The Terran Enclave - Klithian...

By maxd01

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This is the second series based on my Folician Chronicles stories. There are six books and one stand alone i... More

Prologue - Welcome Brice
Chapter 1 - Kevin heads to Earth
Chapter 2 - Misty becomes a ship Liraque
Chapter 3 - Misty and Blake
Chapter 4 - I need help Kevin
Chapter 5 - Welcome Liraque Silvery Skies
Chapter 6 - You are hired
Chapter 7 - Come to Folicia with me
Chapter 8 - Welcome to Folicia Cindy and Sophia
Chapter 9 - Will you marry me Dark Storm?
Chapter 10 - Who let my mother in here?
Chapter 11 - Saul I accept being your mate
Chapter 12 - Can I help you Sophia?
Chapter 13 - Hands what happened to you?
Chapter 14 - You want me for what?
Chapter 15 - Heading towards where they belong
Chapter 16 - Stan this is the Goddess
Chapter 17 - Stan I do love you


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By maxd01

A/N: I am leaving a number of strings dangling to lead into other stories based on this book. Brice, Silver, and Sophia as an example or even Cindy and Rain. What happens with Kevin's parents? All these will be dealt with down the road in separate short stories or books.

Between the two of them Silent Strength decided to meet his pups and their Dames first. After talking to Dark Storm, he had a feeling the first few visits to her pack were going to go over like a lead balloon. A small led balloon since they myth buster's had proved a one of sufficient size could float. Maybe like a block of lead in a pool? That wouldn't float no matter what.

They had been on Folicia for several days and it had been quite interesting. Even with Dark Storm close to him most of the time, he had been hit on a good amount. It wasn't just any of Ray's or his cadet packs. They had gone into town several times to get robes and stuff he was going to need. Everywhere they had gone the two of them were stared at. He had received a number of offers to spend an evening there as well. Maybe eventually he might consider it but for now? Dark Storm was all he needed.

Thankfully Dancer had offered a room in the temple to meet them. Silent Strength had met her shortly after arriving and he had been impressed. She had helped him relax as they talked. They had talked for part of a morning as they set up the time for his children, grandchildren, and their Dames to arrive.

When they arrived at the temple they were met with Melody and a different Folician. He didn't recognize her but did notice she was a Liraque based on the color of her robes, "Morning Melody and who might you be?" He asked the other woman.

She smiled and moved forward to give him a good hug and light kiss, "I am Ocean Storm. I was drawn to this courtyard by my Goddess. Would you and Dark Refreshing Storm accept me as your Liraque?" In this case since they were mates she could be a Liraque for both.

Silent Strength stopped and looked at the woman. He knew what a Liraque was since he had dealt with Smiles, Storm, and Zantha. Being asked if he wanted her as their Liraque wasn't something he had expected. With Dark Storm by his side he hadn't expected to be asked if he wanted one, "Um, can we talk about it later? I want to see my pups and their Dames first. After that we can talk."

She gave him a content smile, "We can do that. I only wanted to say hello and let you know I am here for you. Your pups and others are in the conference room. I will show you to them." She nodded at Melody and took his other arm and showed him into the temple.

When they walked into the room there were four women he remembered and their adult children. Several had pups of various ages with them. He gave them a watery smile, "It is so good to see all of you again. Will you please introduce me to our pups and grand pups?"

One woman stepped forward, "As you hopefully remember I am Northern Winters and this is our pup..." After she introduced them the others started as well. Her eyes were moist as she was talking to him. Even as Dark Storm had mentioned he had been a wonderful lover. She had enjoyed him and their time together, "Congratulations on your mating Silent Strength." All of them had been informed he had mated with her.


Stan, Nikky, and Misty arrived at the courtyard to Hands' section. When they appeared Hands moved forward and gave Misty a good hug, "Hey sis, good to see you again and thank you for bringing the ashes here." Once he finished greeting her he turned to Nichole and gave her a good hug, "Welcome to my section Nichole. I have an adult room for you and Stan prepared. We will show you to it after I introduce the two of you to my pack." After greeting her he gave Stan a good hug, "Welcome to Folicia Stan, I am Misty's brother Strong Hands. Just call me Hands. This is my mate Savory and our pup Mikahelo."

Light Sky stepped forward and gave Nichole and Stan a good hug, "I am Light Sky and Hands asked me to escort you around until you are familiar with the temple and the city. I will introduce you to my pup later. He is in the pack lounge right now. Welcome to Folicia. Shall we? We have some food ready and the pack is waiting to meet the two of you."

