m thinking of joining. I have been getting better, and now Ryder is just teaching me a bunch of fun tricks to do.

On Sundays, I get a break from the roller skating and I normally go to Kol’s house. Or there are some rare occasions when he comes over to mine, and we watch The Vampire Diaries together. But most of the times I’d be at his house, and we’d watch there. We were only half way through season two, because we don’t get to watch every Sunday. And sometimes he goes out with his girlfriend Kayla, since they don’t get to see each other much in school or on any other days. I haven’t met her yet, but I might meet her on Monday, I don’t know yet.

This time I wasn’t jealous about meeting her, because I had Matt and I was pretty happy with it. Although we didn’t get to do much couple-y stuff, I’m still happy. He’s really fun to be with, and can always make me smile. And ever since he figured out about my bullying, he’s just been more and more amazing and he hasn’t really been making such a big deal about it, and gives me my space when I say I don’t want to talk about it. Well, he has only figured out about it today, but I am hoping he continues to be that way after.

For the rest of the time staying at Haylee’s house, we watched a bunch of movies and ate popcorn. Half of the popcorn ended up on the floor, due to the small food fight we had in the room. We had to clean it up after though, because her brother came in the room and told her to clean up before their parents came home. I never met her parents actually, and I didn’t want to meet them now when there was a huge mess in her room and 50% of it was my fault. But thankfully I didn't meet them, because Harry came to pick me up before they actually got home. 


This here chapter is dedicated to not_present because the yes and no argument I got from her book {which you should totally read} Project Fat Suit! The book is super, super cute! I love it <33 

So just go check that out, ya know..

~ Keep Dreaming, Anna 

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