I'll Believe In You {A Brendo...

By GiveMeEnvy

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Izabel Rose was just looking for a change in her life. Her High School years would soon be over and she still... More

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I'll Believe In You {A Brendon Urie} Love Story

24.2K 330 383
By GiveMeEnvy

You remind me of a former love that I once knew

And you carry a little peace with you

We were holding hands walking through the middle of the street

It’s fine with me I’m just taking in the scenery


Take a chance, take your shoes off, dance in the rain

I was splashing around and the news spread all over town

I’m not complaining that it’s raining I’m just saying that I like it a lot

More than you think, if the sun would come out and sing with me

 “Smile, Izzy! It’s our senior year!” My best friend, Bree, said excitedly. I laughed at her and watched her bounce down the hallway to our lockers. “I don’t want you moping around this year, okay? This is it. This is our year.”

I sighed, “I know, B. I just… things haven’t been going the way I’ve wanted them to go for the past 3 years. I just feel like this year isn’t going to change.”

“Not with that attitude it’s not!” She huffed. “You want change? Make it happen. Don’t wait for it to be given to you, Izzy. Plus, not everything is suppose to go the way you plan but in the end… things have a way of working itself out.”

“Why do you always sound like a walking fortune cookie?”

She snorted, “Because, I’m your best friend and I know how you operate.” I rolled my eyes. “But seriously, listen to me. We’ve only got this year before we’re heading off to god knows where, We’ve got to make the best of it.”

“You’re right.”

“I know I am.” She smiled smugly at me, I opened my mouth to say something to her but I was bumped in the shoulder by a girl rushing to something behind me.

“An ‘excuse me’ would have been nice!” I called at her. She didn’t turn around. Bitch.

“Why are all those girls over there?” Bree asked. I stopped rubbing my sore shoulder and looked at the cluster of girls surrounding something. They were all whispering to each other excitedly and giggling.

“I don’t know… cheerleading sign ups?” I guessed.

“I hate cheerleaders.” Bree narrowed her eyes.

“I know you do.” I chuckled.

“Wait, that can’t be it.” She said. “Cheerleading had their tryouts last month. There’s something else going on, let’s check it out.” She pulled me along with her and joined the cluster of girls.

I tried to see over all of their heads by standing on my tippy toes but I still couldn’t see anything. I saw my other friend Tate amongst the crowd of excited girls and called her over.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “Well I just asked Rachel and she said that apparently there’s this super hot guy that just moved here. I’ve been trying to get past everyone to see exactly how ‘hot’ he really is but I’ve gotten no such luck.”


“So all of these girls are just trying to talk to him?” I asked to which she nodded. I rolled my eyes. “Unbelievable. Alright, well I just lost interest.”

“Me too.” Bree said and followed me. Tate stayed back with Rachel and continued fighting her way through the crowd to get a peak.

Great just what we need… Another self-centered jerk like the rest of em’.


“I’ve got English.” Bree said after 1st period ended. I’ll catch up with you later.” Bree called to me and raced off to her class. I never understood how she had so much energy.

“Hey Izzy!” I turned around and smiled when I saw Landon waving at me.

“Hey.” I greeted.

“Did you see the mob of girls this morning?” He asked.

“Yeah, it was pretty pathetic.”

“Yes, well it’s kind of good for me.” He smirked.

“What do you mean?”

“If he’s that damn attractive that he’s got a whole pack of girls following him then there’s going to be plenty of heart-broken girls that need a shoulder to cry on. Catching on?” He waggled his eyebrows.

“You’re such a guy.” I shook my head. We entered biology and took our usual seats in the back. “Plus, there’s really only one girl you want.” I teased.

“You know that’s not true!” he yelled.

“If it’s not true why do you always get so defensive?”

“I don’t like her.” He said firmly. “We’re just friends.”

“That’s why you were in a dream-like state after Rain kissed you on accident at the party last year?” He crossed his arms and huffed.

“Don’t talk about it.”

“Why? It’s obvious that…”

“Miss. Rose!” Our teacher said aggravated and narrowed her eyes at me. “This is the 6th time in the last week that I’ve had to stop my lecture because of you and Mr. Fox.”

“New record!” Landon cheered; the class started snickering. Mrs. Carson’s face got even redder.

I slapped my forehead. “Please. Shut. Up.” I hissed at him.

“That’s it. You two need to be separated. I won’t allow this behavior anymore.” She glared intensely at us and I shrunk back in my chair.  “Mr. Fox, why don’t you get your things and grab a seat in the front of the room next to Mr. Dalton?” She suggested.

“I’m okay back here. Thanks though!” He smiled at her. I slapped my forehead again.

“Are you stupid?!” I said through clenched teeth. “Grab your shit and get out of here before you get us in more trouble!”

