Going to a Delinquent School...

By Rach_and_Bake

547K 10.9K 2.2K

Aria Strider is a 16 year old girl who has been in the foster system for 3 years. After her only family died... More

Going to a Delinquent School for Boys, While Living with 11 of Them...
Home, I think I like that...
Let's all meet the family...
New Discoveries, and Maybe A Funeral Planed?
Being on the chase...from Ryan and his minions
A race with an enemy...and a bet with the devil
The new girl at school
A new begining of something utterly terrible.
New Enemies That I'm Sure Knowone Would Want
Seriously? ANOTHER bet? I need some serious help...
Culinary Arts and Fake Dating??
Revenge is wonderful, isn't it?
The After Math
I need a break...
The silent treatment and Ryan does WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
Missing keys?
Oh boy....Here we go....
Well That Was Interesting

So...what do I do now?

25.4K 529 120
By Rach_and_Bake

Chapter 10

I tried to scream but my mouth was soon covered by hand. I was quickly pushed into a janitor's closet.

The kidnapper let go of me as soon as we were in the closet. It was dark so I had no idea who it was but I had an idea.

"Really? Just because of an outfit? You HAD to push me into janitor's closet?" I practically shouted into the darkness.

"Who do you think this is?" said a very dark voice, that was definitly not Ryan's.

"Um, no one. Who are you?" suddenly my voice became weak as I realized I didn't know who the person was.

"Oh, you don't remember me? I'm the one you gave a little 'suprise' too." I froze. I tried to remember how big they were. Yep, I was dead meat.

"Listen, about that...really sorry." My voice shreiked at the end.

I had no clue what this guy was going to do to me. He could rape or murder me!

"Well sorry doesn't cut it, girl. You're gonna pay." He shifted his body to my side of the closet and held me up againts the wall with his body.

Rape it is...

I felt a sharp blade againts the side of my left arm.

So he's gonna rape me and THEN murder me.


"Try and move, and you're dead." And a threat, even better.

I nodded but I'm sure he couldn't see it.

First day, and I'm already getting raped. Yeah, I really should of gone with the clothes Lucas picked out.

I could feel his hands slowly lifting the end of my shirt. This was the beginning of one of the worst memories that I would ever have. My eyes started to water as he had my shirt lifted to my waist.

A small whimper escaped my lips as I felt the stray tear glide down my cheek.

He had now gotten my top off and was trying to unhook my bra one handed.

Through all of this we both were completely quiet.

The blade was still held up next to my arm. That's when I thought to myself. If I'm going to get killed in the end, why not try and escape? It would make a more interesting story for the local news.

Before he unhooked my bra, I moved my arms up quickly and shoved him away from me.

"I really don't give a crap if your gonna kill me or not, but you're not going to rape me beforehand!" I screamed.

"Shut up or you're gonna die faster." he practically yelled as he covered my mouth with his hand. I bit it, hard.

He removed his hand at once.

I punched him in the gut and while he was doubled over I kneed him in the head.

He lay on the floor looking up at me with a very angry face.

But then, the door opened.

It finally showed light into the closet. I covered myself with my arms quickly.

I bent over to get my shirt but it lay a little too close to the guy.

The boy brought the arm with the blade in it up and sliced my arm. It hurt, a lot but probably not as much as when the figure at the door way jumped onto the guy on the floor and started to beat him vigorously.

I started to yell at the boy on the boy that attacked me, "Stop! Please stop you're going to kill him!"

"Well isn't that what he was going to do to you, Strider?" I froze. Only one person calls me Strider.


I tried to pull Ryan off of the guy but had no luck. He continually beat him until he was unconcious.

"Ryan! Stop! He's not worth it!" I yelled as tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Ryan stood from the floor and pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my face into his chest, not even remembering that my arm was cut. I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

There, I stood, wrapped in a hug, toppless. Ryan noticed when his hands rubbed up and down my back and could only feel my bare skin and the back of my bra.

He picked up my shirt from the floor, only to see that it was covered in blood.

He averted his eyes from mine as he looked at my shirt.

"Here, you need to wear my sweatshirt." he said as he pulled the pullover over his head.

"No, it's fine. I'll just switch into my other pair of clothes." I said with a very nervous laugh.

"You don't understand. You HAVE to wear this sweatshirt. Remember how I told you that we have the gangs? And I'm in the top gang?" I nodded.

"If you don't wear this, THIS will always happen to you at this school." he said as he pointed to the guy on the floor.

"And I might not be able to stop ot next time. I can't make you wear it, but it's you choice. Get raped, or be safe?" he said as he looked at the floor.

"T-The second one." I said in a shakie voice.

I reached for the sweatshirt, but he moved it back away from me.

"The thing is, you can only wear it for a 3 days. Otherwise the other guys at school are going to think that I went soft, and that can't happen. So I was thinking that we could make a deal, because I know how much you love my deals." he smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes, "What's the deal?"

