The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 17: Trust

88 4 1
By Peace_life_Nh

Highly highly highlyyyyyyyasdfghjklllll unedited. Sorry y'all. I'm just human. Okay!!
Jeez you'd think I'm some witch or something.
Well I'm not!!! I might've said so before! And I might be able to disappear in the blink of an eye but I am no witch! Ha🦄🦄💀enjoy this long chap. Hahahahahhahahahh. K. Yo so idk if I should italic this idk I realized italics fuck up your eyes so idk if I'm gonna. Honestly did not wanna upload this shitty chapter. Ugh. Sigh..

Read if you dareee.......

(Past chapter!!!!!!!!)


"Mom's here!" Luke yelled.

I'm so screwed.


I quickly put band aids on my fingers. Rushing to my room to get changed.

"What happened to you?" Serenity asked. Looking at my fingers. I shook my head changing my shirt.

"I don't know." I put on a red and black button up shirt. With black skinny jeans and my black ankle boots.

"Beep!" The sound of my god awful mother's car reverberated through the entire house.

"Trinity we have to go!" Serenity yelled scolding me. I scoffed. Grabbing my things.

"If you would've woken me up earlier, I would've been ready!" I yelled back, trying to find my black jacket. Finding it on the floor. Serenity had her hair in a big dramatic bun.

"Don't yell at me. It's your fault." She exclaimed annoyed. Walking close to the door.

"How is it my fault?" I yelled back. Staring as she was about to exit. She was at a lost for words. Exactly.

"I don't know! But it's still your fault." She exclaimed. About ready to get out the door.

"Stop arguing guys! She's waiting." Luke barged in. Black dress pants on with a red long sleeve. Black jacket on, hair combed back.

"Her fault." I pointed out. Serenity turned her head rolling her eyes walking past Luke. I scoffed. Luke frowned eyes diverting to my fingers.

"What's wrong with your hands?" He asked motioning to the band aids.

"I don't know!" I yelled back frustrated with all the questions. Grabbing my phone, charger and iPad. Almost ready to leave.

"No book-bag?" Luke asked raising a brow. I shook my head.

"I'll do it Sunday." I stated. Luke gave me a knowing look. I rolled my eyes. Everything went silent as I gathered my last things. Leaving the room. Serenity was in the dining room on her phone.

"Well. Why are you guys just standing there? She's waiting." I smirked. Serenity scoffed while Luke rolled his eyes.

I opened the living room door to the outside door and walked out. Luke will lock up.

"Hey mom! Your favorite child speaking." I yelled. She pulled down her window looking at me. She got out her Honda Odesey opening the sliding door. Since there was something wrong with it. I wonder what my mom was thinking as she had jeans hugging her butt and a crop top like colorful shirt.

"You wish." She exclaimed. Wow. Thanks mom.

"Hey mom." Luke announced.

"Hi my favorite child." I frowned scoffing getting into the front seat.

"Sup momio." Serenity said. Her blonde highlights shining through the air. That bun clearly wasn't working for her.

"Mom your taking me to Tina's house." Serenity said. Hopping in the back seat, bag in hand.

"And will there be any manhores at this house?" My mother asked. Frown on her face.

"Like you'd care." I coughed out.

"Actually I would care. For your information. Why are you being a bitch today, Trini you just got here?" This is why I have problems with my mother.

"I said one thing!" I exaggerated. Luke chuckled under his breath while Serenity laughed. Jerks. I'll remember that guys! Once you need backing up.

"I'm kidding. Calm down." I rolled my eyes. She started the car. Waiting for Luke's door to close.

Then trudging on along the road.

"Luke I didn't know you were home this week." My mom exclaimed. Looking in her rear view to look at Luke.

"I've been home two weeks now mom." He said. Sighing. My mom had widened her eyes nudging me. She gave me a brief smile before scolding Luke.

"Well you should've called me! You know your father doesn't tell me shit. Fucking hate his ass." Knowing Serenity she probably glared. Hearing Luke he chuckled. Me? I didn't do anything.

Serenity had a connection with my dad. Luke had a connection with my mom. I had a connection with none of the above.

What? I didn't have a connection with any of them.

Still think I'm adopted.

My grandparents got me! Well at least my straying ones. My grandfather from my moms side died and my grandmother from my fathers side died.

My grandfather was always funny. He loved his wife. Even after she died. But he had to let it go. Soon after he did.

My grandmother always gave us chocolate. She was always annoyed with my other grandfather. They loved each other though. When he died. A part of her died.


I want that love.

"So how are you Serenity?" my mother asked. I ignored what was going on. Staring out the window. Seeing the polluted air. Chemical filled grass.


"Trinity! Why the hell can't you answer me when I'm talking to you?" My mother asked. I shook my head. Not hearing what she asked.

"What was your question?" I asked annoyed.

"If you listened I wouldn't have to repeat myself." She scolded me. I rolled my eyes. What the hell was the question? I wanted to say. But didn't.

"What did you say mom?" I asked sighing. Annoyed. Frustrated.

"It's okay. I don't want to talk to you anymore." I nodded my head. Looking out the window. I have no time for it. I pulled my phone from my pocket.

Looking at the unbearable group chat. People were confused. Some congratulated me. Some left.

"So Trinity where did you really go at two in the morning?" The car jerked to a stop. I turned around glaring at Luke. Then straight ahead. At the actual red light. Sometimes I hate how my mom drives. No I do hate how she drives.

"You went out at two in the morning?"Serenity chimed in with her loud damn mouth.

"What's he talking about, Trinity?" My mother asked calmly. Only to blow her top after. I already know how my mother acts.

"He's talking about nothing." I said gritted teeth staring at Luke in the rear view mirror.

"I'm talking about a lot. She snuck out at I'm not sure what time and didn't come home till two in the morning." He stated.

"I told you I saw Abby!" I yelled at him. The car stopped. This time not at a red light. But in the middle of the street.

"Both of you stop fucking yelling! I told you I can't concentrate when I hear yelling in the car. Luke I give you permission to give her whatever punishment. Trinity listen to whatever the hell he says. Final." She started driving again. Getting a few loud beeps. With a big fuck you from some driver.

"Mom that's so fu—"

"Watch your mouth." Luke budged in rudely.

"Go to hell!" I yelled. Mouth uncensored. I already have to do whatever you say. Cut me a break! Serenity gasped. Oh god.

"Now your punished for real." My mother said. Great. Fabulous. Wonderful.

The one thing I loved about my mom was you can't take her punishments seriously. A quality my dad sure had. But once she got her shoe out... Run.

"Give me your iPad." She said at a red light. I turned it on. Exiting from things I didn't need her to see.

Then gave it to her.

"Put the camera on." Okay.. I handed it to her hesitantly. Well if you look through my pics just be aware of the hot guys you might visualize. I eyed her strangely as I saw her rapid fire my camera.

