The Terran Enclave - Klithian...

بواسطة maxd01

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This is the second series based on my Folician Chronicles stories. There are six books and one stand alone i... المزيد

Prologue - Welcome Brice
Chapter 1 - Kevin heads to Earth
Chapter 2 - Misty becomes a ship Liraque
Chapter 3 - Misty and Blake
Chapter 4 - I need help Kevin
Chapter 5 - Welcome Liraque Silvery Skies
Chapter 6 - You are hired
Chapter 7 - Come to Folicia with me
Chapter 8 - Welcome to Folicia Cindy and Sophia
Chapter 9 - Will you marry me Dark Storm?
Chapter 10 - Who let my mother in here?
Chapter 11 - Saul I accept being your mate
Chapter 12 - Can I help you Sophia?
Chapter 13 - Hands what happened to you?
Chapter 14 - You want me for what?
Chapter 15 - Heading towards where they belong
Chapter 16 - Stan this is the Goddess

Chapter 17 - Stan I do love you

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بواسطة maxd01

Silent Strength was looking down at Folicia through the view port. They had just arrived and would be going down in a short time. The trip had been fascinating even if somewhat overwhelming. He and Dark Storm had talked a great deal though it hadn't been easy some of the time. There had been a few arguments since they were both very strong willed. What didn't help was both had been single for a very long time. Going from 'what I want' to 'what do we want' was proving more difficult than he had expected. Chances were Dark Storm was having much the same issue.

It hadn't helped having a number of the crew offering to spend time with him or both of them. Back during his time on the ship he hadn't had a problem. Part of that was his trying to keep thoughts of Dark Storm away. Right now they were rebuilding their relationship and learning who they had grown to be. They were having to try and define what they were going to be doing from now on as well. He really had enjoyed his job on Earth. It wasn't just the travel but meeting people, talking deals, and the give and take of being a salesman.

Dark Storm had similar thoughts but she moved between worlds and not cities. She was one of her pack's traveling traders and from what he could tell she was damn good. The fact she dealt with more money in a month than he did a year in sales didn't matter. What did was if what happened was right for both the customers and the pack. He knew she was going to request a sabbatical from her job. It was so she could travel with him to visit his children. Chances were she would still be trading but it wouldn't be the main part of her time.

Gentle walked over to Silent Strength and handed Night's Beauty over to him. Once he had taken her, Gentle leaned against him and looked down, "I do miss the view. I enjoyed my time aboard ship but I wouldn't trade my life now for anything. I hope you like the pack property. Gerdal has done wonders with it."

When Gentle handed him the baby he carefully took her and made sure she was well supported, "It is a beautiful view. I can't think of many humans who wouldn't want to see this. It is a gorgeous view and I am sure I will. Dark Storm has shown me pictures of it. I am almost itching to get into the hot springs again. All of you have spoiled me darn it! Beds from heaven, hot springs everywhere, food which rocks though you do need chicken and waffles. Well fried chicken, okra, and corn bread also. That would make everything almost perfect."

Ray had walked in about then, "Sorry but not going near okra. The rest sounds good and I will talk to Dark Storm about importing corn and chicken. We do have Urdu which tastes like..." Before he could finish his statement Zantha smacked him on the shoulder.

"Don't you even finish that statement. If you do you will regret it. I will have a human type dog house made for you." She had made the mistake of sending a message to Kevin asking about 'chicken tastes like' comments. The file he had sent back had been beyond disturbing.

Silent Strength laughed, "We can trade some chicken jokes later. I think it is time to collect Dark Storm and head down." She had a bit of packing left and he had wanted to look out the window one more time.

Their implants binged as he was talking and Silent Strength had to make a face, "Still not used to my brain making noises. It isn't like hearing since it is inside my brain. That is just plain disturbing. What is worse is I can no longer wear the shirt 'I hear voices in my mind'. Every time I even look at it my implant bings. I swear there is some indicator somewhere that tells someone to contact me even when I think about it."

Ray started laughing even as they turned away from the view port, "I know the feeling. The first few times Flitter would see my expression and laugh. Then she would bing me just for amusement value. Very few people believed me when I told them that. They all thought she was a nice serious type person. They didn't see her getting amusement value out of my reactions." He couldn't help but laugh since now it was amusing. Back then it had made him want to grump at her.

