This Is Love

By contentcreator22

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22 year old Perrie Edwards has been dating 18 year old Addison for three months and they have been managing t... More

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By contentcreator22

Perrie POV:

It's been a couple months now and we're on a break from the tour so we can see family and stuff, our families have really bonded and come together but Addi and I have made a huge decision, the sabotage campaign that we now know is down to both Addi's Mam and some of our ex management has gotten worse and it's leaving everyone upset and distressed so Addi and I talked and we figured the only way to sort this is to talk to someone like Jeremy Kyle or Vicky Pattison so we go with Jeremy and we're appearing on a celebrity's special.

"So next up is nineteen year old Addison who says her Mum and girlfriend Perrie Edwards management team are trying to sabotage their relationship, please welcome to the stage Addison." I see Addi walk out, I can see and hear everything that is happening on stage.

"Hi sweetheart are you nervous?"


"Ignore them they should be at work." He laughs.  "So Addison you're nineteen years old and dating who?"

"Perrie Edwards."

"I'm a bit old, she's from Little Mix, am I right?" He talks lightheartedly to start with.

"Yes." I smile nervously .

"How old is Perrie?"

"Twenty two "

"You're just a member of the public..." Addi nods "So how did you meet?"

"I was eighteen at the time, staying with my cousin and I was waiting outside a game shop when we met."

"So you were eighteen and what happened? You started talking and then what?"

"She handed me a piece of paper with her name and number on so I texted her and we spoke over text for a few weeks before I went to stay up in South Shields for the holidays because we wanted to see if the relationship would work."

"Your parents knew about this?"

"No, I told them I was with a friend I'd met the summer before."

"Wasn't that kind of awkward?"

"We weren't planning to go public at the time but we went public sooner than we thought."

"Your Mum wasn't accepting?"

"No she's made it very hard for Perrie and I to have a relationship."

"Shall we bring Perrie out?" I walk out and sit next to Addi giving her a kiss as I sit down.

"In love?" He asked.

"Yes." We replied in unison.

"You even answered at the same time." He laughed.

"Now I have a statement from one of your bandmates Perrie, ladies and gentlemen this statement is from Jade Thirlwall." He pauses. "Perrie and Addi are besotted with each other, they can't stand being apart, Melissa has made it really difficult for them, on several occasions I've witnessed both girls in tears and there have been times she's almost succeeded in splitting them up." Jeremy takes another pause. "Who's Melissa?"

"My Mum."

"Let's bring Melissa onto the Jeremy Kyle show." Melissa walks out and Addi reaches for my hand, she's shaking, knowing she's scared I put my arm around her.

"Welcome to the show, would you like to tell me why this nineteen year old girl is looking absolutely petrified right now?"

"She's scared because she knows she's been lying."

"I haven't been lying Mum I have so many people who can verify that I'm telling the truth."

"The truth being what?" Jeremy asked.

"That my Mum has been homophobic from day one that I introduced Perrie as my girlfriend."

"I'm not homophobic." Melissa yells.

"Okay well we have a recording taken by Addison's phone so let's have a listen." They played the recording and the audience and even I gasped about how homophobic she was.

"That was edited." Melissa yelled over the recording. "Perrie's always hated me so she edited the recording."

"Is this true?" Jeremy asked me this time.

"No I know nothing about editing, I can just about tweet and text and if anything I'm always telling Addi she needs to sort things out with her Mam." They played another recording of proof that I had defended Melissa.

"Melissa do me a favour and look at your daughter and her girlfriend, without saying anything just look at them, Perrie clearly cares a lot about Addison and even I just from looking at them can see how deeply in love they are, you want your daughter to be happy don't you?"

"Of course."

"So then why on earth would you try and split these two up!?" He practically yelled.

"Ever since she got with Perrie she's lied to me, she's been skipping sixth form and she's had an attitude problem."

"Yes I may have lied in the beginning but I lied to everyone not just you, I lied to Dad, I lied to the whole family and my best friend and Perrie lied to her family and friends too, we wanted to see if it would work out before we told anyone."

"The way they went about it may have been wrong but at least they didn't rush into it." Jeremy commented.

"That's something I guess but that still doesn't excuse the attitude change or her skipping sixth form." That was it I had enough.

"Do you know what she hasn't skipped any of her classes, I took her myself and she stayed up and had no sleep for seven or more days because she wanted to get her courses done, I didn't know until I came back down recently just before tour and I told her off for not sleeping, she's handed in her work." Addi's presence kept me calm as I spoke.

"We have a statement from Addison's sixth form." He pauses "Addison has completed two A level courses and achieved very high grades, she still attends her maths resit classes, she's been on tour with Perrie recently but has been submitting maths work every day online and this includes weekends, her A levels were completed much earlier than planned, Addison struggles with her maths in class when she can make it into sixth form but since Perrie has been around she has only walked out once which is a big improvement from walking out every lesson."

"Told you I weren't skipping." Addi said triumphantly, Jeremy turned to the audience.

