I Felt It

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Two months later...

A shuttle landed on the beautiful planet of Alderaan. The high, green, snow capped mountains rose just above the clouds and could be seen for miles. The shimmery, blue lakes covered the planet's surface and shone in the warm summer sun.

A group of people came flooding out of the large public shuttle's main exit. Many gazed around in wonder at the sights of this planet.

But one stranger did not take in the beauty of the late summer day. This person was too lost in thought to look at the glory around them. This one person continued to walk forwards to the huge city that laid before them.

This individual was on a mission. They were here to find someone. And this someone, was not just anyone. This someone was the daughter of the senator, Bail Organa.

The stranger would collect their bounty...
※ ※ ※

Luke Vader arose to another morning on his father's star destroyer.

Luke smiled as he thought of another day spent with his father. Even if that meant watching him work all day.

Elsewhere, Vader was making his way to his son's room. This was the way the days went. Vader would be the first and the last thing Luke saw every day. They would spend as much time as they could together, at least as much as Vader's busy schedule would allow.

Luke and his father had become very close in the short amount of time that had past. Though Luke would never completely forgive his father for the murder of his Aunt in cold blood.
The two had much in common. Not only in the way they looked, well, in the way Vader used to look, but also in their interests.

They both loved flying. It was a time where Vader felt like his is self. While up piloting space with his son, the Dark Lord felt something he had long forgotten. This feeling belonging. Only two people had ever been and to make him feel that he was loved and that he belonged. Both were gone now, thanks to him.

But now had a son. Like he had always dreamt of. Not like the dreams he would have before he found his boy about what life would've been like of he went with his love. But dreams about raising a child.

He now had the love he had lost for ten years. He regained the love he never thought he would possess again.

Vader, reaching his son's room, punched in the room combination code. He had put that there so that Kenobi and his band of weak Jedi could never take Luke from him again. He told Luke the code so that his son would not feel traped in this giant hunk of metal Vader called home.

Once the door retreated into the top of the door frame, Vader walked through.

Vader was nearly knocked to the ground by a flash of blond hair.
Luke looked up at his father with an expression of joy and love.
For once in Vader's life, there was peace. With his son embracing him, he felt the love he thought had forever forsaken him. In this one magnificent moment, he realized THIS was the reason he'd been to help and back. This boy was a piece of him, as well as his Padmè. His son was his light of life.

Vader returned the warm hug that Luke was giving him.

But sadly, this moment couldn't last forever.

Vader suddenly felt a ripple in the force. Apparently, Luke felt it too, for the boy's once joyful expression changed to a look of sheer panic and fear.

But the way Luke felt it was different.

He felt not only the fear of this person located way across the stars, but also all the mixed emotions of something far greater.

He suddenly felt the joy of finding this being, but also felt the heartbreaking sadness of being ripped from this being so very long ago.

Vader, however only felt the fear of the youngling as it was dragged from its home.

"Luke, pack a bag. And quickly."

Luke did not question his father. He knew exactly where they were going. His only statement was a simple and quick, "Yes father.", before going and doing as his father commanded.

After Luke was done, his father led him to a ship where they both climbed in and flew away to the distant planet of Alderran...

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