Nikky returned the hugs, "Thank for the welcome, I am looking forward to seeing the city and Hands section. Thanks for helping to show us around." *Relax Stan, Hands is going to talk to the females in his pack about not offering anything but maybe some cuddling. Not all of them are adults so they would be 'safe'.*

Stan returned the hugs though he still wasn't all that comfortable with that sort of greeting, "Thanks, food sounds good." He wasn't sure what else to say at the moment. Thankfully there wasn't to many there to greet them. Even now he was still having trouble dealing with what was happening. His new leg was working reasonably well. It had locked up a few times but Autumn had shown him how to deal with it. Being on the light cruiser had helped as well. The doctor was very helpful with ensuring the leg worked as it should. From what he understood the cruiser had stopped for a coffee and chocolate resupply. The XO was apparently a coffee junky and was grumpy without it.

That trip had been shorter than with a transport but Nichole had to speak to a number of people. They had wanted to invite him to bed. He didn't say they hadn't wanted to take no for an answer but more of a... His wanting them to chase him before he said yes. Nichole had finally gone to the Captain's Liraque and spoken to her. After that several had apologized since they really hadn't understood why he was saying no. After that a number had decided to act as a buffer for him. Somehow someone had discovered how he had come by the scars and given him a respect he wasn't comfortable with.

Nobody had really said much but he could tell they were giving him respect for his injuries. It bothered him since he had done what he had to. Nothing more and nothing less. At least he had walked away from the battle field mostly alive. That was all he could really say. As he was thinking they were walking inside the building. Stan had to admit it was beautiful and the artwork, though alien, was magnificent.

When they walked into Hands' section Stan had to stop and look. It was... Definitely not what he had expected. He had grown used to the soft couches and comfortable relaxed look. This almost looked like something from the Game of Thrones or some early medieval castle. The colors were a variety of shades of red, the furniture looked to be made from heavy timber and thick furs. On one wall was a large fireplace with a few massive logs burning though he wasn't feeling much heat from them, "Well damn! Did you go and knock over a museum?"

Savory laughed, "No, Ray met a dragon many years ago and he left part of his horde to Ray and his family. You should see Ray's house at his property. Come and have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Even as she was asking Kyth was gathering some drinks for those who just arrived.

Misty bumped Stan, "Wait until you see Ray's house. It is even more luxurious than this place. Hands' house on at Pack Johnson is about the same as this." She followed him and Nikky to a couch.

Stan made a face, "Dragons? Never mind, not asking about that either. I am already seriously thinking my meds need adjusting." He shook his head as he settled down on a couch.

Right after Stan and Nikky sat down Silky came over and climbed into Stan's lap to give him a good hug, "I's Silky Skies, I goes by Silky. Welcome to ours section." She gave his cheek a damp peck before looking into his eyes. She could feel his faint distress and wanted to say hello.

Even as she crawled in his lap Nuzzle came over and settled down next to him, *I'm Nuzzle, my Sire and Dame will take good care of you.* She gave him a look from her blue eyes before rubbing her muzzle against his sleeve.

Stan definitely hadn't been expecting to have young children in the section. For some reason he had expected them all to be older teens and adults, "Hi Silky and thanks." He gave her a light hug before looking at the other girl. She was older, maybe eleven-ish. As with most all people he fell into her eyes, *Who is your mother and father? Do I know them?*

Nuzzle gave his arm a squeeze, *My Daddy is Ray and my Mommy you met in a dream.* How she knew that she didn't know but she simply did.

Stan had to stare at her when she replied since he had no idea how to respond. That was as hard to deal with as aliens wanting his babies, meeting dragons, and that dream.

Hands came over and lightly flicked one of Nuzzle's ears, *Don't Nuzzle, he is having enough trouble dealing with this. No more about it.* *Stan, I will explain later but what Nuzzle said is true. Don't ask since I can't talk about it and Nuzzle shouldn't have either. I think she is just trying to comfort you and let you know we are here for you.*

Stan dropped his head forward, "Not asking, not going there, don't want to know right now." He honestly wasn't sure what to make of the girl other than she exuded comfort and her eyes were so beautiful. Something about her felt so trustworthy and safe. It was a feeling he hadn't felt for some time.

Hands settled down as the rest of his pack arrived. He had already informed everyone when Stan and Nikki were going to be there. Even Linc was waiting though impatiently. He had been playing with his friends in the Harem and wanted to get back to them. Once everyone was in there, Hands looked around, "Thanks for being on time. This is Stan and Nikky. Both are adults so you will treat them that way. Nikky has the dubious honor of being an adult who was just found to be a Liraque. She is going to be staying in my section since we are setup for both pups and adults." Hands sent to all the adult or almost adult females, *Stan and Nikky are off limits when it comes to asking if they would like to spend time in bed. There are reasons which I am not going to touch on. As you can see he has scars but don't ask about them either. He will tell us what he wishes to.*

"Just letting you know we are going to be getting some more younger trainee's. Not as part of my pack but as part of a section for special trainee's." Hands made a slight face, "I hate putting it that way but Dancer feels that they would fit in better with my section than in a normal section. These are trainees who are showing a tendency towards some of the more specialized areas of a Liraque. She talked to me about it this morning. We will be getting the first few over the next day or two. As usual there will eventually be ten in their section. Their section has been added to the pack property already and the doors will be finished tomorrow. Warmth is going to be moving in there in the morning. They will have access to some of the pack property. Show them around when they arrive."

