The One Who Was Forgotten

By lizzylizard02

824 117 11


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Ending #2
Emily's Story
new stories!!

Chapter 20

13 1 1
By lizzylizard02

// ok, 1. I'm sorry it keeps taking me forever to update, 2. I think this is the last chapter. Yeah lol. I'm super excited and I just cant wait for yall to see this ending. If you guys don't like it, comment and I'll write an alternative ending.
Anyways.... ENJOY \\


I was  little late to class as always. It was usually silent but it had started to rain. I could here the water pellets up against the school.

Pat, pat, pat.

That wasn't rain.

Pat, pat, pat.

I can hear the rain, but this is different.

Pat, pat, pat, pat.

"Oh! S-sorry!"


"G-good bye"

What did she mean good bye. Good bye what? Good bye I'm moving, good bye im........ killing myself.

I dropped everything and bolted after her. Where had she gone? Were would she go? A tal building? A rail road?

Looking out through the rain I see a small figure sprinting away from me. I take off after it knowing it was Emily. She couldn't be doing this now could she? She has so much to live for.

I already ran out of breathe and even then I kept running. Tripping over rocks and running through puddles didn't help either. My clothes where soaked.

I trip but end up falling instead of catching misled like I usually did. A note.

My suicide note

I love him but despite he love me? No. He doesn't. He was the reason I lived but now I've lost him. I'm sorry if you still do and I didn't see it but I jut need to leave...... forever. My life hurts. It's hurts to much. The anxiety, pain, depression, stress. It's just all to much. I'm done. I'm just so done. Tall buildings were always my favorite. I love you Jake.


No. I shoved the note in my pocket and started sprinting again. I don't know where this energy came from but it was here. I'm coming Emily. I'm coming.

《Emily's POV》

I watched, quietly painting and waiting for him to get up and leave. I had been smart enough somehow to stop and hide in the bushes and put the note on the ground.

He finally hopped up and sprinted the wrong way. The right way for me to go through with death. I stayed put from a couple moments and silently cried as the rain started to die down. I got up and started walking back. The tracks where  the opposite direction of the taller buildings so I would succeed.

If he realises that I have a crazy fear of heights then I'm I wont die. I need to hurry. I check the time. 30 minutes until the train passes. I've got time to walk.

Walking down the sidewalk was fun. I acted like I was invisible. No one saw me. No one heard my quiet weeps.

Already at the tracks. Waiting to hear the train to end me.

《Jake's POV》

The rain had started to die down thankfully. I started to walk instead of full on sprint. My legs started to ache immediately. I looked up at the buildings.

I remember the way Dan died. Poor Dan. I actually miss him. Even though he was cruel to me.


After that incident, she said she would go nowhere near any tall buildings or near the sky. Dammit she tricked me.

I turn around and catch a cab.

"Where to sir?"

"I need to go to the Winterville Train Station please. It's an emergency so please get there as fast as you can."

He nodded and started driving. I look out the window and pray that I'll make it in time. The next train came at 5:00. It was 4:45.

I needed to hurry.

"Sir, we have reached the destination."

I nodded, paid him, and said thank you then ran off.


I can hear the train. It's farther away.

Pit pat pit pat

It's starts to rain again. I sprint faster and find my Emily standing on the railing watching the distant trian.


She looked at me with a panicked look then looked back at the train that was coming closer and closer.

"Leave me be. I was meant to die ok? This is my fate. I DON'T BELONG HERE! I'M NOT LIVED OR WANTED. I'm sorry......."

"Emily, I love you."

She looked at me with hopeful eyes but they quickly became doubtful. She looked at the train. Then at me. At the train. Then at me. The train horn went off.

"I'm sorry Jake"

She shifted her weight back and I lunged for her foot. I grabbed hold of it but her shoe slipped right off her foot.

She fell.

Almost hit the track.

The train hit the brakes.

It hit her.

I knew she was dead.

I jumped of the bridge besides the tracks and sprinted again for my life.

By this time, the train had stopped. The man came from in front of the train and shook his head.

I shoved him aside to look at her body.

Covered in blood.

Death in her eyes.

No longer alive.

Why did the world have to take her. Why.


The man from the train came back and placed a hand on my shoulder as I burst into sobs. I wept long and hard.

I love you Emily
Forever I shall

// omg guys. That's the end. Yall probably will hate me but I am up to making an alternate ending. All you have to do is comment. I love you guys! \\

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