"Addison has been signed off of all her A levels with four A* grades" He then turned back to Melissa "pretty big achievement for someone who skipped sixth form."

"She still has an attitude problem."

"I'm not surprised with you as her mother, her actions have not always been correct but frankly if it was me in her position I wouldn't put up with you talking bad about me or my girlfriend, homophobia is disgusting and wrong, love is love no matter who you're attracted to."

"But Jeremy..."

"No buts." He comes over and kneels in front of Addi who I'm comforting because she is crying. "Sweetheart listen to me okay just listen to me, ignore that one over there and be happy." He puts his hand over both of our hands and talks to me. "You keep strong because she's going to need you." He stands up and sends Melissa off telling her to let us be happy and then turns back to us. "You're both amazing thank you for coming on, go that way." He points us in the right direction, we hug him and walk off stage and Graham is there waiting to go through everything with us and Melissa.

Addison POV:

After going on Jeremy Kyle nothing really changed in the way of my relationship between Mum and I but Graham helped her see that what her and Perrie's ex management are doing is wrong and the sabotage has dramatically decreased but not gone completely. 

We are in a meeting about the next half of the tour when my mobile rings, I check the ID and excuse myself seeing that it was the number of my little sister's social worker, I excuse myself and step out of the room.

"Hello Julie."

"Hi Addison, I expect you've been waiting to hear from me."

"I have, so what's the verdict?"

"You need to go over to Polly's foster parents right now, she's had a meltdown and she's asking for you, I'm sure Nicola and Frank will tell you their decision."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I put the phone down and in and walk back into the room picking up my handbag.

"I'm sorry girls I really have to go, my sisters foster parent's called, they need me to go over."

"Go beautiful don't worry about us." Perrie reassures me and Simon even got a driver to drive me, arriving at Nicola and Franks house I was nervous, I hadn't seen my sister in a while due to touring and today could potentially be the last time I get to see her until she's eighteen, she's only ten now.

"Hi Addi come on in." Frank answers the door and immediately I see Polly having a major meltdown in the middle of the living room and lashing out at Nicola.

"Poll, it's okay love I'm here." I try to be calm despite the fact I should be telling her off I hadn't seen her in a while so it really wasn't my place to discipline her, as soon as she hears my voice she calms down and runs into my arms.

"Addi you're back." She smiled, it felt like I'd seen Lottie and Blake more than my own half sister, thinking about it I probably tried to cover up how much I was missing my sister by focusing on Lottie and Blake.

"Yeah I'm back Polls."

"Don't leave again." She begs me, I look up at Nicola and Frank.

"You can see her as much as you want Addi, you don't deserve to be punished because her parents let her down."

"Thank you." I say to Nicola standing up and hugging her.

"It's okay sweetie, you're a good role model, she needs that."

"Do you think I could take her out for the day, I know I shouldn't reward her behaviour but I haven't seen her in so long."

"Go for it, maybe you could give her some sisterly advice whilst you're at it." I put Polly's coat on her and take her out to the driver.

"I'll take care of her." We go out to the car and I make sure she has her seatbelt on before getting in the back next to her.

"So how's things been?"

"Rubbish, I haven't seen you and I'm with people I don't know and there's a new routine and new rules and a new school."

"It's been a lot for you to deal with hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't been round much, there was a lot to sort out and I'm sure you've heard that I'm on tour at the moment but I'll be around more once tour is over I promise, you just need to behave for Nicola and Frank, they just want the best for you." We get out of the car and I instinctively put a protective arm around her as we walk into the first of many clothes shops.

"If you see something you like go try it on and if I approve you can have it okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I get paid a good wage and you are my sister." We end up leaving the first shop with half a bag full.

"Hey stranger."  I hear a voice from behind me.

"Rox!" I scream practically jumping into her arms before realising I'd let go of my sister and grabbed her hand again.

"What are you doing shopping without the girls?"

"Shopping with my little sister." I saw camera people approaching us after we left the third shop and immediately shield my sisters face from the camera's deciding that after three shops and just two bags of shopping it's safer to take Polly home.

"Hey did you two have a good time?" Nicola asked.

"Yeah until we got papped, don't worry I didn't let them pap her, they probably thought she was Lottie anyway."

"I'm sorry Nicola, I'm sorry Frank I acted like a brat." I watch as they both hug Polly.

"We know you've been through a lot, we just want to help you, now say bye to Addi and go hang your clothes up." Polly hugged me.

"Thank you for today."

"Anytime princess, now I better get back or Perrie will send out a search party... be good okay."

"I will."

"I'll come see you before the second half of tour." I hug her one last time and I leave, don't get me wrong I love seeing my family but it felt odd without Perrie, as you've probably guessed we're barely ever apart, however when I got dropped back she was no where to be seen but I found a note.

Cait needed help revising for her exams, see you later hope you had fun with your sister, I love you more than anything in the entire world. Your Pez X

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