“Jeez!” He grumbled and reluctantly picked up his bag before moving to the front of the room. “S’up.” He greeted Adam as he sat down.

“Idiot.” I muttered.

“As for you, Miss. Rose…” Mrs. Carson said. “You can stay back there. I doubt there’ll be anymore disturbances from either of you.”

“I wouldn’t be so…” Landon began but the door opened and in stepped a boy that I’ve never seen before. He had a long, narrow face and I could tell that he had a high forehead but it was partially hidden beneath silky chestnut hair. His eyebrows were straight but expressive above warm, auburn eyes, and his nose was a bit broad and he had a set of full, thick lips.

He was incredibly attractive. This must have been the guy that all those girls were going crazy over…

“Ah, Mr. Urie! How nice of you to join us.” Mrs. Carson smiled sweetly at him. “Class, we have a new student joining us today and he just moved here from…”

“Summerlin, Nevada.” He clarified. Dammit, even his voice was attractive.

“Yes, well why don’t you introduce yourself?”

“Sure.” He turned to the class. “My name is Brendon Urie, I use to go to Palo Verde High School. I can play the piano, guitar, drums and I do sing a little bit. I just moved here with my best friend Ryan Ross. Our families are super close so we decided to move together. Yeah… that’s about it.” He smiled and a couple of girls in the front started to giggle and twist their hair. It literally made me sick to my stomach.

“Great. Why don’t you take a seat next to…” She glanced around the room before her eyes came to a halt on the empty seat next to me. Oh shit. “Miss. Rose.”

“Alright.” He maneuvered his way to the back of the class and took a seat. “Hey.” He greeted.

I didn’t look at him. “I’m Brendon.” He held out his hand. I didn’t take it, even though, for some reason, I wanted to-no, needed to-feel his hand in mine. I willed myself not to chance a glance at him.

“I heard.” I knew I was being a bitch but I couldn’t get involved with him. I could tell he was just another pretty face like the rest of them. I didn’t need people like that in my life.  

“I’m sorry… did I say something to offend you?” He asked softly and this time I couldn’t help it. I had to look. His eyes were kind but a bit worried and I let out a huff of breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in.

“I…” I stopped. “No.”

“Oh, okay then.” He smiled gently at me before looking down at his textbook. I felt kind of bad.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized. “I’m not good with…” My voice trailed off and he laughed.

“Don’t apologize. I’m like that too. My family all says that it’s a wonder I have any friends at all because I’m so shy.”

“Really?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah, maybe that’s why I’ve only got one friend. Girls don’t really like me either…” He added.

“Really? Well, that’s not what it looked like this morning with all the girls that were following you.” I said harsher than I meant it. He looked at me shocked for a moment. Shit, where was my mental filter when I needed one?

“Oh… I…” He stuttered over his words and I shook my head.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come across like that. Just forget I said anything…”

“No, it’s okay. I guess I was just a little shocked at your bluntness. It’s very… refreshing.” He gave me a beautiful crooked smile. “Well, to be honest, I have no idea what that was about. I parked my car, got out and headed to the office then before I knew it a group of girls were surrounding me and asking me all these questions. I’ve never been more scared in my life.” His squeezed his eyes shut and shivered a bit like he was experiencing something truly terrifying.

I laughed. “Look, Brendon, I guess when I saw what was going on this morning I already had my mind made up about what kind of guy you were. I was so prepared on hating you and I was wrong about everything. I apologize for that.”

He stayed silent for a few seconds and I knew I blew it. He probably thinks I’m a bitch, which I am at this moment. I looked away from him and kept my head down.

Nice one, Rose.

“Hey.” He said softly. I didn’t look at him. “It’s okay.” What? “Really I’m not mad. I get that you’re sick of all the jocks running around here and acting like they own the school. I’m not like that. To be honest, I’m sick of those kind of people too. I like that you’re not like all the other brainless girls in this school that jump on a guy just because they’re attractive. Which I’m not but everyone else seems to think so…” His voice trailed off and he shook his head. “Not the point. Anyway, You were wrong to judge me before you even had the chance to meet me and get to know me, but, I just so happen to be a very forgiving person so… Why don’t we start over?” He suggested. “My name is Brendon Urie, I am in no way an arrogant asshole, pleased to meet you.” He held out his hand with another breath-taking grin.

I laughed and smiled back at him. “I’m Izabel Rose, I’m a very judgmental person but I’m working on it and the pleasure is all mine.” I grasped his hands and I tried to ignore the flashes of sparks that I felt where our skin touched.

“I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends.” He said.

“I think you’re right about that…”

You remind me of a few of my famous friends

Well, that all depends what you qualify as friends

You remind me of a few of my famous friends

Well, that all depends what you qualify as friends

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