One Goal Two Worlds (Transfor...

By PrincessAura273

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Sequel to It's Time To Duel. The members of the Transformers Titans has been formed. Their mission, to find t... More

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2
Chapter 2 - David & Najat vs. Zach and Corbin
Chapter 3 - A Spy Is Lurking
Chapter 4 - Madalyn vs. Shannon
Chapter 5 - The Search Continues
Chapter 6 - Selina vs. Ben
Chapter 7 - Lost
Chapter 8 - Emanuel & Madalyn vs. Robert
Chapter 9 - Missed Sparks
Chapter 10 - Reunited
Chapter 11 - David vs. Corbin Part 1
Chapter 12 - David vs. Corbin Part 2
Chapter 13 - Bringing Corbin Home
Chapter 14 - Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert Part 1
Chapter 15 - Madalyn & Selina & Emanuel vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert
Chapter 16 - Web-Master Mia
Chapter 17 - Back Home
Chapter 18 - Adittea vs. Boris
Chapter 19 - Teenager Drama
Chapter 21 - Things Just Got Complicated
Chapter 22 - Getting More Complicated & Then Some
Chapter 23 - It's Personal
Chapter 24 - Madalyn vs. Chaos Bringer Round 2

Chapter 20 - Two Battles One Victory

136 4 1
By PrincessAura273

Madalyn's P.O.V.

The five of us activated our tablets and a white flash of light surrounded us. As we did, I felt something wrap around my arm. Or should I say someone. It was Iestyn. The Autobot, Predacon, Minicon, Dinobot, and Decepticon insignias cicled our feet as the white light grew brighter and brighter, transporting us all to the colour dimension.

Madalyn: Iestyn?!

Emanuel: What are you doing here?

Iestyn: Listen, it's not me!

Madalyn: What?

Iestyn: I'm not the spy! I'm not the one your looking for! You gotta believe me!

Madalyn: Iestyn, I know you heard us.

Emanuel: You heard us?

Iestyn: If I have to battle to make you belive me, I will! I'm proud to be one of the Titans. Honest! I really am, and I want you guys to trust me.

Emanuel: But Iestyn, how are you going to battle if you don't even have a Transformer?

Iestyn: I'm not sure.

Madalyn: Don't worry, leave that to us Iestyn.

Andrew: So what's the hold us?! Lets get started already!

Madalyn & Emanuel & Gaberial & Andrew & Ivy: Game card! Set!

We each threw down our first game cards. The cards swooped down to the floor, glowing and growing 30x in size. I was up first, then Emanuel, and then Gaberial. I fired in my Autobot Cliffjumper with an attack level of 4416, Emanuel threw in his Predacon Razorclaw with an atack level of 3910, and Gaberial sent in a second game card followed by his Decepticon Cyclonus with an attack level of 3924.

Madalyn: We're ready when you are!

Gaberial: We're always ready. Hey Ivy, what do you think?

Ivy: Shot Minicon Eject at Autobot Cliffjumper. Then drag Gaberial's Decepticon Cyclonus into the battle with an ability card.

Andrew: Sounds good. Minicons! Combine!

Andrew tossed in his second Minicon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a blue, white, and red cassette tape.

Andrew: Eject! Transform!

The card glowed and the cassette tape flew out of the card and transformed into its robot mode, landing on Cliffjumpers card with the Autobot.

Andrew: Ability card activate! Trap door!

Eject brought out a machine gun and fired the bullets at the floor, creating a circle around Cyclonus. The Decepticon collasped through the floor and then reappeared in the battle with Eject and Cliffjumper. Eject transformed and combined himself to Cyclonus, increasing the power of his blaster. The Decepticon took aim and charged his weapon.

Madalyn: Not two at once!

Emanuel: Then we'll do the same. Ability card activate! Cut and Savor!

Razorclaw started glowing as he pounched towards the battle. The light glowed around his body, switching him to Predaking. The Predacon leader transformed into his robot mode and stood at Cliffjumper's side.

Tablet: Minicon Eject and Decepticon Cyclonus attack level combined to 6225. Autobot Cliffjumper and Predacon Predaking combined to 8416.