He stepped closer to me so that our faces were only a couple inches apart. "You can wear the sweatshirt for as long as you like as long as," he paused.

"As long as what?" I asked. I really didn't want it to be too bad, he knew that I would do anything for protection.

"You have to pretend to be my girlfriend. You have 3 days to accept my offer." he said with a smirk as he handed me his sweatshirt and walked away.

I quickly pulled on the sweatshirt completely in a daze. Did that really just happen? Did Ryan just save me but then just makes me a deal that he knows that it's nearly impossible to refuse?

I looked back at the guy laying unconscious on the floor. I kind of wish I was him right now, lying on the floor not knowing what really happened.

I stepped out of the janitor's closet and into the hallway. I was really going to have to get used to not seeing girls around this school.

I thought to myself, No, I don't have to deal with clique girls, just gang guys.

I slightly laughed until I stepped into the lunchroom, only to see Ryan sitting with his brothers and a few other guys.

He looked up from the table and locked his gaze with mine. He winked at me when he saw the sweatshirt.

The sweatshirt made me look like his gang's property. I didn't like it.

I slowly walked up to their table, still keeping my gaze on Ryan's.

He stood up from the table, making everyone else at the table look at me.

Almost all of their eyes popped out of their sockets when they noticed the sweatshirt.

Kaleb, Lucas, Justin, Jayden, and Jordan all stood up as I approached the table. They all had smiles on their faces. I'm guessing that Ryan didn't say anything to the guys.

Soon they were all surrounding me, but not Ryan. Which is understandable, he probably doesn't want to talk to me until I made a decision on the deal.

Kaleb was the first one to start talking, "So, how's school?" I could tell he was stalling. He really wanted to ask me about something.

"Spit it out Kaleb. I know you want to ask me something, and it's definitely not "How's school?""

He looked down at the floor, but Lucas piped in after him.

"We wanna know why you're wearing our sweatshirt." He said with a lazy tone. I knew it.

I started to think of a lie but apparently Ryan noticed that I was trying to avoid the subject.

"I gave it to her after I yelled at her for not wearing the clothes you picked out. She needed to cover up." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

He winked at me again when I mouthed the words, thank you.

"Oh," the guys all said at once.

"So I'll introduce the guys." said Justin.

He started to point at different guys as he started to name names.

"So that's Jarod, Tate, Tyler, Vince, Bryan, and Brandon." He said as he pointed to different guys at the table.

Jarod and Tate had dirty blonde hair that was long enough to cover their foreheads. They were pretty built but not as much as Ryan. God why am I comparing them to Ryan?

Anyways, Tyler and Bryan were probably freshman from their size but they were still pretty built. They both had black hair and it was straight but tousled.

Vince stood out the most. He was a bit larger than the others but he had blonde and red hair so it was a lot more different from the others.

Brandon just looked cocky. That's the only way to describe him. Cocky. He was wearing a wife beater that was black with his sweatshirt and it stuck to his chest really tightly. You could tell that he had abs that were MAJORLY outlined. Like the airbrushed ones in Twilight but they were REAL. They were so defined that it kind of looked really gross and unappealing.

They were looking at me like I was fire and they were cavemen. It was like they had never seen a girl before.

Was every guy in this school like this?

"Damn," said Bryan. I don't think that he meant to say it because he quickly put his hand over his mouth.

I giggled.

Suddenly, I felt a large sharp pain go down my left arm. The one where I was cut.

I clenched onto it but thankfully no one had noticed the pain I was in. They were all engrossed in their own conversations to notice me. I looked at the floor. There, lay a puddle of A positive blood aka mine, just not in my body.

My eyes shot to Ryan immediately. Guess what he's doing? Playing Angry Birds on his phone and not paying attention. Great...

I ignored the pain in my arm and pulled my phone from my back pocket. I stepped in front of the puddle on the floor so no one would notice for a temporary amount of time. I sent a quick text.

Can you stop playing that dumb game and come clean up the blood that's on the floor?

His game got interrupted by my text. He looked up from it with a confused face. That was, until he saw the floor.

I saw his gaze shift from the floor to my arm to my eyes in a matter of 3 seconds.

He got up from the table slowly so that he didn't attract attention from the rest of the group.

He walked over to me quietly. He tugged on my right arm, the one that isn't injured, and led me to a bathroom.

He opened the door and looked in. No one was there. He walked in and led me over to the sinks.

He turned around and locked the door to the bathroom so no one surprised us.

"Here, let me look at it," he said as he grabbed my fully blooded hand. He tried to push up the sleeve on the sweatshirt but it hurt my arm too much that I had to stop him.

"Stop, please. It hurts too much." I said.

