Across The Stars

By Jedi1616

34.9K 895 735

Twelve years after the events of ROTS <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Luke had never known his parents. Le... More

I Hate Sand
I Am Your Father
I Hate You!
I Felt It
I Found Her [Part 1]
I Found Her [Part 2]
I Tried To Find You
I Never Meant To Love You
I Wish I Had Never Met You
I Loved You
I Can't Remember

I Was Her Destruction

3.8K 115 54
By Jedi1616

There she was. At Varyikno, on Naboo. She was in the Lake. Her chocolate brown curls bounced as she ran with two small children.

The first child, a boy, had blond hair and sky blue eyes that sparked in the Nabooian sun.

Then there was a little girl. A carbon copy of her mother. Her deep brown eyes could melt your heart at first glance.

They were frolicking in the cool Lake. Then they called out to me.

"Ani, come join us! The waters great!"

I came out to them. But as I swam to meet them, they cried out in terror. The next thing I knew their voices died out.

Silence. Horrible silence.

The beautiful Naboo scenery then turned into Mustafar's volcanic surface.

I hear her voice.

"You killed us."

Then I hear two small children's voices.

"You killed us."

The three voices keep repeating.

"You killed us. You killed us. You killed us."

Then I see her. Pregnant with our children.

I see myself. My hand is raised. Choking her.

She drops to the ground and the scene goes black.

The next thing I see is heart breaking.

There she is. In that coffin. Her hands resting on her swollen stomach.

I killed her.

I was her destruction.

The scene once again goes black.

I see her and our children.

"You chose power over us. Is it worth the price you paid? The lives you took? You murdered us!"she said.

"Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!"

Darth Vader woke up to the blinding white light of his oxygen capsule.

The dreams of her haunted him whenever he slept. Even after twelve years, her memory never ceased to haunt him.

She loved him. With all she had, she loved him. She didn't deserve the fate he had given her.

But he had more things to do than sit there and dwell on what he couldn't change.

Darth Vader activated the claw that put on his helmet so he could breath outside of his capsule. He rose up and left his quarters and made way to the control center of the 'Vengeance'.

When he reached the control center, the general of the 'Vengeance'
Greeted him.

"Lord Vader, it is a honor to have you here."

"Spare me your greetings, general. I am only here to see if the Emperor had contacted me while I was resting."

"Yes Lord Vader, I believe the Emperor tried to make contact with you but I told him that you were busy, so he told me to give you a message."

"I am waiting general!"

"The Emperor requests that you comm him immediately. That was all he told me."

"Return to your duties general."

"Yes Lord Vader!"

Darth Vader then left the control center and headed towards his quarters where he could comm his master.

The Emperor soon showed up on the comm.

"What is your bidding, my master?"

"Lord Vader, there is some trouble in the Outer Rim. One of the planets is not cooperating."

"Name the plant my master and it shall be taken care of."

"Tatooine. And Lord Vader, remember that the memories of that place belong to a dead man. Skywalker no longer exists."

"Yes my master."

"Good, good. Go and report to me when you are finished."

"Yes, master."

The image of the Emperor dissolved leaving Vader alone with his thoughts.

Tatooine. The place where he was a slave. Where he was born and raised. But most importantly, where he met her.

"Are you an angel?"


"Are you an angel? I hear they live on the moons of Iego."

"You're a silly little boy."
The memory of there first meeting flashed in his head.

No! Skywalker was killed along with his wife. He is no more.

He then left his quarters to leave for Tatooine.
(Several hours later...)

The Dark Lord walked through Tatooine with a squadron of storm troopers.

"Lord Vader. There is no sign of trouble yet."

"The Emperor sent me here for a reason. Split up. Continue to search until you find something."

"Yes sir!"

He also looked for a threat, but found nothing.

But several minutes later heard running and yelling.

All of a sudden, a small boy bolted toward him without warning.

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