Savory leaned against Hands as he was talking, "Sophia and Cindy are running late, they were tied up in medical. Sophia is Brice's younger sister and Cindy is a friend of Hands, Nikky, and Misty. This weekend we are planning on taking you to Ray's property. There is an internment ceremony for their parent's tomorrow. Star would you show them to their room?"

Star came over and scooped Silky up, "Come with me. Your stuff is already in the room." Once they stood she led them out of the main lounge and to the adult section. As she was showing them where they were going she was chatting about the showers, hot tubs, and things like that.


Thankfully when they landed it had been a Friday. Misty had known that Ray had scheduled the small ceremony for their parents to be added to the garden. Thyra was going to be there as a Priestess of the Goddess. Dancer, Golden, Hunter, and Morning had been invited. Even though Dancer was a Temple Mother, Thyra was part of their pack. A number of others had been invited as well. The idea of a small ceremony wasn't really possible anymore. There were going to be the three main packs as well as Hands' pack. Most of the children would be in the den since they didn't know their grandparents. There was going to be a celebration afterwards which would include them.

The morning of the ceremony Misty collected the two small urns and walked into the central room of Hands lounge. When she did he walked over and pulled her into his arms, *Thank you for doing this Misty, I miss them still. Flitter and Gentle filled that part of me but how I miss mom and dad.* He felt Savory rest a hand on his back before leaning against him.

Misty leaned into the hug and sniffed slightly, *I do as well. It has been years since they passed on but how I miss them. I wish they could know that we are doing well and have people we love and who love us. They would so love your pups as well. Mom would be all gooey over them though Dad would grump even as he was rocking them.*

The pack had gathered and started a low crooning as they sensed their emotions. When they did Stan held Nikky, *What are they doing?* He knew Misty had brought the ashes back since she had mentioned it on the flight. She had been fairly quiet and spent some time with the Captain's Liraque as well.

Nikky sent a quick thought to Kyth before replying to Stan, *The croon is to show sadness for their loss. They are mourning with them to hopefully lessen their sadness. In this case even though they lost their parents years ago this is bringing the memories back. This is how pack takes care of pack. They live, love, grieve, and take care of each other.* She could feel a few tears flow down in response to the howling.

Stan felt tears start as well. For him it was bringing back memories of those who died in the attack, *Man that is sad yet...* He could feel the support they were offering to Hands and misty. After a few moments he made a decision, *I will be back in a few minutes.* He turned and left the room.

When he walked into the room he and Nikky had been assigned he pulled out a heavy garment bag. Inside was his Army dress uniform. He preferred the older green dress uniform but this looked sharp as well. After giving it a good look he started dressing. It was current with his medals and awards as to when he had been medically retired. Thankfully his dress shoes fit on his new leg. There had been a number of adjustments on Earth to make it look like his other leg. Once he was dressed he walked back out and gave Hands and Misty a good nod.

Hands had noticed Stan leaving but hadn't expected him to come back in uniform. As of yet they hadn't started working on his scaring and it was a stark contrast to his uniform. He didn't know what all the medals or awards meant but he had a decent rack, *Thank you Stan.* He sent to everyone, *Stan was in the American Army. This is how he was injured. He is showing his respect for our parents by wearing his uniform.*

The older females turned and looked at Stan and all gave him a light croon as well. They had all seen the scars but Hands had told them not to ask. Now they understood he had been hurt while in the military they gave him the croon in thanks. How he was hurt they didn't know but he had been and they respected that.

Before Stan could react to what Hands had said and the second croon Hands took charge, "Come, they are waiting for us." He turned and left the room. Stan didn't need the attention, or not right now. He also wanted this over with. The ashes for his memorial garden had been added already. They had been added to the portion from Dreamer's mother. Now was going to be the hard ceremony, they were going to have reporters there as well.

Stan followed them out even though he was still using the cane to an extent. The meshing between his stump and the peg leg was getting better but it needed work. Part of what was making it so hard was he had to retrain his body since he had grown used to an unresponsive false leg like he had on earth. Autumn and the doctor on the cruiser had made adjustments but it was still a learning process.

