An accident, but no mistake...

Από PrincessPonies

420K 10.3K 578

Becoming pregnant with a guy who was soon to become leader of a gang, Lauren goes through more than a young t... Περισσότερα

Chapter One- Edited.
Chapter Two- Edited.
Chapter Three- Edited.
Chapter Four- Edited.
Chapter Five- Edited.
Chapter Six- Edited
(20) Extension to chapter 19
Sorry, no more sequel!


16.9K 422 18
Από PrincessPonies

Editing is on hold at the moment, or it's very slowly being edited (meaning a chapter a month most likely) as I'm struggling with college as it is and writing/editing is just taking up too much of my time. This chapter may not fit in with the end of last chapter, but it should as I've edited last chapter to hopefully fit in with this. Some stuff might not make sense, and hopefully it will all be sorted out soon once I sort myself out.

Thanks for understanding, and thanks for reading.

Lauren woke up feeling refreshed and extremely happy. The rush of having her brother back after five years hadn't worn out yet and it wouldn't for a long time, she had missed him too much for the excitement to go after a couple days.

Forgetting she was on the sofa she rolled over, but Lauren found herself surprised. She should have fallen on the floor, not still able to feel a soft material under her. Opening her eyes, Lauren now knew why she felt so comfortable, she was in her bed. Liam must have brought her up after she fell asleep during their second movie, after the day they had she was dead on her feet so Lauren wasn't surprised she fell asleep so early.

She felt bad that Liam had to sleep on the sofa again, he had to spend five years on a rubbish jail cell bed and he hadn't complained about not getting the comfy bed he deserved after he was released. The guilt disappeared as soon as it went though as she had ordered for his furniture to be delivered this afternoon and he would get the comfy bed he deserved, she had ordered a nice memory foam mattress for him that she was sure he would love. 

People would scold her for spending so much on her brother when she had a baby on the way, but she couldn't help it. She had more than enough anyway due to the money she got from her parents who were also part of the gang Liam was in, she was thankful that the gang got so much money because now she was living a good lifestyle, but part of her just really hated the gang for what it did to Liam.

Checking the time, she realised she had a few minutes to spare before she had to get out of bed and do her morning routine. She didn't have work for the next two weeks, when she found out she was pregnant she had phoned up and asked for her time off, glad that she had an understanding boss. When she had her baby though, she was going to quit. She didn't want to, but she wanted to spend the most time she could with her child. 

After she got out of bed, she went down stairs once she had made herself decent and went into the kitchen to start breakfast. She knew her brother was still asleep by the loud snoring coming from the living room and she chuckled to herself, he never changed.

I need to go shopping, she thought to herself when she opened the fridge and saw she had hardly any food left. Having her brother round had surely made a dent in the food stock, but she didn't care. 

Humming a tune, she set to work on making breakfast for the two. Halfway through stirring the eggs a knock on the door startles her. She wasn't expecting anyone, was Liam? She thought whilst walking towards the door, Liam didn't even wake up from the sound, he just turned over from the sound. Lauren didn't get to watch him fall off the sofa though because the person at the door knocked again and she carried on to get it. 

She heard the thump of his body hitting the floor and a yelp, Lauren shook her head at Liam’s stupidity and opens the door. Her smile wipes off her face when she sees who it is though. Why was he there? Was he going to do what he said in her dream, tell her to get rid of her baby?

''Sebastian, what are you doing here?'' Lauren spoke with a hint of surprise, proud with herself for not showing the pain she felt by just his presence. He smiled at her, but a small glint of discomfort settled in his eyes.

''I need to speak with Liam, he is still he-''

''Lauren, who the fuck is at the door at the time of morn- Oh, hey Seb?'' Liam cut's Sebastian of when he heard her talking to someone at the door. He cut himself off though when he saw who was at the door. Liam raised an eyebrow at his best mate and soon to be boss in question, wondering why he came so early.

Lauren turned around to look at Liam and had to stifle a laugh that was threatening to rise. His hair was up at all odd angles and he had the lines all over half of his face from being pressed up against the cushions. Sebastian let out a chuckle though at seeing his mate in that state, he was sure he could see a little drool on the side of Liam’s mouth.