When they walked into the transport room Dark Storm was there with Misty and Snuggles. Their bags were vanishing as they were watching, "Shall we? I can't wait to get back to my pack, my ladies, and our pups." It had been almost six weeks since they had left to bring Dark Storm to Earth. He didn't begrudge the time but he was missing his pack.

The captain of the ship waved them into the transport section, "Have a good one Pack Father, Pack Mother, Liraque, and everyone else." Before they could reply they were on the surface of the planet.

When they appeared Hands was there. He waited for them to fully appear before moving forward. He gave Dark Storm a good hug, "No longer Dark Storm I see." He leaned back and could tell she had been renamed, "Congratulations on being renamed." He turned to the human and gave him a good hug as well, "You were renamed as well? Just looking at you I can tell you are Gentle's Sire. Good to meet you and welcome to Folicia." After the hug he stepped back.

Zantha snorted, "Ray was feeling bored I think. He renamed both of them the same day. I think he just wanted a few days off to relax and sleep. This is Dark Refreshing Storm and Silent Strength." The names had been recorded but it sometimes took a while to get to all who had known the person.

Ray bumped Zantha, "Welcome to Pack Johnson. There is going to be a small party this evening to welcome you. There is only going to be maybe 70 adults and a number of pups. Just a little shindig. I am going to have Vyra show you to some rooms you can use while you are here. I know Dark Storm wants to take you to her pack but you also need time to experience Folicia. When you are ready to meet your other pups and their Dame's let me know. I will arrange a small party for you."

Silent Strength was somewhat startled with a male Folician gave him a hug and noticed the name change. Since the young man resembled Ray he had a feeling it was his younger brother, "Thanks to all of you. I think that would be a good idea and Dark Storm agrees with me. We are going to take a few days off, wander around, and chill. She has an appointment Monday to talk to her pack and introduce me." When what Ray said hit he had to blink, "How many? Thanks for helping meet my pups. I will let you know in a day or two."

Gentle gave him a knowing smile, "Ray's pack, Simon's pack, Rafique's pack, and Hands' pack as well as all the pups. Oh, and several stray humans as well. For some reason we keep collecting stray humans every time someone goes to earth. The first time it was Kevin, most recently it was a young girl named Sophia, and an adult named Cindy."

Ray huffed at her, "It is not my fault the Goddess seems to like humans, or playing with them! Now dinner is almost ready and once settled the party will start." He waved Vyra over so she could take them to their rooms.


Sophia was relaxing in Dreamer's lap again. Since the night of the sleepover at the pack property she had found that many of Hands' pack had taken to cuddling with her. It wasn't just during the day but at night as well. The morning after they had come back from the property she had woken with Myriam and Silky asleep in her bed. That had been so strange but it had also felt nice. Silky was such a sweet little girl. Sophia knew that Silky had some sort of learning issue but it didn't matter. She was always crawling in people's laps and cuddling with them. Nuzzle, Hands, and Savory were her most favorite but if anyone even looked somewhat down she would crawl in their lap and comfort them.

With Dreamer it was different. It had been about two months since she had arrived and she was feeling better. There was still a long way to go but most of her major blood producing bones had been fixed. Now they were working on the small bones such as the wrist bones, fingers, and even the spinal bones. They were going to ensure that all the marrow was fixed so she would never have this issue again. Even though most of the blood was created in the long bones they weren't taking chances. She probably had six more weeks before she would be finished. That would be about the time Brice arrived on Folicia.

From what she had been told he had decided to come to Folicia and spend some time here. It was to learn about their culture, who they were, and learn about what being a Pack Father actually meant. She was really looking forward to his arriving since she was missing him so much. One thing she was going to yell at him about was not telling her Aunt June's health had been failing. Shortly after he had left on his trip she had received a message their aunt had died. It had been while she was asleep and she hadn't been in pain. She had simply slipped into death and didn't wake up.

Dreamer stroked her hair before leaning over and kissing her forehead, "Are you okay Sophia? Do you want to talk or maybe do another sleepover setup?" They had all been notified her aunt had died. The message had come in earlier that day. They had been in class but all of them had sensed her reaction when she had been called to Dancers office.

"Could we? Last time really helped. I knew she was old but I am still upset. She helped us when she didn't need to. Honestly she probably shouldn't have because she was so old." They all knew she had medical problems but their family wasn't very big. Most of their family was spread out over the U.S. and rarely spoke. They had just drifted apart and went their own ways. Even when their parents had died not many had come. They had been too busy with their lives.

