Beautifully Insane

By blissful_villain

42.2K 1.4K 347

Max Anderson has bipolar disorder and is keeping a huge secret from society, only her family knows what happe... More

0. Intro
I. Max
II. Isaiah
III. Max
IV. Isaiah
V. Max
VI. Isaiah
VIII. Isaiah
IX. Max
3:02 Am || Max
3:02 Am || Isaiah
X. Isaiah
XI. Max
XII. Isaiah
XII. Max
XIV. Isaiah
XV. Max
3 am || Isaiah
3 am || Max
XVI. Isaiah
XVIII. Isaiah
XIX. Max

VII. Max

1.6K 62 12
By blissful_villain


Why is THE Isaiah Jones talking to ME, of all people? He came up to me a minute ago asking if I wanted a cigarette trying to look cool. Why would I want a cigarette? With all the medication I'm taking it'll kill me. I told him that smoking would kill him, he said that's what he's aiming for. I wonder what he meant by that. Does he want to die?

I doubt that, Isaiah is the bad boy in this school and I don't know why he is talking to me.
"I dont feel pity for you, I just came over here to see if you wanted something to help you escape for awhile." He says.

He's sitting next to me smoking his cig slowly, still trying to look cool. Its working though, with his hoodie on even though its like 90 degrees here in Florida. I bet he came over here because someone dared him to or something.

"Well I thank you for your concern but I don't need an escape from anything." I say, trying to make him go away. I already have an escape, photography. He gets up off the bench, still smoking, and puts his free hand in his pocket.

"Well if you ever need anything you can always find me out here, I'll see you around." He says then walks away. I watch him go and give him a disgusted look while his back is turned. I don't need anything from him and never will. The bell rings so I grab my bag and start walking inside, until I hear his voice again.

"I almost forgot to tell you, you have food in your hair." I immediately put my hand on my head and feel crumbs in it. I start to comb my hair with my fingers, feeling embarrassed. I look up at him to ensure that it's all gone. All he does is give me a million dollar smile. A smile he probably gives to lure girls in. Asshole.

I roll my eyes and walk into a bathroom to see if it's OK. I look into the mirror and pick out little crumbs. The reason I have food in my hair in the first place is because everyone in lunch thought it would be funny to just throw stuff at me. Jeff tried to help me but I wouldn't let him so I just ran out.

It's never going to stop, the bullying, the harassment, it's an everlasting revolution.


After school I'm sitting on the hood of my car waiting for my sister to get here so we can go home. Its sunny out and I get this sense of peace that I always get when I'm out in the sun.

Its like the sun is shining right at me and I feel like its here for me and not just to heat up the earth. I can't explain it but it's peaceful. I look around the parking lot and see Isaiah. All day I've been trying to figure out why he wanted to talk to me and I concluded that it was for a dare. But I don't care, I hate people like him and I plan on not talking to him ever again.

Anyway, he's leaning on his car smoking a cigarette. A second later some girl gets out his car and comes over to him. Its Lindsay Martinez, the Latina bad girl. She takes the cigarette from his lips and kisses him softly. Then they start to full on make out, in the school parking lot where everyone is trying to leave.

I look away, and shield my eyes from the horror. He's a pig, the rumors are true. A minute later my sister comes out, Isaiah and Lindsay are still at it by the time she gets to the car.

"What took you so long?" I ask frustrated.
"I was finishing a test." She said. I get off the hood, and unlock the door. Sam gets in and closes the door. I do the same.
"A test on the forth day of school?" I ask, because that's kinda unusual.
"It was a summer reading test for honers lit, who are those people kissing over there?" She asks.

I look over at Isaiah and Lindsay, still full on making out.
"Oh, just a couple of seniors." I say. I wish they would just leave already.
"Well, that's one hot kiss." She says as I turn the car on and pull out the parking spot. I start to leave the parking lot and suddenly someone runs in front of the car and I slam on the brakes.

"Oh my god!" I screech, my heart pumping. I look around to see if I hit anything and I see an angry Isaiah storming up to my car. He comes to my window and I roll it down.
"Hey! that was my little brother you almost ran over." He says in a angry tone.
"I'm so sorry, he just came out of nowhere!" I say in a panic.
"Well I think you owe him an apology." Me? He's the one who ran in front of MY car.

Isaiah's little brother comes up to the window and flurries his eyebrows, indicating he has no idea what's going on.
"I am so sorry I almost ran over you." I say apologetic.
"You didn't almost ru-" Isaiah slaps his head.
"Ow! What was that for!?" He says.