''Hey man. I would have phoned you but you don't have a mobile, I need to speak with you about tomorrow.'' Sebastian urged and then looked at Lauren, indicating to Liam it was private. Lauren got the hint though and held her hands up in surrender.

''Hey, I was just about to go check breakfast anyway, I'm pretty sure the eggs are burning right now anyway.'' She then proceeded to hurry into the kitchen where she was glad to find the eggs were cooked just right, any longer and they would have burnt.

Lauren could hear murmuring and then Liam's voice raise a bit, indicating he was most likely not happy with something. She decided that she won't listen in now, but she would make Liam tell her what was going on if he could. She knew it was gang business and there were certain rules about relaying information and she didn't want to get Liam into trouble. Gang business was never talked about between the two, but with Sebastian in her house and hearing Liam's unhappy voice, she decided she wanted to find out a little.

Bacon, eggs, french toast, pancakes, waffles, sausages and a few other breakfast items were lead out on the table when both boys entered the kitchen. At Liam’s raised eyebrow and Sebastian's shocked face, she realised she over did it. She wanted to make Liam something he liked though and this was the first time she made him breakfast since he got back, she felt like it had to be perfect.

''Have you got an army coming over or something sis? Jeez how much did you cook?'' He asked, astounded that his sister had cooked this much. 

 ''I just wanted you to like it.'' She smiled sheepishly at him. A sudden thought came to her, and even though it wasn't her best idea due to their current situation, she didn't want the food to go to waste. ''Sebastian, you can have breakfast too if you like?''

He looked to Liam and then back to Lauren, he didn't know if he should. He was obviously causing her some discomfort by being there, but Liam gave him an urging look and Lauren smiled politely at him, changing his decision.

''That would be nice, thank you.'' Liam was shocked, Sebastian hardly ever used manners and if he did it was mostly mockingly. The situation he was in with his sister must have swayed his attitude with her. It was pleasant to have the old Sebastian he knew back.

When Liam was younger, he and Sebastian were the model children that everyone loved. His best friend wasn't cold, didn't act like a jackass and nor did he even swear, he used to hate it. But when his parents were getting a divorce, his father became even more of a sour man. He was in the gang when he met Seb's mother, but his mother didn't mind as long as it didn't affect her, and when Seb came, it would a strain on them but they lasted for a good time before it just went downhill. Seb changed when he started going to his fathers. Without his wife in the way, Sebastian's father could treat his son however he wanted. So he turned Seb into a replica of him, something that Sebastian detests him for.

They talked over breakfast, the tense atmosphere that Lauren thought would come didn't happen. She felt at ease with Sebastian, something she thought due to their situation would be a strain to achieve. Breakfast was long gone before a knock resounded throughout the house again. 

Lauren gasped when she looked up at the clock, she could believe the time. They had sat there for at least two hours just talking and eating, she felt like only ten minutes had passed. 

''What’s up Lauren?'' Liam asked urgently when he heard his sister gasp. He thought it was something bad and he was ready for whatever it was. He needn't to worry though, it was only the delivery she was expecting.

''Oh nothing Liam, just a little furniture for your room.'' She smiled at both of them before getting up to answering the door. 

After confirming they had the right house, Lauren opened the door wider to allow them to bring everything in. Box after box was placed in the living room and both the men that now stood behind Lauren watched on in horror at the amount of boxes that entered through the door.

''Uh, how much did you buy Lauren?'' He asked, his voice higher due to his sister’s words from earlier. Just a little his ass.

''Just everything you needed.'' She turned around and smiled at him. She had another thought and smiled mischievously at both boys. ''So, if you’re not busy, you both can paint his room and put it together, I’m awfully tired right now and would be no use. Plus Liam wouldn't be able to do it himself.'' She aimed the last part at Sebastian and gave him a sugary sweet smile. 

He gulped and couldn't help but feel a little heat enter his body at her sugar coated smile, to him she looked sexy staring at him like that. He knew she was tempting him to do what she wanted, and he was a fool to fall for it.

''I got time.'' He smiled at her back and then raised an eyebrow at Liam. 