"We can and I will talk to Savory now." *Savory we need to do another sleepover for Sophia. I will take care of it if you don't mind.* Dreamer really liked Sophia and wanted to spend time with her. She was cute but that wasn't the draw. Even her medical problem wasn't why he was spending time with her. He just liked her and thought she was a fun person to be around. Even if they didn't have a relationship like humans might he wouldn't mind if she ended up his girlfriend for a while.

Savory traded a smile with Hands when Dreamer contacted them. They had already been planning on it after they had been told of the loss. She knew that the Aunt's ashes were going to be forwarded to Ray to hold onto. It would depend on what Brice chose to do before the ashes were returned to earth or forwarded to one of the temples on Klithian. If he decided to become a Pack Father they would be added to his memorial garden, *Take care of it Dreamer and we will order some food. Keep comforting Sophia and caring for her.* She knew that he liked her as more than just a temple sister. Neither Hands nor she had a problem with it.

That comment made him growl at them over the implant, "I will take care of it Sophia, for now just let me hold you and comfort you." He pressed another kiss on her forehead as he sent out a message to the pack.


When Stan and Nikky woke the next morning he had to lay there and stare at the ceiling for some time. He remembered every part of that... Visit? Dream? Whatever you wanted to call it. Even now he could almost feel traces and tingles from where the woman's fingers had touched his forehead. Her eyes had been warm and caring yet also old and sad. The emotions they showed changed constantly as they had been talking. The worst part was deep down he knew it was real. That had him even more terrified than going into combat had. By the time he had mostly healed he had washed his hands of anything which could be called a god or deity.

He no longer believed in the God he had grown up learning about. He didn't believe in the others such as Yahweh, Allah, or any of the others. If they existed, then why was this world so fucked up? Why did they let bastards kill in their name? Even more, why did some say it was okay to kill others if they didn't believe the same? As far as he was concerned if there was some sort of higher power he was a shit head for sitting back and not doing anything. If the higher power actually cared, he would have done something to stop the fighting and killing. If that had happened Stan wouldn't have lost some of his friends in that fucking fire fight.

By being slapped in the face with the sheer presence of that woman Stan was being forced to reassess his thoughts. If she was some Goddess, then what did it say about what might be in play on Earth? It would mean that all the evil in this world was allowed to exist. That idea revolted him since it shouldn't be allowed. Stan understood for the concept of good to be understood there had to be the concept of bad. Without one who would you define morality? If you didn't have a concept of morality or ethics society would be even more screwed up than it was now. He just felt it was wrong to watch the world go to hell and not do anything. Then again there was such a thing as free will which, assuming it existed, would explain it. It was a nasty quandary.

Nikky had woken when Stan did though she didn't move. His emotions were dark and murky. It was obviously related to the dream last night. She was having her own problems with the visit since she, as had Kevin and Cindy, grown up Christian. Thankfully her parents had been reasonably liberal and never decried others belief's for the most part. Some they didn't agree with and wouldn't have anything to do with but they didn't try and force their beliefs down other's throats, *Smiles, Stan and I need to talk to you. We were visited by the Goddess last night. I have a feeling Stan is going to need to talk about it. If not you then maybe Misty. She is human and grew up believing in the same God I did.*

Smiles had been contacted about the Goddess's orders for Stan. As she was reading them earlier she had completely agreed with them. Stan was a good man. He didn't let crap keep him down and he worked hard. Watching him and Nikky had shown that even with his problems he wasn't abusive. She had read reports on some of the affects and how they impacted on human families. Stan had his problems but it was obvious he cared a great deal for Nikky. There wasn't any of the unhealthy need to be with her which could happen. It happened occasionally to Liraque/Liraqua so it was something she understood. There was pleasure that someone was willing to look past the scars and see him, *Once you have eaten bring him to our rooms and we will talk.*

She thought about it and had to agree that having Misty sit in was a good idea also. She was from Earth, knew Nikky, and was a certified human Liraque. She had lived on Folicia for years and could explain the life in ways a Folician couldn't, *Misty I need you to come to my rooms once you have eaten. Just you and not Blake for the moment. Stan and Nichole were visited by the Goddess last night. He might need to talk to a human who has lived our culture.*

Misty quickly replied to Smiles, *Wow, I really didn't see that at all. I will be there shortly. If nothing else I can play with Crisp and eat in your rooms.* "Blake I need to go and do Liraque things. I'll see you later after your meeting with Kevin. Not sure how long this might take just so you know." She gave him a light kiss before scooping up Moretta and leaving his rooms. She had a set of rooms but hadn't bothered with them last night.