Andrew: You think you'll get away with that?

Madalyn: We already have. Game card open!

The game card activated, transforming the battlefield into a metallic wrestling arena. Cliffjumper and Predaking moved in, throwing hard punches towards their opponents. Eject and Cyclonus glowed into their card forms and returned to Gaberial and Andrew in defeat. Cliffjumper and Predaking returned to me and Emanuel in victory.

Madalyn: Alright!

Emanuel: Let's keep this up!

Emanuel fired in his second Predacon into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red, orange, and grey bull.

Emanuel: Tantrum! Transform!

The card glowed and Tantrum charged out of his card and transformed into his robot mode. His yellow optics flashed with raged as he bared out his blasters from his wrists.

Ivy: Oh yeah? I can do better than that!

Ivy threw in her first Dinobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a metallic Pterodactyl with a red and golden paint job.

Ivy: Swoop! Transform!

The card glowed and the dinobot soared out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Ivy: Ability card activate! Blown away!

Ivy tossed the card at Tantrum and it pushed the Predacon into the air, and crashing right into Swoop's game card.

Ivy: Game card open! Energon Merge!

Tablet: Attack levels swicthed. Dinobot Swoop attack level 4767. Predacon Tantrum attack level 3550.

Swoop charged at the Predacon and spin kicked him in the face. Tantrum glowed into his card form and returned to Emanuel in defeat. Good thing these guys don't have doom cards. Swoop glowed into his card form and returned to Ivy.

Emanuel: What just happened?!

Gaberial: Yeah! Nice work Ivy!

Andrew: Yeah Ivy, you really showed them!

Iestyn: That was a clever move combining an air strike with a trap card.

Madalyn: Yeah, that kid's pretty good.

Ivy: Alright! My next move will put them in their place.


Najat's P.O.V.

Najat: David you no good double crosser! What are you doing hanging out with Deception?!

David: What?! Deception?!

Najat: Don't play dumb with me! I saw you and that old man trying to look inside Selina's house.

Grimlock: This girl needs some serious help.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

On the battlefield there was Emanuel's Raxorclaw, Ivy's Sludge and Snarl, Andrew's Beastbox, and Gaberial's Tracer.

Andrew: It's your move.

Emanue: Aw scrap I'm surrounded!

Ivy: Now it's time for the big attack. Swoop transform!

Ivy sent Swoop back into the battlefield, landing on Razorclaw's card.

Emanuel: Game card open! Character card activate!

The game card activated, and it transformed the battlefield into a jungle.

Tablet: Predacon Razorclaw increased to 4910 attack points.

Ivy: Ability card activate! Combination between Dinobots, Minicons, and Decepticons!

Madalyn & Emanuel & Iestyn: No way!

Ivy: It's called Triple Blow.

Tablet: Power surge detected. Swoop, Beastbox, Snarl, Sludge, and Tracer increased by 2000 attack points.

Swoop ran towards Razorclaw, locking him in a head lock while both of them soared into the air. The two of them took a nose dive and Swoop tossed Raxorclaw to the ground. Razorclaw glowed into his card form and returned to Emanuel in defeat.

Madalyn: How the heck did she learn that trick?! I've never seen the Triple Blow been used before.

Emanuel: What should we do?

Madalyn: We'll have to counter attack with our own Triple Blow but with Autobot, Predacons, and Insecticons.

Emanuel: Ok then I'll let you shot the Insecticon faction.

Madalyn: What?! I'm Autobot Maddie! I'm an Autobot Titan! Come on you know that.

Emanuel: Who cares! If you don't do it, then we can't do the Triple Blow.


Najat's P.O.V.

Najat: This is it David, you big cheater! You made a big mistake when you decided to work with Chaos Bringer. You almost got away with it, but now I'm going to make you pay!

Grimlock: She's defiantly a Titan at spark. I like her style.

David: Do you? Well then maybe we should battle her.

Grimlocks hologram disappeared from Davids shoulder as the boy armed his T-Launcher with his tablet.

David: Grimlock! Transform!

