Run Away [Completed]

By iamRam2333

227K 13.6K 1.7K

"I-is he still alive?" Maine asked, trembling. "Barely," Alden answered, nursing his fist which he noticed ha... More

Author's Note
Author's Note
The Run Away Playlist


5.2K 394 105
By iamRam2333

Maine paused when she saw Jenny's lifeless body on the floor. There was a pool of blood around the area where her head was and she obviously wasn't breathing. By the entrance she saw Tim's sprawled form, also unconscious.

She swallowed hard and stepped back, her chest heaving as panic and fear started enveloping her again. She pulled her phone and dialed Alden's number but it was busy.

"Alden..." she whispered.

Someone stepped out of the door's shadows so suddenly that Maine almost jumped, and her heartbeat did an overdrive when she realized who it was.

"Brent." she said, her voice almost inaudible. She took another step back.

"Maine..." he said, smiling. "I missed you."

Maine turned and broke into a run but Brent caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, hey, hey... Stop. Don't run away from me please." he said, hugging her. "I won't hurt you, I promise. Here, no knife, no weapons." he added, showing her his bloody knife and throwing it across the floor to the back of the sofa. "Just let me hug you please."

"Let go of me!" Maine screamed, squirming out of his grasp. She looked wildly around her, trying to find a weapon and her eyes found a medium sized vase a foot away to her left. She grabbed it and smashed it hard to the side of his head.

She saw him stagger backwards and took that opportunity to run for the stairs.

Brent growled angrily and ran after her grabbing her foot as she toppled over. She kicked and fought but his grasp was so tight and she could see his eyes burning with anger. Panic was starting to engulf her real fast and she tried to clear her mind. She propped both her hands on the next step and kicked his face hard with her other foot. He cried in pain and loosened his grip.

She made a run for it, missing a step in the process but she was determined to get to her room fast.

"You won't get away from me, bitch!" Brent growled as he pulled her hand, turning her around and tackling her back down.

Maine hit her head on one of the steps and she suddenly felt dizzy. She pushed him away weakly but Brent held both her wrists with one hand and pinned her firmly against the stairs. From her blurred vision she could see him. His once very handsome face now contorted with rage and there was blood flowing from the side of his head and into his jaw. He was smiling coldly at her.

"Now you're mine," he hissed at her and she felt his hand crawl underneath her clothes. That's when the fear swallowed her completely and she couldn't move anymore. She started sobbing.

"Stop, please." she sobbed. "No!" And she let out a painful scream.


Her scream was like a sharp knife that pierced through Alden's heart as he made the last turn to where her house was. He got off the car when he reached the gate and didn't bother to turn off the engine anymore.

He walked over to the front door and saw Tim and Jenny's lifeless body. He ran inside and saw Brent wrestling Maine against the stairs and she was sobbing hard. He quickly ran up to them but his foot kicked something hard. He stopped when he realized it was a knife and quickly picked it up before running towards them, his arm aiming to stab the knife right at Brent's back.

"Alden!" Maine cried when she saw him and Brent turned around just as he was about to swing the knife at him.

Brent blocked his hand with his arm and then twisted his arm painfully, trying to get him to drop the knife. Brent then pushed him fiercely against the wall and tried to wrestle the knife from him.

"Run to your room, quick!" Alden shouted at Maine and she scrambled back to her feet and ran the rest of the steps. She paused by the top of the stairs and glanced back at them.

"Don't stop running, go! Aaaaarrgh!" He screamed as he felt the knife being stabbed deep into his thigh. Brent gave him a hard blow to the head as he doubled over in pain and then he saw him running after Maine again.

Alden quickly pulled the knife out and dropped it as he scrambled to reach him. He caught Brent by the top of the stairs and pulled the sleeves of his shirt so he'd turn to him instead. He held him by the collar and shove him to the floor and started pummeling his fist on his face over and over.

Brent was fighting back and managed to throw a couple of punches to his side and on his jaw. Then he found the part on his thigh that had been stabbed and pressed it so hard that Alden cried in pain.

Brent shoved him and the next thing he knew he was the one on the floor and Brent was throwing punches after punches all over his body that he could reach. Alden fought back with all his might but for some reason, Brent seemed to be getting stronger as he got more and more determined to kill Alden.

Just when he felt himself getting totally overpowered and he was close to losing consciousness from the pain caused by Brent's blows, he heard a loud thud, followed by another and then another and another, and then he realized that Brent wasn't punching him anymore. Another loud thud and Brent fell on top of him.

He pushed him away and sat up, and he saw Maine holding a wooden bat in front of him. She was breathing heavily.

Brent groaned and started pushing himself up but Maine started beating him again, over and over, hitting every part of his body that the bat could reach. She didn't seem to have any target in mind, she just continued beating him with the bat relentlessly and she was sobbing angrily as she did.

Brent was no longer moving but she wouldn't stop and Alden had to stand up and hug her by the waist and carry her away from Brent to keep her from doing much more damage not only to Brent, but to herself as well.

"Maine, Maine... Stop. He's dead," he whispered at her, rubbing her back as he ushered her away.

Maine let go of the bat and leaned weakly against Alden's chest, sobbing like she has never sobbed before.

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