When she walked into Kevin's section Moretta jumped off her shoulder and took flight. Crisp was on the floor so she started flying around him. He was clapping his hands and holding his arms out. After flittering around for a while Moretta landed near him and padded her way over to him, "Well that will keep her occupied for a while." When Moretta had made her way over she had scooped up a toy and dropped it in his arms. He took it and tossed it for her. Moretta jumped up, flitted around the room before picking the toy up and flittering back over to him.

Smiles had to smile, "Well that should occupy him for a while. I am going to assume you haven't eaten. I have a small plate of muffins and some tea for you." She waved Misty to the table and settled down. As Misty was eating she forwarded the orders for Stan over so she could review them. Misty needed to know what had been decided so she could help Stan. She might even end up going back with for a short time to support them.

Misty read through the orders as she munched down on the muffins. There was also the crusty nut bread she had discovered on Folicia as well. By the time she was done she was scratching an ear, "Interesting. I haven't spent much time with him but I could still sense the deep emotional damage last night. I think this would be a very good idea. Nichole needs the training and he needs the help. Chances are good he might end up with another Liraque who is certified. Nichole just doesn't have the training."

Chances were good that Misty was right, he would end up with an adult Liraque who was certified. They had a few specially trained to help people like Stan. The trauma didn't have to be caused the way his had. A vehicle explosion, an accident in deep space, there were many ways to end up with PTSD, "I think you are right. Presuming they do go Nichole and Stan will be in Hands section of the temple. They will be able to help him as well."

They talked for a while longer before Nichole requested access. Once the door opened and they walked in Misty moved over and gave Nikky a good hug and light peck, "Hugz and you are looking good. Congrats on the purple and finding your Liraqua. We can catch up and talk families later." Once she had greeted Nikky she turned and gave Stan a good hug, "Morning Stan, I was asked to come and talk to you about your visit to the Goddess's garden. Would you like something to eat or drink?"

Nikky returned the hug, "Thanks and I blame it all on Stan. Best thing to happen to me. I don't plan on letting him go for a very long time." She wanted that out there so he knew how she felt. Something just told her that no matter what happened she would be with him for many years.

Stan was starting to smile when Misty hugged him before he tensed up, "I don't know what to think Misty. I quite believing after being deployed. Once my unit had been attacked and this happened", he waved at his burns, "and I lost some friends I finally decided there wasn't any higher power. Now being slapped in the face with one..." He shuddered since it seriously impacted on his view of reality.

Misty glanced at Smiles as she urged Stan and Nikky over to a couch, "Sit and relax Stan. I do understand since I have met the Pack Lord and the Goddess. Ray and Hands have met them as well." She shook her head as she thought back, "They don't require you to believe or worship them. They aren't like the deities or Gods of this world. They expect you to obey the laws, take care of pack and family, and do your best. Crime does exist, this isn't utopia, but for the most part it is a quiet and peaceful society." She glanced at Smiles, "Sometimes I get the feeling some of the Folician's can only stare at us. Something about us coming across as over eager curious pups."

Smiles leaned over and lightly tickled Misty's chin, "Yup and almost as tiring as dealing with said over active little pups." She became serious, "Stan what Misty said is true. Why the Goddess showed herself to you I really can't say. I can make some educated guesses though. Since Nikky is drawn to you as your Liraque the Goddess would feel her reactions to your emotions. That would get her attention and in this case feel a need to step in. Also since Nikky is growing closer to you as a man she can love the Fertility aspect of who the Goddess is would respond. Lastly, as the Goddess of Fertility she is doing what is needed to ensure our species doesn't die out. She is doing this by finding humans who feel like they will fit in and help. Even though right now you won't get involved with someone else the potential is there. She won't force it if you truly aren't comfortable. She will accept that and allow you to make your decision."

He had heard what Nikky had said but hadn't had a chance to reply thanks to Misty and Smiles talking. Once they were done he looked at Nikky and held her hands, "Do you really mean that Nikky? That you want to be with me for a long time?" He was hoping she had meant what she said since he was definitely coming to love her. He wasn't willing to use the term yet but it was there. When he might be able to say it the cosmos only knew.