David fired Grimlock's card into the battlefield. The card glowed and the Dinobot came charging out in his T-Rex mode. With a loud roar, Grimlock transformed into his robot mode.

Najat: I knew you'd show your dark side eventually. Now its lights out for you!--

Grimlock: Wait! Your confused. That old man you saw with David was actually his grandfather. It wasn't Deception.

My jaw just completely dropped open as my eyes widened and I dropped my tablet out of my hand.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

There were four game cards remaining. Snarl and Tracer were still on the battlefield while Gaberial sent in his Decepticon Demolisher.

Ivy: Time for the big finish!

Madalyn: Ugh I can't believe we're losing to these guys. The only Transformers we have left are Optimus and Predaking.

Optimus: I never thought they'd get this far either Madalyn.

Gaberial: Its your guys turn. Lets go.

Emanuel: The next card I use will be the most important one of all. I got it, lets take out as many of their Transformers as we can.

Predaking's hologram dissapeared as Emanuel picked up his tablet, clutching it in his hand.

Emanuel: It's up to you Predaking!--

Iestyn: Wait Emanuel!

Madalyn: What is it Iestyn?

Iestyn: They're setting up a trap for you Emanuel. I think you should shot your Transformer at an empty card.

Emanuel: But that's just like running away!

Iestyn: It's not! The Predacons are strong, it's just danergous to go on a card that you know it's going to be a trap.

Emanuel: Predaking is tough, he'll make it out alright. I don't need your advice Iestyn.

Madalyn: Uh Emanuel?

Emanuel: Predacons Terrorize!

Iestyn: No!

Emanuel threw in Predakings card into the battlefield. The card glowed and the cybertronian dragon flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode, landing on Snarls game card.

Ivy: Ha! Your fell for it, game card open! Double Battle!

The game card activated, transforming the battlefield into a giant dojo. Metallic bars shot out of the floor, blocking Snarl and Predaking from attacking each other.

Ivy: Go on, shot your next Minicon into the battle Andrew!

Andrew: Eject! Transform!

Andrew threw Eject back into the battlefield, landing on the double battle game card. His card glowed and the red, white, and blue cassette tape leviated out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. Once he did, the metallic bars sank back into the floor and the two enemies gained up on Predaking.

Madalyn: Your cornered! There's nothing I can do to help you now Emanuel. It looks like your own your own.

Emanuel: Fine. Don't sweat it, I suspected that they would pull a trick like that. If my plan works I can get both of them at once. All I have to do is use the right ability card.

Iestyn: Emanuel wait, use the Preda-Freeze card!

Emanuel: Why? Trust me Iestyn I know what I'm doing, and my Fire Tornado will do the job.

Iestyn: No it won't. Ivys been giving out their plays. She's been using a set of attacks as her pattern. You can't win with the Fire Tornado ability card, Emanuel please! This time you have to believe me! With the Preda-Freeze card you can bring any battle to a stand still.

Madalyn & Emanuel: What?!

Iestyn: And while time is stopped, you can add in any other Transformer you want to the game.

Madalyn: He's right. I could put Optimus in the fight. How about it Emanuel?

Emanuel: But Maddie! We can't be sure with their third Transformer.

Madalyn: Come on, this is no time to second guess yourself! We're just going to have to trust Iestyn this time.

Emanuel: But Maddie, I don't think he knows what he's talking about. How could he? He's never been in a battle before!

Iestyn: Yes I have actually.

Madalyn & Emanuel: Huh?!

Iestyn: I've been right by your side in all of your battles. And what other battles we face in the future I'll be there too. When we face Chaos Bringer, I want to be there to protect the Transformers. We have to stay strong if we're going to save Cybertron. And together we can do it! Trust me Emanuel, please!

Emanuel: I have to win this battle on my own Iestyn. That means I have to throw down the cards that I think will work. Understand?

Andrew: I'll take you down!

Madalyn: Emanuel look out!

Emanuel & Andrew: Ability card activate!

Andrew: Trap Door!

Andrew activated his ability card, making the floor spilt open right under Tracer's feet, making the Decepticon dissapear from his game card.

Emanuel: Preda-Freeze!