"I'm sorry, he's a little confused from the shock of almost dying." Isaiah says. I give him a confused look but I know what he's doing, he's messing with me.

"Were just going to leave now, see you tomorrow max." He says, he grabs his brothers ear and drags him to his car. I lean out the window and yell,
"Yea, go back to your little make out session!" He turns his head back and winks at me. I call him an asshole under my breath then drive off.

"Well, that just happened." My sister says. I don't even know what just happened.


We get home around 4:30 and only my dad is home right now. I park the car next to my dads and go inside to find him in the kitchen making a sandwich. I go up to him and hug him from behind.

"Good afternoon dad." I say happily.
"Hey baby, how was school?" I let go of him and eat one of his turkey slices on his sandwich.
"It was okay, like always." I say while sitting on a bar stool.

I have a closer relationship with my dad then I do with my mom. He's more supportive and caring and then my mom is bossy and controling. Also bipolar disorder runs on my dads side of family and I got it from his mom, my grandma.

"Did you take your afternoon pill?" He asks me while putting up his sandwich supplies.
"You sound like mom." I say while groaning. He comes and sits next to me at the island.
"You know I'm just looking out for you Max, and so is your mother."

"I know, its just annoying when you ask me everyday." I say to him. Does he not trust me?
"I have to, I don't trust you yet." Well that answers that question.
"You can trust me dad." I assure him as I get up to leave.
"Well...I don't know about that." I hear him say as I leave the kitchen. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to the bathroom.

I reach into the medicine cabinet and grab my bottle of xanax amoung the many others. When I'm on my manic days I can go days or sometimes even weeks without taking my meds. I take one out and pop it in my mouth, it taste like shit but I gotta have it.

I mastered the art of taking pills without water so I put the bottle back and leave the bathroom. As I'm walking back downstairs to get my backpack I hear a familiar voice, an annoying familiar voice.

I walk the rest of the way very slowly and see a familiar leather jacket.
"Max, stop lurking and get down here." I hear my dad say. Damn, I've been spotted. I walk down the last couple stairs and stop dead in my tracks. Isaiah? What the hell is he doing here? I just stand there and stare at the both of them.

"Um, Max this is Isaiah, Isaiah this is Max." I cross my arms and lean on the railing.
"I know who he is, what's he doing here?" I ask confused. After what happened at school today I don't want to see his ugly ass face, especially not in my house.

"You two know each other?" My dad asks surprised, as if he didn't already know.
"Oh yea we go wayyy back." Isaiah says. I roll my eyes.
"No we don't, I just met him today, we're in the same class." I tell my dad.

"Oh really, what class?" He asks.
"Creative writing, can we just get back to my question please? Dad can I talk to you?" I say while walking towards the den.

He follows me, leaving Isaiah by the door.
"What's up?" I fold my arms again.
"Speak dad, tell me what's going on, what's he doing here?" I don't need anything else to worry about. He sighs loudly.
"He's on punishment, from the court." He says tiredly.

My dad works at the detention place where teens go when they fuck with the law. He's the guy you call when you can't afford a real lawyer. He may not be a real lawyer but he can defend you like its the last thing he'll ever do.

"Well what's his punishment?" I ask him. It doesn't surprise me that he got in trouble with the law.
"You know that deck I always said I wanted to build but never got a chance to start on?" I nod my head, understanding it now.
"Well he's going to build it for us." He says with excitement.

This is great, I get to see him everyday for I don't know how long. He already made my life complicated by talking to me.
"That's just great dad." I say sarcasticly.

We go back to where Isaiah is standing looking at our photos on the wall.
"Alright, Isaiah follow me to the back and we can go over the building plans. Have you found some others that are willing to help you with this?"

Isaiah looks at him then at me then back at my dad.
"Yes sir, my good friends Shawn and Lucky." He says.
"Alright now remember I'll be paying your friends but you won't get anything since your on punishment and what not." My dad says.

"Yes sir, I understand." He says. He's being surprisingly respectful.
"Ok, follow me so we can get this over with." My dad says while walking towards the back. Isaiah stays a little behind and turns to me.

"You excited to have me here?" He asks me while smirking. I fold my arms once again and stare into his eyes.
"No." I say strongly.
"Well you better get used to it princess, because I'm going to be around a lot." He smirks then walks to the back.

This is going to be a long year.


Ok I finally updated. I decided to update because I was getting updates from some of my favorite books all this week. I know how it feels to be waiting for an update for so long, so I was just like, let me update.

Did you guys like this chapter? Let me know in the comments!

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