Nikky gave his hands a good squeeze, "I do mean it Stanley. I am not only your Liraque but I am your girlfriend. Both are as important to me as you are. What I feel for you is because of who you are. I know the time over there and the injuries have changed you but I love you for being you. Come with me to Folicia, listen to what is being said, let them try and help you. I am going to have to go for training. Come with me Stan." She leaned forward and drew him into a gentle but passionate kiss.

He closed his eyes when she kissed him. What she had said hit home. When she said she wanted him, Stan knew it was true, "I am terrified Nikky. Not of going but of you learning what I had to go through. What I had to do to survive over there. I have killed people. I have helped call in air strikes and artillery. I don't want you to see that side of me."

Misty wrapped an arm around him, "Stan, this is what we are though. Liraque help our clients with this type of emotions. I do speak from experience since we had a really bad accident several months after we went to Folicia. It impacted on a large portion of the population. I was about 17 when I was forced to help people deal with the effects. It made me even more determined to live up to what I was called for. Nikky is starting to feel that even though she hasn't been even a Trainee for very long. Don't block her out. Smiles and I discussed it and you will probably have a certified Liraque drawn to you to help. Nikky simply doesn't have the training right now. Go and let her and the temple help you." *Talk to Hands about having had to kill. He will understand since he had to at one point as well. Savory, Light Sky, Kyth, all will help comfort you and no I am not talking sex. Hands will talk to them and the Temple Mother to keep females away from you.*

Stan looked at Misty before looking back at Nikky, "I am only going to go because you asked me Nikky. Not because of some dream or anything else. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to try and imagine living without you." He looked at Smiles, "Fine, do what you need to fly me to the moon or Folicia or wherever."


Brice had scheduled a meeting with Kevin, Smiles, and Silver earlier that week. After a great deal of thinking he had made a decision. In the meeting he told Kevin that before he could make a decision on going to Klithian he wanted to go to Folicia. He wanted to visit the planet, talk more with Hands and Ray but most importantly his sister. She was going to be impacted by his decision even more than he would be. Sophia was a young teen and had her entire life before her. By making the decision to go to Klithian he was going to be keeping her from many of the American teen past times.

That wasn't saying she wouldn't have friends on Folicia or Klithian but not human friends. The friends she had on Earth would fade pretty quickly since she could only do e-mail and the occasional card. There wouldn't be any phone calls to chat and much of what she was doing couldn't be talked about. Before he made that final decision he wanted to talk to Sophia.

When Brice and Silvery walked into his office before the officially left he waved them to a seat, "Have a seat and I have forwarded your request to the Planet Mother, Temples, and Military. They have agreed to your visit before making a decision. This is the same as Ray had and Simon. Rafique didn't ask for a visit, he stated he would move to Folicia and that was it. As of now it is a fixed policy that humans can visit before making a choice."

Brice hadn't really expected some different answer since they wanted him on Klithian. Short of some seriously unreasonable demand they would do what was needed to get him there. He had researched the process by which potential humans were selected. He was impressed that he had made it. As Kevin had mentioned one out of seven interviewees' were selected. For every seven interviews there was close to eighty men researched. That was a lot of people to go through to find even one who would work, *Thanks Kevin, I am very tempted to just say yes but I need to talk to Sophia face to face. I need to actually spend time with a pack and see how it really works. I have seen some here but there is more human culture merged in than would be on Folicia. I do have one question though; the training is supposed to take a year or longer. How much time would I be on Folicia before moving to Klithian?*

Thankfully he had an answer for this as well, "We are looking at six months on Folicia to allow you to become comfortable with the culture. Before any of the women pregnant by you deliver they would be transported to Folicia. They would deliver there and when Pack Father Golden decided you were sufficiently trained you would move to Klithian for final training. You would have a pack property located near either the Pack Lords temple or the Goddess'. This isn't saying you would have to become a priest of the pack father. It is simply because the temples have taken charge of all human pack fathers and regular human males. How big would it be? I don't know but they are looking at trying to have three human men per pack for each world. Once they have the initial packs established then new pack fathers and men would be spread out over the worlds."

Brice made a slight face, *I do not want to know what Sophia will say about me coming back with a bunch of pregnant women. I just don't want to know. I might end up hiding from her." When Silvery lightly nipped his shirt he laughed, "It has been nice knowing you Kevin. If I don't come back thank you for all you have done for Sophia and me. The ship is waiting for us to transport up.* Brice stood and shook Kevin's hand before leaving with Silvery to the transport room.