Nikky stopped him before the left and gave him a good kiss, "You deserve to have what you accomplished known. Not the details necessarily, but that you served your country. Folicia understands that and those aboard the cruiser showed it." *What you did for our country wasn't wrong or bad. You helped to protect us even if many don't understand or respect that. I do and thank you as well from me and my family. Love you Stanley.* Once she had talked to him she took his hand, damn the PDA crap, and walked with him out of the room.

When they reached the Pack property they walked in. The lighting had been adjusted for a more somber look. It was daytime but it still showed that this was a day for sadness and not play or enjoyment. That would come later.

Ray and Gentle met Hands and Misty at the gate. Both pulled the other two into a good hug for several minutes. Without speaking the four started towards the memorial garden. Hands had waved Cindy, Nikky, and Stan to his side, "This was designed with Ray's first mate in mind. Flitter was so very welcoming and helpful. If you needed a hug she wouldn't hesitate to pull you into one. She is the Dame of Link and Butterfly and died during childbirth."

Stan and Nikky hadn't known that. Neither knew what to say so they settled for remaining quiet as the packs started gathering. Both were almost lost in their thoughts while they waited for the ceremony to start.

When it did Ray, Gentle, Zantha, and Thyra stood next to a small section of the wall. It was different since it had a flat surface. There were traces of color running from the small platform to the wall and around the property. Thyra lifted her face and started singing. The song, much like when someone died, was sad yet filled with trust that the person being sung about would come back. It might be in five years or fifty but they would come back when the time was right.

As she was singing other voices slowly joined in and they sang for some time. Eventually the other voices dropped out and Thyra sang the last round by herself. Once done she lowered her face and looked out over the packs, "We are here to show sadness about those who have left this world. We are also here to express our knowledge that they will eventually return to the wheel of life. We are sad because we are giving Ray's family's parents to the Goddess to watch over. We know that with life there is death. We also know that when the Goddess is ready she will return them to our world. We might not know them, or meet them later in life but they will come back. Let us raise a sad croon for the loss and finish with a happy croon knowing that they will be back." She lifted her muzzle again and her croon broke loose.

Ray, Hands, and even Misty lifted their voices as well. The rest of the pack raised them as well. At the end of the croon the urns were drawn into the wall and the colors of the urns started spreading. As the others were crooning Stan stood tall and snapped a sharp salute. He held it until the jars were gone and the croon ended. Once it ended he snapped his arm back down. The tears flowing down his face didn't bother him at all. Not showing emotions didn't a real man make. If you were upset, you showed it. If you were happy you also showed it.

At the very end there was a warmth which flowed around the packs, *I will protect and take care of your parents even as I am Flitter and the others you have laid to rest. Rest knowing that eventually they will be back.* The touch of the Goddess was almost a caress before it vanished.

Ray finally spoke. When he did his voice was rough with emotions, "With my family on earth we grieved and celebrated with good food, good memories, and comfort. There is food in the pack den. Shall we?" He caught Stan's eyes and gave him a knowing nod before wrapping an arm around Gentle and leading the packs towards the den.


Gloria woke shortly after she and Storm had crawled into bed. When she woke she rolled over and could tell that Storm had gone into labor. She sent to Autumn, *Storm is in labor, I am going to contact Kevin and have him come to our room.* Since the medical was small it had been decided any deliveries would be in the apartment they lived in. The beds were easily adjusted to be a labor and delivery bed. The mess wasn't a problem since the beds were self-cleaning and the sheets were stain proof.

*Kevin Storm is in labor. I have contacted Autumn and she is going to be here shortly.* As she was sending to him she had rolled out of bed and sent the command to have it make the changes. As it was doing that Storm groaned.

"Thanks Gloria." She was panting when she said that, "Don't want the pain but can't wait to see him." Once the bed had shifted she moved towards Gloria after she sat down. Having her arm around her neck and shoulders helped a great deal, "I so can't wait."

About the time the bed was done adjusting and Gloria had sat down Autumn and Kevin walked in. Autumn's assistant was there as well, "Hey Storm, don't know about you but I can't wait. Don't want to feel the labor pains but I can't wait." That was one thing Kevin still found disturbing.

Storm nipped at his shoulder before starting to groan through her next contraction, "You participated in this so deal with it!" She leaned against his shoulder after the nip, "I've loved helping raise Gloria's two. I can't wait to see ours."

Smiles poked her head in the bedroom, "I am going to keep an eye on the terrible two. If you need anything let me know. If all else fails I will take them to our rooms and tuck them into bed." She left the room and settled down with the twin's and curled around them. Soon she was asleep curled around them. It would keep them from waking until Storm had delivered.

Autumn let her assistant do most of the work since she was far enough along it was uncomfortable. She needed the education so when Autumn delivered she knew what to do, "Doing good Storm, it shouldn't be too much longer before you deliver." It had been a number of hours since her labor had started.