''Uh, well I’ve got a meeting with the bank in...'' Liam looked at his watched and then smiled sheepishly at the two. ''An hour, and I’ve got to drive two towns over plus get ready. So, I'm afraid I’m going to have to leave you two to do it. And Lauren, shut up you've had more that twelve hours sleep, stop being lazy.'' He teased her and ran into the living room to get his duffle bag full of a few items of clothing, then winked and ran to the downstairs bathroom to change.

''Well, looks like it’s just us two then.'' Lauren smiles at Sebastian, her tone confident, and then turns around to let the furniture man out. 

She didn't know what to think, she knew she had to get Liam’s bedroom done today and with him out of the picture for at least a few hours, extra help would be wonderful. But it was Sebastian, she didn't feel awkward around him, she was well past that stage. She just didn't want to spend time with him, she was scared she was going to enjoy it too much. She was scared she was going to enjoy his company to the point where she wanted him to stay, get attached to him and be unable to let him go. 

She knew it was stupid to feel like this when she doesn't even know him properly, but she couldn't help it. The way he treated her the first night they met, the way he comforted her when he delivered the bad news, to now. The way he was smiling at her just made a fuzzy feeling to take over her.

''Bye!'' She chirped to the delivery man and turned back around to face Sebastian. He was already staring at her with a small smile on his face, and something like adoration in his eyes was that? Lauren couldn't tell but she didn't ponder over it. ''So, wanna help get the paint out the car? Were need to paint first before we put the furniture up.''

''Sure.'' He responded and Lauren quickly shouted to her brother to inform him they would be out the front quick. She knew she'd have to give her car to Liam to borrow as he didn't have one yet, so she made sure she got everything they needed out before he left.

''So, how are you holding up?'' Sebastian asked her when she shut the boot to her car. Lauren knew he was referring to her pregnancy and she also knew that he had a right to know. There was no time to get funny about it, she was prepared now to face Sebastian about anything.

''I'm- we're doing well'' She corrected herself, smiling when she thought of her little jelly bean. 

''That's good.'' Sebastian smiled back at her, loving the picture her smile paints on her face. ''So I was wondering...'' He didn't know whether he should ask, but he couldn't help it, he thought it would be safe though. ''Would I be able to come to the scans with you?''

Lauren nearly dropped the couple paint cans Sebastian allowed her to carry. Did he really just ask that? So she wasn't prepared for everything Sebastian related. She wasn't angry he asked that, she was just surprised as she thought he couldn't have anything to do with the baby.

''Uh sure?'' It came out as a question, she didn't mean for it too, she just didn't know if this was exactly what he wanted. 

''I mean, if you don't want me to its totally fine, I understand.'' He got out quickly, mistaking her hesitation as a negative. 

''It’s not that I don't want you to, I think it would be great.'' Ok a little bit too much cheerfulness there Lauren, she scolded herself internally. After clearing her throat she continued. ''If it’s what you want then I’m totally fine with it.'' She gave him a reassuring smile and Sebastian visibly relaxed. She wouldn't have thought Sebastian Mills, the town’s most feared man, would be fretting over something like this. 

''It is.'' He sighed, he did want it, but he didn't know if it would be good for him. Only one way to find out..., He thought. He'd wait until after the scan to see if it did him any good.

''I have a scan indoors if you wanted to see? It was a check-up scan and that's how they found out I was pregnant. It’s a proper scan though, you can have it if you want?'' Lauren already had a copy that was printed the same as the original, she got one at the baby store when she brought the books and rabbit.

''I already saw it, but I would like a better look though if that's alright. And I'll have to get a copy, I wouldn't want to take the original.'' When had Sebastian become so thoughtful? Only for Lauren, He thought and grinned internally at himself. 

''Sure, I already have a copy, you can have that then.'' She replied just as she entered the house.

''Have what?'' Liam asked, doing up his tie so he could play the role of his fake ID properly. He couldn't get it correct though so Lauren put the cans on the floor and walked towards him.

''The spare scan, now hold still you idiot. How can you not do a tie?'' Lauren scolded him and shook her head tutting. Liam was too shocked to reply though, was Sebastian really having the copy of the scan? He couldn't believe it, Sebastian was taking this seriously then. 

''U-Uh.'' Liam spluttered, the shock from his best mates actions rendering him speechless. He cleared his throat and answered his sister who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. ''Uh I forgot?'' It was a lame excuse, he could never put a tie on, the twists and wrapping and... Everything about a tie just confused him.