Misty had requested a call be made to Ray and Hands for her. Before she took the step to move their parent's ashes to Folicia she had to talk to them. This was something they had to do as a family and not what she felt. She wanted to, it felt right, but it was their parents she was thinking about. When the called went through it was the evening after Brice and Silver had left.

The screen showed both her brothers and she recognized Ray's office, "Ray, Hands, I want to bring our parent's ashes to Folicia. This feels like the right thing to do but I have to have your approval to do this." She couldn't keep her fingers still even though she had them pressed together.

Ray flicked his ears slightly but he didn't look upset or annoyed, "Good. I have been thinking about it myself but it hasn't worked out the times I have been there. I felt a need to have one of us at the grave site when they were moved. What I would like to do is have a third left there, a third for my property, and a third for Hands' property." Since they had Barth's ashes as well as Flitter's and Dreamer's mother added to the memorial garden their parents should be as well.

Hands reached forward and lightly touched the screen, "Thank you Mist of the Water. I haven't thought about it though I should have. What Ray said is what I think we should do as well. They are of Earth but we are now of Folicia as well. By adding them to Ray's property they will be there in spirit. By adding them to my property they will be both here and in the temple for you. Do this and with the Pack Lord's and the Goddess's blessing we might know them again." They might not know their children but from what he understood in some cases the newer generations could sense a connection.

Misty reached up and pressed her hand against the image of Hands, "Thank you both. I realized I wanted to do this while I was aboard ship. It will give them a connection to us. Love you both and miss you. I will send a message when I am done." She closed the connection since the calls were energy intensive.


Monday she was at the house. One of their relatives had purchased it and was living there. Since she was single there was plenty of room. When Misty appeared Jenny jumped and rolled her eyes, "I have been trying to forget that Christmas drat you! Now it is going to come back and I am going to have to consider seeing a therapist again." She hadn't needed to but Misty deserved that for not calling or whatever they did like that on the alien planet.

Misty made a face, "Not believing that. If you were then why are their pictures of fantasy creatures on the wall? I can see at least three dragons, a unicorn, and others." She gave Jenny a hug, "I am going to our parent's grave today. Would you mind driving me? I don't think I should drive anymore since I haven't for ages."

Jenny returned the hug and grinned, "Call them therapy pictures and leave it at that." When Misty asked her to drive her to the grave site she sobered, "I will do that for you. Are you just here to visit or for some other reason?"

"Ray, Hands, and I have decided we are going to take some of the ashes back to Folicia. They are going to be incorporated into our memorial gardens for Ray's pack and Hands' pack. It is the Folician way of ensuring their ancestors know that they are valued and honored. It is somewhat like when small family plots were the norm."

That made sense since some of their relatives had lived on the same property for several generations. They did have some family plots though they were no longer used, "I am glad you are leaving some ashes behind. I doubt anyone would know but it still is the right thing to do. Why don't we take care of that now and then I will treat you to lunch."

Misty leaned against Jenny for a moment, "Thanks, I am glad you understand. I don't think I am going to tell much of the rest of the family. Many of them wouldn't understand." After the hug they left the house and Misty settled in Jenny's car. The drive to the cemetery was quiet since they were both thinking their own thoughts.

When they reached it and parked Misty slipped out of the car and headed to the grave marker. She instinctively knew where it was. When she reached it she settled down and rested her hand over where the jars were, *Kevin, I have my hands over my parent's remains, Smiles has arranged for two small containers for part of the ashes. Could you please beam a third of what is in the box to each container?* Sitting there at her parent's grave site was making her sad but this was the right thing to do.

Smiles had talked to Kevin before Misty had left, *Consider it done Misty. Keep your hand there for a short time so we can localize the urns. We will treat them with respect and care. Go relax, enjoy your vacation, and I will see you next Monday. If you need I can come out and relax with you.* He sent her his love before letting her go.

As Misty was sitting there with her hand on the ground a strong male warmth enfolded her, *Liraque Mist of the Waters I have asked a number of the Goddess's avatars to sing for your parents. It won't be in the real world but in my temple. They will be sung for and watched over as the transport carries them to Folicia. Have no worries about them and my blessings.*

The voice faded but in the distance she could hear a low quiet singing. Misty lowered her head and even as she replied tears started, "Thank you Pack Lord. We all thank you for taking care of our parents. I will ensure that Ray and Hands know."

Jenny settled down next to Misty as she was speaking, "Misty? Who were you talking to?" She had felt something but not like Misty had.