Kevin leaned over and gave Storm a light kiss, "You are still planning on naming him Running Water? I like that name." She had talked to him along with Gloria about naming the pup. It was going to be a male and they all knew it. The scans had shown that shortly after her heat.

"Yup, for some reason Gloria kept snickering, something about it made her worried about being peed on by him." She returned the kiss before turning and giving Gloria a kiss though from her she received a nip, "Hey, I don't need any more pain woman!"

Gloria lightly nipped her again, "It's what you deserve for teasing me. Now hurry up so I can see your baby." After the second nip she kissed her before holding her through the next contraction. Shortly there was the cry of the pup taking his first breath.

He definitely didn't sound happy to be out of the womb and was telling everyone about it, "Congratulations Storm, Kevin, you have a darling little boy pup. As has been noted his name is Running Waters Pederson."

Storm took the pup from Cool Seas and held him close to her chest to get his scent. As she looked down at him several tears slipped from her eyes as she looked at him, "So beautiful, our pup, thank you Kevin."

Kevin and Gloria leaned close and let the pup catch their scent as well, "I would say anytime but I have a feeling the Goddess might frown at me if you had to many pups." He kissed the pup's forehead before moving back, "As expected you will have time off to recover. Gloria you will have time off as well but when you can, come down and do some work please." There simply wasn't enough Folician's to have more than one or maybe two down for any great length of time. All Folician's had three months of child leave to tend to their new pups. For the following three months it was part time. At that point the pups didn't need the constant attention. Storm could work if she wanted and probably would since she could leave at any point when her pup needed her. He knew that Gloria would be more than happy to help as well.

Gloria reached over and gently tugged on one of Kevin's ears, "I might complain as well. I love my kids but I also value my sleep. If you knock her up during her next heat I will deal with you. Maybe shave you bald and paint you blue." She also kissed the pup's forehead, "Now to nurse and then sleep as he allows." She yawned since it had been a long night, *Smiles bring Charles and Danita in so we can let them see their little brother.* They weren't related by blood but Storm was her mate.

Smiles brought them in and both children carefully climbed on the bed and looked at their little brother. They had seen the other new pups a few of the other women had. They still had questions, "When does he get hair?" Charles asked. Danita looked at him, "I hope he isn't as stinky as other pups."

The adults started laughing.


It wasn't much later before it was Autumn's turn to deliver. Blake had been gone for a while but he had made sure he was at the Enclave when she went into labor. For the last week he had been sleeping with her. Unlike Storm, Autumn had gone into labor just after they woke. He had been in the process of washing her hair and back when her water broke, "Let me help you to the bed. It is changing even now." He started rinsing the soap off before helping her out of the shower.

Autumn was enjoying the feel of his hands in her hair and then on her back. It almost seemed that his touch had started the labor, as he was working on her lower back she felt a contraction. Moments later her water broke and flowed out, "Great, I have delivered pups before but so not ready!" She could feel the muscles in her womb and belly tense, "Thanks Blake." After being quickly rinsed off and then toweled dry she was helped to the bed.

Cool Seas had sensed her going into labor and walked in just after Autumn had been helped into bed, "Morning, at least your pup decided to come into the world at a reasonable time of day." She ensured the bed was setup correctly.

Blake grinned, "I guess I have a polite pup, doesn't want to disturb his mother during the night. Well not for the delivery that is. When he is hungry at two in the morning is a different subject." He leaned over and gave Autumn a light kiss to keep from distracting her from the delivery.

It took time but eventually she delivered their daughter, "Her name is going to be Dancing Wind. I have a feeling she is going to be energetic. Is this acceptable to you Blake?" She wanted his thoughts as well.

He looked at the baby and stroked one tiny ear, "Beautiful name for her, would you mind if her usename is Bethie?" It was the name of a close friend he had lost years ago.

"That is a good name as well for her. She will be Bethie until she is old enough to choose a new usename." Autumn sniffed their pup again before leaning back in the bed. The labor hadn't been hard but it did wear her out, "Join me Blake, I am going to sleep shortly." She was going to need to nurse soon but for the moment she needed the sleep.

Cool Seas picked up the pup and settled him in a spot next to them on the bed. It would keep her warm and safe until she woke up for some milk, "Sleep and I will be here if you need me. Don't forget Storm is nursing as well if you need extra sleep. I know your breasts will ache but sometimes sleep is needed over anything else." All of the women at the Enclave would help take care of the new pups even if they weren't able to nurse. It was how they were.

"Thanks for your help Seas, I will keep an eye on them for you." Blake settled down as the bed changed back to its original configuration, "I am going to relax next to her and our pup. If we need anything I will let you know." He settled down in the bed and pulled Autumn close and was quickly asleep.