"Where did you learn that from?" I asked shocked. I heard her chuckle starting to drive after being beeped at several times.

"We're Puerto Ricans we learn." She emphasized. I rolled my eyes.

"We also wear too many colors." I said looking down at her very colorful outfit she had on.

"Hey!" She yelled. I shook my head. Serenity laughed. I looked in the rearview to see Luke. He was looking out the window then he saw my mirror.

"Dead." He mouthed. I frowned closing the little car mirror. He can't do anything.

'Actually he can. Cause our mom..'

Pfft. She'll forget. I don't have to worry.

'Don't worry be happy!' A smile spread to my lips.

"What are you smiling at?" My mom asked.

'Your inner thought—'

"Nothing." I said silently. Thoughts spiraled of me and Thomas dancing. Making the awkward ignorant smile turn genuine. I looked at my fingers and frowned. All these stupid band aids. I don't even know what might've happened to get them. Sigh. My smile degraded into broken nothing.

"What happened to your hands?" My mom asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't really know. I might've touched glass or something and just don't remember." I said unconsciously. Maybe that's what happened?

"Serenity get your stuff together, you are leaving." She soon stopped in front of Serenities friends house and that was history. Knowing Serenity her friend was a cover up for her boyfriends.

"Where do you guys want to go?"



Me and Luke said at the same time. My mom eyed me weird. Don't judge me. I'm hungry. That's probably the only thing she can afford anyway.

"Grandma's probably a good place I haven't seen her in a while. With her nagging ways and obnoxiously annoying voice." Oh brother. I scrunched my face. Great grandma's.

"Okay. But—Can you buy us food. At the place down the street from her house?" I asked, with a slight attitude, since I was starving. While she seemed to disregard what I was currently saying.

"No it's too expensive." She simply stated.

"Okay. Then can we go to a fast-food chain restaurant? Where everything is a dollar and tax." I asked.

"You think you're the only one hungry!" She yelled at me. What the fuck? Okay this time I didn't provoke her. She's just finds a way to yell at me. If I don't do what she asks, a yell. If I do it, but I didn't do it to her perfection, a yell. If I did it and there's nothing wrong with it, a yell. Honestly I don't win. Ever.

"I'm sorry, but I am." I said quietly. Figuring if I say it quietly, she won't blow her top as much.

Oh but how wrong I was.

"You need to fucking wait a second. I am tired of you all want want want. I am not a fucking shit head money tree. I am not your fucking asshole of a father. Who has money and never helped me support any of you guys. So you have to fucking wait you fat fuck." Thank you mother! Music envelope me please. Sigh. This is why I have a problem with her.

"Calm down mom." I heard Luke speak. My shrug was nonexistent. But if I could I would. I decided to just let it go. Put my headphones in. Put Spotify on. If I waste all my data I couldn't care less.

Rhianna. Drake. Dissolve my problems. Actually Ed Sheeran. Sam Smith? Someone please.

"See now you do this! Making me feel like a fucked up mom." She was saying a lot under her breath , but thank god the head phones cleared all the talk up.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I knew it was Luke and I couldn't handle it. I just sat and slouched arm on the handle pretending to fall asleep to the non dissolving music.

I know who to listen to.


I opened my eyes to change the artist.

Looking back to see Luke. He looked at me with slight guilt. But still a stone cold expression almost. Sigh. I'm starting to hate everything. I finally hit the shuffle play and immediately Dollhouse played. I hummed the lyrics understanding the song.

"You don't hear me when I say mom please wake up dads with a slut and your son is smoking—"

"See your not even listening right now." Her words distracted me from the song making me hit pause.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked, "I don't understand anymore." I said and shut my bitter mouth. I put my headphones back in hit play.

"No one ever listens as wall paper glistens don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen."


We got to my grandmother's starving.

At least I am. I am so hungry it's crazy. I feel like my stomach is eating away at my flesh. Honestly.

What I would do to just eat a—

"Hey mom."

"Hi grandma." I looked at my grandmother before waving.

"Sup." I said. Luke punched me in the shoulder.

"Hi grandma." I repeated angrily. Stomach grumbling. Her hair was ruffled and dyed another color again.

Brown. The color I prefer. She just looks better with her natural hair color.

"How are you, Serenity? Steven?" My grandmother said. Ugh.

"Trinity grandma. Luke." I pointed.

"Oh sorry, Serenity." Ugh. I hate coming here. Her memory is terrible. I always get called everyone but my name. I know she's elderly. So it doesn't frustrate me as much you know.

"It's alright!" I yelled. Grimacing.

"So mom how have you been?" My mom asked my grandmother. She nodded her head.

"I'm alright. I'm good how are you, Angel?" She asked my mother again.

By now I zoned out. I pulled my phone out seeing a text message.

Unknown number



hi? 😂 You might have the wrong number sorryyyy.

I typed back.

Unknown number

No I've got the right number.



I typed confused. Who else would get my number?

"Who are you talking to?" I blacked my screen. Fuck. I looked over my shoulder seeing Luke peek.

"No one." I immediately deleted whatever he said next. Smiling cheekily at Luke.

"I'm watching you, Trini." He said darkly. I scowled. He grinned. Grrr..

He gave me a real hard pat on the back and walked to tend to my grandmother.

"Ow?" I scolded.

"You're still on punishment with me." He stated. I ignored what he said. Checking my phone.

Unknown Number

Awh you finally got it. You deserve a cookie. 🍪😜Yes sweet cheeks its your dragonfly Thomas.



I chuckled. What? I bit my lip glancing at my phone.

Unknown Number

Darling^ Damn auto correct.🙈😫

I laughed.


You sure it's not dragonfly Thomas? Dragonfly suits you, Dragonfly. 🐜


I hope you know that's an ant.😐


I do! There's just no Dragonfly emoji, Dragonfly


Are you gonna keep calling me dragon fly now?


Yep Dragonfly you is right!😂😋


Great. Now I have to make up a nickname.😏😝

I gushed at the thought. Cheekily grinning. Crap. I looked around the room. Where the hell did they go that fast?

(Yoooo so people might say guys don't put that many emojis and y'all right but I was talking to some guy and after every word their was some type of emojiiiiii soooo yeah. Just saying..:)

I walked into the empty kitchen seeing nothing but a pot on the stove. I scrunched my eyes turning the burner off.

She is not allowed to cook. Unless the homemaker is here..


I walked back into the living room seeing everyone there.

"Come here, Trinity! I want you to watch something!" My grandmother yelled. I nodded my head. Walking over sitting on the couch.

"Look they are talking about a crime scene. Where this wife supposedly killed her son and her husband." She said so fascinated. My mom sighed. Luke wasn't in the room.

