Not Innocent

By _heartlessgirl_14

37.2K 540 43

Meet Gloria Rose Ramirez , she was known as being an outcast . An outcast who had a very abusive boyfriend... More

~Characters ~
Coming home
Mature Tessie
Off Limits
Times Up
Johnnys Date
She's Different
Mom Did What ?!
Excuse Me ?!
Your Blake ?
Rambling On
Truth or Dare ?
It's Okay
How I feel
Shaken Up
*** Authors Note ***


902 18 0
By _heartlessgirl_14

Gloria's Ramirez POV

" Because they're cousins , that's how they know each other Blake." I said .

" WHAT ?! " He yelled , I covered my ears and glared at him .

" I'm really going to be deaf by my late twenties ." I said as I pulled my hands off my ears .

" You should really do more research on the people that you fuck." I said as I got up and put my plate in the sink.

" So I'm assuming you and Caroline don't get along because of Becky ? " Blake asked  .

" Did she go to school with you and Becky? " he asked when I didn't answer .

" This is going to come to a shock to you, but Carolina actually went to a private school her family is very well off ." I said as I sat on Blake's lap , he smiled but didn't say anything.

" Honestly have no idea how she ended up in a biker clubhouse , I'm sure her mommy and daddy are so proud ." I said sarcastically.

" Well we actually do Security for her dad sometimes , he owns a very popular club in the downtown square ." He said .

" Have you met her father ? " I asked .

" No we actually haven't. Marcus set up the security gig two years ago." He said .

" You haven't met her father because her father will not be caught dead being acquainted with a club. His rich friends would look down on that." I said rolling my eyes .

" You seem to know a lot about Carolina and Becky." Nick said .

" I did go to school with Becky , who would always brag about being related to Carolina ." I said , hoping they'd take that answer and not push .

I know they've already heard some stuff from Becky about my past but I'm not really ready to confirm or deny what she's told them .

" So is Becky's family well off too or is that just Caroline's family? " Nick asked .

" Becky's mom is well off as is her brother who is Becky's uncle and Carolina's dad." I explained.

" As you saw at school the other day , Becky's mother does not appreciate her horrible attitude and never has. Her father, however, doesn't give a shit. " I said .

" Jason was just with Becky's mother for the money obviously, but he got tired of her and moved onto my lovely mother." I said .

" You know with how long I've been a part of the club and around the club I've only met your mother twice." Conner said .

" That's because my mother was never too keen on the club life. Why did she decide to marry a club president then ? Your guess is good as mine." I said rolling my eyes .

" Back to Carolina." I said not wanting to talk about my mom .

" Becky will horribly flirt with Blake, but for the most part she really just wants Ryan. They peaked in high school and only have each other ." I explained.

" Carolina on the other hand I've seen her get in to some pretty nasty fights over guys before." I said as I patted Blake's shoulders.

" Don't worry Blakey I'll protect from the mean girls ." I said in a high pitched voice as I pinched his cheeks .

" Stop ." He said as he swatted my hands away .

" With how long you've seemingly known Carolina and Becky, how did you not find out they were related ? " I asked .

" Well I only met Becky recently. I've known Carolina for a few years, but not Becky." He explained.

" I'm going to warn you now Blake Carolina is a little conniving bitch and if she wants something, she will stop at nothing to get it. I assure you." I said .

" You know gloria you're making it really hard not to ask what she's done to you." He pointed out .

" Oh I know sweetie , trust me." I said smiling .

" Ok enough gossip I'm ready to go to sleep , tootles ." I said as I got up and walked away .

I walked to Blake's room and made myself comfortable on his bed .

" You really know how to end conversations gracefully." He said as he walked into his room.

" The conversation was getting a little too personal for me and honestly I'm not ready to talk to you guys about that stuff yet." I explained as he got into bed .

" That's perfectly fine and I understand." He said not pushing me any further , I smiled .

" Goodnight ." He said kissing my forehead .

" Goodnight ." I said as I hugged him .

Next Morning

Arms wrapped around my waist and squeezed , I smiled and cuddled further into Blake's side .