The morning after Cindy had gone to the harem she woke and wanted to groan. She was most definitely not in her bed. Somehow she had ended up an Alarthro's bed and they hadn't been chaste. The two of them had definitely had fun. How this had happened she wasn't sure since she had simply wanted to talk.

When Alarthro moved and pulled her close Cindy leaned against his chest. She felt somewhat... Not guilty but off center. Being with Hands was odd enough but with Alarthro? At least he didn't have a mate. That wasn't even taking in account that Rain had asked her to be his first. Now she had been with Alarthro last night and it had been very enjoyable. It had been different from her time with Hands. Even though Hands had a Folician body Alarthro was Folician. He had approached it that way. One thing she had definitely learned was the knot of the Folician males was... That was half the reason Hands had knocked her socks off.

Alarthro woke about the same time Cindy did, "Morning Cindy, thank you for a very enjoyable evening. I really enjoyed talking with you. I would like to keep getting to know you. When you decided to join me in bed I didn't expect you to teach me even more. I would like to spend more time with you if you are willing." He gave her a nuzzle.

Cindy blushed deeply when he said that. Based on what she was learning this wasn't an abnormal request. She was still learning about what Folician relationships were like. Being that she was involved with Hands and quite possibly going to be involved with Rain she honestly wasn't sure what to say, "I am going to need to think about it Alarthro. I hadn't expected to end up spending the night. I do have a relationship with Hands and possibly another with a soon to be adult. Being human we are taught one relationship at a time."

He pulled her just a bit closer and gave her a good nuzzle before licking an ear. He didn't know a great deal about other species relationships but he was well trained. He could tell she was being serious, "Then just come and talk. If I upset you in any way I am sorry. I did enjoy last night and would enjoy spending more time with you. You, as much as Starry Skies, taught me about being an adult. Would it help to talk about it? I don't have anything pressing right now."

"You didn't upset me. This is just a totally different lifestyle than what I grew up with. We don't have the skewed male to female numbers you do. Most of our religions value one to one relationships. It doesn't matter if it is male/female, male/male, or female/female, it is taught to us to stay in one on one relationships. What makes it harder is knowing Hands has a mate. To us that would be cheating though I know it isn't in your world. Just to cap it off being asked to be the first for a third male. It confuses me since I do care for both Hands and Rain." Damn it! She hadn't meant to say his name.

Alarthro nuzzled her hair as he listened. It wasn't something he was really sure how to help with, "I wish I could say something to..." He had to stop when Rain's name hit and he couldn't help but grin, "Oh man he is going to be one lucky male. If last night was any example you are going to do well by him. I won't tell anyone he asked you. I am honored you felt comfortable enough with me to mention it." He rubbed his muzzle against her hair again.

Cindy groaned, "I hadn't intended to mention his name. Please do keep it to yourself. At some point I am sure everyone will know but for now I want his privacy protected. I do care for Hands, I knew him growing up and I know Savory doesn't have a problem with our relationship. It just is something I need to come to terms with. Rain is someone I am coming to care a great deal for as well. Salty doesn't have a problem with his request either." When she finished speaking Cindy realized she had pretty much indicated she was going to accept Rains request. After thinking about it she realized she was looking forward to it. When she went back to Hands' section she would let Salty and rain know.

Before he spoke again he lightly stroked her back. Since she had indicated a certain amount of discomfort with being with several males he kept it clean. He didn't go below her waist or to either side of her chest, "Knowing you grew up with Hands makes me want to invite you back even more. I would love to hear stories about his growing up. We have seen documentaries of Earth; it would be interesting to actually see it." He couldn't really say much about her feelings since as she said she needed to deal with it.

Cindy started snickering, "I told some of his pack a few stories and he growled at me before nipping me. That and I woke up the next morning getting a face bath. I was not very amused with him." She giggled some more, "I need to go. Thanks for talking. I'll think about spending more time with you. Last night was pretty darn nice and I did enjoy it." She sat up and leaned over as if to kiss him. Instead, to be a stinker, she licked the end of his muzzle before rolling out of bed. When she did he started laughing.

After calling forth her undergarments and pulling her robe on she waved at him before leaving. On the way out High Tower noticed her and gave her a good hug, *Thank you for spending the evening with Alarthro. I hope talking helped.* He let her go before heading towards his office. When Toes had left he had ended up being recommended for Toes' former job. He was young for it so he was trying really hard to do a good job. It helped that Toes was quick to respond to questions he might have.

Cindy returned the hug and wished she would quit blushing, *Thanks for talking last night. It did help some. I think I have a better hold on how Folician's view relationships. If I don't hurry back to the section I have a feeling Zahria is going to come hunting for me.* She was joking when she said that but chances were Zahria would be there soon to check on her. After leaving she headed back to the section. Until Salty and Rain were done with class for the day she was going to continue getting her homework caught up. Thankfully she didn't have much left of the central courses. The training on the culture she had a fair amount but not the math and stuff.