"I love watching these things." I said to her. She nodded her brunette bed head hair.

I looked at my mom. Then my stomach. I mouthed. "Hungry." She had a frown on her face and mouthed "wait."

After about a half hour of watching the show. We realized the other brother committed the crime. Along with his mom because they were jealous and full of greed.


Luke literally left. I swear. He left and never came back.

I know I'm supposed to be angry at him. But I wish he took me along.

The perks and the troubles; of having an older brother.

I also got really cold. My grandmother loves the cool air and 'believes' I guess it's not fricken November. But sadly it is and I'm fucking cold.

"Can I close the window?" I said finding a window open. What the fuck?

"Oh yeah. I only did that because I burned some eggs I was making." She said. Both me and my mom looked at her.

"Mom you know you're not allowed to cook."

"I know I know." She said in a high pitched childish voice.

"But I love cooking! I need to eat. She doesn't make the best food." She whispered as if she was here. I smiled chuckling.

"I get you grandma.. But ow! You can't cook for your own good." I looked at my mom who pinched my arm. Why the hell am I getting abused today?

"What was that for!" I screamed. She laughed. I glared. The fuck mom?

"I thought you were gonna say something else."

"Well I didn't." I said annoyed. Ugh I wanna leave and go to sleep.

"Grandma surprise!" All eyes diverted to Luke. My eyes more because of the smell that soon came as well.

"I love you brother!" I nearly sprinted up to him and hugged the life out of him. He held the pizza like a pizza delivery man. The smell of tomato sauce melted cheese and all the spices they put in pizza were wrapped around inside my mind. Along with a two liter Pepsi. Gosh Pepsi! I haven't had Pepsi since like. A week ago..

Gosh I'm the addict.

(Killing me here with all this food..😵😫😨)

Garlic knots. Oo yum garlic smell. Yum yum. I literally hugged him. Really for the food.Pizza. I swear to you I'm in love with pizza. Cereal more however. Can't forget cereal.

"You get it last." He said. I frowned.

"Whatever he says." My mother said. Be the parent! Oh I forgot she's already impersonating one. Okay. I'm a little mad. Too mad. Gosh. Impatiently I waited for my bro to pass out the plates.

Imagine a little boy about to get a cookie. Shorter than the counter jumping to see how big the cookie is.

That's me at this moment.

Okay not like I'm shorter than the counter. Jumping for joy? Yeah. But food is awesome so yeah. The hell am I saying?

'Thinking smart ass.'

"Here ya go." Luke said. Giving me the plate.

"It's a early thanksgiving from us mom." My mom said. My grandmother nodded.

"Thank you. Thank you!" She exclaimed chewing her pizza.

"Yeah happy early Thanksgiving." I said monotoned. Luke hit me across the shoulder. Oh my fuck! I hope he's not like that with his girlfriend. I mean if he had one.

"You need to stop hitting me."


After one long argument with my mother and my brother backing her up. I gave up and said goodbye to my grandmother. Walking swiftly out the house to her car.

Turning it on, blasting music.

I don't care if I run her gas at this point.

I also put the heat on. It was cold. Like cool. You know that November weather.

I'm surprised it hasn't snowed yet. Global warming I tell you. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


Trini Trini trini. What should I call you? I was thinking?

I bit my lip looking at the message. So weird. But sweet.. I smiled shaking my head.


I don't know Dragonfly.😂

I said. Blackening my screen. I felt it vibrate. I immediately checked it thinking it was him.

Nah. It was just Abby.


Girl what's going on?

Abby texted me suddenly. She was probably bored. Was done reading about her book.


Nothingggg what's up with you?

I asked.


Nothing just reading. Thinking about new makeup tips I need to use. What color lipstick? Black or burgundy?

Hm. I thought about it.


Burgundy. Or wait can you like do both and blend it somehow???!

I said. That probably would look nice.


This is why I ask you things more than Gloria.😘

I shook my head. Rolling my eyes. I looked in the rear view seeing my mom stumble over and my brother.

"You know everything's not all about you all the time." She said and here we go.

"Okay." I simply said not wanting to start it up again. All I said was when are we leaving. My fucking goodness.

"You know I'm tired of you. Tired of all the shit you make me do. And in the end I feel like shit because you always have a depressed look on your face. I can't do anything right can I? And you can't fucking be happy for once. Done with this shit." I wanted to bang my head on the air bag. Hoping it would pop out suffocating me. So I don't have to hear her rant to me. Again. A-fucking-gain.

Someone kill me. Honestly. That'd be nice. I ripped off all my bandaids. Dropping them in my lap.


Make her stfu Pleaseeeeee!

I begged typing it to my brother. Covering my eyes after.



"And here we go. You type and tell your friends I'm being a bitch." Ugh please.


Our mother?!

I typed annoyingly.


Well I didn't know we were brother and sister.

I turned around to Luke. What the hell? He didn't have his phone in his hand— Who the fuck? I looked at the number. No!


Thomas. Sorry. I didn't mean to send that to you.

I said closing my eyes groaning.


No it's cool. What's happening?


Lol no it's okayyyyy. Just my moms being annoying.

I texted to him.


Oh okay. I see.

He responded. I didn't read it. I didn't know what else to say.


We got home and I went to my room. Immediately. Finally. Alone. I jumped on my bed groaning. Smacking my face with my pillow. Sigh.


So Dragonfly. Are you gonna come with me and Luke? Shit I MEANT DARLING!

I bursted out laughing reading it.


Idk. I'm on punishment.

I texted him back. Kicking my feet in the air.


You didn't tell me that.


Well telling ya now Dragonfly.

Gosh. I stared at the mirror in my room. Glancing to see how I looked. I widened my eyes. Seeing my face bright red. Oh jeez. He already has an affect on me.

"Trinity." I turned my head to see my brother. Dropping my phone out of fright.

"I know you're still jailed. However you wanna go out?" He asked. Although we just got home and I was tired. I don't want to be imprisoned in this house.

I nodded. Sure why not? Thomas will be there I'm guessing. 

"Yeah where are we going?" I asked. He shook his head. Oh lord.

"We're not going now. But get ready 6:00." I got off my bed as he went to the door.

"Hey but where!" I yelled he slammed the door shut.
Wow. Just like mom.


I became ready ending up taking a shower, then putting some blue ripped jeans on. With a white shirt with a blue anchor on it my black ankle boots. Looking in my closet to find a good jacket.

I know ripped jeans in November. Gosh I'm an idiot.

I grabbed my warmest jacket and put it on. I had tried to fix my hair. Aka tried. So I put it in a bun.

I looked in my mirror. I look good. Okay maybe I didn't, but I try to hope. I walked out.  Saw Luke all fancy. Um.

"Is this all right?" I asked. He looked up and nodded.

