Fantasma... That's Spanish fo...

By getwiigywithit

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This is an Erin Gilbert and Jillian Holtzmann fanfic. From the Ghostbusters trailers to the film itself, it's... More

Chapter One - Early Bird Special
Chapter Two - You Do See How This Might Make Us Look Bad?
Chapter Three - Cute and Friendly
Chapter Five - Come Here Often?
Chapter Six - And to Love is What You Have Shown Me

Chapter Four - I'm Gonna Pass Out

490 21 20
By getwiigywithit

Things aren't much different from the usual routine the next morning. Erin arrives early and to her surprise, Holtzmann has bought the two of them coffee and breakfast this time. They eat and talk as they usually do. They talk about so many things. Their childhoods (which were not all that different), their previous jobs, their homes. They haven't known each other long but they know so much about one another.

They also joke. A lot. Something the engineer is proud of because when she first met the physicist, she was somewhat uptight and serious. It took a few tries for her jokes to finally hit with Erin Gilbert. At first she got the occasional chuckle followed by an eye roll but the first time she made Erin laugh- like full on cackle with a side of snort and tears- it was the greatest sight and sound that Jillian Holtzmann had ever experienced. From then on, her efforts to make her coworker and friend crack up only multiplied.  Even better, Erin Gilbert would joke right back and she was surprisingly funny. Really funny. They'd joke and laugh around the others but something about the interactions between just the two of them felt sacred. Holtzmann cherished every moment of their alone time together.

On this particular morning, the engineer wanted nothing but to hear that laugh to distract herself from the feelings brewing inside of her that she so desperately has been trying to mask. As they sit at the table, she uses the opportunity to poke fun at the physicist.

"Gilbert, I have a question... Where in God's name did you learn Spanish?" She asks, almost laughing.

Erin chuckles. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know what I'm talking about? Yesterday at the Mexican restaurant." She asks. "Fantasma... That's Spanish for love." She mimics.

"And?" Erin asks expectantly.

"Erin sweetheart, 'Fantasma' is Spanish for ghost." Holtzmann corrects.

"Oh my God!" Erin laughs. "You're joking, right?"

The engineer loses it and starts cracking up. "Where'd you learn Spanish?"

"I didn't formally learn it. I just tried to pick some stuff up from soap operas I'd come across while flipping through channels." Erin says, still laughing.

"Oh thank God!" Holtzmann breathes trying to gather herself. "I was legitimately terrified that you may have picked that up from a high school Spanish class or somethin'."

"Nope. I didn't take Spanish in high school. I opted for sign language." Erin says before she takes a sip of her coffee.

Holtzmann's eyebrows shoot up. "So you're good with your fingers then?" She smirks.

Erin spits her coffee out and laughs nervously. "I hate you!" She holds up the middle finger and grabs napkins to wipe her now coffee stained blouse.

Holtzmann laughs. "Me amas..." She says with a smirk while grabbing a napkin to wipe the coffee mess.

"What does that mean?" Erin asks and finds herself growing more nervous as the engineer moved closer to her and wiped away the coffee that found its way onto Erin's chin. Their faces are closer than ever and their eyes meet. "You love me... That's what it means!" Holtzmann says, her voice low and Erin could feel her breath on her face and goosebumps settle on her body. For a second, it feels like the two of them are being pushed closer to one another but they quickly back away from one another when they hear the firehouse door slam open.

"Morning, ladies." Kevin greets them with a smile. Erin waves.

"Hey Kev!" Holtzmann says feeling somewhat flustered, holding her hand in her hair.

"Erin, you've got a little something on your shirt." Kevin says.

Erin sighs and grabs the MIT hoodie that Holtzmann let her borrow from when she got slimed during their first paranormal encounter the day they had met. Erin took a liking to the sweatshirt and never returned it. Holtzmann didn't mind though. She never really got much use out of it anyway and she admired how it looked on the physicist.