" Gloria I hate to break it to you but we have school in thirty minutes ." He said , I opened my eyes and looked at my phone .

" I'll be right back , I have a change of clothes in my car ." I said as I got up .

I walked out of his bedroom down the stairs but quickly stopped going any further towards the door because I saw Sean getting a little busy with someone on the couch which was near the front door .

I quietly went back upstairs and into Blake's room , he came out of the bathroom and looked at me confused.

" Weren't you getting clothes from your car ? " He asked .

" Yes I was but Sean was having some fun on the couch which is right near the door ." I said awkwardly .

" Seriously again ?! " He said irritated before storming out , I followed behind him .

I quickly walked behind him but he must've been really pissed because he made it down the stairs before I could even put my foot on the first step .

" OW ." Sean yelped loudly .

I got downstairs to see Sean and his have naked friend being scolded by Blake .

" Sean how many fucking times have I told you to go to your damn room and do that shit !! " Blake yelled .

" Don't be a hypocrite I've seen you do it before !! " He said irritated.

" ITS MY FUCKING HOUSE !!!! " He yelled , clearly very pissed . I walked up to him and gently tugged him back towards me .

" Relax ." I said as I rubbed his arm , he faced towards me and away from them .

" Why does it upset you so much ? " I asked seeing he's more calm .

" Because that was my grandmothers couch ." He said honestly , he looked at Sean who was now looking down .

" Sean you've seen me make out with girls before on the couch but not actually fuck anyone , it's also rude to do that when there's other people in the house ." He explained.

" I'm sorry ." He apologized.

" Jenni that blankets not covering everything." He said to the girl who looked down to see her coochie and tits were on display for everyone to see .

" You see Sean this is what happens when you don't do what I ask !! " She said before storming upstairs.

" Thanks Blake ." He mumbled before chasing after Jenni .

" I'm assuming that's his old lady ." I said as we walked towards the door .

" Honestly I don't even know anymore , they have a very messy relationship." He said .

" Oh okay , well I guess we need to get going ." I said as we walked towards my car .

" Sorry you didn't get to change ." He said .

" It's okay ." I said smiling .

" So are you going to call one of your guys to meet you at school ? " He asked .

" Oh he's already waiting." I said as I texted Cody that we were leaving now .

" Ok ." He said before giving me a kiss .

I got into my car and waved goodbye to Blake before pulling out of the driveway .

At school

I pulled into the campus to see Cody was patiently waiting were we always park . As I parked I noticed a girl walking towards him .

She stopped in front of him and looked very upset , she said a few things before slapping him across the face .

I quickly got out of the car and walked up to them .

" What the hell is going on ?! " I asked as I got in between the two of them .

" Is this her ?! " She said angrily as she turned towards me .

" Tracey stop ! " He said , I looked between the two confused .

" I already told you I'm done !!! " He shouted irritated.

" Hey whoa calm down , no need to raise your voice with her ." I said seeing he was getting more pissed off .

" Gloria this really doesn't concern you ." He said rudely .

" Actually it does , clearly you sent her some wrong signals and now she's confused ." I said rolling my eyes .

" Still not seeing how this concerns you ." He said ignoring what I said .

" You remember when my dad told all of you not to fuck it and leave it to many times , because you dumbasses might fuck the wrong girl and be in deep shit for it ? " I asked , giving him a pointed look .

" So who is she and why is she so upset ? " I asked , he remained silent .

" No okay ." I said before turning to her .

" Would you like to answer ? " I asked already knowing she would .

" I WAS his girlfriend ." She said with her arms crossed as she glared at him.

" I guess I'm skipping class today because of this ." I said seeing I was already ten minutes late , I texted Sarah telling her something came up and I wouldn't be in class .

" Gloria it really doesn't concern you ." He said .

" No it does , you're clearly very upset as is she ." I said as we started to walk .

" My dad told me if you guys were to start any problems with girls to take care of it ." I said making a small little lie , it wasn't his exact words .

" Oh he's caused an issue !! " She said as we sat down at a small picnic table .

Cody sat next to me , the girl was across from us just glaring at him .

" Alright Cody she's clearly very hurt and upset so what the fuck did you do ?! " I asked .