"Casual works too." He stated. I nodded whatever. I walked to the living room sitting on the couch.


I guess you are coming?

Thomas texted. I smiled.


Idk I guess.

Sigh. What's going on with me.

"Ready?" My brother asked.

"Yep lets go."

"Pick up some milk for me!" My mother yelled. When I exited the apartment. Going down the hall to the elevator.

After ten to fifteen minutes. We got to a restaurant.
Fancy fancy. Brother what's going on?

"So why are we here?" He snapped at me.

"Wait a second." I looked at him incredulous. Why would you invite me if your not gonna say anything? We walked in quietly.

"For four." He said. Four? So Thomas me Luke. Who else? What?

"Who else is coming?"

"Trinity be quiet for a second—Thomas."

"I know but who else?" He froze. Oh my shit. He looked at me sternly.

"What do you mean you know?" He said staring at me in his army tone.

"I-I just thought—"

"Hey Luke!" I heard Thomas yell. Awfully loud. People looked at him. Saved by the bell or well Thomas in this situation. I started gushing. Until I saw the girl next to him. My face contorted into a straight face.

Oh. So he brought someone?

She had blonde hair that was just below her shoulders. Blue eyes a nice dress on. Makeup. No wonder.. I don't try.

'You don't need no man!' Well I feel stupid now.

"Trinity this is Laura. My girlfriend." Luke acknowledged. I widened my eyes. Hold up?

"Your girlfriend?" I questioned. About to laugh. Since when the fuck?

"I have do something with her be right back." Luke said and the girl Laura walked out. When the doors closed I glanced at Thomas.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled. Now people were staring at me.

"Ah calm down. You want a crowd?" He pointed. Bringing me in an embrace. Rubbing my back. My face heated. A lot. I saw him smirk.

"Let's go enjoy. They're doing something." He said annoyed.

"For four. The other two just left so.." The waiter looked at us amused yet irritated.

"Okay." He said.

"Well it's dinner for two at least right now." He said. Pulling me closer to him.

The waiter sent us to a brown booth. Then walked back to where he was hosting. Thomas sat across from me.

"Hello, I'm Thomas." He said cheekily. I grinned.

"Hi, I'm Trinity." We shook hands. I gushed. When I mean gushed. I mean gushed. The waitress was standing their awkwardly. Looking at both of us.

"Tinder. We finally met." The waitress bursted out laughing. Thomas smirked at me. I bit my lip.

"I am so so sorry!" She said. I laughed.

"What would you like to drink?" She asked through her chuckling.

"What would you like, Thomas?" I asked.

"Oh, Doll I don't know." He exclaimed looking at the menu. It was a very retro restaurant. Old gadgets, pictures everywhere. Very old time rock an roll vibes.

"Soft drink for me please. Pepsi." I said.

"Oh and I'll take a glass of water. Since soda is for the chumps." My smile widened once I heard a fake British accent.

"Whoa you did a great accent." She said. Astonished. I smiled. Nodding.

"You have no idea." He said in the accent. I bit my lip again.

"So Pepsi and a water?" I nodded.

"Yes. Thank you." I said she left, I looked at Thomas.

"You know he's gonna propose to her." Thomas said. I bursted out laughing.

"That's hilarious Thomas. Now why are we here?" I asked confused. Thomas stared at me seriously.

"Who is she anyway?" I asked. Thomas face was filled with contort.

"He didn't tell you?" He gritted his teeth. Clenching his jaw.

"Are you joking with me? That cunt!" He exclaimed.

"Thomas shh!" I whispered emphasizing. What's up with him?

"What's the big deal he's not gonna propose to her." I said truthfully. Does he know how crazy that sounds? Who is she? No one even knows her. The waitress dropped our drinks off. I quickly took a sip.

"So this is the group that's proposing." She said. I smiled to her and shook my head.

"He's not proposing don't worry." I stated.

"Don't mind her." Thomas said quickly. The waitress looked at both of us. Confused. Then walked away.

"Thomas. How long was he planning on doing this? Especially when he's in fucking college this is a girl— No. He didn't even tell us— He didn't!" I said frustrated.

"I told him to tell his family. First." He said. Looking at his drink. Swirling his straw ever so slowly as if it was gonna hypnotize him.

"Are you alright?" I asked fiddling with my fingers. His hair fell to his eyes.

"Yeah." He stated. Staring at me with a toothy grin. I huffed. A small grin getting placed on my lips.

"So what's up with you?" I asked.

"Good." He replied sipping his water. I let out a small smile. Okay. I don't know what made me look besides him. But I did.

There was a guy. With a gray hoodie on. It hid his face. But his eyes were seen. He was eating alone. Then his eyes spotted mine. Blue. Hm. Where have I seen blue eyes from?

"Are you okay?" He joked. My eyes found Thomas. I nodded. Shaking my head clear of those thoughts.

"Yeah I thought I saw someone I knew." I said.

"Who is it. Some ex? I'll beat him up." He stated putting his fists up. I smiled sheepishly. He placed them down drinking his water.

"No just some person." I say while staring at Thomas still stirring his water. I glanced. Swiftly seeing his eyes on mine. I looked down at my hands. Feeling uncomfortable by his gaze at this point. Weird.

I quickly looked up and smiled at Thomas. He looked at me with his star like eyes and grinned back.


We had ordered food and they still weren't here. Thomas was texting Luke. I was texting Luke. We would both glance up and say. 'He didn't say anything.' Or 'no response.' Or 'The conniving douchebag.'

"I don't get why he didn't want me to see you. But he leaves me alone with you." I said annoyed. He thought about it before agreeing. The waitress dropped off our food I gave a small thanks.

"You're right. He's a fanny." He said before sticking his fork in the spaghetti he ordered. I laughed.

"That sounds so weird and girly." I joked.

"Trust me. You don't wanna know what that means." He rolled his eyes smirking.

"Okay." I drawled it out.

Soon enough we saw the lovely couple. She was laughing and whatever. Luke looked like he enjoyed himself. I was gonna punch him. Kick him. He will get injured.

"Here's the power couple." I stated rolling my eyes. Thomas kicked me under the table.

"Ow?" I questioned. I kicked him somewhere kinda soft but hard. He groaned slumping in his seat.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" I yelled. Mouth covered. They both looked at the sight. Luke about to laugh but seeing me annoyed. The girl looking at me amused. He fell all the way down raising in the air an 'ok.' I ducked my head underneath the table.

He... Yeah.... Pain.

"Waiter!" I yelled. Oh god too loud. A random waiter came by. Whoa nice hair!

"Can I have a cup of ice please an.. Um injury happened." I pointed. The guy looked at the guy with empathy.

"The balls?" He said. I nodded holding back a laughing grin.

"Yeah dude it hurts." He walked away getting the ice.