Abby and Patty arrive not long after and they all jump straight into work.


A few hours after lunch, they get a call about a ghost twins in the Bronx. "An actual nightmare" says Patty. Though to the team's delight, it was a surprisingly quick and easy bust. Much to Erin's delight, it was also a clean one as she left the residence without a single drop of ectoplasm on her person which meant that she would only have to shower once before her date as oppose to the usual three it takes to completely "de-slime".

By the time they're back at the firehouse, it's near 6pm. They unload the car and Erin excuses herself up the stairs so that she can get ready for her date. Abby, Patty and Kevin debate over where to go for dinner.

"Abby, I am not eating delivery again." Patty says.

"It's not delivery! We'd be eating at the restaurant." Abby argues.

"Baby, it's still wontons and if I have to eat another wonton, I'm gonna pass out." Patty says.

"What about that restaurant where all the cars go? What's it called? Getty?" Kevin asks.

Patty face palms. "Kevin, buddy, that's a gas station." Abby says.

"I'm definitely not eating in no gas station." Patty states.

"So there's no spaghetti?" Kevin asks with a disappointed look on his face.

Patty shakes her head and tries to explain to Kevin. Abby glances over at Holtzmann who has been sitting at the table very quietly while staring out the window.

"Hey, you okay there?" Abby asks her softly.

"Me? I'm fine!" Holtzmann responds.

"You sure? Looks like you've got a lot on your mind." Abby says.

"I'm just daydreamin' up a design for a new proton gun." She lies.

"Uh huh." Abby says, not convinced whatsoever. "Well you wanna help us decide where we're going for dinner before Patty murders Kevin?"

Holtzmann chuckles. "How about some Spanish food?"

Patty interrupts. "Now that I can work with!"


A little while later, Erin makes her way out of the bathroom, ready for her date. She's wearing a black dress that perfectly hugs her body, red heels and red lipstick to match, small accents of jewelry and her hair is slightly wavy. She walks into Holtzmann's work area where a long mirror sat and adjusted herself in the mirror.

"You look fine, Gilbert." A voice trailed from behind, startling Erin.

"Shit. Holtzmann! You scared me!" Erin turns to face the engineer while holding her hand to her chest.

"Sorry!" The engineer said. "You just keep adjusting yourself and you don't have to. You look fine. Stop worrying."

"Okay but you also told me that I looked fine when I was ocovered in coffee..." Erin argues.

"You did. You always do! Even covered in coffee!" She winks.

Erin turns back to the mirror to hide her blush that's much darker than the shade she's wearing. "Well thank you!" She says softly. She starts to fidget with her hair.

"Erin, Erin, Erin." Holtzmann says while walking over to the physicists. "Enough! You look great, okay? If your date's socks aren't knocked off once he sees you than he's obviously blind..." She says while turning the physicist away from the mirror.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous I'm gonna pass out once he gets here." Erin says. "What if-"

Erin is cut off by Holtz's finger to her mouth. "Shhh!" The engineer says and rest her other hand on Erin's shoulder. "Enough with the "what ifs?". You're Erin Fucking Gilbert. The moment you realize that and how great you are, those "what ifs?" you have will be long gone."

Erin looks at her and nods. "Thanks Holtz!" She pulls her in for a hug much to the engineers surprise and delight.

"Holtzy, come on. It's time to get our Spanish grub on!" Patty shouts from downstairs.

The two of them head downstairs. Erin sees them all off.

"Text us and let us know when you're home, okay?" Abby asks. "Or when you're in bed..." She winks.

Erin scrunches up her face. "I'll let you know when I make it home."

Abby, Patty and Kevin make their way out the door. Holtzmann turns back toward Erin.

"Hey... Remember what I said, okay?" The engineer says and gives Erin a small smile.

"I will!" Erin smiles back.

Holtzmann meets up with the rest of the team down the block and Erin watches them for a moment before closing the door.

End of chapter.

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