Eventually Rain and Salty came into the pack section and Cindy looked up. With a slight smile she moved over and gave Salty a light hug before giving Rain a good hug, *I have decided and if you still would like me to be your first I accept.*

When Cindy gave Salty a hug she was pleased since she hadn't been very tactile. After that first sleep over she had been more comfortable but still somewhat retiring. When she sent to them that she had accepted Rain's offer Salty couldn't help but wrap her arms around Rain and Cindy, *Thank you Cindy, I do feel he made a good choice. It is going to be another month or maybe two before he will be ready. Take care of my future mate.*

Rain gave her a rather passionate kiss when she told him she had accepted, *Might not make it two months, one month might be a stretch. You are a sexy attractive woman. Maybe you can start joining us in the shower?* There was a certain amount of teasing in his mental tone.

As they were talking Hands walked up behind Zahria and wrapped his arms around her, *You are doing a good job with Cindy. Thank you for taking care of her.* He knew she really didn't need the thanks since it was what she did but he meant it. When Cindy had arrived she had been unsure. She still had problems but a number of the most important issues had started to be resolved.

Zahria leaned back against Hands' chest and relaxed in his arms. His thanks meant a great deal to her since it was completely unexpected, *Thanks to you as well Hands. She is an interesting person to get to know. Last night was very enjoyable.* When they realized Cindy wasn't coming back Zahria had ended up spending time with Hands.


Brice was almost frowning when Silvery informed him all of the pregnant females were coming back to Folicia with him. From what he understood normally they remained aboard ship until close to delivery. The last two or so months they would be sent back to their homeworld and deliver there. Why were they being sent back when they weren't even showing, *Silvery I know what the standard regs say about pregnancy aboard ship. Why are they coming back now? Shouldn't they remain for the next few months?*

Silvery leaned against him as she listened, "Yes and no Brice, for human Pack Fathers there are new regulations. When a human Pack Father decides to go to one of the colony worlds the pregnant females go with. It is a way to give him a group he knows and is comfortable with. You know the fourteen women who are pregnant. You have spent time with them, talked to them, and yes shared a bed with them. It will give you a level of comfort you wouldn't have just being dropped in a group of strange people. Now relax and get aboard the transport or I might bite you." She gave him a cute growl and flashed her teeth at him.

He glowered at her, *Bite me and I might just bite back.* What she said did make sense but he felt bad that they weren't doing what was normal. Just because he was somewhat different they were being given special exemptions. With a sigh he grabbed his single bag and walked out of his room and towards where the transport was showing as being on his implant. As he was walking he gave a good hug and kiss to the various females who were going to Folicia with him. Once they were aboard the transport everyone settled into their rooms for the launch. Once they were released to wander around he settled down in the small lounge and looked out the view port.

Cerulean Skies came in and settled down in his lap and leaned against him, "You have such a nice lap Brice, I think that is half the draw to you." She dimpled at him before giving him a good kiss.

He snorted, *No, you just want your human. You know, the exotic entertainer and all that...* He kissed her back and smiled as other females came into the room. He had mostly come to terms with what they had asked of him. It was still daunting knowing all the females were pregnant with his kids. Part of it was because they all still looked slender and weren't showing. Maybe when they started showing he might believe more but as of now it hadn't completely settled in.

Silvery settled down next to the two and laughed at his reply, "Well of course we want our Exotic entertainer. You definitely know how to please women. Why else do you think we are keeping you around?" That comment was met with a number of laughs.

Brice glowered at her before ignoring her, *Not getting any loving tonight you dratted Liraque. I might just toss you out of the cabin and invite one or two other females in...* That comment gathered several light nips and a number of ear licks which he knew he deserved.

When they finally reached Folicia he was almost jumping out of his skin. He had been in contact with Sophia even while aboard ship but now he would see her face to face. She was looking better, had good color in her skin and didn't look nearly as pale and thin. Her face had filled in the weight she had lost and she almost seemed to glow with health. Brice had a feeling there was another reason she seemed to be so bouncy but he had ignored that thought.

As with all the other humans, he was looking at Folicia through the view port. Silvery was in his arms as he looked down at the planet, *It is so beautiful. Much like earth but different.* There were fewer lighted cities and the continents and oceans were vastly different. The colors of the snow, plants, and oceans were vivid and striking.

Silvery leaned against him and smiled. This was the first time she was seeing Folicia from the view port. She had seen images before but being there at the view port it was special, "I completely understand. It is a beautiful world. I hope you will find Klithian as lovely. The colors are somewhat different but I do love my world. Now it is time to head down to the planet."