I looked under the table again. Giving him my hand since he was awfully close to me now. He hit it away and I laughed.

"Remind.. Me. Never to.. Kick you... Again." He said spacing out.

"Here come on.. Just sit here." I said. He got up staggered. Really not at all. I literally helped him all the way, then he leaned all over me. Oh dear god. It was a funny sight. I couldn't surpass the deathly hilarious grin on my face.

Wow I'm about to fall. His whole body weight was leaning against me. Until I felt his foot over my own.

"You deserved that." He said. Over my shoulder. I scrunched up. Ow.

"You're lucky I can't keep my eyes off of you." He said. Looking straight into my eyes. But he was leaning against me. Hard to explain. You know when someone leans on you. Let's say someone had a broken foot, he needed help walking. That's how he looked like... yeah.

What was I talking about again?

"Considering where you are yeah." He somehow glared. But it was a hot glare. He meant for it to be.


"Aheum." Our eyes looked at Luke. I nudged Thomas off a bit.

"Pass me my food mate." Thomas groaned. I patted Thomas' head. Smiling to myself.

"It'll be all right. Haha Dragonfly." I joked. Thomas smirked at me even though still in pain.

"Dragonfly?" Luke asked aggravated. My face ran cold. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

"Inside joke. We made when you were gone." Thomas covered. I mentally thank him. A lot. Luke had a scowl on his face. The girl tried to calm him down.

He's out of control honestly.The hell is he so mad about? She held his arm smiling, his hard gaze ran soft. Hm. Okay. I guess she can be trusted. Haha. Kidding. I think.

"Here's your ice sir." The waiter said. Flipping his hair in the process away from his brown eyes.

"Thank you." I said. He nodded off. Thomas soon.. Iced his goods...

"Better?" I questioned. He nodded. Head on my shoulder. I was just staring off into the distance. Noticing the familiar hood now off.

"Hey. Oh. Okay theres more!" The waitress said a little stunned. Luke nodded his head.

"I'm Luke how are you?" He said. The waitress had a glint in memorization in her eyes and then she left. I opened my mouth.

"Why did she do that?" I shut it back up when Luke's supposed girlfriend stole my words. Luke shrugged his shoulders. I gazed between both of them. Huh?

"Stop looking." I heard Thomas whisper. He was looking at something under the table just admiring it.

"Okay." I said softly like him. What's he looking at?

"So how's everyone doing?" I asked. The girl smiled. Luke was honestly in a bitter daze.

"I'm great how are you?" She asked with a huge smile.

"I'm okay I guess." I said. Trying to smile. But it turned into a grimace. I decided to eat my burger. Yeah. I went to a restaurant an bought a burger.

Pity me I don't care. Good ass burger too. Mushrooms, cheese, bacon, tomato, onion. You name it. Fries.

"Thomas are you gonna eat?" I asked. He just kept staring at something. Under the table. My shoulder kinda aching.

"Yeah feed me." I bursted out laughing. Luke and Laura were having their own conversations. But I still saw Luke's deathly glare every time I looked over. Damn. I don't get why I'm here if he's just gonna be rude to me.

He told me to fucking go. So at least show some curtesy. I gazed at Thomas.

"You're not a baby." I exclaimed.

"You kicked me where I can no longer walk." I rolled my eyes. True.

"Okay I'll feed ya." I twirled. His spaghetti, shoved it in his mouth.

"I'd be a terrible mom." I said. He started coughing. I laughed. But then he was coughing some more. In which I thought it was serious.

"Oh shit you okay?" I asked for the second time. Concerned even more. He raised the 'okay' hand yet again. Reaching for his water.

"You keep trying to kill me." He state catching his breath. Holding onto my shoulder for support.

"Sorry." I said solemnly. Leaning my head against his.

"So what would you two like to order?" The waitress asked. Smiling a lot. More than before. They both said their orders. I huffed having my head still on Thomas's.

"Okay I'll be right back with your breadsticks." She exclaimed. I sighed. Sitting up. I was eating my burger. Kinda. Thomas still in pain. Damn.

She came back. I was gonna reach for a breadstick but Thomas stopped me. By putting his hand on my thigh.

'What is he doing?'

"Stop it, Trini." He said. I looked at him strangely. To see he was on his phone. I heard my phone ping. Quickly grabbing it.


What don't like that?

He said. I moved his hand.


Remember who's brothers across the table pal.

I typed.


Yeah shitt really corny.

He sent.



Oh my god.

"What's this?" Laura said. I noticed I felt a presence above me. I looked up and I saw someone recording. Whoa what?

"Read it out loud." Luke said heartwarmingly. I noticed the waiters and waitresses were all staring.

"Don't look at me till you finish this short letter. I have loved you ever since the day I met you and even though that's an understatement. Since love is blind. I believe when I first caught my eye on you. You were the one.."


What the fuck is happening?!?!?!?!

I typed to Thomas.

"You saved me.. Through... Thick an thin and loved me throughout those troubles.." She started crying. Oh my god. He's serious. This is serious.





This.... This.... What the fuck?

Luke started kneeling down. There were 'awhs' and 'oh my god he's proposing!' In the background.

"Now look at me and see with all love what I'm about to do." She looked at him and cried a bit more out of happiness.

"Laura C Jones. Will you the love of my life.." Now this is the time.. I got a little crazy. I looked at Thomas in anger.

"Trinity.." He said lowly. So it didn't interrupt what was going on. I shook my head. In my mind. I was gonna lunge at my brother. I was about to.

But I thought wait for the joke to be over. Cause this is amusing.

Where's my mother? Where's my father? What about our family? He's doing this in front of no one important I don't understand.

The cameras kept rolling as my anger boiled I heard Thomas whisper but couldn't surpass my feeling.

Lights people.

"Trinity no." His hand went up my upper thigh. I laughed nervously. Trying to push his hand off of me.

"Marry me?" He asked. I was staring at Thomas. He looked at me concerned. How could my brother do this to my family? Who does he think he is?

"Yes!" She cried! What is this some reality television show? Everyone started clapping. She put the ring on blah blah.

I waited till everyone dispersed. Soon a lot of friends came. I glared at Luke. His friends glanced at me. Taken aback from my nasty expression I suppose. I wonder what my mom will say when she realizes her favorite child didn't invite her out on such an important occasion such as this.

"So what is this?" I questioned. Eating a fry that came with my burger. They all peered at me strangely.

"No seriously what is this?" I asked seriously. One girl was gonna speak, but decided against it. I kept eating my fries.

"Who is that?" I questioned gazing at Luke. Pointing my half eaten fry at her. I nudged Thomas.

"Laura..." A girl spoke. I 'sh' her. Staring at my brother.

