I do. (romanogers fanfic)

By romanogerrs

9.1K 241 35

I don't own anything, creds: marvel (romanogers fanfic) can steve move on from natasha after her death? More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
Part 11
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16

part 12

320 10 1
By romanogerrs


he love me?he did? love is for children right?
but i did love him too,should i tell him? no.
we're just friend.

"hey,nat." i snapped back into reality.

"oh hey,rogers."

"don't you wanna sleep?its 11 pm."

"oh,i thought its-" i sighed as i checked my watch,
"right,g'night rogers,see you tomorrow." i said as i walked away.

"wait!" he grabbed my wrist."where are you going?you're suppose to be here!"

"oh right,i-im so sorry," what the hell is wrong with me.

"what's the matter,nat?" he asked as he sat beside me on the egde of the bed.

"nothing,maybe because,lack of sleep?"

"finee,then go to sleep."

"how 'bout my....night...mare." just straight to the point,nat.

"i'll wake you up,just go to sleep." see,natasha.

"umm,steve.ca-can you sleep here?" great job,nat.
"oh,ummm,i mean accompany me"

"oh yeah,sure." he smiled as he walked back to the bed

he wrapped his arm around me and i put my head on his chest.Just like the old days.I could hear his heartbeat.Its making me comfortable fo no reason.



"do you trust me?"

"of course.what makes you said that?"

"well,im scared at that time when i'm 'gone'
and then you'll not trust me anymore because i thought you think like 'there is no point to trust someone that already gone' "

"im not that kind of person,nat.i keep my promise"

"well,thats my promise," i said as i look up and then met his baby blue eyes.

"no!its my promise!don't you understand what promise means?maybe because you never keep a promise before and you never keep a promise because you keep shutting people and you're scared!"

i quickly got out from his arm and sat on the bed with a shocked expression masked my face.

what the hell was that?its a joke right?it better be.
how come he said that such thing?what was he thinking!
black widow never scared of anything!

"g'night,steven grant rogers."

i grabbed my phone,my bag and wore my shoes.


what did i just said?! ugh. such a fool.
what are you doing steve!you just found her and now you
lose her again.

"natasha,wait!" i grabbed her waist.damn,she is so strong.

"what do you want,steven!" she yelled at me as she attempt to let go of my grip.

"look," i said calmly and she also start to calm down.
"i'm so sorry.i don't mean it.its like,someone's co-"

"stop with the pep talk steve,i've had enoug-" her words are also cut off by the sound of a thundert hat cane from nowhere.

her reflex led her to my embrace.i embraced her back.
and then she pulled away the hug quickly.

"what are you doing!" she yelled,again.

"i'm just hugging you...back."

and with that,she took her chance to go away from my apartment.Just like that.She's gone.again.


rain start to poured down.i love it.
i love to walk in the rain.
i could cry until there is no tears left and
no one could see me cry.

i let my tears flow freely from my eyes.
my blonde hair is now wet and became curly.

i checked my watch,it shows 11:50.(thanks to Tony invention;waterproof watch.)i have no place to go,i only knew steve's apartment,tony's tower and....right!maria's house!I can explain it to her later about me.

i walked about five blocks from steve's apartment and then found maria's house.i knocked her door.

"who's that!" she yelled with anger in her voice.I could tell.

"p-please j-just op-op-open the d-door." shit.why am i shivering?

she opened the door.

"scarlett?you're scarlett right?steve told me a lot about you." she said.She went outside a bit and take a look.

"oh dear!im so sorry!its raining,come!come inside!"
she said.still the same maria that i know.

"tha-thanks,mari-a." i thanked her as she told me to sat om the couch and she gave me a towel and put the blanket at the edge of the couch.

"no problem" she smiled.thank god her couch is near to the fireplace.

"maria hill right?can i tell you something?"

"yeah,of cousrse!i need to know you better!" poor maria.
she didn't know who am i.yet.

"okay so,but promise me not to freak out okay?" i said and tensed a bit at the word promise.

"spit it out,scarlett" maria said.why does everything reminded me of rogers?!"

"okay so,i-i am natasha."

and i explained it all to her.

*time skip* (because idk what to write tho)

next morning,i feel like hell.my body are now hot.so hot.
i quickly ran to the bathroom and vomit.yes,you're damn right.i catch a cold.

but,how can i be sick?

i could hear someone's walking 'fast' enough fron the stairs.
probably maria.and with that she opened the do-

"why the hell are you here?!"

there you go chapter 12.
and by the way guys,mind to follow @awvengers ?
its my marvel account 😂✌🏻️ and i have one post that is 'typo'. so i wrote 'it' two times.

miaw,just go check by yourself.bai pipol.
and!i'll upload the new book tomorrow soo bai.

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