"Well there is no way that I can see it unless you take off the sweatshirt." He smirked at me. He knew that I was only wearing my bra under it.

"There is no way in hell I'm taking it off." I spat in his face.

"Then I guess I can't do anything for you." he said as he walked towards the door.

"Fine," I groaned. He's already seen me before so what's the difference? Uh, it was in total darkness before? Whatever I really don't care because the pain is eating me alive!

He cockily walked back over to me.

I slowly started to pull my arms out of the sleeves but they were too tight. Fml...

"Need some help there?" he asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and tried one last time but when I tried to pull my arm out, the fabric rubbed against my wound and it hurt. A lot.

I whimpered as I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain. My eyes started to water.

"Here," Ryan said as he reached his hand under the fabric and helped pull my arm free.

I looked at my arm as soon as I was all the way out of the sweatshirt.

God, it looked terrible.

I looked back at Ryan, only to see him checking me out.

"Do you mind?" I said impatiently.

"With what? Taking your bra off? Definitely not." He said with a smirk but still not removing his eyes from my chest.

"Shut up," I said through gritted teeth.

I look my right hand and pulled on Ryan's head to make him look at me in the eyes.

"Can you stop now?" I said.

"Nah, I like it rough." He said with a wink.

"You're disgusting." I said as I removed my hand from his chin and examined my arm once again.

"No, I'm Ryan. And you're sexy when you're frustrated." I glared at him, as he grinned.

I pulled some paper towels from the paper towel dispenser. I got them wet and pressed them to my arm. It burned.

I winced at the pain once again.

"So are you sure you're ok? You seemed pretty shaken up before." He said as he sat on the counter and looked at me.

"I'm fine. It's just a scratch," I said.

"You do know that's what Mercutio said right before that "scratch" killed him in Romeo and Juliet?" he said sarcastically.

"Wow. The perv reads. This is a miracle." I said just as sarcastically back.

"Shut up, it was 8th grade and I only paid attention because of the fighting scenes." He said rolling his eyes.

"Sure you did." I laughed.

I went back to my arm. It was finally cleaned out but there was a large blood stain on the sweatshirt and people would notice. And to top it off, my arm was still bleeding.

"Hey, is there any way that I could borrow someone else's sweatshirt. I kind of got a blood stain in yours," I said sheepishly as I looked at the floor.

"Yeah, I could probably snag Brandon's sweatshirt for you but he would want to know why. And he would want to know why you were wearing it. He would want something from you too," he said with a wink.

"I don't care, just get me that sweatshirt." I said as I wrapped my wound with paper towels.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, when he comes to you asking for something." He said as he walked out of the bathroom.

About 5 minutes later Ryan and Brandon walk into the bathroom.

"What the hell Ryan? You could have told me he was coming in here too!" I said as I tried to cover myself with my arms.

Brandon just smirked at me.

"Listen, can I have your sweatshirt?" I said impatiently.

"What do I get if I give it to you?" I glanced at Ryan. He was right.

"What do you want?" I said rolling my eyes.

"One make out session with you," he said grinning.

Wasn't as bad as I thought he would go.

"Deal," I said as I shook his hand as he tossed me the sweatshirt.

Brandon left with a grin on his face.

Ryan turned to me, "Just so you know blood stains come out. And you still have 3 days to decide." He walked out of the bathroom.

I could feel that all color left my face. Why do I keep making deals with everyone? First, the stupid running bet, then the sweatshirt deal #1, and sweatshirt deal #2.

Maybe I should think about calling that 1-800-BETS-OFF number?

I pulled on Brandon's sweatshirt and grabbed Ryan's before I walked out of the bathroom.

All eyes were on me again but not in the same way. Before all the guys would look at me like I was an all you can eat buffet but now they kind of looked afraid of looking at me the wrong way.

I walked back to the guys' table. They noticed that something was wrong when they saw me carrying Ryan's sweatshirt covered with blood and Ryan wasn't sitting at the table with them. But neither was Brandon. I wonder where they went.

"Don't look so serious guys. I didn't kill him or anything." I said with a nervous laugh. But they knew something was definitely wrong how I was wearing Ryan's sweatshirt before but now I was wearing Brandon's.

They nodded but you could tell they were slightly confused. Which I would be too if I was in their shoes.

I sat down at the table, not bothering to get any food because we only had 5 minutes left of lunch. I sat there over hearing their different conversations until it was the end of class.

I walked back to class alone.

I took out my phone and texted Ryan.

Hey I'm going to put your sweatshirt in my bag and give it to you at your house.

About 30 seconds later I got a response.

Don't bother giving it to me at the house, you can wash it and wear it for 3 more days (;

I rolled my eyes as I got back to the classroom.

I stepped in and sat back down at where I was sitting before my introduction.

The class went on really boringly but Ryan still never showed up for class.

Hm, wonder where he is. Not that I even care.

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