"Who is she?" I asked waiting for my brother to speak. Hands in the air showing a what the fuck expression. Luke was about to speak. I can already hear the yell to come out his mouth.

"Nope! Don't fucking talk to me. You mean to tell me you go to the military right, and then college, we barely see you at home and you're home for two weeks and you spring this? You're in love all of a sudden, with that! You tell no one. First of all and second of all why the fuck am I here? Where's mom? Where's dad? Where is our family?" I asked. The whole table got quiet. I grabbed another cold french fry.

"No please group talk. I wanna know who that girl is and who my so called brother thinks he is. You left me and Serenity with our crazy family and didn't even have the heart to tell me who your so called fiancé is?"

"Trinity lay off." Thomas stated.

"No Thomas I will not lay the fuck off. He says all this shit man. You don't know how he was with us. He's acting just like our father." I stated. Arms across my chest.

"I'm not my father." He said lowly.

"Fucking look in the mirror. Tell me what reflection you see." I got up staring at him then left. I knew someone was calling me. But I already ran through those doors. A hand pulled me back.

I was disappointed to find out it was Thomas.

Wow. He can't even chase after his own sister. His friend did it too.

"He wasn't trying to do that, Trinity." He said pleading me to go back. I shook my arm out of his.

"He's a fucking cunt remember?" I said and left the doors.

"Trinity. Come on." Thomas groaned. I hugged my jacket tighter to me as I walked into the distance.

"Nope go back. Go with those people." I said. I'll take an Uber. I'll find a way to go home.

"I need to make sure you're safe." He demanded I stopped. Staring at him. He showed confusion and difficulty trying to help me cope.

"You know any idea how fucking hurt I am? That my own flesh an blood didn't tell me this. Didn't even think it was a good idea to tell me like. That hurts." I said. No tears. But feeling already saddened.

"You know I feel like shit." I choked. He stared at me not knowing what to do. Fuck it. Life sucks.

"I looked up to him. I stuck up for him. I guess it wasn't good enough for him."


I pulled Thomas in a hug. Not knowing what else to do.

"I need this I'm sorry." I said ashamed. He hummed something. I think an 'okay'.

"I actually do. My sister did the same thing to me—" He mumbled. Through the hug. I stared at the gravel in the parking lot.

"Oh really? That's— that's just stupid of her." I let out. Frustrated beyond belief.

"Why can't you take me away from this?" I asked rhetorically.

"Like flying?" He questioned. A warm soothing chuckle escaped my lips into the cold air.

"Yes. Like a dragonfly." I mumbled. I heard him laugh. The cool air seeping through my fingers.

"Trinity!" A female voice screamed. I glanced up saw the girl my brother never told me about.

"I'm sorry I didn't kn.." I let go of Thomas.

"Fucking save it okay." Thomas grabbed me from behind. As if he knew I was going to do something.

"Calm down." He whispered. I struggled under his hold.

"It was Luke not her." He continued. I don't care.

"Let go of me!" I screamed. I felt his hands slowly drop off my own.

"Where's my brother?" I asked Thomas running my hands through my hair. Staring at his eyes.

"He's in the restaurant."

"I didn't ask you!" I yelled. She looked like she was going to cry. Covering her face.

'Look what you do Trinity. You have ruined your family life. You have ruined your school life. Now you have ruined this random girls life. Why would you do that? Just stop Trinity. Just fucking stop'

"Trinity stop."

"Tell her to leave." I whispered. Shutting my eyes. My subconscious was killing me. I fucked up.


"Why can't you just leave?" I yelled staring at her. Luke stumbled out angry. With all his friends behind.

"You mother fucker, Trinity!" He yelled. I was about to hit him. Punch him till I ran out of energy. The fucking asshole.

"Trinity stop leave him be. He doesn't deserve it right now. I know he's a dick right now. This happened to me. Trinity please stop." Thomas tried persuading. Walking me away to his car.

I stopped him seeing his car in the distance looking back at the asshole and his new fiancé.

"Fuck you Luke." I glared at him. A glint of evil an betrayal. More for my brother since I didn't even know her. But still adding to the fact.

I barely see my brother, now I'm not gonna see him even more. What else is he gonna say? He bought a house?

I turned around slowly walking up to the girl.

"You wanna be an Elena? Have fucking fun because they will ruin your life. I know for god damn sure they ruined mine." I stated looking at the girl. Her jaw dropped and Luke tried comforting her. I started walking to Thomas's car.

"Have fun getting home," Luke said. The asshole. I will.

"What are you doing?" He said drivers side open. I got in the passenger seat. Looking straight at the air bag compartment. Don't ask me questions Thomas. Just get in.

"Just drive, Dragonfly. Drive." He turned the gear to drive and we sped off.

Thank god.


I was currently sitting and staring at the view. Just thinking of what I had done, thinking of what I will do. Spacing out.

Forgetting Thomas was with me.

He kept saying he was sorry. That it happened to him. But I zoned his words out. I started crying in the car. God knows why.

Now I just looked at the distance.

"My own flesh an blood ashamed to tell his family he has a girlfriend. Ha no wait fiancé." I cackled. I was hurt. Really hurt.

I was always there for him. I stuck up for him way too many times getting in trouble for his mistakes. Making sure my father didn't lash out crazy on him. Yet he does this bullshit.


"I'm sorry." Thomas said. I listened. Just completely oblivious however. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. My emotions were taking a toll on me.

"Cover your ears." I told Thomas. He looked at me then did so. I screamed really loud. All the birds left the trees. I huffed.

"Damn. You can yell." I heard Thomas say. He wiggled his ear as if I pained him. I chuckled. He smirked.

He had that black jacket on fixing it. Resembling the coolest kid ever. Except he wasn't a kid. He was just about a man. A very cool one, hot even.

He ran his hands through his hair. Eyes staring off then spotted mine.

"Wanna do something and not tell anyone?" I said. Feeling very risky. Very out there. He raised a brow.

'Your thoughts are too dangerous.'

"Like what?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Looking at his face. His nose traveling to his rose lips. I made them travel up to his eyes.

'Trinity what are you thinking?'

"I don't know anything." I exclaim tired frustrated. Life didn't even feel real at this point. My eyes spotted below his nose.

"Wanna start now?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. My eyes traveled, they shouldn't have traveled. For his face wasn't a map, his lips shouldn't have been the destination.

But soon my actions came to my mind. Reacting to what I was thinking. I grabbed his neck and kissed his soft rose lips.

I guess to spite my brother.

I ended up falling backwards letting a little yelp. But his lips encasing mine. He released and stared at me.

His eyes studied my soul. As if to see what type of person I was. Then he gazed away.

"Look at the view from this angle." He exclaimed smile on his lips. Oh my god. What did I just do? I looked at the view. Very anxiously. Wanting to get out of the position I was in.

Why did I do that?