Emanuel activated his ability card and a huge rush of cold wind blew over the double battle game card, just as Tracer joined in, freezing the opponents on contact.

Andrew & Ivy & Gaberial: What is that?!

Madalyn: Alright Emanuel! Go join in on the action Prime!

I threw Optimus's card into the battlefield, landing on the active game card. His card glowed and his heavy assault experimental truck mode drove out of the card and he transformed into his robust robot mode.

Madalyn: Let's do it! Ability card actiavte, Delta Energon Blast!

I tossed the ability card at Optimus and he began surrounded in a bright red glowing light.

Tablet: Autobot Leader Optimus Prime attack level 6500. Combined attack level with Predacon Leader Predaking equals 9990 attack points.

Optimus brought out his Star Saber, fully charged with the power of the matrix and swung it in the air. A blue shockwave shot itself from the sword and struck Tracer, Snarl, and Eject. There was a huge explosion as our opponents Transformers glowed into their card forms and returned to their human partners in defeat. The three opponents got down their knees in dissapointment.


Ivy: How did he get so powerful?!

Andrew: We lost again! I knew this would happen!

Gaberial & Ivy: Shut up Andrew!

Optimus and Predaking glowed into their card forms and returned to me and Emanuel in victory. The battle was finally over.

Madalyn: Iyestin was right! Good call Emanuel.

Emanuel: Thanks. I could always trust Predaking, he never lets me down. That goes for all of my friends.

Emanuel turned around and faced Iestyn. An aploligetic look on his face.

Emanuel: Iyestyn, I'm sorry. I feel bad for not trusting you.

Iestyn: No, no, it's okay. You made the right choice in the end, and that's what matters.

Emanuel: Thanks man. What do you say? We Bros again?

Iestyn: Definalty.

Emanuel walked over to Iestyn and bro-fisted him with a laugh.

Madalyn: Well, I guess we can scratch Iestyn off our list of potential spies. But when we do find out who's spying on us, I'm going to make sure he doesn't come near any of the Titans ever again!


Selina's P.O.V.

I was in my room typing away at my computer. I was doing some scans on our website looking for any strange activity. Luckily, I came across something.

Selina: I knew it! Do you see it Bumblebee?

Bumblebee: I see it but what does it mean?

Selina: Someone hacked their way into the chat room. Plus it looks like they copied a bunch of stuff about the Titans past battles too.

Bumblebee: So what does that mean?

Selina: It means that someone used a remote computer to access all of our files. They've analyzed every move we've made, and now they know everything about us! Including our strategies, and even the names of our Transformers! We have to tell the others!


Madalyn's P.O.V.

After the battle was over, me, Emanuel, and Iestyn met up with Najat, David, and his grandfather too. They were all at the CN Tower, and lets just say Najat had some suspicions about the potential spy as well.

David's Grandfather: This day sure has been full of surprises. You know I had no idea David had so many friends from around the world.

Madalyn: Oh yeah, we're global! So tell me sir, did you come to the city with David?

David's Grandfather: I've always wanted to see the sights of Toronto, so I dragged him out of the dojo and David brought me here.

Najat: Sorry for bogging you on the nose sir. I thought you were someone else. David I shouldn't have called you all those mean things either. Sorry dude.

Madalyn: Don't apologize Najat. None of that would have happened if David just told us why he was here instead of sneaking around.

David: Sorry.

Iestyn: Oh it's not that big of a deal.

Emanuel: Everyone here is still your friend. You got nothing to worry about.

David: Well that's good to know.

Najat: I think this calls for a party!

We all looked to see a limousine pull up beside us on the street. Selina hooped out of the passenger door and spotted the us all in our little group.

Selina: Hey guys!

Madalyn: Oh hey Selina!

Emanuel: What's up?

Selina: Uh.... Nothing! Did I hear someone say something about a party?

Madalyn: Yep, your just in time!

Najat: Alright! Par-tay time!

Selina: We can all take the limo back to my house gang!

Emanuel: I'll get the snacks!

Madalyn: I could go for some of that Takoyaki!

David's Grandfather: Ha, ha, I feel like I'm 85 again!

David: You are 85 grandpa!

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