Run Away [Completed]

By iamRam2333

227K 13.6K 1.7K

"I-is he still alive?" Maine asked, trembling. "Barely," Alden answered, nursing his fist which he noticed ha... More

Author's Note
Author's Note
The Run Away Playlist


4.6K 314 46
By iamRam2333

"Hey..." Maine said gently as she opened the door to her friend's room. "How are you, Jenny?"

Jenny looked at her with a shattered look on her face. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was tied up in a very messy bun. Her eyes were swelling from too much crying since last night and her nose very much resembled a ripe tomato at this point.

"He still won't answer my calls," she cried desperately.

Maine sighed and sat beside her on the bed. "I really think you should give him enough time, Jen... And space. So he'd know what he's missing."

"But I already gave him time! Three hours of it! While I slept!" she sobbed. "I hate him, Maine. I hate him so much but I don't wanna lose him. Waaaa!"

Maine bit her lip, trying not to laugh at her friend's ridiculousness. "Try to take your mind off of him first. Do you want to watch a movie? I know a movie that's best for these kinds of situations," she told her.

Jenny thought about it and nodded. Maine stood up and went to her room to get the dvd of her favorite movie.


Alden was completely surprised at the turn up of people for his book launch. He didn't know where all of the fans came from but there were hundreds of them who arrived at the venue, all excited to see him. Before Swimming in Your Eyes was released he was just a very little known author striving to make it big. Now, only two days after its official release and he already had throngs of fans screaming for him like he was some kind of celebrity.

Ms. Fe said that his Author Profile helped. This was launched by the publishing house a month ago along with other up and coming authors' profiles as a way of generating some buzz and anticipation.

They had photo shoots and slum book type of Q and As that got posted on the publishing house's official website and social networking pages, and they were printed out as part of their official publication too.

He wasn't active in social media so he didn't know that out of all the up and coming authors, he had become the most popular. He couldn't understand how they would still be there after the release of his book though, especially since the book pretty much talked about his feelings for Maine, and then the proposal itself. There were more than 500 people for him there. So much more that what the publishing house expected.

For a moment, Alden forgot about their current woes and enjoyed meeting and greeting his fans. As the hours passed though, he began thinking about how Maine was doing. She hasn't texted or called yet, which was a good thing, he guessed, because that would mean she has nothing urgent to call him about.

While he was signing his 250th book, Fe approached him and whispered.

"Alden, can you stay and sign 200 more books after the 300? These people have been here since 6AM so we decided to extend the meet and greet to 200 more. Is that okay?" she asked him.

He sighed and looked at his watch. 5:15 PM. Maine was expecting him at around 6 to 6:30.

"Please, Alden? I'm sorry we didn't tell you right away. The management felt compelled to make a last minute decision because of the clamor, and as I've said, most of them have been waiting in line since early morning" Fe said apologetically.

Alden bit his lip and then nodded. "Okay, I'll do 200 more. But after that I have to leave right away. Maine's waiting for me." he told her.

"Okay, I promise!" said Fe, raising her right hand up and smiling at him.

Alden closed his eyes for a few moments and then plastered a smile on his face as the book signing continued.


Jenny's phone finally rang just as their movie was about to end. She picked it up excitedly when she saw her boyfriend's contact photo on the screen.

Maine excused herself while they talked and went to take a shower. When she came back, she found Jenny already smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, wow! What a transformation!" Maine exclaimed, laughing.

"We're back together again!" she shrieked, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Oh. Oh, that was quick." Maine said, bewildered. She shook her head when she remembered that this was the third time this month that Jenny and her boyfriend had broken up and made up in no time. But last night was their biggest fight ever so she thought they would give each other more time to think about what's happening to them.

"He's coming over!" she sang. "He'll have dinner with us and Alden. Alden and Tim are okay right?"

"Oh, yea. Alden actually likes him." Maine said. And he really did because Tim was actually pretty decent. It was Jenny who's unbelievably crazy sometimes. "Let's start cooking then!" she told her.

"Okay, but let me take a shower first." Jenny said.

"Okay," Maine said. "I'll start preparing the ingredients."

A few minutes later, both she and Jenny started cooking and preparing their dinner. Jenny's mood had drastically changed and she was singing and dancing as she cooked.

Maine just watched her in amusement and realized that she was going to miss this crazy friend of hers a lot. She just wished she'd get to see her again. "Jenny... I almost forgot to tell you. Alden and I will be leaving for... a few days." she said.

"Why?" Jenny asked as she poured vinegar on the chicken pork adobo mixture she was making.

"Uhm, we're going on a vacation. You know, to celebrate the successful release of his book." Maine said, not looking at her.

"Wow, so you'll be honeymooning even before the wedding, huh?" Jenny teased, giving Maine a playful pinch on her side.

They both laughed just as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Jenny volunteered. "Tim texted that he's almost at the gate earlier."

Maine nodded as she continued chopping the bacon for her pasta.

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