"Wow. It looks so good from here!" I don't know why I yelled it. But I did. Wanting him to get the hint.

"Yes—" He looked at the view admiring it I suppose.

"It really is." I felt his gaze somehow, I glanced up at his eyes staring in mine.

I gave him an awkward smile. He grinned. His eyes now seemed to look down at something it wanted.

"Can I do something now?" He asked. Not looking at my eyes.

'Oh my god.'

I nodded.

He looked at my eyes briefly. Before grabbing my cheek and wrapping his lips around mine. Again. It felt warm and friendly somehow. God damn I'm saying a kiss is friendly.

But it did. It felt so awesome. He bit my lip. I widened my eyes. Releasing. His eyes were still closed about to open them.

"That was—"

"I am so sorry!" I said over him. Pushing him off me about to get up.

"No." He grabbed my arm pulling me back down. I stared at his closed eyes. Seeing them open slowly.

"I want more of it." He said. I bit my lip shaking my head.

"I shouldn't have done that." I stated. Trying to get up. He grabbed my wrists. Making me flinch.

'What is he doing?'

"Stop regretting every little thing you do. What you did at the dinner is exactly what I would've done. Trinity you kissed a guy! Own it. Own it." He stated staring in my eyes eyebrows furrowed together. I heard him let out a breath. He kissed my forehead.

"Do I regret that?" He questioned staring at me. I sulked must have envisioned strangeness compared to his confident attire. He smirked.

"Absolutely not." He stated. I dropped my head on his chest. Too caught up in my breathing to say anything. Closing my eyes.

I heard his heartbeat. That's where I wanted it to end.

"You can't regret what you do. You did it for a reason. Trust it, see where it goes."

"Okay." I said softly. Everything started moving to pace. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and my mess. Shit.

"This is insane." I said. Staring up at him.

"Shut up and calm down." He said. My finger trailed up to his cheek. Wiping some debris off since we were on the ground next to a spectacular view. He kept his eyes closed. I dropped my vision down and then laid my head down.


I felt someone tug me up. My immediate response was to see who it was but I ended up gripping onto the shadow.

I'm moving too quickly. Who is this? I opened my eyes. Just seeing Thomas.

"Sh.. Go back to sleep." He whispered. That's what I tried to do. Holding onto him however.

Afraid I was gonna fall. I heard him chuckle I didn't get why.

"Let go so I can drive you back home." He said. I let go and he put me in the car.

I hugged my seatbelt. So tired believing it was him. He got in the car and drove off. I started wiping my eyes. Feeling more lively than before.

"Awake?" He said. I nodded.

"Yep." I spoke. Staring out the window. Realization came through my mind. I turned my phone on then looked at Thomas.

"Thomas I'm not at my fathers house.."

"I know. Luke sent me the address." He said. I let out a breath of fresh air.

I looked at my phone seeing several messages from an angry Luke. But what I really wanted was the time.

"2:24 a.m!" I yelled. Thomas jolted glancing at me for a brief moment, contort, before continuing to drive.

"Fuck. You scared the shit out of me." He exclaimed.

"Sorry." I said. I thought about what happened earlier. Luke, Lauren, Thomas. The fucking engagement. Thomas. The yelling. The sorry. Thomas. His kiss.

The kiss.


"Thomas. The kiss.. You can not tell Luke about that." I demanded so seriously. I doubt he'd do it I'm just making sure.

"Wasn't it a game though? Hell I won't. I'd get my head blown the fuck off." He said smirking. Cheesy grin.

"What's bad about kissing?" He continued. I went frozen. More cold than how I felt.

"I mean— N-nothing really— Just." I kept stumbling over my words.

"It's just a kiss. It's like a friendly reminder of two humans feeling emotion. Happiness. Kissing someone's like happiness. Let me rephrase that. Kissing is just two lips meeting for the first time. It's like talking. At first you barely open your mouth, but as you get to know the person you let them enter. So I bet if I pull the car over and kiss you you're gonna back away before it gets heated. Am I right?" I frowned.

"Wrong." I stated. I can take a bet.

'This is idiotic trinity. Why are you doing this to yourself?' She rang. I looked at Thomas' challenging face. He pulled over the car.

"If I'm wrong you get props. But if I'm right I get to show you how to kiss properly." I gulped. Nodding.

"Okay." I said quietly.

He leaned in so quickly. Kissing my lips really fast. I stuck through it till I needed him to stop. I pushed him away. Catching my breath. He smirked.

"I told you I'd be right." He stated flashing his pearly whites.

"Crap what was I supposed to do! I didn't know I had to not breathe while kissing." I stated.

"You don't know how to kiss do you?" I blanked out not knowing what to say. He bit his cheek. I saw.

"This is why I'm gonna show you." He stated his stare was getting so intense. I didn't know how to tell him to stop looking at me. So I looked down. He raised my chin.

"Stop acting like you're scared of life." He said. I bit my lip before casting a frown.

"Give me your hand." I gave it to him. He raised it up.

"I'm gonna squeeze your hand which means you can let go. No matter what I do. You can't let go until I squeeze your hand." He said staring at my eyes.

"You alright?" I coughed trying to stop this nervousness.

"Yep." I smiled. He laughed.

"Always a good way to start a kiss. Cough it up." He joked. I chuckled. He gave me a minute then tangled my left hand and with his right.

"I will squeeze your hand just like this. Okay?" He said. Squeezing it.

"Yeah okay." I said. His left hand cupped my cheek. Smacking his lips against my own. But he moved slower than before. I don't think I let him in my mouth.

Wait.. Never mind. He started moving faster. Our hands still locked together somehow. I kept moving back, he kept inching forward. I felt his hair fall towards my face. He was trying hard not to fall forward. So I moved closer.

He bit my lip, yet again letting out a sound I shouldn't have made. Crap. I shook my head through the kiss opening my eyes.

"Keep— with it— Trini." He said somehow. I tried. His lips felt so nice. So hot. So.. I don't know. I ended up biting his lip. I heard him lightly groan. Then the kiss started speeding up like before.

Hands still locked. God how? He came closer and closer. He slammed our hands against the window. My other hand running through his hair.

Our bodies were extremely close. I could now feel his body heat. I played in his hair. While he started messing with my shirt.

And then as if it wasn't gonna end. I felt him squeeze my hand. I squeezed back releasing.

We both looked at each other. Both heavily breathing. Staring at what we did. He looked up at something. Moving my hair.

"See..." He said while putting a strand of my hair away from my face.

"Just a.." He fixed my shirt. Then looked at my eyes.

"kiss." He said. I looked at him strangely. Biting my lip.

I had an concerned, weird, worried scowl. If you could even say that. He got off and sat back in the drivers seat. I decided to look out the window. My eyes widened.

I looked straight ahead.

