The Mistaken Girl

By CCValentine

15.1K 231 36

Aurora and Auburn Wellington are twins who look almost exactly alike. One night, while getting groceries, Aur... More

Chapter 1 (Picture of Aurora)
Chapter 2 (Picture of Auburn)
Chapter 3 (Picture of Derek)
Chapter 4 (Picture of Jayden)
Chapter 5 (Picture of Caleb)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Picture of Paul)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Picture of Oliver)
Chapter 11 (Picture of Peter)
Chapter 12 (Picture of Tony)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

384 4 1
By CCValentine


I am currently typing this at 4:30 AM. Wow. I am insane. Anyways, enjoy!


Okay, now I’m FINISHING this at 1:30 PM.


Chapter 22 (The Mistaken Girl)

We all followed Paul upstairs, Jayden putting his “tough guy” act on again. Caleb, Auburn, and I were all sat back to back, facing different sides of the room.

“Okay, now… Someone is going to die tonight. And as of right now, everyone is in danger of being killed,” Paul said, shooting me a look.

I gulped. “Jayden, take off the tapes over their mouth. We are doing a little interview,” Paul said, smirking.

Jayden discreetly gave me an apologetic look as he took the tape off my mouth. “Okay, so, Derek is in the kitchen right now. He’s regained consciousness and well… He’s not really happy that he got hit by a bat,” Paul said, glaring at Caleb.

"He deserved it, that asshole," Caleb said angrily. I could just hear the smirk in his voice.

"Caleb, stop," I said, worried about him getting killed for provoking Paul.

Paul smirked. "Yeah, Caleb... You better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you."

Just then, Paul came over to Auburn. "Oh, you must love your sister, huh? You are here all because of her, you know that?" he said, sarcastically.

"No, this is all your fault," she spat angrily. I couldn't help but rejoice at the sound of my sister's voice.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who kidnapped you," Paul said, stepping away with his hands up defensively.

Just then, Derek came into the room, his face was badly beaten up. "Where's the asshole that hit me?" he asked.

I stiffened as he came over to Caleb and punched him in the face. Caleb stayed the silent the whole time. Derek groaned as he punched him again and again in the face, but Caleb just seemed to be taking it. "Stop!" I yelled.

Derek stopped and walked over to me. He eyed me carefully as I glared at him. “Paul, I think she likes this Caleb guy more than you,” he said, smiling deviously.

Paul scoffed. “Caleb, it looks like this is all going back to you. I guess this is your entire fault,” he said, shrugging.

I shook my head. “No, this is my fault. I’m not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me. This is really all my fault. If you are going to kill anyone, kill me,” I said, gulping.

Paul rolled his eyes. “Oh, shut up, Aurora. I’m not going to kill you. That would be throwing my great plan away.”

I narrowed my eyes at Paul. “What great plan?”

“This,” Paul said, before stepping up to me and kissing me forcefully on the lips.

I felt so disgusted that I was kissing him, I tried to move my head back to get away from him but it only resulted in me falling back onto the floor.

“Ugh,” I groaned, my back and head hurting.

Paul chuckled. “Save it for the bed,” he joked.

I rolled my eyes as Paul helped me up. “I’m not going to be with you. Ever. Not after all you did,” I snapped.

Paul frowned. “Don’t you remember what I said before? Either you come with me willingly or by force? Well, if you are not going to come willingly, I’ll have to take you by force,” Paul said, dragging my chair away.

“Derek, Jayden… Finish those two off,” Paul said, with a wave of his hand.

“No!” I yelled, just as a gunshot rang. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see who died.

I felt my chair had stopped from being dragged away. I opened my eyes to see Caleb and Auburn were still alive. Derek was on the ground. “What the hell did you do, Jayden?!” Paul yelled, as he stomped back into the room.

Jayden looked speechless for a second before raising his gun to Paul. “I’m tired of the gang,” he said quietly.

Paul chuckled, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. “What do you mean? You’ve been with our gang for years! You just give up now? Going all soft, huh?” he asked.

Jayden gulped, still pointing the gun at Paul. “I’ve been wanting to get out for years.”

Paul looked like he was going to lose it anytime soon but his face was soon replaced by an evil smirk. “You know, you just killed your own brother. How do you feel about that?” he asked, a challenging tone to his voice.

Jayden shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Paul snickered. “You are useless, Jayden. You are a worthless piece of—“

Paul was cut off when he was shot by Jayden. My mouth hung wide open as I saw the whole thing. Jayden looked shocked as well as he continued to hold the gun. “Shit,” he whispered, wide eyed.

Then, he dropped out of his shocked expression and quickly freed Caleb and Auburn before coming and freeing me. “That was very brave of you,” I said, smiling at him.

Jayden nodded, smiling. “Thank you. I called the cops. They should be here soon. I’m turning myself in,” he said, sounding a bit nervous.

I gave him a sad smile. “Well, remember what I told you,” I said.

Jayden nodded. “I will. Thank you, Aurora.”

I smiled proudly as I stood up. “No problem.”

I ran over to my sister, hugging her immediately. “I’m so sorry, Auburn!”

Auburn shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m just glad it is all over.”

I frowned as I took in the sight of her. She looked completely disheveled and looked badly beaten up. “Are you okay?” I asked.

Auburn shrugged. “Not really but I will be.”

I smiled at her before going over to hug Caleb. He smiled at me, admiringly. “You know, what you said to Jayden in the cellar… That was very kind of you.”

I grinned. “I kind of had someone in mind when I said that to him.”

Caleb tilted his head to the side, looking at me curiously. “Who?”

I laughed. “You, you dork,” I said, punching him lightly in the arm.

Just then Jayden came over, an apologetic look on his face. “I just want to say I’m sorry for putting you through all this. I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll be turning myself in,” he said, frowning.

I couldn’t help but pull Jayden into a hug. It felt kind of weird, seeing as how I was hugging an ex-gang member that kidnapped my sister, but I knew he had changed. “Its okay, Jayden. Really, its okay,” I said.

“How did you do it, anyways? If Paul came and ordered for me to be kidnapped, why did he order for it to happen when I was at his house?” I asked, confused at that part.

“Oh, well, he ordered for you to be kidnapped but he didn’t give us the exact time so we just went there and kidnapped your sister when you were at Paul’s. When we arrived with your sister a few hours later, Paul just thought that we kidnapped you when you had arrived home that night from his house,” Jayden said, shrugging.

“Yeah, you have no idea how confused I was. They kept calling me Aurora and asking me questions only you know,” Auburn said, shaking her head.

Jayden gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry about that,” he said.

Auburn shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m over it, now. As long as this is not some act and anytime now, you are going to kill us.”

Jayden chuckled. “It’s okay, I won’t.”

All of a sudden, the police came in, kicking down the door. Jayden put his hands up. “It was me, officers. I’m the one you want,” he said calmly, before turning his head and giving me a smile.

The police quickly arrested him and came over to us. “We need you to come with us for questioning. We need you to tell us the whole story,” he said.

I couldn’t help but grin. The whole story? Well, if he said so.



I know, this chapter was a bit short but yeah... I tried. LOL.

OMG, lately I haven't the energy to write so I've been writing bits and pieces of chapters. Do you have any idea how many times I've re-written this chapter?! LOL.

Anyways, there is about 2 chapters left of this story and then an Epilogue. Or idk, maybe one chapter. I have to decide if I want to just mush the two chapters together or not...

Btw, check out my new story Supernaturally Yours!! If you like cheesy, romantic, sappy stories, then read it LOL.

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