Misty let the tears flow, "You might not believe it but the Pack Lord from Folicia told me the Goddess's avatar's will sing the song of life and death while our parents are being taken to Folicia. It is a song which is sung for all Folician's who die." She finally removed her hand from the spot. "Love you mom and dad."


Cindy had seriously been thinking about Rain's offer. She hadn't talked to either Salty or Rain yet since she needed to talk to others who had gone through much the same. Not her necessarily but males who were new adults. After talking to Melody she had decided to go and visit the Harem. When she dinged at the door and it opened she couldn't help the shy smile, "Melody suggested I come and talk to High Tower and several other harem males. Are they available?"

Alarthro couldn't help but return the shy smile, "Good evening Cindy. Come in and High Tower is available. I am Alarthro and he asked me to join the small group he gathered to talk." Once she was inside he offered her his arm and walked with her to the lounge High Tower had decided to use. There were a number of lounges in the Harem section. This one was for the new adults, male and female, who were either in heat - females, or new adults - males. It allowed them to relax with some near their age as well as a few chosen older males and females.

Cindy took the offered arm and walked with him into the lounge. When she did there were several males as well as some younger females. That hadn't been expected though she really wasn't sure what she had expected. As she was sitting down High Tower walked in, "Evening Cindy, hope you don't mind but several new adult females showed up. I thought it might help to talk to them as well. Melody did talk to me and food will be here shortly so relax. I am High Tower, as you should know this is Alarthro, the other males are... He introduced the females as well."

One of the females couldn't help it and settled down next to Cindy, "I'm White Waters. Are you really a human female? When did you get here and do you know Pack Father Hands?" It was obvious she was enamored of Hands based on how she sounded.

Alarthro mock rolled his eyes, "Sheesh, Hands this, Ray that, even Simon and Rafique! Makes us poor harem males feel like fried Lisith!" He was nudged by a different female with his reaction.

The questions and reaction made Cindy giggle, "Nope, I am just a projection of a human female. Just an experiment Hands is trying for his engineering degree. I am not related to Hands by marriage on Earth and wasn't brought here with another human female. I deny just being a normal female and deny Sophia is a Trainee." She even said that with a straight face.

The girl looked shocked before High Tower groaned, "Cindy don't, just don't. I know Hands and even Ray. That was so wrong it wasn't funny. White Waters, Cindy is a relative of Hands and Ray by marriage. She isn't blood related and yes she is a human female. Humans seem to have a mental issue when it comes to jokes. They are all wrong, warped, and bad across the board. Cindy be good or I might just seduce you."

White Waters glanced at High Tower and then back and Cindy and glared at her, "Not funny you human. I might bite you at some point for that." Her ears were flicking back and forth before she started to snicker, "Goddess that was bad. I am... Oh darn it! I will do something to you!" She stomped her foot for good measure.

Alarthro shook his head, "So why are you here Cindy? Not that I am complaining but other than High Tower telling us you were coming for a visit he didn't say much else." Those High Tower had asked to be there when she arrived were all rather curious.

She blushed slightly, "Um, ah, a certain soon to be adult male asked me to consider being his first. I am not that much older than he is though I am an adult. I wanted to talk to the other young males and females to see what they might be wanting or expecting. Obviously I am not from here so I am not sure what he might want, need, or expect. I was hoping that we could talk and help me decide if I would be the right person for him." By now she was cherry red but she kept her face up since this was for Rain.

"Good for you Cindy. That you even considered this shows that you do want the best for... That person." High Tower had a feeling he knew who she was talking about, "Many of the males and females in the room are coming into their first heat", he nodded to White Waters who blushed, "or are new males or young adults. I didn't ask some of the older females to visit yet since I wanted to talk to you with people your age first. With new adults they tend to spend a fair amount of time with the male or female who introduced them to the bed. It is so they can keep learning how to please the other person. For the males they will eventually start working in the harem though still with older females. For the new females they will spend time with older males while they learn. At some point they will feel the need to move on and be with others."

Alarthro lowered his ears, "I am waiting on Starry Skies to come back. She was my first and she was very relaxed and took her time. She didn't make me feel young for not knowing much about pleasing her. She has spent a number of nights with me and soon I will be going to the main harem." He would always have enjoyable memories of Starry. She wasn't classically beautiful but when she had taken him to bed... She had been so caring and careful to ensure his time was enjoyable for both of them.