Our— or should I say my hand print was on the window. What the hell is this?

The god damn titanic? A huge grin spread across my face. I looked at Thomas. He was grinning as well.

"Haha! Oh my god." We bursted out laughing. What the hell is wrong with us?

'Ahem on the contrary what the fuck is wrong with you?'

"We will definitely not be telling your brother." He stated. I chuckled.

"Agreed." I turned my head to the window. Scrunching my nose.

"Oh my god look at the hand print!" I screamed laughing. We stopped at a red light and Thomas bursted out laughing.

"That's that's like a movie? Um. What movie?"

"Titanic!" I laughed. He smirked.

"Yeah titanic. Except. They weren't just kissing. Sex... Unless you wanna fuck and reenact the whole scene. Minus the boat?" He smirked. My face heated. But I smirked back.

"Yeah but remember there's an old car too?"

"Well this ole thing will work right?" He joked. I chuckled.

"Ha yeah." I chuckled. I rested my elbow right by the print. Oh lord.

"So Trinity.. How you like it rough and hard?"

"Dude!" I yelled. Hitting him. He laughed.

"Just asking." I shook my head. I thought for a second before saying something I never thought I'd say. Abby's mind came into mine. I swear.

"Nah. I'm into that kinky stuff. Ropes whips. Chocolate every where. Handcuffs so we can't leave. But we both know we wouldn't want to." I said unconsciously joking.

Abby would be proud.

'You've done it now. Have fun recovering this. Bye!' It's as if I felt the door slam and she went away. I then realized what the fuck I just said.

"You think I can use your bathroom once we get to your house?" He said out of know where.

"Yeah." I said. Raising a brow. Oh. We were like kinda close by but not.

The car ride ended in small talk. Which was neat. I learned that if he ever bought a car it'd be a red corvette. Even though I complained about the actual look of the car.

He parked the car in the parking lot. My anxiety started picking up as I remembered all the messages Luke left me.

Fuck he's pissed. I turned my phone off. Not wanting to look at them.

I got out the car. Thanking Thomas.

"Remember I gotta wis." He said. I forgot. He got out the car following to the apartment.

We rode in the elevator in silence. Walking to the door in silence.

"Sh." I said. Opening the door. I escorted him to the bathroom and then bang!

"Trinity you are so dead. You're deader than fucking the grim reaper." Luke said. I looked at him in anger.

"Sure I am dude. Sorry about yelling but you kinda deserved that." I said walking to my room. He grabbed my arm.

"You ruined everything!" He yelled. I nodded. Okay.

"You don't feel one inch of sorrow?" He asked enraged. I rolled my eyes.

"I mean I would. But I don't even know the girl. So it doesn't matter and you don't even care that we don't even know her!" I pushed him.

"I didn't want to expose her to this fucked up family okay?" He said nudging my shoulder roughly.

"I don't fucking care!" I yelled.

"She's gonna be family now right?" I egged him on.

"You should have let her see us or I wouldn't be so mad. I wouldn't have caused a scene and I would've probably liked her. But no. I think she's some rich slut you picked up at some fancy colle.." I was knocked to the floor.

By his hand.

Across my face.

I looked at him appalled. Feeling my hot cheek. Looking at the ground then to his face.

"You're fucking no better than our father."

"Are you fucking proud? You just committed the deed your father retraced!" I yelled on the ground. He started walking near me and I covered my face.

Our eyes diverted to an open door.


He glanced at Luke then me. His eyes locked on me and my hand.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Thomas yelled at Luke, coming at him. Fuck it I don't care.

"Why did you let him up here?" Luke questioned rudely. I stared at the ground. I can't believe he slapped me.

I heard a really hard punch. I looked up and saw Thomas pounced on Luke.

"Thomas stop!" I said trying to push both of them off each other. They were like animals. Thomas...

He kept hitting him. Punch after punch. Luke's lip was bloody. Thomas' nose was bleeding. But they still hit. I just started crying.

"Get off!" I screamed. Pulling someone's body off with as much strength. Someone kicked my shin with all their energy. I fell to the ground. Fuck. Ow.

I got up trying to pull them off again.

"Stop. Stop!" I yelled. Wanting them to stop beating each other to death. I saw Thomas body come up from the madness. Knuckles busted. Thomas raised his arm.

"No stop!" I grabbed his arm. Almost falling forward. He looked at me. And I don't know...

"Please don't hit him again.." I said above a whisper. My tears were blurring my vision. He turned around. I wrapped my arms around his torso. Making sure he wasn't trying to hit him again.

"Please don't." I cried. Looking at Luke on the floor. Busted up. No matter what I did he's still my brother. Sadly. Thomas was angry. I felt his body relax. I laid my head on his back. Breathing in.

I felt him kick him and a groan escaped Luke's mouth. I hit the wall pushing him back. He leaned his head on the wall.

"Trinity. If someone ever does that again," He mumbled.

"Hold me back before I kill him." He stated. I breathed out. Such a long exasperated breath. I saw him look at what he did. Ready to strike.

"Thomas leave him alone okay." I said exhausted. I pulled him away. Sitting him in the kitchen.


Frozen string beans. Frozen peas.

"Here." I said handing him the green beans.

We had a first aid kit I don't even know why. I grabbed a couple alcohol wipes and called it a day.

"Thanks." He said. Once I came back. I sat down across from him. Giving him the wipe.

"Can you do it for me? I'm a wuss." He said. I smiled slightly.

He gave me his bloodied hand.

"It's gonna sting." I said then dabbed a little on his hand. He hissed. I took it off.

"Fuck. Just put it all on." He pressed my hand down groaning loudly.

"One Mississippi. Two Mississippi." He said eyes shut.

"Three Mississippi." I said with him. He opened his eyes.

"Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi." We counted all the way to ten staring at each other.

"I'm sorry." I said. Looking at his hand. His nose. Was still bloody. Shit.

I released my hand from his grip.

"Where are you going?" He asked. As I tried walking away.

"I need to get you a napkin. Your nose is bloody." I said.

"You don't have to get me anything." I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and hold up." I stated. Walking away.

I got a bunch of paper towels. Since our tissue paper supply was running low.

"Sorry all we had was paper towel." I said giving him the roll. He grabbed it willingly.

"This will do." He said tearing a piece and putting it against his nose.

Soon all the blood was gone. He threw away the tissues.

"Thank you for cleaning me up." He acknowledged. I shook my head.

"I didn't do anything though." I said truthfully I just put an alcohol wipe on his hand.

"You being here helped me." He said. I shook my head grinning.

"Okay." I gave up. Not wanting to go on what my mind was thinking.

He squinted his eyes as if he knew I was gonna say something.

I bit my lip. Okay.


Wow this chapter sucks.

*hearts all around.*see yahh lovely people.

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