" He won't say anything because he is a piece of shit ASSHOLE !!" She yelled .

My eyes widened , I looked at Cody who looked down .

" Cody come on ." I said tugging him up .

" Tracey is it , stay here we'll be right back ."
I said before pulling him away .

" Talk ." I demanded , being over his bullshit .

" We've been dating on and off for a year ." He admitted.

" Obviously we were long distance." He said .

" And I'm assuming she found out that you weren't faithful." I said looking at him .

" Actually we had an agreement we could hook up with other people as long as we told each other  ." He explained, I looked at him weirdly .

" Yah I know ." He said .

" Before moving here I decided to end our relationship officially because she was getting around a lot more than she told me ." He explained.

" I mean yah I hooked up with a girl here and there but she was doing it constantly." He said clearly bothered .

" And that's why you don't agree to those kinds   of terms ." I said .

" She found out last week from a friend of hers that I moved here and is upset that I broke up with her over the phone and not in person ." He explained.

" How did you find out she wasn't being honest ? " I asked .

" A friend of mine fucked her and found out after the fact that she was my girlfriend , apparently she was a doormat for a lot of guys." He said .

" Cody you can't really act like she was cheating , you guys had a stupid and I mean very stupid agreement ." I said .

" Yah I know but I got tired of hooking up and told her I wanted to terminate that agreement ." He explained.

" So because you were done getting in other girls panties you wanted the agreement to change !! Seriously you are an asshole ! " I said looking at him .

" You clearly agreed to an OPEN relationship." I said .

" And I regretted it , she was the one who wanted an open relationship not me ." He explained.

" Oh well that changes things , you should've started with that ." I said .

" I really liked her so I wanted to give her what she wanted ." He explained.

" But she's not want I want anymore , I want a more clam and secure relationship." He explained.

" And I tried telling her that but she wouldn't listen ." He said , seeing he was calmer we started to walk to were she was .

" Okay I've gotten his side , what is yours ? " I asked .

" I'm just upset because he didn't have the balls to breakup with me in person !!! She said .

" I was hurt and broke up with you !!! " He blurted out.

" Hurt ? " She asked , her whole demeanor changing.

" Why ? " She asked .

" Because you were fucking every guy you saw , I didn't want an open relationship but you did so I gave you what you wanted ! " He said .

" Cody I already explained to you that is who I am and you have to deal with it ."She said rudely , I looked at her .

I was on her side until he told me the truth and now her true colors are bleeding out .

" Okay now you're just being a bitch ." I said bluntly .

" Excuse me ?! " She exclaimed as she looked at me .

" You're excused from this conversation and excused to stay away from him ." I said .

" He's clearly expressed how he's felt and you've not listened . You're not meant to be so just leave each other alone . Come on Cody you've had enough." I said before pulling  him along with me .

" Thanks " He said sighing.

" I've had enough of crazy bitches , wait until I tell you what happened yesterday when we get home ." I said before getting in my car , he got on his bike .

I started my car and sent both Blake and Sarah a text telling them I'm skipping today and I'll explain later .

At home 

We pulled into the driveway and surprise surprise my mother car was in the driveway .

" I guess I spoke too soon about crazy bitches ." I said to Cody who laughed and was already calling my dad I assume .

My mom noticed me get out of my car , so she got out of hers and walked towards me .

" Gloria ." She greeted coldly .

" What are you doing here ? " I asked , ignoring formalities .

" Disrespectful per usual I see ." She said before smiling.

" I will be staying here for a few days ." She said .

" No you won't." I said .

" Just tell your father I will be staying here, no need to argue ." She demanded .

" Well my dad just recently signed this house over to me , so this is my house not his or yours ." I said , he's in the process with his lawyers of signing all his properties and establishments into my name .

He knows my mom will try to weasel her way back into his life and wants everything to be in my name , so if anything does happen with her she can't get anything .

I know he'll take her back , he always does .He's trying hard to not let her back in this time , but the heart wants what it wants .

" You little disrespectful bitch !! " She screeched , because she was again not getting her way .

" Cindy that is enough ! " My dad's voice suddenly yelled .

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