White Waters couldn't keep her ears up and they were pressed against her head, "It is scary to be here but I am also looking forward to it. My Dame suggested the temple harem since it is one of the things they do. They are trained to help new females into adulthood. I want to know what it is like but it also scares me. I don't know what my first male might be like and I am worried that I might not be able to please him."

Cindy wrapped an arm around her and gave White Water's a light squeeze, "I completely understand. Humans are different in how this rite of passage is approached. I know my first time or two was... Awkward but when I ended up spending time with Hands..." She couldn't help but get slightly aroused, "Good god he knocked the socks off me. I didn't know if I was coming or going by the time he was done." Even now he was frigging wonderful in bed. It honestly wasn't surprising he had a baby with Savory.

Alarthro lowered his ears even more, "Cindy, if it isn't to forward would you maybe like to spend the night with me? Not because you are human, but because you came to ask questions. It is obvious to me that the male in question is someone you care for. That means a great deal."

His offer totally caught her off guard. It definitely wasn't something she had been expecting. When he finished talking she was even more red than before, "I will think about it Alarthro. I'm still dealing with my human culture which is wildly different sexually than yours." She gave White Waters a good squeeze before she stood and moved over to Alarthro and settled down in his lap, "I can't say yes or no at the moment but we can talk and get to know each other."

High Tower didn't react to what he was seeing. Instead he sent a message to Hands, *Pack Father Hands, Cindy is relaxing in the new adult section of the harem. I am not sure when she might be back. If she does end up spending the night I will let you know.* He wouldn't say if she had sex since that was for her to decide. Since she somewhat belonged to Hands' and Ray's pack they needed to know.

Hands sipped on a stein of the dark beer the Pack Lord loved before replying, *Good, give her the information she needs. Those of us here are too close and the males at Ray's pack are too old for her to be comfortable talking to. If she stays, as you said, let me know. I will take care of ensuring everyone else is updated.* He let High Tower go and had to smile. Hopefully this would be what she needed to continue understanding the Folician culture.

White Water moved over to another male and settled in his lap. She had been talking to him before Cindy had arrived. He was several years older than she was but not so old that he was intimdating, "So Cindy, what are you doing here? I mean not here as in the harem but on Folicia? What brought you here?" She turned and gave Raging Rapids a kiss before leaning against his chest.

Cindy snorted, "I would say Hands but that might sound bad. A friend of mine applied to the Terran Enclave and when Hands found out he told them to hire me as well. He came and visited the Enclave and somehow I ended up coming back. I am living in his pack section currently while I am getting my education caught up. After that I am not sure. I am totally fascinated by your culture but I have looked at one or two of your trade partners. They have some fascinating customs as well. I might end up getting a degree in cultural relations or something like that. You?"

White Water looked very impressed as did some of the others. She couldn't resist teasing Cindy after that horrible joke she had pulled on her, "So you are here just for education? Not to get whatever socks are knocked off?" Her expression was earnest and interested in the answer.

That caused Cindy to grumble at her and even toss a pillow at her, "Socks are something humans wear on their feet. No I am not here just to get my socks knocked off. Already been done. Now I am going to go to college and swear off getting my socks knocked off so there!"

Alarthro looked and sounded horrified, "What no sex? That is a horrible thought. What about the person you were talking about?" He realized she had been teasing White Water and lightly nipped her ear, "By the Pack Lord you are horrible. I might take back my offer." As an added bonus he licked her neck as well.

High Tower tossed a pillow at Cindy, "What is it Gentle keeps threatening Ray with? Oh, right, I might have a human dog house made for you. That and hard brown chunks to eat. No people bones for you!" Even as he was threatening her, his ears were flicking back and forth.

The mention of people bones made Cindy blink even as she twitched from the nip and lick. She knew what they were but it could be taken as a joke as well, "Oh mai! Now that is a threat. I think I prefer Folician bones now... The people bones are pretty good as well." She leaned against Alarthro and gave High Tower a glowing smile.

He sighed, "Food is ready, one bowl of hard brown chunks coming up." Everyone stood and went over to the table. The talk continued and somehow Cindy did find herself in Alarthro's bed. The next morning, she had to admit it had been a very enjoyable evening. He approached love making different than Hands had and it had been very educational for her. Later she was going to need to talk too Salty and Rain. She might spend a few more nights with Alarthro to ensure she had a good idea of what Rain might expect or want.


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