I Missed You Too, Felix

By nasaspector

86.5K 2K 1.1K

Felix returns to his home in Paris after finishing an exchange program in America. With his arrival comes man... More

We Meet Again
Once More
Do you like her?
The Love Square
My Lady
Mon Chaton
Our Rendezvous
Our Finale

Our First Meeting

5K 138 13
By nasaspector

The clouds blinded the moon as it rose and the sun set. A wind moved rapidly and harshly through the sky as two figures went their separate ways. One clad in black leather as his cat ears sat on his head took off south while the other one clad in a red and black polka dotted suit went north. They waved at each after a job well done of protecting their city and craved the warmth of their beds. Ladybug wasn't too far from her own home until she missed her target and fell down into a nearby wall with a yelp. She groaned as she hit the floor and a pink light flooded the area, which was luckily abandoned or so she thought.

Marinette now stood in place of Ladybug as Tikki flew out exhausted from their patrol. It took longer than they wanted after they found some crooks trying to break into some poor family's home. Chat didn't seem to take it too lightly as he went in blindly like always. Ladybug called out to her reckless partner before muttering a curse at him and joining him in the fray. They scared the crooks enough to have them leave the premises and left before they woke up the family sleeping. Chat got a scolding for doing something reckless but he didn't care, all he wanted was to protect that family and he did. Tikki groaned as Marinette muttered an apology to her friend as she passed a cookie to her. Everything was eerily quiet as she walked closer towards the end of the little outdoor corridor. Suddenly...

"No way," A voice came from behind Marinette and she felt her blood run cold. Someone saw her and she felt glued to the pavement below her feet.

"You're Ladybug." The voice sounded older than a kid.

Marinette slowly turned around to see a tall blond male behind her. His pale, blond was tucked tightly behind his ears and held down. Cold, blue eyes now held interest as they stared wide eyed at the girl in front of him. His clothes were ironed and sharp, almost business like to her. She turned to him fully before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Please, don't tell anyone about what you saw!" She pleaded with a furrowed brow.

"I won't, I promise under one condition." He gave a sly smirk and suddenly Marinette regretted staying behind instead of running and showing her face to this possible murder.

"U-Under what condition?" Marinette began to back as she hid Tikki in her purse.

"We'll be friends." He said simply before looking away bashfully.

"Huh? That's it?" Marinette was confused on his behavior.

He had some years on her, so why would an adult want to be friend with a teenager? Well, it could have to do with the fact that she was Ladybug. Bragging right she supposed as she eyed the blond in front of her. He stood nervously as he waited her response. It seemed like time had stopped as Marinette felt the little tap of Tikki's nub into her palm against her purse. She stood up straight as she spoke.

"Alright, we can be friends. My name is Marinette, Marinette Dupain Cheng." Marinette smiled at him as he breathed out in relief .

"Felix, Felix Agreste." Felix smiled at his new, short friend who happened to be one of Paris's superhero's.

"It's nice to meet you, Felix" Marinette grinned as the clouds disappeared towards other sides of the city.

"It's my pleasure, Marinette" He smiled back to her as well.

Marinette smiled at the memory of how she met Felix after she smacked into a wall. It wasn't one of her most graceful landings, she was quite embarrassed about it whenever Felix brought it up. He was like an older brother that barged into her life because of her slip up. He really did barge in once, into the bakery at least. Marinette moved to her computer desk as she remembered how Felix met her parents. Never had she wanted to throw someone out so quickly.

It was the day after Marinette met Felix and she was exhausted from it. Tikki had a field day with their encounter as she teased the poor girl about her "romantic" meeting with the older guy. Marinette swatted at Tikki to stop reading those stories about a girl running into a guy and then they became a couple later into the story. Tikki still floated around with her cookie in hand and a large grin on her face. Marinette decided to get some cool air and maybe a snack from the bakery. She grabbed Tikki and ran downstairs into her parent's bakery with some money in hand.

Even though she was part of the bakery she still had to pay. Her feet jumped down the staircase as she walked into the bakery. The smell of baked bread and cupcakes filled the room as Marinette felt her mouth water. She sat by the counter with her mother as the door swung open suddenly. The customers nearby jumped at the sudden noise as Marinette felt her jaw drop almost comically. There at the door stood her newly found friend and she got a good look at him. He looked different from last night, younger and not as much of a sketch ball.

His hair was a bit out place and his neat shirt from last night was more rugged with a few buttons on top open. He cleared his throat a bit before his eyes landed on Marinette. She felt the need to pull him out but knowing her mother she'd get scolded for that. Felix walked slowly towards the cashier as the customers broke into whispers. His name flew around the room as the whispers became excited and anxious. Even Sabine recognized Felix, the eldest son of Gabriel Agreste and a model for his fathers brand.

He stood in front of Marinette with his elbows on the counter. He leaned in a bit before he smiled and Marinette had a nervous smile of her own. Sabine and the customers looked back and forth between the two. Some of the female customers furrowed their brows as they crossed their arms. A pang of jealousy struck their hearts as they stared at the two.

"Hello, Marinette." Felix's voice was smooth as he spoke.

"Hello, Felix how are you?" Marinette smiled back.

"Oh, I'm good. Happy to have found your bakery." Felix said as he pulled away to stare at the treats in the case below.

"Oh, I'm sure you are. Why don't you get something Felix I'll ring it up." Marinette almost giggled as she watched his reaction towards the sweets.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he did a double take towards the pastries.

"You look like a stick, I'm sure." Marinette said bluntly.

"Marinette!" Sabine scolded her as she helped Felix choose his sweets.

That's how a majority of her days went that summer with Felix. He would come in and order sweets before hanging out with Marinette. Eventually he was granted access upstairs and played video games with Marinette. Tom took to Felix as if he was his own son and Sabine was the same. Marinette felt like she had an older brother with how often he came over and played with her. Even as Ladybug he looked out for her and tried to stay out of harm's way.

Marinette smiled happily before she felt a tap on her trap door. She turned to it before slowly walking towards. She shouted out to the person to come up and a familiar blond head popped out followed by another blond head. Felix came up the stairs with Adrien behind him, he was pouting slightly. She smiled at the two blonds before laughing at their bickering. Felix was quick to call her chaise to sit on as he ran onto it and Marinette took her desk chair. Adrien was more than happy to have her carpet.

I have such a cute duo Marinette grinned as she joined the playful banter

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