One Direction Imagines

By maddie856

22K 284 62

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One Direction Imagines/One Shots
"Let it not get between us." (Harry)
The Marriage (Niall)
Break-down (Harry Styles)
Josh Of the Jungle (Josh Devine)
"I can't go to New York." (Harry Styles a.u.)
Chance (Zayn Malik)
Great perhaps

Missing Birthdays (Harry)

2K 42 8
By maddie856

Go follow the beautiful and read her amazing stories! :)

The moment his black Range Rover lodged it's way into the garage followed by the noise of the car's engine dying, Erin sighed as she closed the window covers through which she had initially been peeping. She made her way back to the couch she had been killing her time on, waiting for her fiancé to turn up, before she was jerked into motion by the sound of Harry's car in the driveway.

With a heavy heart she picked up the cake that sat on the dining table, lined with unlit candles as she wrapped it in it's box again and put it away in storage, in the fridge. It wasn't long after that Harry's house keys jingled from outside the door, announcing his return. With him, a whiff of the cold London air entered the room as Harry emerged, shivering slightly while making an instant move to shimmy out of his huge jacket and those typical boots.

"Hey Bunny," Harry greeted her with his usual expecting a similar reply or a few questions about how his day went. But to his surprise, all he received from Erin was a cold shoulder as she turned on her heels, when their eyes locked.

He was taken aback at her reaction. What Harry couldn't understand was why Erin had just behaved like that. As far as he could remember, he hadn't been missing anything. They hadn't been fighting or he hadn't come home late or drunk. In fact he came an hour earlier than usual, even though it was an hour past midnight right now.

"Erin? What's wrong?"

"Nothing Haz," she confirmed for his satisfaction but something in her tone gave her away.

"I don't see this as nothing." His eyes scanned the room while they landed on the dining table which was set up with Erin's favourite and finest bone china dinner set, the one Anne gifted them on their first Thanksgiving together. He noticed the food, which looked rather delicious, and a little preparations of pretty pink and yellow flowers too.

Did they plan a date he missed out on, he questioned himself. Unable to find a reasonable conclusion, he decided to question Erin and get everything clarified.

"Erin? Babe, what's all this?" Her eyes followed the direction Harry's huge fingers pointed at as she buried her face in her hands for a moment before she spoke.

"It was my birthday today, Harry. My twenty first birthday."

Harry's eyes widened as with his beautiful girl's words, realization struck him too. How could he forget?

"Oh my God! Bunny, why didn't you tell me?"


"I'm sorry, I've just been busy lately."

"I know, Harry. I know." She sighed in defeat and sadness. He just justified his stupid reactions and she couldn't think of anything else to say. She turned towards her bedroom, quietly but stopped midway as a decision popped in her tiny head.

"I think it's time we ended it."

"What?" Harry's mouth fell open at her words.

"Harry you never have time or the willingness to be with me anymore. It's nothing like before, even though you promised you won't let anything change. You just aren't the same person I fell in love with."

"Erin? Do you have any idea how crazy it is to keep up with the band's schedule that you are now pestering me with your irrelevant stuff?" His voice rose a few octaves.

"Irrelevant? My birthday's irrelevant to you? It doesn't happen everyday that I turn twenty one." Her eyes started to sting.

"I'm trying okay. I'm trying but it's so hard. It's so difficult to manage what my fans or management wants and what you want."

"I know and I'm not pushing you. But it was my birthday. Is it wrong on my part to expect you to be here?" Tears were shamefully escaping her eyes now.

"Please understand, Erin. Don't get so clingy. I'm trying my best to keep my lame promises, okay? I'm doing my best to not let fame change me or change what we have. I'm not letting all of this ruin us."

"It's already ruined," she sobbed.

"Stop it, Erin. Don't expect me to be the same Harry you fell in love with six years ago. I'm not sixteen anymore. Those promises were stupid, okay."

He shouted at her, something he had never done before.

"Today you find your own words stupid and tomorrow, me? I'm done, Harry."

She wiped the hot tears that clug to her cheeks with one hand while managed to slip on her winter jacket with the other, that rest on the hanger by the door. Ready to plunge for the exit and leave, just like he pleased, she grabbed the metal handle. But just as she did, she was physically pulled back as Harry's arms latched them around her body, pulling her to him.

"No, I didn't mean for you to leave," he spoke with a voice so low that it was barely audible. The moment those stupid words and tone left his mouth, regret spread all over him.

She cried harder at his words, "Harry, it's better if we get this over with."

"It's not. If you walk out of my life, how is it for the better? I love you and I need you. You are the one thing that keeps me sane and happy. I don't wanna lose that. Heck, I wouldn't even give you up for the whole world. I'm sorry-"

"Harry-" She intervened.

"No, Erin. Listen to me. I know you aren't doing this happily either, so quit already. Us breaking up won't do any good to anyone. In fact we'll just spend the next six months crying our eyes out or eating ice cream in our PJs. So please stay? Stay because I need you, love and stay because I swear I'll be more responsible next time."

She melted at his words and hugged him tighter, clinging to him like he was his anchor while she floundered in deep sea.

"Harry, I love you."

" I know that too well, Erin. Please don't leave. We'll make it work, okay? We'll try. Come on we're stronger than that."

Erin nodded while still wrapped in his arms, sighing happily. She breathed in his comforting scent while he buried his face in her golden blonde hair.

"I love you to the moon and back, Bunny. And I'm sorry for what I said earlier and for missing your birthday."

"It's okay, Haz. Don't keep apologising."

He giggled lightly and said, "Come on let's cut that cake."

She pulled back from the hug, mirroring his emotions and proceeded to the cold storage to retrieve the cake. "Yeah," she nodded, "Let's cut that cake."

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