'Ah-ha.'' His sister chided and patted him on the shoulder when she was done. ''Now go make us rich brother!'' She let her voice take on his enthusiasm from last night and Liam scowled at her. 

''I'll keep it all to myself in a minute if you carry on.'' He glared playfully and walked out the door. ''See ya later, oh and have fun!'' He shouted then shut the door, leaving them in silence. She didn't really think that Liam was going to share his money, she didn't expect him too. But when he said that her chest swelled with gratitude, she really wouldn’t know what she'd do without her brother.

''So, you ready to paint?'' Sebastian grinned at her, and she twirled around and faced him, replying back with a grin of her own.

''Let’s do this.''

Together they worked on the room, both working on their own walls but not letting to small distance deter them in talking. Other than being with her brother, Lauren felt like she had the best time of her life with Sebastian. They talked, messed about, flicked paint at each other and both him and Lauren forgot just who exactly he was. It was like a totally different person Sebastian was being, this was the true Sebastian, the person Sebastian really wanted to be. But it was all thanks to his father that he didn't get to be the real him.

If Sebastian ever acted this way out of these walls, people would take advantage of him and think they could best him, he couldn't have that, he would most likely end up dead if he did.

Lauren found out that Sebastian had a sister who was three years older than him, but her father never wanted a daughter so whilst he went over on weekends, she never did. And when their mother died when he was at the age of ten, his sister went to a foster home. He rarely saw her, but the way he talked about her to Lauren, she could tell he loved her. 

That wasn't the only thing they talked about, she learned just useless facts about him. Favourite colour: Black. Favourite animal: Wolf. Lucky number: He didn't believe in luck. He learned most about him and everything in between. She stayed clear of the gang though, it would have ruined the day, she thought. 

They even talked about the baby. What they each wanted to call it if it was a boy or girl. She loved the name he chose for a girl though, and she secretly hoped she was having a girl so she could call her that. 

''Oh my god! Did you really do that?'' She laughed, and she couldn't stop laughing. What he had just told her was one of the funniest things she had heard in her life.

''Yea, my mum didn't have it in her heart to wake me up so she just left my face squished into the plate, obviously she made sure I was able to breathe first before she sat back down.'' He choked out through laughing. ''When I woke up though, I was really hungry so I just ate the squished food on the plate and off my face. I didn't eat the peas that ended up my nose though, that would have been gross.''

''I can't be-believe you fell asleep at the table and fell into your food! That is so funny, I could just imagine a little you doing that.'' She giggled, loving the smile that adorned his face. Sebastian wasn't afraid to share his embarrassing stories with her, he was having such a good time that he told her nearly everything about him, and he didn't want to bring the topic of the gang up either. He too like Lauren felt like the conversation about it would just ruin the day, it was not a nice topic.

Because she was laughing so hard, her balance on the ladder became unstable and she ended up wobbling. Her laughter soon turned into freighted shouts as she lost her balance completely and Sebastian turn around to see her coming his way. She was lucky that they were on the walls next to each other and finishing up at the same corner, but she felt bad when she landed on a surprised Sebastian, head butting him in the eye.

''Ouch! Shit Lauren, you okay? Is the baby OK? Did I hurt the baby? Did I hurt you?'' Sebastian kept asking over and over again, he was extremely worried for the both of them. He hoped he hadn't hurt the baby, he could live with himself if he hurt the baby, or her for that matter.

''Sebastian!'' She shouted over his rambling, Lauren found it extremely cute that he was worried but she was fine, maybe a little bump on the forehead but that didn't matter. ''I'm fine, the baby's fine, and no you didn't hurt either of us, don't worry.'' She soothed, hoping her calm tone relaxed him. 

''Oh that's good.'' He let out a big sigh of relief and they both just remained still, staring at each other. Her still on top of him and him resting comfortably beneath her. They both felt a sense of calmness just led there like that, nothing felt sexual about it in any way, and it just felt normal.

A minute past in silence and one of them broke it, their request just a curious, innocent wish that had been in their mind all day.

''Can I kiss you?''


Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading, don't forget to vote if you liked it!

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