They settled down and the transport headed down. Since the females were pregnant they wouldn't transport unless there was a very good reason. It was safe but Folician's took the safest option for the protection of the fetus. When it landed Brice collected the women and walked out an airlock. When he did he stopped and inhaled the air. It was clean and smelled so good, *Damn, I might not want to go back just due to the clean air alone.* After one more inhale he walked down the ramp to meet with Ray.

Ray was standing there and couldn't help but laugh, "Tell me about it. I went home for a Christmas and I missed all the lovely tech. The connection with everything, the wonderful nanotech adjusting chairs and bed, you understand." He gave Brice a good hug, "I have some transports for you. For the moment you are going to be living at my Pack property. I have several houses for you and your ladies. Sophia is waiting for you at the property as well. Just warning you there is a huge party planned to welcome you to Folicia. My pack, Simon's, Rafique, and Hands' cadet packs, more pups that you can shake a stick at and a few others. Shall we?"

Brice did groan, *Gee thanks for the warning. I might go and hide... I am actually looking forward to it and especially seeing my sister.* He had to take a slow breath since he had been notified of their Aunt's death after the cruise had started, *I need to see her and give her a good hug. I know she is still going to be upset over Aunt June passing on.*

Ray could understand where Brice was coming from, *I understand, we just recently brought back our parents ashes and interred them in the memorial garden. June's ashes are waiting for you to see if you go to Klithian or back to earth. We will howl for you briefly this evening.* He wasn't sure Brice would understand but Sophia would and she could tell him as could Silvery. Instead of saying anything else he waved the females towards the transports and climbed on as well.

The flight to Ray's property was fairly quiet as Brice was thinking about his aunt and sister. He couldn't wait to see her since it had been so long. The video messages hadn't completely helped him remain comfortable with her being away from him. When they finally landed he almost ran off the transport and pulled Sophia into a good hug, *Hey sis, you look and feel so much better. How are you doing?*

She returned the hug and held on herself, *Spike told me as of now the treatment is completed. It was just completed the other day and I wanted to tell you myself. I still have some recovering to do but I am clean of the cancer.* She finally moved back, "Brice I would like you to meet Dreamer, he is my boyfriend."

Dreamer moved forward and had to lower his ears at her comment, "Hi, Sophia asked me two weeks ago and I said yes. Sophia is really cool and we have a shared enjoyment of the beauty of the world. I wish I could have asked but she glared at me." He lowered his ears at the mention of her glaring.

Brice looked at the young man and what he had said. After a good look he furrowed his brows, *I would have preferred that but since you are in Hands pack I will accepting it... I will be watching you!* Just for good measure he added a glower, *No showering with her!* That was wrong but he just had to.

Sophia glared back, "I am not amused Brice, I will get you later. As far as showering..." Damn it she started blushing. There had been once or twice by accident but not deliberately, "Go stuff it brother!" After another glare she took Dreamer's arm and stalked off.

Brice managed to keep his expression neutral even with Silvery and one of the other females poking him. He followed them into the property and looked around. It was beautiful and huge. It looked like it was large enough for more than a hundred or more people to live there. Between the houses were wide open areas, plenty of plants, walkways, and lights, *Wow, beautiful Ray. I love the look.*

Ray smiled before they walked into the den. The party went on for quite a while though Brice and some of his pack retired somewhat early. He noticed that Brice had taken Sophia with when he left. Chances were good they needed to talk. Many of the other females who had come with Brice remained behind.

Brice had collected Sophia and wrapped an arm around her, *We need to talk. I want to know what you have been going through here as well as what you have learned. I need your thoughts before I make my final decision on if I go to Klithian or not.* So far he didn't have anyone he would consider as a Pack Mother or mate. He loved Silvery but not that way and she had agreed when he talked to her. She was comfortable with being his Liraque. She did want to do it long term but not as his mate. It wasn't something she had felt calling her. Eventually he would need to find a Pack Mother but for now Blue, Cerulean Skies, would work as a temporary Pack Mother. They knew it wasn't going to be permanent. They cared for each other but not as mates.

Sophia leaned against her brother, "Honestly I am really liking being here. I like what I am learning, Hands has a really good pack and Dreamer is just wonderful. I miss my friends from earth but I have new friends as well. If we went to Klithian I know that the temple sisters of the section I would end up in would welcome me. It is both family and friends. I want to really meet the women in your pack but now I wouldn't say no." She did like the females in all the packs. They had kept an eye on her, give her hugs, and with the young girls cuddled with her while sleeping.

*Good, I was so very worried about that. I like the women who will start to make up my pack. I don't have a wife or Pack Mother yet but eventually I will. I'm not going to make the decision yet, I want to actually live here for a while. Eventually I will make the decision and I will talk to you when the time is right.* Now that he knew what Sophia felt he could make the decision.


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